Supreme Demon

Chapter 1397: Feixian Town taboo!

No one is seen!

It makes you feel dangerous. This

It is the devil! he

Like a knife, lying across the void, it will fall down at all times, picking up life and death.

People who are too rigid are often easy to die, and only those who live can live.

Obviously. magic

The Lord is very capable, and his wisdom at this moment makes people feel chilling, and if the devil is big, it is to describe these people.

To know.

Previously, the demon Lord had already known the identity of Lingwu's later generations, but it never appeared. Even the Burning Path was born, and Ling Feng collapsed. He did not show up. It was because his intention was too big, not only to slaughter Ling. This small fish, the wind, must capture the big fish of the Heavenly Palace. and

And. he

With such qualifications, at the top of the emperor, you can ask Tianzun, with the title of the first demon of the ages, I think it is not the other Emperor Wu, the demon emperor can be said, just like the current Ling Feng, although it is only the god, but it can The Emperor Wu contends and does not fall. that

The Lord is afraid of being the equivalent of a god. Ling

The wind thinks more, he dares to appear here, because it brings the shackles of the sacred sacred, as much as bloody. Once the celestial beings can be smashed, what is the more extraordinary lord? only

It’s not good to be beautiful, but I’m afraid it’s a magical treasure. Even the top Tianzun wants to marry him.

It is not too difficult for these people to target him.

"It's really tricky!"

Ling Feng sighed and said that he was a little bit smug before, but at this moment, he is extremely attached to this. This strategy is too sinister. As long as he is slightly careless, the Heavenly Palace and him must become the fish of the devil. Take

His current strength, once confronted with the Lord, is equivalent to a moth.

but. Ling

When the wind is in a crazy moment, I have already thought that there will be a situation at the moment. The Lord is terrible, but it is not easy to kill him. "

A life and death, I really want to know how terrible this character is praised by the Mozu! ”

Ling Feng eyes are burning.

The Magic Blade is the opponent of the future of God, and the Lord is his future opponent. As long as he moves forward step by step, sooner or later he will be on the Lord.

Not much time.

Ling Feng’s eyes were upside down, and a killing sentiment came out. His fairy power could penetrate into the law of heaven, and then he perceived the sky. But because of this, he was more chilling, only because the Lord was not idle. It is the carving of Qimen in the void, a heavy pressure, and no power, but can block this mountain.

Hey! Virtual

In the air, there are waves, and the world’s treasures come to the world. Like the aura, the whole door is ignited in an instant, and the odd gates that are already somewhat messy are connected to form a vast expanse of heaven and a magical light.

but. very

Fast, these strange doors and magic light will be integrated into the void and disappear into people's vision. under

A moment.

The breath of the demon Lord dissipated, and the sense of the gods could not be sensed. Lingfeng could only be captured by Xianli concealed. This is because his immortal force reached the level of Feixian, and it can be integrated into the space, even if it is the top one. It is difficult to contain the power of Feixian, otherwise even Tianzun would like to feel it. Display

Of course.

The demon Lord screamed at him, and did not see the power of Feixian too heavy, thinking that with the help of the world, he could cross the sea. "

I want to escape, I am afraid I will wait until the cover is announced! Ling

The wind gods are cold, the devils will eat them, and the Lingfeng is now a hidden door, not only can deceive the heavens, but also deceive the heavenly palace, has a terrible Tianwei, and specifically restrains the heavenly palace.

"If you want to win the palace of heaven, you have to pay the price!"

Ling Feng said with amazement that the will of the kingdom of heaven cannot be insulted, and that the glory of the human race should not fall into the hands of the Mozu. positive

When the wind blew, the body suddenly sinked and landed directly on the ground. The snow and snow covered the face with a bright red face. "Can you really save me?"

just now.

Gai Xuan left, covered with snow and snow like fish, falling in the hands of Ling Feng, and she did not tell the truth to the cover, which is equivalent to agree with Ling Feng, I believe he will not be against himself. This

It is the trust of covering snow and snow.

"Yes!" Ling

The wind said seriously. "But it takes a little time!"

Ok, I have no problems here! "Gai Xuexue said with some excitement."

You are in a bad state now, the body injury is very serious, and the blood is in the blood, which is not conducive to recovery. Therefore, the top Tianzun herb is taken first to make itself the best. "Ling Feng first looked at the snow and snow for a moment, and then said."

it is good! ”

There was no hesitation in the cover of Snow and Snow. Before the departure of Gai Xuan, many top Tianzun herbs were left. This was used to renew the life, but at the moment she did not hesitate to take it directly. when

When the majestic force spreads out, the cover snow and snow jade appears bleeding color, without the previous pathological pale, ruddy and lovely, the gray eyes also become crystal clear.

and. that

The weeping blood is also contained at this moment, the snow is radiant, the temperament is good, and the flesh and blood tremble in the body, like the sound of the sound in the explosion, the same as the peak of the heavens.

"Relax!" Ling

The amount of wind, looking at the snow and snow, said: "Now you don't want to move, let me control, use Xianli to comb the wounds in your body, dispel the heavens and ban the power."


