Supreme Demon

Chapter 1393: Whose tears are flying?

A palace!

Pavilions and pavilions are extraordinary. because

The flowers are full of flowers, the whole scene has become quiet, the needles are audible, the three parties in the fierce battle are all looking at the "flowers", but when they see the palace, they are more puzzling, some Tianzun is thinking, want to know the truth. Of course

and. palace

It’s mysterious, people have never heard of it, and I can’t find the truth for a while. "

what is that? ""

A palace, what a ghost? "day

The lords are asking, but no one can respond, that is, the sacred gods are contemplating.

but. he

They didn't ponder for too long. Although they didn't know what the palace was, they were able to start such a big wave and think of it. If you pick it, you can know it.

call out! One

The Tianzhou boat came out of the air and appeared next to the palace. The two gods were picking up the palace, which was in the same month.

! One

The handle of the open axe appeared in front, and bowed to the palace, to be bombed.

"The treasure belongs to me!"

The character holding the measuring ruler burst into the air, and the measuring ruler carried thirty-three days to cover the palace, and wanted to pick it up. Are

Engraved. that

The calm picture was torn apart, like a stone thrown into the lake, and instantly stunned thousands of waves, and pushed out to the surrounding, leading to even greater turbulence. not


This matchup is even more horrible, and the treasure is in front of you. As long as you win it, you can have it. The battle between the gods is even more intense. Of course

and. in

Where people didn't notice, Ling Feng's eyes were bright and sparkling with strange light. When the palace was born, his body was full of blood and there was a feeling of restraint. Because the palace was different, others did not know. But Ling Feng was able to sense it. that

The palace is from the ages!

That palace was once brilliant! that

The palace palace is engraved with ancient glory!

Heaven! when

At the beginning of the virtual heaven, Ye Wong had once got a heaven. Although they had reached the center, they always felt that there was a problem. The kingdom of heaven was incomplete in front of them. The mountains and rivers were broken, and the most magnificent parts of the years were lost. Presented in front of them is a deserted and decaying heaven.

The top heavens before the ancient times, only the shattered mountains and rivers will be left in the world? that

At the time, Ling Feng’s heart had doubts. How could the top talents, the stalwarts, and the pens and the sky, never let the most prosperous power of the heavens pass down?

now. Ling

The wind has the truth, the real kingdom of heaven has not been annihilated. The real core strength is here. He does not know how much the great people of the heavens pay, so that the "flowers" can be put into full bloom, but the great people before the ancient times can use many prohibitions in later generations. It is also necessary to let it "populate" the core of the kingdom of heaven, which is not the word "extraordinary" can describe.

It carries the mission of Guwu!

It wants to shine after the ancients! "

But our wings are still too young! Ling

The wind and the gods are moist, this is the treasure left by the ancestors of the ancient times, the value is immeasurable, but now he can only watch it being taken away and being bullied, it feels very wrong and very sad. this

engraved. Ling

The wind wants to do everything in its power to fight the top power and suppress the gods and gods, let them know that this is a **** of the later generations, and other characters are not to be embarrassed.

can. he

But without such strength, I am afraid that it will appear in the center of the blood fog, and it will be smashed into **** by that terrible force.

"burning heaven is not here!" Ling

The wind clenched his fists hard. He knew that the intention of burning Tianzun would make him golden shells, and the old man and the burning gods could not appear, otherwise other forces would be alert. but

Heaven is in front of you, do you really want to fall?

"I want to find it back!" Ling

The wind and the gods are cold and cold, and the terrible light and rain are bursting. This is the jewel that the ancestors have to offer with all their strength. It may bury the truth of the destruction of the kingdom. They can do little of these, but they do not include the ancestors. Insulted! Yong

Far from it! when

Of course. Ling

The wind is not an idiot. If you squat and squat in the past, I am afraid that it will not be touched by the Heavenly Kingdom Palace. he

Even more dare to activate the ancient Wu blood, let the heavens sense, it will lead to big troubles.

Now he can only wait!

Waiting for the Tianzun confrontation to end! Wait

The Heavenly Palace smashes the light rain!

The world is roaring, and the waves are raging. open

The axe and the amount of the sky ruled against each other, the heavenly respects the upper demon, the entire Tianyu was collapsed, and the Lingfeng and the cover snow could only retire backwards. Of course


Just as the confrontation became more and more fierce, the palace suddenly burst into the sky, killing the sound of the heavens for nine days, flying out of it with a handle, and cracking the ground, the gate of the town A tear in the road, amazed that the face of the sky suddenly changed, did not expect to have this scene.

"The palace is born spiritually, wants to break the door!" one Tian shouted.

"Block it!" a demon shouted.

The next moment, a big man started to play the rules of space and detained the palace. but

. that

The palace is light and rainy, and the power is bursting. The center of the palace is Xiaguang Wandao. There is a great force to annihilate the Wandao. It really tears the world and stuns the world. thorn

La! nine

The Dodge Gate collapsed, and Wei Li turned the sky. The palace was sealed forward, and the Qimen stepped open step by step. "

Seal it! ”

The demon statue holding the open axe shouted, and the open axe directly pulled out, to suppress the palace.

