Supreme Demon

Chapter 1388: Where there is a treasure, there is a magic!

Erect middle finger!

This is contempt, even more insulting!

So, what about the middle finger?

That is extreme contempt and insult!

It must be said that in terms of race, the Yaozu is cheap, and the stretching of the limbs is extremely despising, while the human race is different. They are not going to take off their shoes. Because the snow and snow holding the wind is very elegant, not completely in my arms, this is able to present the "posture" of Ling Feng in the eyes of the demon, this is not only the Lingfeng representative snow cover Covering and despising and insulting, more

It is his insult to the demon.

If it is not because his injury has not fully recovered, he will have to annihilate the demon.

of course.

He is not going to die with the demon emperor, but to find another way. With the help of other characters, or when the treasure comes out, he will annihilate the demon in his life and death.


Although he can't directly do it now, there is no problem in insulting and defying him. Ling Feng uses his strength and cheeky to let the other party know that he also has a backing. What is the life of a demon in the district?

He dared to point the middle finger, did the demon daring dare?


The demon emperor's dust is also covered with the rabbit in the snow and snow. The Tao suddenly becomes cold and the body is tight, and there is a rush of murder from the body. The demon emperor is despised by a rabbit. What?


He snorted, and Mori’s cold killing almost came out. However, at this moment, a majestic Wei Li came from afar and came to him in an instant. The murderous temperament almost destroyed his flesh and blood, the temperament of the world, and the suppression of the audience. One can't help but go backwards


then. He was full of stunned and panic, only because the killing came from the goddess of the world. Although he was cold to the rabbit, but the direction was covered with snow and snow, this is equivalent to demonstrating to the world, a demon emperor Demon disrespect, that is completely

Is looking for death.

Gai Xuan did not say much, just looking directly at the demon emperor's road, the Taoist savage murder, dare to glare at the cover of snow, and in his case, is it necessary to annihilate the snow?

Such a character should be annihilated!

Needless to say.

At this moment, Gai Xuan is completely eyeing the demon emperor's dust. Such a scourge cannot let it leave here alive, or it will endlessly endure.

The demon emperor can naturally feel the dust, but he understands the difference, thinking that this is the dissatisfaction of Gai Xuan to him, even to the cover snow snow pets to kill, but did not realize that Gai Xuan has already been willing to kill him.


There is a little rabbit that is not too big. In the arms of the snow and snow, the **** is erected to the demon, and the **** is four, the eyes are slanting, the corners of the mouth are rising, and there is more contempt and gesture. Oh, I didn’t put the demon in my eyes.


If it is not taboo, but I am afraid that the demon emperor has already been killed at this moment, the imperial demon is so insulting.


Now he does not dare to be angry, he can only squeak his fist, but there is no way to take Lingfeng.

After a while.

He simply did not look in this direction, let Ling Feng align him with the middle finger. Some problems can't be solved now, but as long as he seizes the opportunity, the rabbit is his pot.

The blood is heavy.

This mountain river can't be seen clearly. Time hastily, the blood fog has not dissipated, but it has become more intense. Among them, there are terrible fluctuations, so that the gods are frowning, and the cover is letting the snow and snow fall back. I am worried that it is too dangerous. Duel, that cover

The weak body of snow and snow is afraid of suffering.

In fact.

The fluctuations in the blood fog made the Lingfeng become vigilant, the body was inextricably tight, and there was a big danger in it. It seems that one of the souls is chilling the audience, at least it is also the **** of heaven.

A full three days.

People have been waiting here, Ling Feng feels that things are not quite right, the blood fog is getting stronger and stronger, and spread to the surrounding, almost drowning them, to know that they have pushed back three hundred miles at this moment.

"I am afraid this will be the biggest wave ever!"

Covering Xuan Yin said with a sullen face, massive blood fog ignited the void, unprecedented, at least not on the stars.

In this way, as long as it is the birth of the treasure, it will be unprecedented, able to incite a terrible force, and what he expects is not the old medicine.

To know.

The blood fog is only a sign. No one knows what the treasure of the world is. It may be a sacred medicine, or it may be a peerless warrior, a **** of heaven, and so on. It has been such a thing in the past few months.

"The blood is extraordinary, it can erode the spirits of the heavens and the flesh and blood of the characters!"

Gai Xuan said that this blood fog is terrible, but it is comparable to Huang Quan at the beginning, so that Ling Feng Han Mao is upside down. It is unrealistic to want to cope with the current situation in his current state.

"Then recover as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Ling Feng was alert, using blood fog to cover up, so that the Taiyi real water surged out, moistened the flesh and blood in the body, wiped out the road wounds, and recast a stronger flesh and bones.

Just because he knows that the next will be a hard battle.

