Supreme Demon

Chapter 1396: Lord of the Lord!

The blood fog has not been exhausted.

The sky is not very bright. in

Between the desolate mountains and rivers, the snow-covered roads are burning, and they are staring at the wind, and fear that he will disappear in the next moment.

If the other person covers the snow and does not believe it, but Ling Feng is to make her full of confidence, just because she has seen a lot of magic in Ling Feng, even the burning of the blade has been published, can make the heavenly palace resonate, such a character What are the strangeness of several kinds of treasures? more

The important thing is that Snow Snow can only believe that she has no choice in the face of life and death.

"Wait, it's not the time!"

Ling Feng flashed, appeared in the arms of the snow, and immediately made the snow and snow body stiff. first

before. she was

Think of Ling Feng as a bunny, so she is in her arms, but now she can hear from the voice of Ling Feng that this is a male god, naturally some avoidance, especially Ling Feng has been lying on her chest, It even makes her blush. she was

I almost want to throw Ling Feng out.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng’s voice rang in her ear. “The predecessor is coming back. For the time being, don’t let him be clueless?”


Gai Xuan is a terrible figure. In order to cover the snow and snow, everything can be done. It can be said that the cover snow snow is still wearing a pair of pants, while Gai Xuan has no leggings. Without the bottom pants, there is no bottom line. Although Ling Feng does not care, but the wind does not care, but He didn't want to waste this trick on these two characters. "

Ok... Ok! ”

Covering the snow and snow, Yu Yan's amount, holding back the impulse to throw Ling Feng out, only to hold the Ling Feng, but the gesture from the previous pity and intimacy, became a little hot.

It is like a hot potato. "

Snow and snow! ”

In a short time, Gai Xuan appeared in the blood mist, and the lightning came to the front of the snow. Now she has no problems, and she is relieved. "

It is a palace, there are many treasures in it, the gods are shining, the rays of the sun are dazzling, it should be related to the heavens before the ancient times, which may be buried with the old medicine! "Gai Xuan said seriously, he had followed up and got a lot of news.

"It used to be a terrible thing in the world. It’s extraordinary."

Said a fascinating face. "If that power is still there, it is not a problem to want to cure you, but unfortunately..."

"Snow snow, I want to ban you!"

Gai Xuan came to the front of the cover snow and said, "As long as there is no old medicine in the palace, I must find it. I need your attention now."

"If not?"

Covered Snow Snow sighed.. "Grandpa, don't take risks, snow and snow!"

Of course.

A woman who is as intelligent as a snow-covered snow can naturally see that the palace is a restricted area. It belongs to the heavenly kingdom. The ancient Wu, the ancient Wuta, and the evil path of the heavens have come out. I want to win the fruit. God knows the future. How crazy the ancient Wushu, at least the rabbit in her arms will be crazy. and

And. square

The shackles that Ling Ling’s rituals are very horrible, the breath is not like the pre-Wang, but in the age of the world, this means that there are still sacred gods in the ancient world, I’m afraid that it is very likely to be flying now, if it is really angry These characters, even if they are covered, must bleed.

In that golden age, the kingdom of heaven dared to claim the starry sky, just the name of the wave?

That is the prestige of the ancient Wu characters! that

It is the glory of suppressing the eternal life! Ren

He dared to pay for the characters of Xiaowu Guwu. The demon statue is very rampant. Before the ages, the Mozu were in front of the kingdom of heaven. I want to record more about the glory of the kingdom in the history of the devil. The family thinks that the annals are too exaggerated and they are not willing to believe it.

"We don't have much time!"

With a sigh, if there is hope, he is not willing to go to heaven. Even if the kingdom has already lost its grandeur, it is a place where people have asked questions of the heavenly level. As long as they have a light, they will be able to beat them.

"Only this one time!"

Gai Xuan worried that it would be discouraged to cover the snow and snow, directly use the power of Tianzun, seal it, and lay a ban on it and the strange door around it. Even Tian Zun wants to tear it is extremely difficult.


Just when Gai Xuan wanted to leave with snow and snow, the blood was bursting in the fog, making people look at them, and even let the cover surprise, and could not help but follow the sound.

The blood fog has become thin, although it has not been exhausted, it does not affect the heavenly characters and creatures. Especially after the Tianzun-level characters leave, some heavenly characters and creatures become less calm. call out

! ten

Several devils are moving forward, following one direction, and their faces have an unspeakable anger. "

Just ahead! ”

Through the blood fog, more than a dozen emperors saw a huge behemoth, one of which had a double-headed head and was extremely eye-catching. The huge body was like a hill, covering the sky.

"Found it!"

The devil emperor angered, staring at the front, murderous.. "Mammick, screaming at the blood fog and seriously hurting me, almost let me kill, your grandfather is going to die with you today!"

