Supreme Demon

Chapter 1383: Demon!

The breath is like the sea!

Gas field pressure Tianyu! This is a behemoth, the body is unfolding, it is completely a meat mountain. It suppresses this mountain river and can't see the old trees and grasses. However, the fur of this Yaozu is like an old tree, which is commensurate with this mountain river. It’s the first time

There is no such thing.


When the gas field is completely submerged and opened, the old-fashioned temperament is sprayed out, so that Ling Feng is chilling, only because the demon is actually a demon.

The same level as the Heavenly characters!

This is a very difficult creature, and it is the first real demon in Lingfeng. Like Tianqi and Candle Dragon, it is more like a human race. It is a cultivating of the Terran, and it has the essence of the demon emperor. the difference.

To know.

The Yaozu arrogance does not feel how magnificent the human body is. Therefore, they usually maintain the deity form and show the nature of the demon. This can excite the demon and the heavenly power. If the human body is cast, the demon is to be weakened.

The road is different and the form is different.

but. What the Emperor did not think was that he had just stepped into the stars of the people. Because of the terrible lethality of the stars, he was seriously injured when he fell. These days are recovering, but he did not even think that he would encounter "the justice of heaven." Scared him almost suffocating,

It was only because of the ancient momentum released on the ancient martial tower that he was jealous.

In this way, he did not dare to move.


What makes him look ugly is that this is not a fall of justice, but a man-made disaster!


The culprit was staring at him, as if he was asking. Hey, how is your beast here? Ling Feng’s stunned time was very short. When he sensed the spirit of the demon, he flew into the distance with lightning, and took back the ancient Wuta, preventing him from being detained and falling into the hands of the demon. He used the sky directly. Driven by top power, don't want

With this demon emperor died.

"Paralysis, the demention of the deity's ankle, even want to run like this?" The demon emperor angered into the sky, his body quickly bursting into the shed, like a storm, he quickly opened to Lingfeng, and he got up and roared, let The surrounding mountains and rivers are shaking, and the gray emperor lights in his body, and then swoops out.

The town seal is a thousand miles away.

It is not that the strength of the demon emperor is not enough, but this mountain river is too strong, expressed in space, and more on the mountain river. The spirits of the demon level can also be able to tear the space apart. It is conceivable how strong the space here is. It is obvious that the stars and space before the ancient times are stronger than the stars and space of the world, only because of the world at that time. Breath is a waste of breath

Flow, mortals can practice, not to mention mountains and rivers.

But all the pollution will become different!

Needless to say. In this star, the degree and strength are contained, even if the sky is bursting out, it becomes much slower, which is equivalent to the early days of the gods, but the gap between the heavens and the gods is not affected, it is still not cross Tian Haohong



When the characters of the day hammered the power on this star and made themselves more extraordinary, the gap between the gods and the gods became larger. This is where Tianzun and Tiandao characters value the stars.

"Don't run, wait for you to come?"

Ling Fengli should swear. "You are an idiot, I am not!"

"The old man will kill you!"

The demon emperor said with anger, this "man-made disaster" actually has his own reason, and is ridiculing him, which makes the road unbearable.

He lightning forward, the huge body is not affected, very flexible, and use the top demon to the treasure, approaching the wind.

"You can't do the old demon!"

Ling Feng burst out of lightning, using the sky leaf to gallop, want to open the demon.

"If the real man stops, fight with me to the end!" The Emperor yelled in the back.

"If the real male beast waits for me for three hundred years, I will be willing to die with you after three hundred years!" Ling Feng responded with a strong tone.


"I want to hammer you!"

"This sentence you said before!"

"The deity is dust...

"You said this sentence!"


"Man-made disaster, I will take down your bones and bones one by one!" said the demon emperor.

"You see this sentence is very fresh!" Ling Feng praised.

I don't know why there is still a little sneak in the heart of the demon, but I want to smoke my face in an instant, too much.

"Do you agree?"

"I want to say no way!"

After that, Ling Feng smashed the scorpion and rushed, how fast it would be, how fast an angry enchanted emperor could throw out the power to destroy the earth, and his current strength is still far away.


At this moment, the demon emperor was completely angry, lightning forward, forced out the real potential, let the degree go further, and there is a treasure in the light, holding him forward, catching up with the wind in a short time, appearing in His front.

That voice is the voice of the demon.

"I would like to see where you are going to escape!"

The demon emperor chills the wind, and the power is forbidden for a thousand miles. He wants to live in Lingfeng here.. "One of the gods in the district wants to marry this star, not self-reliant."

"I knew that you are a demon emperor should be on time, and how good your head is!" Ling Feng shouted.

