Supreme Demon

Chapter 1392: A palace!

Blood smog, like the red sea and the swell of the sea, stunned the waves and stunned the waves.

The confrontation between Tianzun is very terrible. It is almost like dumping the mountains and rivers. The power is like a tidal wave, and this mountain and river is blown up.

in the distance.

Covering Snow and Snow looked at it with amazement. She was hit by a terrible devouring force and disappeared into the blood. I thought it would be dead, but I didn’t think it was only a moment of effort, I was beaten, and she did not affected.


She is far away from the blood fog, and the flesh and blood that has been corrupted by blood fog is reborn in that space. Although she is not strong enough, the body injury is still serious, and there is no problem in the other.

"What is that place?"

"Who is detaining me?"

There is some disappointment in the snow and snow. She knows that there is a terrible figure in the blood fog. She once targeted the two demons, but she did not deny her. Is she not worth anything?

Think of it like this, it is even more sad to cover Snow and Snow.


There should be no old people here, Grandpa is killing in the blood, only her own can help her, others should not care about her life and death, only the reason of "weak" can explain.


Covering the snow and snow road looking forward, now a rabbit is coming in her direction, pouting, four small short legs flying fast, fluffy ears flying in the wind, it is cute.

"it's here!"

She smiled and was still worried that the rabbit was killed, but did not expect it to come back alive.

The rabbit seemed to be called, and it really appeared in front of the snow, which made her very satisfied. I felt that this rabbit was born in the stars, and it was contaminated with some spirituality. It was very clever and understand her mind.


She did not hesitate to hold the rabbit in her arms and regard it as life. Now she only cares about this rabbit.

Bang. At this moment, there is a ripple on Tianyu, which is like a mushroom cloud spurting upwards. The confrontation between the Mozu, the demon and the Tianzun really unfolds. It is not one or two confrontation, but dozens. The horrible momentum collapses and blasts. a heavy day, even if

It is the sturdy mountain river of all living stars that is not worth mentioning in front of Tianzun.

Too fragile!

In the midst of the **** fog, the light of the glory shines, the imagery is full, and the grand occasion is unprecedented, but even if the origins are extraordinary, Tianwei is shocked, but under the power of many Tianzun, it still has no ability to escape, but is a strange The door is sealed.

call out!

A big hand stretched out from the void, forbidding the light from the shackles, and picking up the fruit.

"Don't think about it!" A sound of cold drink, a feather fan flew from afar, directly slammed into the big hand, and confronted with the virtual light, bursting out a glare, extremely dazzling, let the nine days tremble, quickly collapsed, as if It is the nine giant mountains from the virtual air suppression

Down, the deafening giant sound.

It is the vision of the dawn that has been destroyed by this power.


The void was torn, and a handle of the open axe appeared, hitting the handle of the fan, and then a magic hand appeared, grabbing the light of the dragon.

"court death!"

A Terran Tianzun shouted, and the Taoist eyes were cold. When his voice fell, a ruler appeared, intertwined with all kinds of strange lights, banned from the axe, the loud noise, and the two weapons in the void. The mountains and rivers are eclipsed, and the sun and the moon are dull.

What is horrifying is that the ruler can actually compete with the open axe, not falling below.

How extraordinary is this?

"Quantity feet!"

Some people exclaimed, telling the origin of the ruler, the measuring ruler and the open axe belong to the same era, born before the ages, the mystery.

The open axe can open the sky.

The measuring ruler can measure the weather!

Why was it weaker than the open axe?


The Terran is not weak. At this moment, it is the top Tianzun that appears in the stars. It carries the treasures and can compete with the open axe. This makes many Tianzun slightly relieved. If there is no weapon to contain the axe, it is the real trouble.

"It’s really a little bit of you!"

The demon of the Mozu said, "I have brought such treasures!"

"The celestial stars have let them succeed, the stars are born, the demons will let go like this?" The worldly smile said with a smile. "I have been waiting for you here!"

"That's the skill!"

There is not much to say about the Devil of the World, and the strong forward, the open axe to open a heavy heaven and the balance of the day.

at the same time.

Other Tianzun is also moving forward, especially the demon statue. They want to pick up the fruit, and they must first defend the demon and the gods.

To know.

This is the heavy treasure in the treasure, the open axe can sense the difference in the momentum, showing a radical attitude, it can be said that the twilight rain is breeding a terrible treasure, if it can be good for them.

next moment.

The more terrible showdown began, one Tian Zun flew into the void, the strong light rain dispelled the Scorpio, and because of this flying weather, the blood fog was brought up, more like a **** sea.


The two Tianzuns are dead, the axe and the heavenly ruler are too bright, as long as the explosion is bound to be shocking, with them as the center, the three thousand miles are destroyed, that is, the blood fog is torn apart by this power. .

