Supreme Demon

Chapter 1387: Erect middle finger!

The wind is slow!

Mountain green!

An old man walked slowly, his face was filled with a smile, but his eyes were filled with sorrow. His eyes were very sharp and he was looking around. He felt like a big net, and it was infiltrating into the stars, seeking not old. God medicine.

Snow and snow moved forward, his face was stunned, sometimes sighing, she did not have any momentum, the female emperor had already been damaged many years ago, now she is just a mortal, the deadly road wound buried in the body, Like a sickle, she will take her away. this


She appeared in the sentient beings. It is better to say that it is to complete Grandpa’s last wish. She did not put these things in her heart. She has already regarded herself as a dead person, and more is watching the scenery on the stars. Because she is afraid that she will not see it.

Ling Feng is lying on the chest of snow and snow, letting his jade hands hold, the blushing eyes are looking at the female emperor. year old

The moon is arrogant! Say

It should be the female emperor.

Although he has not seen snow and snow, he can feel the shocking atmosphere in his body. His full-fledged period is very dazzling, as much as the current candle dragon, Tianqi, etc., even more terrible, but this is the case. The female emperor, at the top, was as early as a deadly wound, and life and death were at this moment.

It is the singularity of the world, which is difficult and irreparable. Only the stars of the people are used to seek the sacred medicine. It can be seen how heavy the snow and snow are.

Red face! Ling

The wind suddenly thought of the original self. At that time, why were they the same?

The difference is that he has a sister who is not dead, and Xue Xue has a grandfather. more

The difference is that he survived life and death and survived, and snow and snow were afraid of being killed. Wow

! only

A hundred miles ahead, the snowy snow mouth will overflow with a blood, the color is deeper, then the pale white jade becomes more ugly, like just fishing out of the water, and the white clothes are red, so that Ling Feng some frowns That is the blood of the emperor. If he falls on him, he is afraid that something will go wrong.


Xuexue also knows this problem. He will catch the blood and spread it around. He is worried that he will fall on the rabbit of Lingfeng. This action will make the look of Lingfeng change. At least in this respect, the snow and snow are warm and cherished. Life, where can such a female emperor be bad?

The old man stepped forward and flashed his hand. A Tianzun herb appeared and handed it to Xuexue.


Snow and snow did not follow, but looked at the old man seriously and said: "Grandpa, snow and snow are still not used for a while, Tianzun herb is precious, not much, or save some."

Snow and snow! ”

The old man stunned and said distressedly. "Tianzun herb, there are still a lot of grandfather here, snow and snow don't care."

When I can't hold it, take it again! "snow

Snow stubbornly said that because of her heavy injuries, the old man has spent too much medicine, even if there are not many herbs such as Geshitianzun, she is not an idiot, such a luxury consumption, I am afraid that it will last less than a month. "

Ok, grandpa listens to you! ”

The old man smiled and paid, but at the moment he turned around, the two lines of tears fell. Why didn’t he know?

He can't wait to turn over all the stars and find the old medicine.

"Let's find a time to save it!"

Snow and snow looked at the little rabbit in his arms and said warmly. "It is not me, there is still a save!"

Row! "old

People are refreshing, but they don’t have this mentality. He is eager to move forward and look for it here, only because he can see that snow and snow are really hard to hold on, for up to a year, if there is no If you don’t use old medicine, snow and snow will kill you.

Ling Feng lazily lay in the arms of snow and snow, did not speak, he was afraid to scare the two characters.


He concealed his body and sealed it with Xianli. Even the one who is the **** of the world is still trying to see the problem. first

before. he

I want to seek a chance to escape, but now the snow and snow are kind, like a simple girl, did not eat his mind, and want to save his life and death, this is to make Ling Feng's impression of snow and snow is good. what

condition. he

Now the injury is very heavy, it takes time to heal, hiding in the plain cave, far less than hiding here, a Geshi Tianzun sitting in the town, even if the demon emperor is looking for, I am afraid that only escape, he is easier to heal here. too

A true water is pouring out, moistening his wounds, like needles are penetrating through them, suturing the wounds, letting the flesh and blood regenerate, more like a knife, is erasing those carrion, nourishing new blood.


In this process, the power of Feixian played a terrible role, those road injuries were indeed powerful, and some made Taiyi really water helpless, but when they touched the power of Feixian, they immediately disintegrated and let it pass by.

but. Ling

The wind did not recast Dantian, and the waves were too big. He was afraid that he would feel it in the world. hasty

Hurry for a while. Ling

The wind's injury is weakening, and the road injury is recovering quickly, but it is contained by his life. He is afraid that after he has sensed it, he will catch him and study it, but the snow and snow damage is obviously much more serious. When he vomiting blood, sometimes They couldn’t hold the wind, and the smell of the body was darker, like an old man who was going to be hacked.

