Supreme Demon

Chapter 1401: The devil is the world!

Between the mountains and rivers.

Ling Feng Pan sat on the ground, his face filled with a smile, extremely magnificent. Road

The problem is solved, and the three major spaces cannot be blended. Then take a step that is even more unpredictable. Who can say that the three spaces cannot be asked at the same time?

If it was before.

He will hesitate, but not now. Enlightenment

There are many Taoist trees in hand, and there are many in Xingquan. He can ask, but in a short period of time, he feels three kinds of roads, and then asks for success. Others can't do it, he may not be able to do it. not

Undoubtedly. Now

The Lingfeng in the wind has completely escaped from the ancient martial arts category. His path is on the way, the early stage is similar to the ancient Wu, and in the later stage it is completely different. Take

Waiting for the road. Do not

Just by the way, you can go all the way, all-inclusive, even if it is a magic road is one of them, this is the same as heaven. Yu

The universe is full of people, and it is a variety of ways.

It is the universe that is born by the way, not the universe, but the human universe. It should be able to accommodate the universe and the whole universe. This is the way of the wind. This

A moment. Ling

The wind and the gods are completely clear, releasing an infinite endless aura that shines with immortality.


When he woke up, the gods touched a pretty jade, and the horror and incomprehension in the beautiful eyes were completely in the eyes.

"What is this?" asked Snow Snow to return to God. "

My way! ”

Ling Feng grinned and laughed. He didn't explain too much. It was too different to be practical. I really want to say it, I am afraid I will be shocked to the female emperor in front of me. "

Have you recovered? Ling

The wind smiled and asked. "Is the body wound completely healed?"


Snow and snow are excited and said, "I am fully recovered, the internal injuries are completely healed, and further."

That's good! Ling

The amount of wind, if he paid so much, has not completely restored the cover snow, it is really wonderful.

then. he

Looking at the void, the power of Feixian gushes out and blends into the space, sensing the terrible door on Tianyu, with a touch of smile on his face, the snow and snow are not weak, and he can play the debut, and the cover If you come back, it is not a problem to face the Lord.

"Is there trouble?"

Snow and snow are heavy and keenly aware of the difference.

"Well, a little!" Ling

The power of the wind flying fairy is exhausted, looking into the distance, his face becomes cold and cold. He said, "It is not a troublesome problem, but a tricky one."

"What characters can make you feel tricky?" Covered Xue Xue played with a smile.

"Magic Lord!"

"Magic Lord? A demon statue?" Covered snow and snow face heavy, with Ling Feng's current strength and ability, can make him jealous only fear of the world. "

No! Ling

The wind sighed and said. "He is a demon!"

Only the devil of the district, you still need to be so jealous? "Gai Xuexue laughed. If she had been jealous of a few points before, but now there is no need to be jealous. With her further strength, it is not a problem to suppress a demon."

He is not an ordinary devil! ”

Ling Feng said quietly.. "The first magic of the ages!"

The first magic of the ancients? "cover

Snow and snow frown, this title is too domineering, who dares to call it like this? magic

The family is not weak in these years. Although it is not as good as the human race before the ancient times, it is also a prosperous world that can not be underestimated in the world, and can be the leader in this prosperous world. This devil is different.

“It’s amazing?”

"It's not necessarily capable of describing him!"

Ling Feng said seriously: "When the ancient road was in the way, there were eight of his Majesty, and two of them asked for success, and the power was extraordinary, which made us very difficult." Ling

The wind solemnly opened up, and the things that will be born in Xinggu Dao will come out one by one, especially about the virtual shadow of the demon, and the shadow of the heavenly Taoist characters, and across the billions of stars, the tyrannical gesture makes people panic.

not to mention. magic

The Lord is the first demon of the Mozu after the ancient times, and is protected by the demon's creatures. Therefore, it appears in the stars at this moment. It is absolutely not to be underestimated. It not only brings terrible treasures, but also brings Qimen to suppress them and win the treasures of heaven. "

Do you suspect that he is going to target my grandfather? "cover

Snow and snow heard the meaning of Lingfeng's words, and the heart was trembled. A demon emperor had to kill the gods. Is this a bear heart leopard?

If not, then there is full confidence.

I have to say that the face of the snow and snow has become serious. If it is as Ling Feng said, then this demon Lord can't wait, at least not because of their current strength.

"what should we do?"

Covering the snow and frowning, I don’t know what to do for a while. "

The first notice covers the predecessors, although the second demon is not weak, but it is not invincible! ”

Ling Feng said coldly. "It is not easy to deal with us. He relies on Qimen and Tianzun to treasure, and even Tianzun is in vain. As long as it is suppressed, the demon Lord is not enough to see in front of the world."

“Dangerous?” asked Snow Snow.

"Are you worried about me, or are you worried about your grandfather?" Ling Feng asked.

