Supreme Demon

Chapter 1399: Empress!

Between the mountains and rivers. cover

Snow and snow plate sitting on the ground, the body is shining with a touch of golden light, flesh and blood are squirming, it is too strong water.

Pushing her dantian little by little, she pushed her eyebrows.

To know. cover

The snow and snow injury is not only flesh and blood, but also the soul. Otherwise, even if she is seriously injured, her soul can still make the heavenly characters tremble. Just like the original charm, even if the body is lost, the soul is still terrible. this

Come. cover

Snow and snow did not hold hope. After all, the soul is not easy to recover. Even the top Tianzun herb is useless. Although Lingfeng’s resources are different, it is a great surprise to be able to restore the flesh and blood. Of course


What she didn't think was that Taiyi Zhenshui was coming to her soul, and the wound on the soul was restored little by little. The previously torn soul was healing a little bit, although the early healing soul was still weak. But as long as she gives her more time, the soul can be as strong as ever. This

What is the power? This

What resources are they? day

Zun herb is **** in the face of such resources. This

Even more so that the snow and snow are touched, these top resources, every drop of value is immeasurable, if it comes out, I am afraid that the gods will be crazy, but Ling Feng will come out like this, no distress, and still lick their own heart, one Thinking of the heart of the riddled hole, her heart is moist. sheet

After the engraving.

Her soul will recover, although it is still very fragile, but as long as she uses Tiangong to recover, she can explode powerful power.


Taiyi Zhenshui flocked to her Dantian, which is the most important part of Wuxiu. It is the most difficult place to recast, but in the face of Taiyi Zhenshui, it is not a problem. Dan Tian, ​​who covered the snow and snow, is recovering quickly, the torn part is healing, and the damaged injury is being erased little by little. Do not


The time for Dantian to recover is indeed a bit longer, and the consumption of too much water is more, but the snow and snow on the face is filled with a smile, she knows that the injury will be healed. Road

The two major difficulties of the soul and Dantian have been overcome. Is there any place where the water is too unrecoverable?

Hey! Two

After an hour, Taiyi Zhenshui pushed through Dantian and made Dantian complete. Although it was not strong enough, it was just because it was just recast. Just like a newborn baby, it looks tender. Correct

For a female emperor, these are not problems. Do not

A lot of time.

Taiyi Zhenshui rushed to the snow-covered legs, dispelling a faint gray airflow, which allowed her flesh and blood in her legs to recover. The wound that caused her to suffer was finally recovered at this moment.

As early as!

Covering the snow and snow, the road was bright, shooting two gods, and became a god, and a female emperor was born again.

of course. cover

Snow and snow have not fully recovered. Dantian is empty and has no power. This is equivalent to returning an martial artist to a mortal. but

. when

Taiyi is really raging and outdated, but it ignites the spirit of covering the snow, flesh and blood, and makes her heavenly power uncontrollable. In an instant, the surrounding breath is insane, like a majestic storm, pouring into the snow and snow. Ding

! One

The cyclone appears.


A light appeared.

In a short period of time, the cover snow snow will step into the Wusheng realm, so that Ling Feng is stunned.


With the help of Taiyi Zhenshui, the body of the snow-covered snow has been qualitatively changed, becoming stronger than before, and the breath of the surrounding area is even stronger, especially on this live star, which is equivalent to the martial arts completely created by the flood of the wild. If you ask the demon emperor, it will be even more unprecedented. This

At one point, the snow and snow can naturally feel and become more exciting. because


call! This

It’s not the violent storm that is whistling, but the violent airflow. The ancient wilderness floods with lightning, so that the snow and snow flesh and blood can be fully recovered, and it can accommodate more power, especially Dantian, which is improved by Taiyi Zhenshui. Her Dantian is broader. It is like a void. Do not

A lot of time. cover

Snow and snow will reach the realm of Wushen, and Dantian has a strong scorpion, very mysterious, glaring at the light, like the ancient **** of the ancient times. Of course

and. This

is not enough. when

More powerful powers are coming in, and there is more light and rain in the snow and snow fields. It is necessary to lift the clouds and lift away the darkness of the surrounding world. It is forbidden to push the snow and snow to the top of the field. Let her ask the true God.

Over the top of the head, all kinds of images are mixed, sometimes real dragons appear, sometimes the gods are scared, and the creatures before the ages appear.

Boom! One

The loud noise, the vision on the top of the snow and snow, has changed qualitatively. Those visions have not dissipated, but they have created an extraordinary space. They spread out in the void, and the dragons and gods are like carvings on them. The momentum is extraordinary. day


This is the fastest person in history to ask the gods. It is only because of the realm before the snow and snow. What is lacking is only power. Do not


After asking the gods, the degree of progress in the snow and snow has slowed down a lot, not so fast, but moving forward little by little, warm and flowing.

Just because.