The cover snow snow Yu Yan is slightly red, but there is no refutation.

call! positive

At this moment, Ling Feng body flew out a sacred light rain, which emerged from the claws of the self. The lightning appeared on the snow and snow, and the jade finger rushed into the body, like a scraping steel knife. Covering the snow and snow, the body trembled, and the pain was very painful. although

However, Xianli is gentle, but in essence it is the yang to the new, not to mention the fact that the power of Feixian is facing the ban and the power of the heavens.

Xianli is extraordinary, but it does not mean that the heavens will be banned and the power will immediately fall apart. As long as there is a smashing, it is a disaster for the snow and snow. but

. this

Engraved, she can only persist in insisting that once the mind is lost, the problem will become tricky.


Xianli is terrible to the extent of jealousy. Previously, Snow Snow did not know how powerful Xianli was. At the moment, there is a more direct understanding. The power of Feixian is like a sharp blade that is cutting wood, although push and progress. Not fast, but let the heavens ban and avoid the power to collapse.

This makes the cover snow and snow surprise. only

Only a moment of effort, the power of Feixian penetrates an arm that covers the snow and snow, and the heavens are forbidden and the force is forced out. On the arm, a gray airflow is formed, which is scattered. and

Rear. fly

The power of the fairy rushed to the body of the snow and snow, part of it forced to the chest, and part of it pressed to the head, and at this time, Ling Feng felt difficult. fly

Although the power of Xian is terrible, but the amount is too rare, far less than the heavens in the snow and snow, the power of the ban, the power to disperse, and finally exhausted. tea

Kung Fu. Ling

The force of the flying fairy in the wind has become gray, and the power of Feixian has been worn out too much, and the impact is great. If he gives up, it is equivalent to the abandonment of the previous work. You must know that this time, there is no more Tianzun herb to recover. physical strength. because


Ling Feng had to make a bang, and he would ban the day and force him to force it out. under

At one moment, he took Tianshen Dan, strong force to maintain the power of Feixian, and the three forces also appeared, together with the cover snow snow body, used to force the power of Feixian did not force the heavens to ban, avoid power.


A whole day of hard work, the power of Feixian is almost forced to cover the snow and snow of Dantian, in which to swim, when the snow and snow are uncomfortable, the abdomen is a sensitive part for women, the power of Feixian belongs to Lingfeng, just like It is Ling Feng’s hand that wanders around her belly and is shameful.


Ling Feng, who focused on conquering the ban on the heavens and avoiding the power, did not notice at all. The whole person was immersed in this power, and the cold sweat on the forehead. Even if he took Tianshen Dan, the power consumption of Feixian was terrible. It is simply unrealistic to recover from the gods. but

He has no better choice.


In the next moment, he used the sacred **** map to burn the sacred shackles to sway, and even opened a corner, let the power of the road emerge, watering in Dantian, and then make up for the consumption of Feixian.

After two hours.

The power of the flying fairy penetrates the abdomen of the snow and snow, and reaches the more sensitive part, so that the snowy sapphire is like a cooked lobster, and the Taoist eye contains the autumn water, and the wet is dripping.

After a while. fly

The power of Xian is going up the snow-covered legs, and the heavens are forbidden and the force is forced to the feet. It can be seen that her legs are colored, gray like poisoning, even numb, no consciousness. Boom

! when

When the force of the flying fairy forced the two feet, the heavens banned and the strength of the resistance was more intense. In the final struggle between life and death, the strong confrontation almost ruined the snow-covered legs and made her scream. . but

. fly

The power of the fairy is like a sharp edge or a horizontal push. It tears two blood holes on the feet of the snow and snow, completely forbidding the heavens and forcing the power. "

Oh! ”

The snow and snow made a comfortable sound. Although the body injury did not recover, but let her control the system for many years, the power was dissipated. It felt like the weight was reduced, and the whole person became relaxed. very



However, before she came back, Ling Feng immediately squatted in front of her and stunned on the spot.

His power of flying fairy is seriously overdrawn, and the three large spaces are dark and almost disappeared. It is for this reason that the heavens in the snow and snow can be banned and the power is removed.

A full two days. Ling

The wind has been sleeping, and in the process, the snow and snow will feed the herb into the Lingfeng mouth, so that its blood will recover quickly, but the effect is minimal.

Two days later, Ling Feng woke up in sorrow, and now he was lying in a soft embrace, and Snow Snow was looking at him with amazement. "

Are you awake? "Gui Xuexue said pretty red."

"Yeah!" Ling

The wind rose, although his face was pale, his physical strength was overdrafted, the power of Feixian and the three major spaces were gray, but this did not affect his actions.

"When I have been practicing for a few days, I will sacrifice the divine power to heal you!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Covering the snow and snow, although she is a bit puzzled, she still accepts it. At this moment, her eyes are firm, and the body’s ban on heaven and the power of the body have been expelled. Is that far from being completely restored?

The cover of the unscrupulous injury, in front of Ling Feng will fall apart, what other doubts she has?

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