Supreme Demon

Chapter 1385: Not dead, strong!

The fairy knife is cold!

A knife in the heart of the demon emperor, its Tianwei actually despised the flesh and blood of the heavens, but also dispelled its space rules, the cold temperament and strength of the forest is daunting, the demon emperor did not dodge, let Xianli linger in the heart, Blood is splashing. he

His face is ugly and he is squirting blood. he

Looking coldly at the pool of blood mud, the road shot to kill the more cold light rain, did not expect that Ling Feng did not die, still alive.

The **** mud is shining, a drop of blood is flashing and thin, the nine-door door is pushing open, and the smashing out of a strange door, the spirits rushing out of it, igniting the void, and then creating a bleeding bone, a **** of the gods This appeared in front of the demon. he

Looks handsome, Feng Shen as jade. clothes

The robe flew out of the self-defying spirit beads and draped over his knife-cut body to make it more perfect.


The emperor’s eyes sparkled with a glimmer of light and rain, and he was completely shocked. This picture is so beautiful, blood is born again, how extraordinary?

In this world, only regenerative surgery has such charm. Undoubtedly, it is not difficult to see that the spirit of the demon has such a strange magic.

"Two big treasures and regeneration!"

The emperor took a sigh of relief and felt that it was too shocking. It can be seen that the origin of Ling Feng is extraordinary. Even those people such as the Terran are rare. I am afraid that there is no big force, but he has not heard of it. The big forces have these wonders and treasures. and


Here is the sentient being, which can cover up the truth. Even if he kills this man-made disaster, which big forces can't find the truth.

"Hand over regenerative surgery, I can let you go!" said the demon emperor coldly.

"Dream!" Ling

The wind said, "As long as the brother does not die, you will die!"

"Then kill you, I will pick it up!"

The demon emperor opened his mouth and forced himself forward. The momentum of the body was heavy and the shed was smashed. Heshiweili was shocked. At this moment, he did not want to delay, preventing night dreams, and worried that there were more terrible characters behind the character.


He opened his mouth and shouted, his voice was a hundred miles, his footsteps moved forward, and a row of mountains and seas rushed out of his body, directly hitting Ling Feng.

choke! versus

At the same time, he was shocked with a sharp knife in his hand, screaming at Ling Feng, the terrible space rules screamed in it, and the world was shocked. There was a head in the resurrection, and the power was quite horrible. Under his power, Ling Feng felt flesh and blood. In the tremor, it is really going to collapse.

"That will die in the end!" Ling

It’s so popular that he is not willing to go to the Emperor, but it is even more crazy at the moment. under

A moment. he

Taking Star Spring directly, let the endless potency surging in the body, and then extruding the world's cliffs. Although it takes a few days to cover the world, but because of the Lingfeng Road, the prohibition disappears together, and the reborn Lingfeng can reappear. precipice.嗡

! Do not

Same as before, at this moment, the world is full of skylight, the snow trees are transpiration, and the four-color petals are flying all over the sky. It seems that a more extraordinary space is born in the faint, and in the forbidden soil, blessing on the snow trees, it is even more in the void. ban

Closed space!

The space that does not belong to the heavens is not the space of the anti-theft, the ghosts are unpredictable, and the top Tianwei is scattered.

no doubt. when

When five kinds of spaces appear together, and carry the power of Feixian to the demon emperor, the light rain will almost break the sky. Although there are no rules, both Xianli and confinement space are rules, which are more unpredictable rules. Boom


Five kinds of space blasted on the creatures, bursting with endless shackles, and Lingfeng's three large spaces directly reached the top gods, so five?

That is a take off! when

Of course, this is not enough. When the snow trees fall down, the creatures will scream and scream, and the cracks will not be able to suppress the top Tianwei of a god. Of course

and. Virtual

The air is not just a living being, but a whole three heads. When it is fully crushed, the confinement space and the power of the flying fairy are grayed out. After all, it is a natural rule. Before Xianli has not fully grown, it is still Not enough to see. boom


After a while, Xianli was dark and the confined space collapsed. The creatures that were almost cracked at both ends flew to Lingfeng, and they shot terrible light and rain, killing Lingfeng. blood

The rain was annihilated and the body was beaten. can

. on

At that moment, Ling Feng’s blood was reborn, and the spirit and power spewing out from the nine-door door was the supreme medicine for his re-casting of the soul and flesh and blood. "

It is indeed regenerative, not dead! "that

The face of the demon emperor is full of excitement. If he can get these strange skills, then he will go up to the next level, why fear the heavenly characters?

He flashed to Ling Feng, to kill Ling Feng as soon as possible, and then get regeneration.


