Supreme Demon

Chapter 1386: The same disease!

Good evening. Xi

Yang is like blood!

The grass is awkward, and it is a red flower. It is a picture cast by blood. The strong mountains and rivers are devastated by this fierce battle.

Ling Feng stood in the wild grass, his eyes were red, his mouth vomited blood, and he continued to flow out, could not contain it, the body injury in the body exploded, very serious, "Regeneration" is magical, but it is in the overdraft essence, always rebirth Paying a great price, it takes time to heal, and Ling Feng is forced to regenerate twenty times. There is no time for rehabilitating. Therefore, when the injury is heavy, the overall explosion is very serious.

Taiyi Zhenshui is surging out and raising his injuries, but it can't be recovered in a short time. It takes some time. Of course

and. Now

In a serious situation, the demon emperor will come back at all times. Ling Feng has to use the real dragon magical law to make himself different. However, due to the internal injuries and power consumption, his real dragon magical law also has problems. Virtual

The light shines and the weight is heavy. when

When the virtual light falls, the rabbit that appears in the grass is actually a rabbit, white fur, red eyes, only two palms, and cute. small

White, rabbit!

When Ling Feng saw his image, a blood spurted out and dyed two big teeth, not only because of the internal injuries, but also because of this image, it was too different. It is the image that he wants to transform. God's life. can

. true

The dragon illusion method has problems due to its injury, and it directly distort the body, which leads to white and rabbit. when

At the beginning, the seventh change of the proud bird was a big white goose. The mouth was a goose goose. He almost laughed at everyone, and the arrogant bird almost went on a hunger strike. Until now, people still laughed. I didn’t expect Lingfeng to have it today. I was seen by the proud bird, and it is estimated that this stain is washed away in this life. "

Change back! Ling

The mouth of the wind is straight, and I want to use the real dragon magical law to make myself transform, but at this moment his body's injury is further exploding, the big mouth blood is overflowing, and the power is further weakened. The real dragon illusion is born and died, and there is no success.

He is still a little white, rabbit. "

What is the special thing to do? ”

Ling Feng is so angry, but now the situation is like this, his injury is too heavy, seriously affecting the real dragon magical law, it takes time to recover, so that you can change back. "

It’s really troublesome! ”

Ling Feng straight frown, appeared in this image, which made him very hurt, but now he has ignored this.

He left the wilderness with lightning. Although the demon might not come back, the waves of their fierce battles are too terrible, fearing that other creatures and characters will notice it. call out


Four thin claws opened the grass and rushed forward.

The skin is white and beautiful! when

When Ling Feng ran wildly on his limbs, his heart was bleeding, his face was red, and he didn't want to live.

Can you imagine a person moving forward with his limbs? that

I feel very eager to die!

"Brother, this is a humiliation!"

Ling Feng ran and comforted himself, but after he finished speaking, he looked around and worried about encountering other characters. This image really didn't want to live.

After a while.

Ling Feng flew in a hidden plain, using the four claws to plan the ground, and then he hid in and recovered as soon as possible. Moreover, he worried that the hole was directly sealed, so he directly hit the hole and went to the distance. And open three holes. Wait

After doing all this, he suddenly stopped.

"Is this the third cave of Rex Rabbit?" Ling

Looking at the claws, the wind suddenly became more crazy. He always felt that he is now more like a white, rabbit, and his personality is like this.

"Recover as soon as possible!" Ling

The wind bites his teeth and feels that this state is too bad. If it turns into white and rabbit for too long, I am afraid that it will be contaminated with the habits of white and rabbit. he

Sit down and adjust your interest, use Taiyi Zhenshui to recover your injuries.

Time is in a hurry.

I don't know when, this plain suddenly became a wave, and a vast expanse of Tianwei appeared. The lightning flew down and came directly to the hole. This made Ling Feng wake up directly from the cave and looked at the distance with vigilance. Concealed with a strange light, a painting almost unfolds.

And. he

When you retire backwards, stay away from this hole and fly out of the other hole.

however. Ling

The face of the wind became serious in an instant, only because the other holes were sealed, and the vastness of Tianwei was pressing in this direction. boom

Long. suddenly

However, the hole collapsed, a terrible breath was coming from above, and then a large hand was stretched out at the opening of the hole, and the hole was torn apart, and then came to Lingfeng, the powerful momentum. Actually, he despised any gas field and strength, and with the weak strength of Ling Feng, he could not suppress the hand.