It’s eight days in a hurry. Ling Feng slightly closed his eyes, and did not pay too much attention to the surrounding movements, but used all efforts to use Xianli, concealing pressure

The atmosphere of the body is kept, the cover is not allowed to be announced, and then recovered. When the body injury is completely destroyed, Lingfeng’s eyes are shining.

stand up.

At the moment, Gai Xuan’s attention was completely in front, but he did not notice the fluctuation of the breath of Ling Feng.

"The blood is more intense, I am afraid that the treasure will really be born!"

"Snow and snow, you have to retreat, I have to go and see what the heavy treasure is!" said Gai Xuan.


Covering the snow and snow, she knew it was dangerous, but she knew she couldn’t persuade the cover. "Keep careful!"

"it is good!"

Gai Xuan did not leave immediately, Shen Shen said for a moment. "Be wary of the nine races, especially the previous demon!"


Covered the snow and sneered and said: "If he dares to come, I will let him die very miserable!"


Just as Gai Xuan wanted to move forward, when he broke into the blood, the heavens and the earth suddenly blew, the void was pierced by life, the darkness of light and rain quickly fell, and a channel was formed, which led to the **** fog, and the faint magic light was like Lightning, galloping.


Gai Xuan’s face suddenly cooled down. Because of the arrival of the Terran, the situation of the horror of the stars has become more chaotic, and now the Mozu also come to join in the fun, and the situation of the stars will be more chaotic.

To know.

Unlike the Mozu, the Terran and the Demon are called allies, while the Mozu are on the opposite side.

People can't be deviled!

The demon is even more devil!

This is a situation that is inconsistent!


Nine days of thunder, the faint magic road straight through the stars, the momentum is far from the virtual sky, and the Mozu carries the treasures, hits the channel, and lives in the sky, and the great people in the Mozu step forward. Break into the stars.

In an instant.

Windy winds, magic rain like a waterfall!

When the first demon lord flew out of the passage, one of the heavenly statues lifted up and shot a terrible skylight, confronting the Mozu Tianzun.

"Get back!"

Among the Terran, there are people who open the world, and a big hand is shot from the mountains and rivers, directly collapses to the first demon statue, wants to kill it, and then destroys the entrance of the magic road.


The demon statue is not the same as the devil, and it belongs to the devil of the world. It is powerful and daunting. His power is bursting, and a handful of axe is held in his hand. There is a magical void on the road, which outlines the illusion of 10,000, as if to open up the sky.

A loud noise.

The sharp axe curbed the hand and opened it.

"Open the axe!"

People exclaimed, did not expect that these heavy treasures actually fell within the Mozu. Different from the axe, it belongs to the ancient times, when people did not know the origins of it. It is said that it is a sacred object that fell from the sky. It belongs to a chaotic creature who asks the heavens. Because of the chaotic atmosphere, the open axe is almost successful. Chaos axe,

Very scary.

"Damn, the chaos is born in the open axe, no less than a half-step to ask the heavens!"

There are big people opening, seeing the truth, the open axe comes from the ages, and after so many years, the nature is extraordinary, in which the chaotic gas is self-contained, and then the birth of the spirit, with the open axe as "blood flesh", the same as the burning of the heavenly level character.

Needless to say.

The first demon statue sealed the magic road with a day axe, and Tianzuns wanted to wear it in a short time, while other devils naturally had the opportunity to come.

In fact. It is just like this, just a moment of indulgence, there are three demon statues flying in the magic road. Every demon statue comes with a heavy treasure, and lives in the entrance of the magic road to prevent the Terran from breaking it through, and then Four devils fly out, completely destroying the magic road



It is the Terran who does its best and wants to destroy the entrance of the Magic Road.

The Terran celestial gods stand on the sidelines, not much to say, knowing that things can't be done, they can't stop the demon, but they want to take the treasure from the human and the demon, it's not easy, everything can wait until the treasure comes out.

"Where there are heavy resources, there is a magic!"

Ling Fengqi itch, it does not have any good feelings for the Mozu, Shenwu big 6 was almost abolished, Ling Qing almost killed, all because of the Mozu, so Ling Feng really want to kill is the Mozu.


The Mozu is getting more and more arrogant and coming across the space. It does not consider the feelings of the Terran and the Yaozu. It is more skillful. With this rhythm, is it necessary to fight all the time?

Is the goal of sixteen stars?

"Get it right!"

Ling Feng looked at the entrance of the Magic Road and felt that the Terran should not be bullied. Who said that only the Mozu can invade the Terran? Why can't the Terran invade the Mozu?

This is a problem! In the next moment, his eyes will shine, only because there are two demon statues behind the eight devils, and the whole ten devils are not to be underestimated, but the devil has not stopped here, in the ten devils. After the reverence, a demon emperor appeared, and he was in it

I saw acquaintances.

The first magician under the magic seat!

what does this mean?

Did the Lord come in person? good night.

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