Supreme Demon

Chapter 1402: Afterlife is awesome!

Fengshen is like jade.

Naturally! This

It is a magician with excellent looks and temperament. The sharp eyes seem to see through the world. The momentum of the body is even more swaying, and people feel tremble. magic

the Lord. This

The characters who once stunned the entire Mozu appeared, carrying the wind and rain, flying down from the void, and Wei Li slammed the sky into a heavy swell. The gates of the singularity fell from the sky and smashed the shackles. More open the law of the gods, strong and falling, the situation is like a broken bamboo. Boom

! sink

The screaming loud noise slammed the mountain river, causing the cover arm to tremble and could not help but fall from the sky. One

The old Qimen of the seat reveals the top smuggling of Tianwei, just like a Gestaph descendant, the lightning is knocked down, and the cover is shrouded in it. Then, there is a law sword in the singular door. It’s frightening to kill it. "

open! "cover

The preaching of the road was cold and swaying forward. It hit a two-handed sword with a fist and felt the magic of the sword in the sword. His face gradually cooled down and became more dignified. Display

Of course.

The power of the law made him scared, not belonging to the devil, but belonging to the demon world. when

Thousands of tactics of the sword when the sword fell from the sky, the cover announced, from here you can see the love and attention of the Mozu to the Lord. boom

Long! cover

The propaganda forwards, the strength is like the tide of the mountains and the sea, the surging out, the reddish rule of law, one heavy hit, the confrontation with the devil, the world of the roar, the mountain collapses. choke


In a short time, there was a shackle in the hands of Gai Xuan, like a whip, a lightning bolt, and shot down on two swords. On the spot, the sword fell apart, the law spread and opened, and then the shackles fell back and carried. With multiple wind and rain, the multi-handed sword will be broken.


This is a tens of thousands of swords, that is, Gai Xuan feels strenuous and scalp troubles.


The demon Lord stood up in the air, his face was calm, his power was inexhaustible, and thousands of swords fell together. In one direction, the power suddenly fell, to a rather terrifying degree. thorn


At this time, the town of Xuandu could not live in the situation. A shackled town couldn’t hold so many swords. After the swords that collapsed dozens of rules, he was also injured. First, his arm was bruised, and then his chest and back were injured. A hole was drawn, and the blood of the red blood poured out from the body, igniting the mountain river. "

punish! "magic

The Lord was cold and open, and he lifted it out of his hand. The thousands of swords flew down together, and the cover was declared as a sprinkle.


Gai Xuan’s face was colder, bursting with a bang, and the shackles in his hands disappeared, but the power on his body was sprayed thinly. When a light rain appeared, he flew out from him, and the sky was full of lightning, and the red was like blood. Gai Xuan was born and hit the sky.

Scorpio lightning! This

It is the way of the cover! more

It is his law! boom

, oh, bang...

The entire sky seemed to be pierced. In nine days, a hole was drawn. The space debris covered the whole sky. The cover was cold and cold, and it could not help but go backwards. His face was covered with blood, and the blood of the red was slowly coming out. although

However, he did his best, but the tens of thousands of rules and swords could not be underestimated. He was trapped in Qimen, had great influence, and was injured with a contemptuous attitude. "

It’s a bit interesting, but I can see through it, but what about Tianzun? "magic

The Lord said in an elegant manner, he did not even put a gai Shi Tian Zun in his eyes. The more the Taoist eyes were on Ling Feng, and the cover was announced to him, but why didn’t he have a small wind?

The concealed Tianzunqimen actually let this person see through, and the later generations of Guwu are really different.