Lingfeng lightning exploded, and at the same time launched the **** figure in the hand, trying to suppress the hand. but

. that

The hand was unstoppable, and it was suppressed by the life, and the picture of the **** was stopped, and the lightning caught the wind. The next moment, the hand broke through the hole and appeared on the plain. "


Ling Feng's face was ugly, and this only forced the demon emperor. As a result, he encountered a more terrible character, and it was incredible to find it. He knew that he used the power of Xianli to completely erase his breath. Still being chased here. day

The light is bright, and the wind appears on the plain. "

Hey, snow and snow give you a present! ”

A kind voice sounded, and the sound of Ling Feng’s ear blew, so Ling Feng had a very ominous feeling. "

Grandpa, what gift? ”

A soft voice sounded, and soon a beautiful woman appeared in front of the wind, the show paved, very quiet, but with a baby face, very cute.


The strength of his body makes people feel depressed, belongs to the heavenly characters, and Ling Feng still feels different temperament in them, not belonging to the human race, but belongs to the Yaozu, especially the beautiful woman, with a blue The color show and the red-eyed eyes are beautiful and very beautiful. image

It is a little fairy who has fallen into the world. clean

The white cloak was scattered on the body, and the whole person was very lazy. The temperament was weak and his face was white. It was not white, but pale and sick. Her eyes were very beautiful, but she looked very apathetic, like a couch. .

The thin body is weak and the wind can overflow from time to time.

Obviously. This

Is a sick female emperor!

"Hey, a little white, rabbit!"

The old-looking man appeared in front of the snow and snow, smiling and said. "This is the white and rabbit of all the stars."


The female emperor, who was called Xuexue, sighed and sighed. The little white and rabbits of Lingfeng did not care at all. The whole person looked very lazy.

“Snow and snow don’t like it?” the old man said with a smile. “If snow and snow don’t like it, we will cook it for you.”


The wind body is awkward, awkward, and falls into the hands of a worldly god. There is no ability to resist, and what makes him feel wrong is that this God of Heaven is only trying to please his granddaughter. very

Want to die, he does not understand? he

Angry and tempted, Zhang mouth will spurt a blood. "

Wow! "The sound of the old man was wet, and the white snow of the snow and snow was dyed red."

"Hmm?" Snow

The snow frowned slightly, and the eyeless eyes of the gods immediately looked at it, and looked at the little white rabbit. "Is it hurt?"


The old man was slightly sighed and sighed. "I am afraid that I will encounter a terrible opponent. The body injury is very serious. I am afraid that it is very dangerous because of the strength of the **** level."

Are you sick with me? ”

Snow and snow looked at the white, rabbit, heart and pity, as if to see another.


She walked toward Xiaobai and the rabbit, took it in her arms, gently combed her fur, and sighed and said: "The road is wounded, it can't be recovered, and in the years, we are not in the world."

Wow! Ling

The wind spurts and blood, although it feels so good, but now it is only the female emperor who can save him. Although he does not know how the female emperor shouted and became what it is now, it is now a matter of life. .

really. in

When I saw Xiaobai and the rabbit spit out the red blood, the snow and snow became softer and more pity. She took out the white silk scarf from her arms, kicked the wind and wiped the blood from her mouth, and held it more. Tight. "

Grandpa, is he still saved? Snow and Snow looked at the old man and asked, his eyes were full of sorrow, and his eyes were full of pleading.

His injury comes from a demon, not so tricky, but the injury is very heavy, that is, I only need a little time to do it. "The old man said so.

"Then save it!" Snow

Snow smiled and said, like a snow lotus, magnificent and unmatched. "

It is also a fate to meet with us! ”

"Snow and snow said to save, then we will save!"

The man said with a smile, but there was a sadness that could not be concealed in his eyes. Can he save this little white rabbit, but his granddaughter? Who is going to save? puff

! positive

At this time, the snow and snow mouth overflowed with blood, with a faint black cyan color, and the face became more ugly, which made the old man's face horrified, immediately took out the Tianzun herb and let Xuexue take it. And

. he

Seeing the sorrow in the snow and snow, and saying, "Snow and snow are assured, all the stars are extraordinary, we are here to find the herb to save you!"

hope so! ”

The snow-scarred smile, but the heart is very clear, even the grandfather can not save the road injury, where the herbs can save her? "

Let's go! "old

People patted the snow and snow, and the unspeakable sigh, then pointed to Xiaobai and the rabbit. "You see that this white and rabbit are so serious that they are so hard to live, so snow and snow must persist."


He stared at Lingfeng, the little white rabbit. to

Yes, Ling Feng immediately glared at the snow and snow on his chest, and his eyes were persistent and firm, as if he was expressing his attitude. "

Alright, this little rabbit is still very cute! "snow

The mouth of the snow mouth picked up a faint smile, light wind, let the old man shine, he has not seen this smile on the snow and snow for a long time. "

Then work hard together! ”

Snow and snow are shining, holding the white and rabbit hands tighter.

Sorry, sorry everyone. late


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