Light rain is like a mad sea!

Severely pushed around.

Daddy, a claw sticks out from the void, and the lightning strikes the light and rain, and wants to pick up the fruit.


At that moment, a piece of bronze flies out and squats directly on the claw, causing it to be damaged, and the blood of the red is filled with Tianyu.

"Grandpa!" Covered snow and snow suddenly changed his face, recognized the hand, Yu Yan became even more pale, in the Tianzun dojo, even if it is covered by the cover of the world, the wounded, and the person holding the bronze It’s terrible, that piece of bronze is even more terrible, at least

It is also a sacred object before the ages.

"Wanchun bronze!"

The voice of Gai Xuan sounded and recognized the origin of the bronze piece. It is reported that there were four bronze pieces in front of the ancient times, which were engraved with the heavenly merits. If they could blend together, they would directly break the sky. Even if one of them could be scared, its origins were no less than the axe and the scale. Have terrible prestige, restraint



Gai Xuan is very powerful, but he also suffers from the encounter with bronze.

"Dare to steal bronze, you must annihilate you!" A cold voice sizzled, some people guarded in front of the light, not allowed other people to pick up the fruit.

"Manic, think this is your home?"

Demon Zun cold drink, did not put Tianzun in their eyes, strong pressure, open the axe to make a gorgeous light rain, want to suppress the amount of heaven.

"Open the sky!" When these two words blew up, the open axe shot a million mans, fell from the void, opened the mountains and rivers, let Tianyu roar, actually tears, and in the void There are nine appearances, sitting on the open axe and pushing forward one after another.

Straight to tear the nine heavens.


The Tianzun was cold and open, and he opened the axe to let the sky go through the sky.

next moment.

A straight ruler pushes a thousand lines, and a heavy light appears on it, reaching thirty-three weights. It is really necessary to measure the thickness of the sky. When the light rain falls, the sky is cracking.


The two-handed Tianwei giants smashed in the void, the mountains and rivers were eclipsed, the ghosts were crying, and after a while, all the sounds disappeared, only the light rain was swooping into the sky.

Just because that power is disintegrating the sound of the sky!

Just because that power is greater than the sound of the sky!


Before the light rain fell, there were Tianzun and Mozun, and they rushed to each other directly, ending the battle in a short time.

Needless to say.

This is a big showdown, and the horror is hard to imagine.


Ling Feng eyes flashed, staring at the light and rain, now different, the previous light rain is still a little gray, not so dazzling, the vision is not as colorful as it is now, it feels like a bunch of flowers in full bloom.


Ling Feng’s heart flashed, and he couldn’t help but swear. “This is not its true face, the real treasure has not yet come out!”

"Light rain is a petal, and treasure is a species!"

"It is gestating, borrowing the power of heaven!" When this problem is now, Ling Feng directly chills, always feel that the creatures in the light rain are terrible, the same as the original chaos, if you really use the power of heaven Let go, the "species" that will come out will be extremely terrible, I’m afraid

The audience must be unable to keep up.


He did not remind that this has nothing to do with him.

After a few moments, Ling Feng sighed, and these Tianzuns were so fierce, I was afraid that the bamboo baskets would be filled with water in the end. The light of the scorpion was indeed using the power of the gods to "reinvent" and be born again.


Suddenly, the light of the hustle and bustle slowly spread, and the light and rain fell, and it seemed that there was a "species" to come out.

In an instant.

The whole scene has calmed down, and people are looking forward to knowing what creatures and treasures are in the light rain.


The twilight rain is like a petal, and the pieces are full of pieces. It is more like Dapeng's wings, the peacocks are on the screen, and the magnificent is not like words.

"To be full!"

"Heavy treasure is coming out!"

Boom! A loud noise, a direct shock for nine days, the sly light splits apart, casts a bouquet shape, and lifts the sacred objects among them, but it is amazing that it is not a "species", not a creature, but It is a palace, it is magnificent, both sides

There are a pair of wings, like flying wings.

The scent of breath came from the ground.

The ancient will is turbulent!

Although the palace is only the size of the disc, it can be used to stand in front of people.

On the other hand, every small palace is like a living, like a finely carved one.

What is even more shocking is that the creek flowing in the palace is actually a god, and the ancient tree in front of the palace is more like a **** tree, a tea tree, etc., and it is extraordinary, but there is a ray of light in the center. .

"A palace?"

The gods are blaspheming, some are ridiculous, and such a "seed" in the bouquet of light and rain?

How do you feel so wonderful? However, this palace cannot be underestimated. It is full of magic, and even the streams are the springs. It is conceivable that this palace itself is so extraordinary, although they still don’t know what the palace has to do, but only by This is worth their death.

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