A loud noise.

The palace was filled with sorrow and sorrow, and it was smashed in the middle. The Xiaguang was tearing, and there was a red blood overflowing from the Xiaguang. It was not a palace but a figure.


The Tianzun shot with the hand-held measuring ruler, the amount of heaven and the scale of the sky, appeared directly on the palace, crashed down, shocked the palace, the **** fog overflowed, the will collapsed .

Hey! positive

At this moment, a virtual shadow appeared from the palace, raising his hand and hitting the open axe, to keep it.

"The will in the palace?"

The demon statue is slightly stunned, and then laughs. "The will of the district, even if the age is not extinguished, in the world is not the ages!"

The axe suddenly fell, carrying terrible light and rain, and annihilating the shadow.

"Does the sky be dark?"

The illusion of the sighs, he came from the ages, belongs to the will, only to find the same will, but unfortunately...

Hey! palace

The glory shines, the will is immortal, and it is the same. When the nine virtual shadows are suppressed together on the palace, the picture is quite shocking. but


It is only the will of the ages, weakened in the years, polished in time, lost the light, but also facing the sacred objects such as the axe, the measuring ruler, the bronze piece, completely unable to keep the situation, in a short time Disintegration annihilation.

"We can't wait..."

"After the world... dark!"

The will to disintegrate, they are full of sorrow, blood and tears, let the world sorrow! can

Has anyone ever felt their will?

Have you ever experienced their grief?

This is the future! can

Have you ever been born? he

They have waited until the age of the world, they are waiting for the ancient martial arts, waiting for the ancient martial arts, and other ancient flames!

however. he

They are waiting for the most tragic killing, the most mournful battle, they try their best, but they can't change the ending.

Tick! One

Tears fell and fell on the chest of the snow, with a touch of red.


The tears are like silk, falling and falling, and the red color is thicker.

Covering the snow and snow, I looked at the rabbit who was crying strangely. I didn't understand why it was crying, and it was **** with blood.

It is crying!

Whose tears are flying?

One of the ancient Chinese ancestors' wills is crying, they are waiting for the later generations of ancient martial arts, but later generations are not here, but now Lingfeng is crying, for the loyalty of those who have given their lives for this starry sky. he

They pay so much, but at the moment they are still bleeding.

If you put it before the ages, who would dare to bully them?

They are crying in the aftermath of ancient times! "

Have we let you down? ”

At this time, Ling Feng rose from the arms of the snow and snow, looking at the distance, the blushing eyes became more blushing, and there was no cover up. Any concealment at this moment is an insult to the ancestors.

They want to see the ancient martial arts, then let them see an extraordinary future generation! "

They are not here, but I am here! ”

Ling Feng screamed at the sky, the ancestors were annihilated, and at this moment he could not let the ancestors disappoint. only

That's it! Dangerous

Is it dangerous? Health

Dead? weight


"Come on!" Ling

The wind is light and elegant, and the imposing momentum in the body suddenly fills up. The ancient Wu blood is completely awakened, like a shining light, instantly igniting this void and mountains and rivers, releasing magnificent colors.

Suddenly. that

The sorrow of the heavenly kingdom, the blood and tears, came to an abrupt end, and it came out like lightning. It released a world of light and rain, and the shadows of the characters were completely destroyed by Ling Feng. In the light rain, they The eyes are not clear, not even obvious.

can! on

It was this gaze that made the kingdom of heaven silently laugh. Although the person was weak and not as good as the world, they saw the awakening of the ancients and the shocking blood of the world.

next moment.

The Tianguo Palace screamed and the ancient gas field was awakening, and the ancient will was blasting. There was a strange door on it, communicating with thousands of people, pushing against the ages, and the terrible momentum shot a bonfire.


At this moment, the body of Ling Feng boiled, especially the sea of ​​souls, and the waves of the waves were stunned. The ancient Wuta, which has been calm, was born at this moment, and it was forbidden to open the eyebrows and carry the nine heavy weights to the center of the blood fog. Breaking through the space constraints, breaking a heavy door, appeared in front of the palace in a terrible manner.

Ancient Wuta! This

The treasure that once stunned the ages, was truly available at this moment, only because it felt the will of the Heavenly Kingdom Palace, and felt the will of the ancient ancestors. meaning

Aspirations, eternal!

Since Lingfeng got the Guwu Tower, I have never seen the ancient Wuwei Tower, but at the moment he knows that the country and the ancient ancestors got the Guwu Tower, and Tianwei would not want to suppress it. It is necessary today. Surprise the gods. p

.. I know that there are certainly many readers who are staying in the fragrance, but there is no way. The fragrance is locked with a small black house today. It can’t be written, it can’t be finished, it’s not new, it’s only finished now, By the way, give everyone more and new. late

I am very sorry, and I will fight for it tomorrow and strive for a new and new one. late


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