Supreme Demon

Chapter 1398: Moving!

eight days! Ling

The wind has been recovering, using the burning of the sacred shackles, uncovering the corner of the Taoist figure, using the power of the road to restore the power of the flying fairy, which is much faster than the **** god Dan. but


It is like this that he still spent a full eight days to recover. this


Lingfeng's blood is strong, the fur is bright, and the gas field is brought to the world. It is like a sharp blade. It bursts out the temperament of this mountain river. The power of Feixian shines, and the soil is forbidden. The chilling Tianwei makes the snow and snow full of horror. She has not seen such a terrible god, it is like a demon.

"Is this the ancient world?"

Gai Xuexue said in his heart that if every ancient Wu is so terrible, there really is no other martial arts figure. only

With Guwu, you can reverse the way!

however. on

Is this ancient Wu still annihilated before the ancient times, how terrible is the battlefield?

"Are you awake?"

Covering the snow and snow, looking at Lingfeng, he said with a smile. "Guwu is indeed a fascinating martial art. It is so **** and rare in the world."

Unfortunately, it still disappeared in the long history. ”

Ling Feng sighs and sighs. Although the ancient martial arts of the ancient times did not give birth to the body and the power, but also at the top, just burning the sky can make the sky respect, who in the world who dare to defeat its edge?

It is conceivable how great the heavens are in the most prosperous period of ancient Wu.


It is these heavens that are still in the battlefield of the world. This is the pain of the stars, and it is the martyrdom of the ancients. Lingfeng and Burning Tianzun are looking for more than just the battlefield, but also defending the ancient glory. .

They were annihilated in the last life! This

I want them to know each other, what is ancient Wu!

This world they want to break this day! "

Don't say this first! Ling

There is no saying in the wind. They are weak and not obvious enough in this world, but they have not yet reached the end of the world. They still have time to wait until the full-fledged wings are full, that is, this piece collapses, and they must open up new days.

of course.

What is tricky at present is the road injury with snow and snow and the threat of the Lord.

"First let your injury recover!" Ling

The wind said that Gai Xuan is not here now. Once the temple of the Heavenly Kingdom appears, at least he needs to cover the snow and snow. A female goddess of the world should not be underestimated.

“How to recover?” asked Snow Snow. "

Powerful resources! Ling

The wind smiled and said. "It may be a bit tragic, but I don't care!"

Finish. he

There is a shackle in the hand, it is the burning of the sacred scorpion, to the flesh and blood of him now, the general squad is really difficult to cause fatal wounds to him, the burning blade is not here, it is excellent to burn the scorpion A sharp weapon can make a blood hole in his flesh and blood. "

What are you doing? "cover

Snow and snow did not panic, if Ling Feng really wants to be bad for her, do not need to wait until now. "

Scythe! ”

Ling Feng is elegant and laughs. Now, the resources that can recover the snow and snow are only too much water, and other resources can't be done.

just. too

A true water is in his soul, even though he is now at the top of the gods, but still can't move too much water, just because the prohibition curbs too much water, and Lingfeng has not yet incited the power of the prohibition, so it can only rely on This way of self-injury.


Without any warning, Ling Feng slashed in his heart, letting the red blood spew out and wet his clothes. "

Ah, you are crazy! "cover

Xue Xueyuyan suddenly trembled and immediately stepped forward to sacrifice a strain of herb. Although it is not a Tianzun level, it is not a problem to contain the injury of Lingfeng.

She did not think that Ling Feng would slash in the heart, which is to save people, it is clearly suicide.

"Don't move!" Ling

The wind is elegant and laughs. "This is the only way to save you, believe me!"

Instead of letting the snow and snow approach, he offered a jade bottle and placed it in front of his heart. He knew that as long as he was seriously injured, too much water would flow out, and then he would force it out.

"You... what jokes are you playing?" Covering the snow and snow, Yu Yan is cold, and does not believe in Ling Feng. "

If there is no resource, we can find another way to commit suicide! "Gai Xuexue said quickly, come forward."

No! Ling

The wind discourages, and the sharp blade in the hand squats on the heart again, causing severe pain in the heart, and the face is even more pale, and the injury is extremely serious. At this time, the Taishui in the sea of ​​souls is so horrified that it is soaring from the sea of ​​the soul, flowing to Ling Wind heart, to nourish its injuries. Of course

and. on

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyes are sinister, one hand is shot on the heart, and the power of the flying fairy appears. He directly detains Taiyi Zhenshui and shoots it out. gold

The shining light shone from the blood hole in the heart and spilled into the jade bottle. ancient

The old material is trembled, there is no medicinal fragrance, but there is a breath that makes the snow and snow cover, as if it is a nine-day wind, as if the celestial beings are coming, every drop of material is like a golden pearl, which is brilliant and beautiful. Containing terrible power, like the sea of ​​sea, it makes people fascinated at a glance. Display

Of course.