The snow and snow are pretty and bright, almost bleeding, biting the teeth, no openings. "

I want to know how terrible the Lord is! ”

"it is good!"

Covering the snow and snow, offering a Tianjing, in front of the Lingfeng pinch, she could have branded the power in it, and then notified the cover, but this did not pinch the Tianjing more direct, only because of the pinch Jing is equivalent to the notice that she is now in danger. "

Wait and wait! ”

Lingfeng sat down and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, the predecessor of Gai Xuan appeared, he may not appear, I think I will feel like I can cross the sea. This is a chance for us."

Ok! ""

However, we must not let the predecessors of the predecessors break into this place. The demon lord suppresses the sky in the sky. Once the predecessors of the squad are in the gate, we will be much passive. ""

However, how do we tear this day? ”

Covering the snow and frowning, the headache is endless. I knew that I would not pinch the Tianjing and inform me more.

"Nothing!" Ling

The wind said with a smile. "At that time, I will take you through the heavens."

"How are you?"


Time is rushing, three days in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyes suddenly stood up, and a chilling smell sprang from his body, carrying the world's light rain.


He looked to Gai Xuexue and said: "We have to take out this strange door immediately, so that the devil can't respond, and it will be more beneficial to us."

"Good!" cover

Snow and snow, followed by Ling Feng.


At this moment, the strength of Ling Feng is fully occupied, and one heavy and heavy forward, the three major spaces cast extraordinary soil, the force of Feixian casts the snow tree, and the Lingfeng and the snow cover are carried in it, flying to Tianzunqimen, which makes Covering the snow and frowning, I feel that Lingfeng is too crazy, so is it like to look for death? Of course

and. Let

The exclamation of things, when the forbidden soil is close to the Tianzunqi door, the snow trees shine, spray a thin stream of light, cover the entire forbidden soil, and then it is integrated into the Tianzunqi door, little by little forward Advance, although not fast, but imagined powerful.

To know.

There are two kinds of powers in rules and rules in Tianzunqimen, but Xianli is not affected. It can disintegrate rules and rules, even if the distorted time and space are also in front of Xianli.

This is where the wind is so powerful. Do not

Over. miss you

It is not easy to get through the heavenly gate, it is very expensive, but it is the best way to deal with the Lord.

For a full hour, Ling Feng and Gai Xuexue only passed through Tianzunqimen and appeared in the distance. positive

At this moment, a stream of light flew from afar, the lightning was close to the snow, the old face was covered with frost and cold light, and in the moment when the sky crystal burst, the cover heart was trembled and flew back as quickly as possible. To find the snow and snow as soon as possible, and not long ago, he actually felt the waves of Tianzunqimen, although not big, but made the cover Xuanxin more tremble.


After sensing the snow and snow, he immediately flew and approached. "

Snow and snow! "cover

Xuan’s body was shocked and lightning struck, and it was necessary to contain the forbidden soil. "

Grandpa stops! ”

Covered the snow and screamed, reminding the cover.哗


Gai Xuan flew down from the sky and appeared in front of the snow and the wind. Here he did not have the breath of other characters, and he felt that the smell of the snow and snow was strange, too strong, like a return to the light. general. "

Snow and snow, are you okay? ”

Gai Xuan stepped forward and looked around in vigilance, fearing that other characters would ambush.


Snow and snow are full of excitement, but at the moment it is contained, cautiously and earnestly said. "However, the situation is not optimistic. There is a character who wants to target us. It is currently in the void, hidden in it, holding the heavenly gate, belonging to the extraordinary emperor.""

The district emperor also dared to hit our idea? "cover

Xuan Lengxi said that he would fly to the void, but he was stopped by the snow and snow. He said, "The first demon in the ancient times, grandfather must be careful, we suspect that he brings the heavenly treasure to the treasure, and even the devil is worthy."

No problem, the pressure is! "cover

Xuan proudly said that with his current strength, even the demon sacred body of the world is not enough to see in front of him, unless the real body appears. under

A moment.

He rushed directly to the void, and the power burst, like a flash of lightning that slammed into the distance.

However, he did not feel the magical breath in this void, and did not distinguish the difference between the "we" in the snow and snow, and he did not pay attention to the smell of snow and snow, otherwise it would be different. .


Ling Feng shouted, he did not want to cover the entrance to the Qimen, the impact is great. can

The cover was announced more quickly, the lightning hit the Scorpio, a punch would come out, Wei Li was shocked, and a crack was made, and the space was annihilated on the spot. Of course


At that time, a demon emperor appeared, pointing his finger and showing a bright light in his hand. He suppressed it and suppressed it for nine days. The power of the top Tianzun exploded at this moment. On the spot, the cover will be shattered, and then shrouded, banned the sky, killing nine secluded.

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