Supreme Demon

Chapter 1384: Drop blood reborn!


This barren hill is not too tall trees, the mountain is flat, when the space is imprisoned, Ling Feng has no hope of running away, what he can do is to die with the demon in front of him. This

It is a matchup without a retreat! and

Not evenly matched! Ling

The wind belongs to the party that suffers. but

Ling Feng has never been a small opponent, but he has not been underestimated himself, and this will be a confrontation between him and the heavenly level. "

Don't you run? Demon

The emperor said that the killing of the face was more intense. To tell the truth, the strength of Ling Feng surprised him. The gods in the area only let him chase after two hours, and he used the heavy treasure. Next, if this is a question of success, God knows how terrible.

Now that they are right, it is even more difficult to let go of the wind. "

When is the report of the prime minister, I am willing to peacefully resolve the grievances between us. "Ling Feng Bao is solemn, and wants to impress the demon emperor in the way of preaching." "I was wrong before, hurt your claws, but it will not kill you?" ""

Otherwise, I will send a few emperor medicines to heal you? ”

"I suddenly think that you are the best healing herb!" said the demon sneer. "The man-made disaster, don't struggle, you have no way to live."

"I’m too deceiving. Do you really think that I don’t have a heavy treasure?” Ling

The wind is furious and says: "I am just afraid that I will lose both sides!"

Just by you? ""

I am not enough? ""

not enough! ”

"Come on!" Ling

The wind spreads forward, and the strength of the body reappears. A piece of forbidden soil appears at his feet, and his entire body is shrouded in it. The top Tianwei is filling out quickly, especially the fairy light and rain, let this space In the ripples.

"Then kill you!"

The Emperor did not put Ling Feng in his eyes, and went straight ahead. A finger penetrated the endless void, pierced the space, appeared in front of the Ling Feng, there was no heavenly rule, but the finger was the rule. "

I am cutting! "burn

Do not know when the scene appeared in the hands of Ling Feng, fell from the void, banned from the finger on the opposite, and the three-color petals in the forbidden soil flew out, accompanied by the snow tree, together with the fingers of the demon emperor. day



A loud bang blew on the finger, mixed with the faint snoring of the demon and the slight changes in the corners of the mouth. There was a blood mark on the finger that was deeply visible. It was suppressed by life and almost cut off. Want

It is not at a critical moment that the demon emperor uses the rules of space to suppress, fearing that his fingers are really being cut at this moment. "

Damn it! ”

The face of the demon emperor suddenly changed. I did not expect that there were such weapons in the hands of Ling Feng, which could hurt the characters of the heavenly level, and the atmosphere above was very old, not belonging to the world, but it was like the breath of the ancient times.

"Is it a heavy treasure?" The demon emperor was first stunned and then ecstatic. This

I am afraid that the treasures are rare in the stars of all sentient beings. I did not expect that this **** is so lucky, and even two heavy treasures. If it falls in his hands, what kind of light rain will be released, how powerful? this

Engraved, he was so hearted.

The guilty of acquittal is not a complete problem, but a question of the character. Want

It is Ling Feng who is a goddess of the world, and even asks the characters of the heavenly level. The treasure is not its sin, but the hot potato. Any Tian Zun is afraid to send it to him personally, but now Ling Feng is only A god. "

you want? Ling Feng asked with a smile.


Then exchange it with yourself! Ling

The wind and cold smiled and said: "I have not eaten the demon emperor."

The smile on the face of the emperor disappeared little by little, and the cold charm of Sen was emerging. He stepped forward to the front and killed himself. This man-made disaster wanted to eat him? One

Just want to eat it?

Purely a joke! Demon

The emperor hates the human race very much, especially the human race who eats the demon. Is it true that their demon people dare not eat people? under

A moment.

The power of him was bursting, and the lightning struck to Ling Feng. At this moment, he did not hide, but directly used the top power, and shot the glare to the Ling Feng. In which the space rules blew, and the head flew out. that

It is a heavenly spirit! And

. that

Tiandaoshengling is very fascinating, revealing the top aura, shooting to Lingfeng, forming a road lock, shining in the air, to detain Lingfeng, and then kill Lingfeng. "

Brother, you are a sick brother! Ling

The wind **** is upside down, and the momentum is flourishing. He does not move forward, but is retreating backwards. The demon emperor makes a full blow, and his power is not the same. He wants to suppress and he will do his best. Display

Of course.

The demon emperor forced each other, so that the killing intention in Ling Feng’s heart was also bursting. He was not a bullying. he

He did not hesitate to sacrifice the Star Spring, Zhang used it orally, let the Star Spring Lightning into the body, and the power spewed out in an instant, especially Dantian, where there was a dazzling, imaginary light, igniting the entire Dantian, and the fourth Space is like this.

Does not belong to any road, but has its own special way.

This is the fourth big space! not


Xingquan activates the world's cliffs, allowing Lingfeng to explode more extraordinary potential, and to suppress the demon at this moment.