Covering snow and snow is not only at the level of advancement, but more importantly, it is strengthening the flesh and blood, bones, dantian, and soul. Before, she did not have the strength, but now she reaches the realm of the gods, she has enough strength to do it. .

after all. she was

The airflow that is now swallowed is different. It belongs to the flooding airflow before the ancient times. It has to pass the current star power in strength and quality. She is pushing the new world and is therefore more cautious. whole

Ten days. cover

Snow and snow are immersed in the quenching, so that the tender Dantian becomes as strong as ever, and goes further under the tempering of the ancient ruins. In this process, Taiyi really plays a role in the water, making the snow and snow more bloody. Exuberant, as if a long-standing dragon is daunting. To

At last.

Asked about the snow and snow, the body created a space rule, which did not lead to the sky, but the temperament and strength changed dramatically. God

The holy space was born.

There are various totems engraved around, there is the weather of the Kowloon proud moon, the prestige of the gods and the gods, and the mysterious sky, and the golden water droplets are born in the space, like the real water, but it is the rule. Cast.

A drop of water can be used to tear a piece of void. Million

Dropping it down is a heavenly storm. and

And. in

The water drops also show a variety of totems, faintly light moonlight, seemingly elegant and mysterious, unpredictable, not to mention Ling Feng, that is, the female emperor himself is surprised. only


This kind of martial art is unprecedented, not her previous words and rules, but Wei Li is even more terrible, as if one eye can kill Wu Di.

This is the end. too

A true water completely dissipated and merged into the female emperor, but the female emperor did not open her eyes. Her road was still moving forward, and the flooded air was still surging. To push her road to the top, the powerful momentum has already been Lingfeng. Pushing into the distance, with the cover of snow and snow as the center, it became a ban within three miles.

Obviously. This

Only the snow and snow are deliberately suppressed, otherwise the first thing to be unlucky is the Lingfeng, but it is like this, there is also a three-in-one forbidden, showing how terrible the road covering the snow and snow at this moment.

She still can't control it completely!

A few days later.

The momentum on the snow and snow has disappeared, and it has become light and dusty. His face is full of ecstasy, even the female emperor can't stop it.

"Thank you!" She

Getting up and heading for Ling Feng, this is a great affection.

Letting a female emperor regenerate is equivalent to giving a second life. Is it a secret and a kind of kindness that is comparable?

before. Ling

The wind owes her a favor, but now she owes Lingfeng.

"It’s just a little effort!" Ling

The wind said nothing. can

Covering Snow and Snow does not think that whoever raises his hand will have to lick his own dozens of knives? Who is okay to play self-injury? brain

Does the child have a pit? "

I owe you a big favor! "Gai Xuexue said solemnly."

The female emperor is too serious! ”

Ling Feng waved very casually, saying that he didn't care, but his face was laughing, he couldn't care, but you really don't care, then he cares! and

And. Ling

The wind likes this kind of grateful person!

"When I completely recover, I will be able to demon!"

There is not much to say about Snow Snow, otherwise it seems that he is too casual, and he does not say thank you. She knows what she should do. Say


She did not wait for the wind to respond, she closed her eyes and further tempered herself. Just because she had just asked for success before, this kind of road is not perfect enough, she needs further tempering, and she has not fully controlled this kind of road. It takes time. To study. Ling

The wind opened his mouth and finally did not open.

At this moment, the cover snow snow does show the grace of the goddess of the world, but Ling Feng thinks that she is not enough, to deal with the devil to get the world. Want

Do not do it, or you must kill the Thunder!

The Lord of the Lord can dominate the Mozu, and the tempering at the level of the Emperor can be seen. Even if the characters such as the Leaf Witch and the Candle Dragon are asking, they may not be the opponents of the Lord, and it is necessary to look at the problem in his realm. It seems very thorough, and there is no big space to be born. It is almost impossible to compare the Lord. and


Because of the emergence of the demon Lord, Ling Feng also felt strong pressure and wanted to ask as soon as possible.

next moment. he

I also sat down and calmly understood the three martial arts. I wanted to study thoroughly and find the rules of that road and integrate them into the space. Time

It seems to stop. This

Between the mountains and rivers, only the Lingfeng and the cover snow and snow will occasionally flash light and rain. The difference is that the gas field on the snow and snow is getting stronger and stronger, while the Lingfeng is still moving, the light rain on the body is getting darker and darker. Finally it even goes out.

"It's still not right!"

Ling Feng sighed, during this time, he has been trying to blend the three martial arts, trying to create a confined space, but the three martial arts will be unimaginable once they are touched, even if the power of Feixian can not live. If he is forced to merge, he will only collapse the flesh and blood directly, which will lead to more terrible killing. Of course


If he does not integrate the three martial arts, how can he ask? three

Asked about the martial arts?

It has never been born in the past, and once the punishment is given, it is only more dangerous than the integration of the three martial arts. Yesterday

Late night and night to two o'clock, but still can not unlock the computer, the lock is a bit more, I am sorry, updated today at noon. wish

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, reunion!

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