Supreme Demon

Chapter 1395: Can you save me?

A handle is emptied! Strong

Powerful demon! a few

The Tao will urge the Burning Path to open the blade, uncovering a heavy ban, and making the Heavenly Blade different. It is light rain and can't see the true content, but the power is even more awkward. Once it falls, it will make the nine heavens collapse. Unimaginable.

In front of the Burning Path, the open axe and the measuring ruler are not enough to see.

The weapon that can compete with it is not in the world, but in the ages! Finish

It’s all a contempt.

When the two Tianzuns were carrying the blood and rain, the people were cold and erect. These forces were too unprecedented, and they fell into the hands of the ancient martial arts. They were simply banned. Who is fighting? This

It is even more proof that the ancient Wu before the ancient times is overbearing, and other martial arts are too worth mentioning in front of them.

however. also

Without waiting for the reaction of the gods, those wills will break open the door, lightning escape, and rushing into the distance, not the direction of Ling Feng, but the other direction.


Those wills are very clear. If this time appears next to Ling Feng, it is equivalent to the identity of the later generations of the ancients, the demon and the demon, and even the Terran are afraid that they will not let the wind. Session


The ancient Wu who was just in full bloom will fall like this.

However, in the process of escape, those wills are directly annihilated, forcing the burning of the blade, letting their powers run out, persisting, dissipating, and there are other wills in the palace, forcing The ancient Wuta and the burning road Tianjian, opened Tianyu, carrying the palace to escape to the distance. "

It weakens its strength and can't hold it! ”

Say for the demon statue. "Don't let it escape, as long as we hold on, don't get caught up in the momentum, then you can win the fruit!"

"Not bad!"

The demon's worth, the recognition of the devil's point of view, the palace is indeed not working, there is not much left will, can motivate the ancient Wuta and the burning of the blade, as long as they hold on, those will not hold on .

Heavy treasures are moving!

Don't say that the demon statue, the demon statue, the Terran Tianzun are all heart-warming, know that now is not only the palace, but also the ancient martial arts tower and the burning road, the ancient Wuta they know the origin, but the burning road It is too mysterious, people have not thought of its origins, but the release of Tianwei is crazy. drop

It’s so terrible in the hands of a few wills, what if they appear in their hands? ancient

Wu has been annihilated, and the Terran is more qualified to receive these treasures instead of waiting for them to fall into the hands of the demon.


For the demon statue lightning forward, the other demon statues are close behind, they believe that the palace is even extraordinary, want to consume, and finally it is not them.

The demon lords did not say much, forbidden from the forward, and the lightning disappeared.

"They belong to the human race, you won't be worried about you!"

The family celestial opening, swiftly passing, the first time to chase the palace.

For a time, the **** fog became empty and the heavens and the gods disappeared. This made the original fierce dojo calm down. The demon emperor, the emperor and the emperor were cold-eyed. This top-level matchup has nothing to do with them. If you dare to participate in it, you can only wait for the event to end and see who the "fruit" is.

thump! Ling

The wind fell from the sky, squatting directly on the ground, cold sweats falling, wet clothes, he wanted to hold on, but the power overdraft was too serious.

To know.

There are forbidden soils and fairy power on the blade of the Burning Road. This will enable those wills to be motivated. Otherwise, it is not easy for them to uncover the ban. It takes at least time and strength, and it is impossible to let the road burn out. Through the sky.

He used this power to tell Guwu's predecessors that the later generations were not weak, but they still needed time, just because they had just started. pole


But Ling Feng smiled happily. One

Once the palace escaped from Qimen, it was not so easy for these characters to take away the "daoguo". Guwuta is not a simple object, but as long as they can hide and wait for him to appear, all the problems will be not a problem. complete

actually. bite

Lingzhu can isolate the void and cast another space.

Time seems to stop at this moment, only the wind is fierce and breathless. cover

The snow and snow body is stiff, so I stare at the Lingfeng, from the volley, to the burning of the Tianjian, she looked at it like this, but did not say anything, but in her heart, she picked up the waves.

Who can think of this rabbit as extraordinary? Who

Can you know that this rabbit belongs to the later generations? more

The terrible thing is that this rabbit is too mysterious. The body hides the treasure of the world. It belongs to the ancient Wutian kingdom. At the last moment, it helps the palace to escape the strange door. simple

It’s unimaginable.

Originally, she thought that this was a seriously dying rabbit, so she pity it, but at this moment there is a feeling of being cheated.

Its injury has already recovered! it

It is a **** rabbit!

"Only... is that a force?"

Snow and snow only felt that the heart was trembled. When the heavenly murderous blade came out, she seemed to see a female fairy in the air and flew on the star river for nine days. The picture was beautiful and gorgeous, and there was a power that made people feel awkward. There are substances that make people bloody, even the top heavens can't do.