"Kill!" Ling

The wind was so strong that the fourth big space flew in the forbidden soil, sprinkled on the snow trees, lit the snow trees, and then pushed the entire forbidden soil to the demon emperor. The majestic power almost smashed the sky. Broken, the space is violently fluctuating, and some are tearing.


There is a female fairy flying on the forbidden soil, stepping on the Milky Way, soaring in the stars, the terrible Tianwei eclipsed the world, that is, the demon emperor is stunned at this moment, and I did not expect that Lingfeng could be strong enough. To the point.

Is this still a god?

Is the semi-emperor in front of it a slag? boom

Long! ban

The soil is strong, and the life is swaying on the heavenly spirit. It confronts the rules and bursts with intense light rain. It spreads around and collapses, and collapses into a small space. The picture is full of fragmentation. that

The heavens and the spirits are sorrowful, the body becomes gray and covered with cracks, while the forbidden soil is disintegrating. The petals of the three colors are extinguished in the gray, and the fourth large space is also collapsed. Only the snow trees are not affected. .


There is a sacred light flying out of the snow tree, and the same knives are smashed on the day of the sacred body, making it more tragic, the color is darker, and it is cracking.


The snow trees are still gray, can not stand the rules of the heavens, and are surrounded by the living spirits, and then the living creatures carry the cracked gas field to the Lingfeng, which is like a broken bamboo, terrible to the point of suffocation, the lightning comes In front of Ling Feng. "

So tricky? Ling

The wind frowns, the gap between the gods and the heavens is really too big, even if he can't cross.

In the moment of life and death, he sacrificed the sacred blade of the heavens and tried his best to suppress it. When the Taoist spirit fell down in a cracking posture that day, Ling Feng blew on the spot and spurted blood. The heavenly slashing blade could suppress some of Wei Li for him, but There are still some great forces falling on him.


He annihilated one arm on the spot, half-turned body flesh and blood, if it was not a sinister blade, I am afraid that now Lingfeng is a pool of blood mud, the power of heaven is indeed not able to contain, even if Xianli is not enough at this time. but

. Ling

The wind is just frowning, this kind of pain is not so heavy for him, and now life and death in a moment, he has to do his best to face the demon. under

A moment.

His power is sprayed, and the snow trees fly out of the forbidden soil, carrying the top momentum and strength, blending with the forbidden soil, shooting out the unprecedented virtual light, igniting a thousand miles of space, and then integrating into the heavenly murderous blade, letting it release the world. Wei.

"Forbidden soil!"

Ling Feng faintly shouted, the piece of forbidden soil flew out from the savage blade of the heavens, the town of nine days, thousands of gods. ban

Earth is not just a form, it is a god! it

It is the third force that is removed from the law and the void.

previously. Ling

The wind shows only part of Wei Li. Now Ling Feng makes it fully swaying against the demon emperor. A piece of petals flutters out of the forbidden soil. A snow tree evolves into a fairy knife and falls down. Sheng

Unprecedented! that

Some of the petals hit the demon emperor, and they played against the heavenly rules. They made a loud noise, even if the heavenly spirits were crying at the moment, the power of the four-color petal was too terrible, and when the snow trees were suppressed, the sword was Penetrating the rules of the heavens, and falling into the body of the demon, tearing a blood hole in his chest.


The handle of the knives is not so dark, lightning back, straight to the heart of the demon emperor, shocked the demon emperor to solemnly treat, to force the handle of the knives, to kneel in the hands, see a thorough. Of course

and. that

The power of the knives of the knives was shocked, and the rules of heaven and earth were restrained. It was actually that the demon empire could not hold back, and then another knife was behind him, and a blood hole was drawn. "

you wanna die! ”

The demon emperor's face was full of anger, and the killing was even more fierce. He raised his hand and hit Lingfeng. In his hand, a colorful sword was in full bloom, shooting five colors of light, like a peacock opening screen, and it would be Lingfeng in an instant. Shrouded.


Ling Feng’s sorrowful voice, the indestructible body could not hold the power of the colorful sword, collapsed quickly, disintegrated in a short time, and Dantian collapsed with the soul. dead

For life!

This is the end of a genius.

"It's really difficult!"

The emperor gave a sigh of relief, and some headaches said that he was still hurt by the gods, and even two knives, although the injury is not heavy, but the impact on him is not small, fortunately Ling Feng is dead, otherwise God knows that after asking How terrible. Of course

and. on

When he wanted to go forward and pick up the ancient martial arts towers, the heavenly murderous blade and other heavy treasures, but suddenly the breath of the surrounding is in a slight fluctuation, and it is fast and strong, which surprised him and could not help but look forward.


At this moment, the knives that were going to be gray and collapsed were actually appearing behind them with lightning, and they smashed the demon emperor with a faster momentum and squatted directly on the heart.

"Damn, you are not dead yet!"

The demon emperor screamed and slammed back. The Taoist eyes looked at the **** mud with a panic. Was this man-made disaster not the collapse of Dantian and the spirit?

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