This is the most primitive material in the world, no less than chaotic gas, warm and beautiful, can breed all things, recast the body. This

Let the snow and snow cover the movement, can not help but stop, look at Ling Feng, do not know how this rabbit will have these things, is this also the material of heaven? Do not

Do not say.

It’s really a fascinating country. It’s a great pity that you can’t look at it before the ages.

However, Ling Feng is a bit sinister and completely self-injured. puff


It was a knife, and there was a blood hole in the heart of Ling Feng. They were neatly arranged and opened, so that the heart of the snow covered snow was also trembled. The eyes were wet and almost cried. because

Taiyi Zhenshui was detained and beaten. The blood hole was not moisturized, and the injury was further deteriorated. The water was more turbulent, the golden waves sparkled, and the storm was raging, like a violent rain. call

Call... Ling

The wind was gray and white, but in the strong action, the force of the flying fairy was used for detention, and the Taiyi real water was played. each

A knife is a small piece of golden liquid pouring out, but a large piece of blood spewing out, the mountains and rivers around the Lingfeng are wet, no **** breath, but there is a faint aroma floating out, to their level, every drop Blood is the top drug, but these big drugs have no effect on Lingfeng.

and. he

Can't you drink your own blood? very

fast. Ling

The jade bottle in the wind is full, but because the jade bottle is very small, Ling Feng is not enough to rest assured, and even a few knives on the heart, so that the cover snow snow color is eclipsed, the face is also ugly, Ling Feng's every knife Like lying on her heart, let her feel the same, and my heart is even more moved. This

Individuals are willing to die for her! hope

The blood that rushed out, the snow and snow covered the road, and could not help but cry. This

For a moment, she suddenly regretted not throwing the rabbit on the ground. This

For a moment, she wanted to hold the rabbit in her arms.

Ling Feng sacrificed the second jade bottle and collected the Taiyi Zhenshui in the detention. Until the jade bottle was full, he sacrificed the third jade bottle to prevent the Taiyi water from being enough. Then he needed to move the knife. Perfect once and for all, the wound in the snow and snow will be completely cured.

"Rabbit, stop you!"

Snow and snow have already been a tearful person, she was full of tears, and the vibrato said. she was

I really don't want to see Ling Feng so miserable, that is too sharp, Ling Feng's flesh and blood in front of the fragile is white paper, she really can't bear to see Ling Feng like this self-injury.

"Rabbit, these resources are enough, you don't want to hurt yourself!"

Snow and snow choked.


Ling Feng did not stop, but a knife and a knife to the heart into a horse cell, riddled with holes, terrible, people cry.

Until the five small bottles of Taiyi Zhenshui appeared in front of Ling Feng, the golden light was plated with a layer of gold on his pale face, which stopped. this

engraved. he

Cold sweat, the clothes are wet, the red blood is falling along the heart, the gray face and the sly face complement each other, making the cover snow more distressed and more moving, let her know that in this world, in addition to the cover, there is another A creature cares about her like this and is willing to die for her. This

At that time, she immediately smashed the herbs, gently placed them on the chest of the wind, attached to the heart, and sacrificed the top source, let Lingfeng take it. "

No problem! Ling

The wind smiled and said that the water in his body was so plunging that he could recover. But he did not refuse to cover the snow and snow. This is a kind female emperor, at least he did not read the wrong person. very

fast. Ling

The face of the wind has become much better, and the blood has recovered a few points. "

Take it quickly and get back as soon as possible. We are only a little troublesome. Ling Feng said indifferently.


Covering the snow and snow, said, "What happened?"

Previously, I broke the power and let the Mozu notice that it is now flying. ""

understood! ”

The snow covered snowy road suddenly became cold. She used to hear sighs and worries, but now it is different. Resources are in front, she can recover completely, and all can be demonized. "

Do your best, hope you can recover! ”

"Good!" cover

Snow and snow did not hesitate, sitting on the ground, taking the gold liquid in the five vials on the ground, letting the terrible force surge in the body, nourishing her damaged road wounds.

although. this

Engraved, the snow and snow are weak, but after the disappearance of the heavenly taboo, her flesh and body can withstand the power of the water, not like the original Ling Feng. Want

know. that

At that time, Ling Feng was only a mortal. Taiyi really did not break it down. It shows that its potency has been very mild. It is not a problem for the body of snow and snow.呲


The medicinal power of the swell penetrated into the bones of the snow, snow and flesh, and the wounds that could not be healed were actually recovered at this moment, which breeds bleeding and bones. Although it is not fast, it makes the snow and snow shine. This substance It is indeed able to heal her wounds and keep her in good condition.

Time is in a hurry. when

When Ling Feng completely recovered, the skin of the snow and snow had penetrated into the faint gray material, which was the residual force that the Taiyi real water healed and injured.

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