Only fairy! This

Is there really a fairy in the world? This

Is it really the top god? straight

When Ling Feng fell to the ground, the snow and snow did not return to God, and looked at him straight.

Ling Feng can naturally feel the scorching gaze, the heart can not help but sigh, the former ancient ancestor will die, his heart is crazy, completely ignore the consequences, directly use the ancient Wuta and the burning road, let the snow snow look Thorough.

There is no possibility of hiding at all. Fairy

I can’t hold it, and Guwu can’t hold it.

It can be said that if the snow and snow are black, just scream at the moment, Ling Feng will face many heavens and heavens.


Covering the snow and snow, she remained silent at this moment. After a moment, she came back and looked at Ling Feng and said, "Are you alright?"

Didn't ask if it was Xianli? more

Didn't ask you to be a later generation?

Instead, the cloud asked lightly. "Are you alright?"

No questioning, like not knowing what was born before, but this simple sentence, but let Ling Feng shine, more praise for the cover snow. This

It is a very intelligent woman.

I didn’t ask anything, I didn’t say anything, but I knew it. "

Well, thank you! ”

Ling Feng amount, climbed up on the ground, his face filled with a smile, but the rabbit shape is a bit strange and funny. "

You are not a living being on all living stars? Asked Snow Snow. "

No! ""

I understand! ”

Covering Snow and Snow did not ask much, as if speaking is a luxury for her. "

Let me talk about your injury. ”

Ling Feng indulged for a moment and said with a smile. "The encounter is a fate."


Covering the snow and snow, there is a moment of dullness, you can read the meaning of Lingfeng words in an instant, although I don't know what Lingfeng has, but at least hope, otherwise Ling Feng will not ask this question. "

Dantian smashed, the power collapsed, and the road wound penetrated into the bones of the flesh and blood, but there was a ban on heaven, no power to resist, and no realm. "cover

Snow and snow succinctly said, did not explain why she would be so seriously injured.

“What do you say about Gai Tian Zun?” Ling Feng asked. "

It is necessary to use old medicine, and it requires a powerful force to ban the heavens and ban the power, and then use the old **** medicine to nourish the road. "Gold snow and snow are gray, these are simple, but you can't do it."

Do not say that the old **** medicine is rare in the world. on

To say that powerful power, even the cover of Heaven is helpless, it is difficult to expel, to know the level of the demon emperor, its horror is no less than the Tianzun, not to mention the body of the snow snow can not withstand such toss. need

To be gentle and strong. Display

Of course. This

A little cover can not be announced. "

It is really tricky! ”

Ling Feng indulged for a moment, said the amount: "It is hard to find old medicine, and the road injury is more difficult to cure."


Covering the snow and snow, the road is dark, and the hope that has only risen before is disintegrated at this moment. The heart is bitter, and even the grandfather is helpless. How can the gods in the district be able to do it?

Just because he has a heavy treasure in his body?

Just because he is a later generation? "

You don't belong to the nine races of the Yaozu? ”

"Does not belong!""

I am a future generation! Ling Feng said bluntly.

"I know!"

Covering the snow and snow, but some strange look toward Ling Feng, I do not know why he provoked this prohibition and avoidance topic at this moment. "

If you shout now, I will die! ""

No need! ”

Covering the snow and snow, he smiled and said, "Guwu has released the top light rain before the ancient times, and it is more respectable in the battlefield. They hold this starry sky, we should not target them like this, this is not right!"

Whether it is true or false! Ling

The wind said solemnly: "I owe you kindness, willing to save you, and cancel each other, we don't owe each other!"

what? "cover

Snow and snow looked at Ling Feng with astonishment, as if to prove his words.

"Xian Li and the sacred objects of the old gods!"

Ling Feng said seriously. "I want to believe you, even if only once!"

Are you not afraid that we will imprison you? "Gai Xue Xue laughed."

You can't be imprisoned! ”

Ling Feng said with a strong attitude. "Even if you cover the predecessors, you can't!"

At the end, there was a cockroach in Lingfeng’s hand, which flashed in front of the snow and snow. Although he was going to treat the snow and snow, it was only because of his kindness, but he was not an idiot. They wanted to beat his idea. He didn’t mind. The two characters were killed together.

He can't do it, but the gods sent by the sisters of the Oriental Yingyu can do it.

This shackle is very ordinary, but it is a smashing scuttle that was burned by the gods. Once released, Gai Xuan could not live.

"Can you save me?"

Covering the snow and snow is like not paying attention to the general, the Tao is eager to stare at the wind. "

At least won't make you more serious! ”

Ling Feng smiled and took up the handle and said, "I don't know if you would like to give it a try!"

it is good! ”

Gai Xuexue said without hesitation, her injury is deteriorating, the situation is serious, I want to wait until the old **** medicine and the power of the world, I do not know what year and month, but Lingfeng has it here. and

And. she was

I believe that Ling Feng is not aimless. late


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