"I want to eat you live!"

The demon emperor is more mad, his body is straight, and he is afraid after he thinks about it. If he really wants to slap his head, he may not be able to dodge it. This way he wants to eat Ling Feng.


The tower of Ling Feng’s body made him feel stunned and should be the treasure of all the stars.


He lightning forward, the emperor spurts out, and there is a similar creature in the space, vivid and vivid, obviously this is a narcissistic demon emperor, casting rules with his own image, and then stimulating the more terrible potential of the bleeding.

However, the creature is really extraordinary. When it is down, it makes the space appear turbulent, and there are tiny cracks. The sword with the same handle is opening the sky.

Fierce and powerful!


In the face of such power, the space of the gods is not enough to see, but the wind is more different, his lightning disappears, appears in a forbidden soil, three color petals fly, a piece of film will come over, face the soul.


The snow trees are shining, and the snow-like leaves appear and fade from the snow trees, and they hit the creatures together.

Sting! The creature is like a knives. When you touch the three-color petals, you will open the petals and push them forward. In the rules, only the strength level is not enough. Those petals are split open, and the head is lively. The creature is long drive

Straight in, straight to the ground.

next moment.

The creatures fell on the leaves of the snow trees, and the sacred light rain fell on them, and they fell on the creatures, making their bodies dark and dark, even if the rules were to be in front of the snow trees.

Xian Li can despise any space rules!

This is Feixian!


The living creature succeeded in smashing the leaves of the snow trees, banned from entering the forbidden soil, and let Ling Feng move. He is now at the top of the gods, overlooking the gods level figures, but still not enough to see in front of the demon emperor.

Is this the horrible rule?

I have to say that the appearance of the demon emperor makes Ling Feng more fascinated to the realm of Wudi. If he asks Wudi, what will the forbidden soil be?

At that time, he did not say that he looked down on the Taoist characters, but at least he could suppress the demon in front of him.

He did not hesitate, the lightning exploded, and the snow tree was used to attack. At this time, the snow tree released the top Tianwei, and the life was stopped to stop the creature, disillusioned. There seems to be a fairy in the faint, riding on the head. On the body of the soul.

"what is that?"

The demon emperor was astonished by the dust, as if to see a fairy, it is simply unimaginable.

What surprised him even more was a **** in the district. Even at the top, it was not a heavyweight in front of the heavenly characters, but the **** in front of him was so different that he actually resisted his heavenly rules.

"Oh, really a little doorway, how can it be simple to dare to marry all the stars? But I have previously stunned you!" said the demon emperor.

"Then make a friend, don't say that the landscape meets, I don't believe it!"

Ling Feng smiled and said. "No more!"

After that, he decisively ran, really do not want to die with a demon.

"Don't worry!"

The demon emperor did not want to let go of the wind, and sneered and said: "Let you let go, hand over the piece of land and the tower, I can let you go!"

"Three hundred years later, the Terran Stars look for me!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "I am the first disciple of Xianting Tianzun, Wan Shen!"

"I am afraid I can't wait!"

The demon emperor smiled and shook forward, blocking the front of Ling Feng.. "Do you want me to come in person, or take the initiative to honor?"

"If I say no way?" Ling Feng stopped and knew that he could not escape in front of the demon.

"Then you choose the first one!"

The demon said indifferently. "You don't agree, I have to do it!"

“Do you really think I am bullied?”

Ling Feng's face changed, killing and screaming, coldly said. "Dare to be a star, who has no top treasure? Tianzun level of the treasures bring several, how do you pick one?"


The face of the demon emperor is amazed, and the eyes are flashing. Just as Ling Feng said, the characters like this **** who dare to marry the stars are too rare. How can there be no treasure of Tianzun level?

Really want to be shopping, the demon emperor is really a little taboo.


While he was meditating, Ling Feng used the forbidden soil to directly tear the space that was banned for thousands of miles, and the lightning fled to the distance.

"Paralysis, this man-made disaster, you can't escape!"

The demon emperor immediately reacted and knew that he was deceived. If Ling Feng really had such a treasure, he should have been stunned and why should he wait?


He was a demon emperor, and he was "played" by the gods many times. This caused him to get internal injuries. He only felt that he was exploding, and the killing in his heart was even more hot. Ling Feng escaped fast, but the demon emperor chased faster, only two hours Ling Feng was forced to a barren mountain, was trapped by the demon emperor to prevent the wind from running away again, and the demon emperor vowed this time regardless of Ling Feng said that he is not related

letter. Last night, I broke more questions. I have nothing to say about the fragrance. You should call it and you will be embarrassed.

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