Finished. ten

Several demons came forward and rushed to the one. "

It is a devil! ”

At this moment, those hill-like bodies are immediately alert, the eyes are upright, and the faint cold light is said, "I have sneaked on us before, causing several demon emperors to be seriously injured and dying, and there are demon emperors who are desperate to the center of the blood, now Want to assassinate us?"

“Would we be idiots?”

Kill them with them! ”

A demon mad, swooping forward. very

Fast, they will face in the blood mist, the emperors see the double-horned spirit horns, and the demon emperors see the handsome and handsome emperor, immediately mad, his eyes are red.


The emperors held the magic knife directly to the demon emperor, and they were to be hand-bladed.

"kill you!"

The emperors are even more unambiguous, and the Mozu have already bullied them to this extent. What else can be taboo?


An unprecedented showdown, no extra words, no questioning, whether the demon or the emperor believe in their own eyes, and they have reasons for assassination. boom


The blood mist collapsed in an instant, and the terrible scorpion swayed away from the distance. Instead, the other demons, demons, and even the human races and gods, the confrontation between the gods and the gods ended. These emperors and demons are What kind of trouble? Even

What kind of resentment? Want to fight so eagerly?

"what's the situation?"

It’s just that Gai Xuan is somewhat surprised and can’t guess the story behind it. positive

Often, the Mozu and the Yaozu do not need to be so shopping, and in this case. cover

Snow and snow are also in vain. Although she was detained in Qimen and the ban, there are five miles of space to be active and unaffected. can


She is also puzzling, the Mozu and the demon emperor fight a bit embarrassed, completely confusing. suddenly

Of course. she was

When the Tao flashed, I couldn't help but look at the rabbit in my arms. The rabbit had disappeared for a while. At that time, she didn't feel any problem, but it was a big problem.

No one can do it, but the rabbit is different. "

What are you looking at? Ling Feng said with dissatisfaction.

"Why are they fighting at this moment? It seems to be gnashing their teeth." Cover Snow Snow asked unintentionally. "

Probably enough to eat. "Ling Feng said with a smile."

This should be! "cover

Snow and snow, at this moment, it is more certain that this rabbit is playing a ghost, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with it, if she does the same. "

Let's go! ”

There was no delay in the cover, and time was waiting for people. God knows where the palace will appear next time.

next moment.

He disappeared into the mountain river with the snow, snow and rabbits, and appeared in the distance. Then he found a hidden mountain river, buried the snow and snow, and banned it with the law of heaven and the door, which turned away. go with. "

Will there be any danger? "cover

Snow and snow frowning asked.

It is only Ling Feng who can respond to her here.

"do not know!"

Ling Feng sighed and said: "I can't see the heavens before the ages, but he has to dare to break into the palace, I am afraid it is difficult to come back!"

Not bragging, not crazy confidence. Million

When the ancient big man died, the palace will be sent, what is the horrible degree that Tian Zun can marry? "

I want to recover as soon as possible! "Gai Xuexue's body trembled, but still firmly said that she knows that it can't help the cover now, only the quick recovery can stop it."

"Good!" Ling

The amount of wind, he is also afraid of night long dreams, have to find the palace and candle dragon, Tian Qi, evil emperor as soon as possible. Of course

and. on

At this time, Ling Feng was stunned and his body was cold. Through that heavy ban, he sensed different breaths and was coming in this direction. Although he did not fly down, he did not leave. Sit in the sky and hide in a hidden space.


This is not an encounter.

At that time, the blood fog was shocked and covered up. Although Lingfeng was in the distance, it was only a person who could have seen it, but don't ignore another person. magic

the Lord!

Known as the first person of the Mozu after the ancient times, this performance alone is not enough, and there is an amazing IQ.

Others did not notice him, but the Lord?

The ancient Wuta was flying, and the Burning Path was born. Although it penetrated the void and covered with blood and fog, could that light cover the Dominion of the Lord?

Needless to say.

As long as the demon lord notices the wind, it is very difficult to escape the eye of the law. The ancient martial arts tower and the burning blade are flying from him. Is there more proof of his origins than this? Of course

and. magic

The Lord did not take the shot at that time, but quietly followed it. After Gai Xuan left, this was sitting on the void. This is the rhythm of waiting for Lingfeng to come out. Ling

The **** of the wind is cold and cold, and soon understands the intention of the Lord.

The Heavenly Kingdom Palace is a sacred object of its sacredness, but it is very difficult to succeed with the power of the Lord. Therefore, after the disappearance of the Heavenly Kingdom Palace, the Lord of the Lord will stare at him, only because the will of the kingdom of heaven echoes with the wind, only because of the ancient martial arts tower and burning Dao Tianjian disappeared together, only because Ling Feng was still alive, and the National Palace and the two treasures will return to Ling Feng. Session


He can directly blast the wind and easily pick up the fruit. Do not

Needless to say, this is a very sinister policy, making Ling Feng deeply troublesome. late


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