"The avenue hurts!"

Ling Feng sighed, the female emperor's injury was too serious, Dan Tian collapsed, the body cracked, like a porcelain that would be disintegrated, the delicate face is more like pieced together, once they do not glue their strength, I am afraid immediately It will be torn apart.

Obviously. in

In the face of this avenue injury, the Tianzun herb can only be renewed, and it does not have the effect of reviving. When the situation deteriorates, the face of the world is full of sorrow and becomes more urgent, but the injury of the female emperor makes it calm.

Cover Xuan! One

After a month, Ling Feng also knows that the name of the goddess of the world is called ordinary, but he is a character of the demon family. He has extraordinary temperament and casts a record of monuments. Unfortunately, he lost his childhood, only the one left. Granddaughter Snow Snow, all kinds of love, but still want white to send black people. straight

When the stars appeared, Ge Xuan was determined to come in with snow and snow, and he would not find old medicine here. This

one day.

Gai Xuan with a cover of snow and snow appeared in a mountain and river, where the momentum is flourishing, the fog is drifting, the red and red fog is more like a red blood fog, completely shrouded in this mountain river, can not see clearly, the truth, even if it is covered Here, the sense of God is affected.


There are not a few Tianzun here, some from the Yaozu, some from the characters, Ling Feng here to see Xianting, Void and other big men, they are volleying, are looking coldly in front, seems to be waiting.

"I am afraid that there is a treasure born!"

Covering the front, he solemnly said: "Whenever these blood fog appear, there will be a shocking treasure!"

Like the cover of these big men, the time of appearance here is not short. Naturally, I know some secrets on the stars of the people, especially the treasures that have been born. They have encountered many times and naturally can see some problems. "

I don't know if there is any artifact we want here! ”

The cover frowned and looked at the front. The sense of consciousness was completely released. It was necessary to penetrate a heavy fog to see the truth. Of course

and. very

As soon as he snorted, his body was awkward, and he stepped back one step later. The corner of his mouth overflowed with blood. Obviously, the blood was foggy, and there was a big secret buried in it. If it was forcibly explored, it would be countered.

This makes Ling Feng very curious about the big secrets on this sentient star. I want to know that here he can sense the atmosphere of the heavens. The candle dragon has also induced the dragon atmosphere on this star, which involves these two forces, this one All the stars are visible. suddenly

Of course.

Ling Feng’s eyes flashed, and he could not help but fall on a huge body in the blood mist. His head was double-horned, his body was like a mountain, but it was covered with scars. Until now, he has not recovered, and when the demon emperor swooped out Naturally, Ling Feng is eye-catching. positive

It was the previous demon emperor! this


The demon emperor's dust is looking around, and the gods feel relaxed. It seems that he is looking for a character, and there are many heavenly creatures beside him. They are sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the blood to spread, and the treasures come out.

"Ling horn!" Snow

The snow seems to sense the direction of the wind's eyes, and as such, and when it opens, the eyes become cold and chilly.

"Nine races!"

Xuan cold sees the front, seeing more through the blood fog, the demon is different from the human race, and the race is the race. These nine races are very strong in the Yaozu, belonging to the royal family, and the strength cannot be underestimated, but their family is Alternative, not in the Yaozu, more like the Terran. And

. he

The number of these ethnic groups is sparse, and they have been oppressed and ridiculed by the nine major races. Therefore, when Snow Snow sees the road dust, it will be cold.

Like the feeling of covering the snow and the wind, the demon emperor turned around and looked at it. It happened to be with the eyes of Lingfeng and Xuexue. He was first stunned, and then the corner of his mouth picked up a chilly arc. .

It seems to be mocking!

However, the gaze disappeared, only because he saw the cover of the snow covered by the snow, although the number is rare, but as long as it is a terrible figure, especially the cover, it is very jealous of the nine races. Character.

and. cover

Xuan felt that his son and his children were in the same field. There were nine major races behind them, but they did not find the truth. The snow and snow suffered from injuries, and nine races were behind them, but they were hiding. "

When things are over, I will have to pay their blood and life! Said Gai Xuan coldly.

"I found out the truth, I don't want them to die." said Snow Snow, hoarsely, her parents were too embarrassed. She was injured because she had to thoroughly investigate the truth. She almost died on the spot. Only nine of the Yaozu can do this step. Of course

and. in

The angle between the cover and the snow and snow could not be seen. Ling Feng stretched out his limbs and raised a finger to the demon emperor who was looking forward. in


His current life has an advantage, that is, the Terran has up to two middle fingers, and the rabbit can erect four middle fingers.

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