Ling Feng is even more crazy, taking Star Springs, activating the world's cliffs, and quite powerfully hitting the demon emperor, and the heavenly murderous blade is killed by another direction to the demon emperor, carrying the terrible Tianwei of the interception technique, and it is almost to let the demon emperor The degree of shock. thorn


This time, Ling Feng’s body was beaten again and was annihilated in the rules of Heaven. But the blood was not completely annihilated, and it could be regenerated. Tianwei’s fierce blade Tianwei was still murdering on the character, causing his body to be injured. Was smashed a second knife. "

Paralyzed, you are too much! Demon

The anger is unstoppable. This "small strong" is too difficult to rely on the immortal "Regeneration" to kill it. If it is not dead, it can be reborn. Although the power will be weakened by the rebirth, it does not affect the world. Tianwei.嗡


Only a moment of effort, Ling Feng will regenerate, power pushed to the demon emperor, confinement space and Xianli blend, bursting out of the nine days of the same Tianwei. boom

rumble! day

The ground is trembled, the heavens are mighty, and the demon emperor is injured again. The difference is that he was injured in the heart before, but now the injured is the kidney, and almost hit his Dantian, which makes the demon emperor panic and panic. It is extremely taboo against Heavenly Pathblade and Xianli, only because Xianli can restrain his rules of heaven, and confinement space despise his power. Want

It is not because the force of Feixian is too small, and the confinement space is far from being bound by space, otherwise the demon emperor should escape.

"You **** it!"

The demon emperor gnawed his teeth and said.

"Afraid of you!" Ling

The wind reborn from the blood, releasing the terrible power, taking Star Spring again, completely ignorant of what was wasted. At this time, it is not the death of the Emperor, and waiting for him is the commandment.

thus. Ling

The wind is completely crazy, using Xianli to protect a drop of blood, strong blood killing, completely regardless of life and death, as long as there is this blood he can be born again, and in this fierce battle, even the demon emperor wants the blood is not easy .

Needless to say. when

A person who is comparable to the Emperor Wu is really crazy, and the lethality that can be burst out is shocking. thorn

La! Demon

The Emperor once again slashed the knife. Although he tried to dodge, the spleen was still scythe, and the blood came out. The wound caused by Xianli was unable to be suppressed by the rules of the heavens. This made his momentum weakened and caused Using too many rules of heaven, his power is weakening.

This is a long time.

After Ling Feng’s rebirth, the damage brought to the demon emperor was even heavier. It directly led to the emperor’s vomiting blood, his face was getting darker and darker, and his body was bright and there were eight stab wounds, all of which were born out of Lingfeng. "

Paralyzed, are you Xiaoqiang? "The demon anger yelled.. "I want to eat you!" ""

In the same way, I also want to bake you! ”

Ling Feng Yinsen smiled, and the large piece of flesh that teared down the demon was received in the spirited beads, waiting for the barbecue.


The demon emperor is mad, not the same as a small one. When a living creature is born and evolves in the void, and then forms a savage knives, it immediately makes Ling Feng discolored. This knives are too big, and they are ten miles long, when they fall down. The surrounding voids were all plowed by their living.

"Open!" Ling

The wind uses the evil path of the heavens to attack forward quickly, bursting out a strong ray of light, Xianli, confined space, four large spaces, etc. cast extraordinary soil, so that the overall pattern changes. day

The murderous blade has not completely smashed the endless light rain when it hits the knives. The sound is too loud, and when it slams, the sound disappears. Only the invisible waves rush to all directions. Broken.

Needless to say.

Ling Feng was so **** in the shackles, and then directly killed, that is, the flesh and blood bones were all gone, but when he fell, he was born again, and he was born with lightning. "

Oh! "The madness of the demon, feeling that it is not dead, is very tricky.

He once again blasted Ling Feng, but before he calmed down, Ling Feng appeared behind him, and used the **** map to slash with the power of scorpion.

Blood is flowing. gas

The field is disillusioned. Demon

The Emperor’s injury is getting heavier and heavier, and the hand holding the knife has become heavy. However, Ling Feng is still alive and kicking, and he is killed by the savage and savage blade, so that the Emperor feels that his heart is stunned. Is there any prohibition on Regeneration? ? can

To give it an unrestricted rebirth? Demon

The emperor felt very hurt! when

When Ling Feng was killed for the twentieth time, the wounds of the demon emperor were a few more. His breath was gray and the strength weakened too much. This made him sad, and a demon emperor was beaten by a god. So embarrassed, how can you live in the future? Yan

Where is the face? "

Come again! ”

Ling Feng was born again from the blood, strong, and to die with the demon emperor, and his eyebrows fly out of the seven heavy stones, to live in the audience, leaving the demon emperor. "

You are really embarrassed! ”

The demon emperor’s eyes are cold, and the insight into Ling Feng’s intentions is really to use the “Regeneration” to kill him.

"When I recover from qi and blood, I will marry you!"


The demon emperor couldn’t take care of the image, and the lightning flies, using the strong heavenly rules to shake the seven heavy stones, fleeing to the distance, not daring to die with Ling Feng, worried that he would be killed.

"Where to go!"

Ling Feng was strong forward, but he was not as good as the Emperor and was run away.


Just two hours after the disappearance of the demon emperor, Ling Feng spurted blood, his face was fascinated, his body was evenly divided, he was not reborn for a long time, forced to regenerate twenty times, and completed in a short time, the counterattack received was quite horrible. There is a road injury in the body, that is, the soul of the soul has been opened, if there is not too much water, fear that this injury is difficult to recover.

"I am afraid that I will not be able to play for a long time!"

Ling Feng sighed and reborn, but his face was ugly, and the cracks were mottled and difficult to erase. This is a ban. under

A moment.

He directly used the real dragon magical law, to transform himself into a demon, used to avoid the traces of the demon emperor, but when the real dragon magic law is running, he is stunned, only because the fantasy image is really wonderful.

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