But what about it? he

Do you care? "

Can't be how, but can kill you! ”

Gai Xuan responded coldly, and the Taoist scorpion shot a strange light, and the lightning flashed open to the Lord. "

This level of power can't hurt me, here is my odd door! "magic

The Lord disdained the heavenly deity, and between the fingers, thousands of laws and swords were shot and killed. The power was violent, and it was the smoldering of the lightning bolt that day, and let the cover scream. "

Pay attention to it, otherwise you will suffer! "magic

The Lord said seriously to the cover, as if he was persuading, and more was contempt, as if he was dissatisfied with this kind of suppression and there was no sense of accomplishment. "


Xuan’s face is speechless. Is this really a demon? thing

In fact. cover

Snow and snow are also a look of ignorance and incredible, until this time she understands why Ling Feng chose to let the cover come back. If they are both powerful, now they are afraid of the fish in the hands of the devil?

Even the worldly gods are wounded, and the power of the law is suppressed. In that strange door, Gai Xuan is quickly becoming a fish.

Such a demon is really scary!

"Then let you appreciate it, the real road to heaven!"

The anger is unstoppable, the strength is reawakened, the shackles in the hands are ignited by the lightning of the sky, and the sound of the screaming sounds, and the law of space appears in it, carrying a huge number of heavy hits. And

The law of space casts an extraordinary virtual sky and is flattened. thorn


Tianwei is awe-inspiring and hits the Nine Heavens. The strange door becomes unstable and violently screams. Thousands of swords are smashed at this moment, broken by the students, and the shackles are directed at the Lord. To kill it. bass

! magic

The Lord is extraordinary, and the sharp arrow in his hand appears on the curved bow and suddenly shoots out.

A sword is coming through.

As if to jump off the magical hands of the Three Realms, banned from coming to Gai Xuan, before Ge Xuan had not responded, he shot his body through an arrow, causing him to be injured, and a blood hole was cracked on the back of his hand. what

Its horror? One

The support of the arrow has been made to cover the world, and the demon Lord Tianwei is visible. Of course

and. cover

Xuan holds the shackles forward to meet, the lightning breaks the sharp arrow, and kills the magic master, the power is quite horrible, and in it is also banned the rules of the door, to seal the magic master to his strange door Kill in the middle. but


At this moment, the Lord of the Lord smiled and slammed out, and the surrounding gates flew out, suppressing him in front of him, confronting the rules of the cover, and making a fierce explosion. cover

The slogan was defeated by the collapse, and there was no seal of the Lord. "

town! ”

The Lord of the Lord opened the door, and all the strange doors were suppressed by all sides, and they were pressed against the cover. Every step, the pressure on the cover will be ten times heavier. It is equivalent to facing the heavenly face in all directions, so that he feels suffocated and how many Can Tian Zun be able to create such a strange door?

If Lingfeng and cover snow are in this strange door, I am afraid that it will be crushed into **** in an instant.


Covering Xuansheng slammed forward, the lightning of the sky blew, the hole opened nine days, and carrying the nine heavens to suppress, tearing the entire sky, the first singular door.

Bang. Card

rub! First

A strange door missed, and was broken by the lightning of the sky, and it collapsed, but the Qimen behind it came one after another, and the power was stronger.


Gai Xuanqiang pressed the Qiankun, like a showdown, and broke the second Qimen, but he was also vomiting blood, only because the third and fourth heavy doors were suppressed by lightning, tearing his flesh and blood. I don’t want to be born. This

not enough!

The fifth and sixth heavy doors are still being suppressed, crushing the lightning of the sky and letting the cover spit out more.

"Mountain River Map!"

Yu, the cover used to use the real grid, a map of the gods unfolded, magnified in the void, suppressed nine days and ten places, a mountain river appeared at the foot of Gai Xuan, curbed the fifth and sixth heavy gates, and burst out of the mountain river Tianwei It is necessary to disintegrate the odd gates here. "

Magic Road Map! ”

The demon Lord smiled and spoke, and a magical treasure map appeared. It was not a mountain or river, but a statue of the Holy Spirit, which opened its eyes and hit the mountain river.

Bang. more

The violent Tianwei burst open, and the mountain river map of Gai Xuan became gray in a short time, his arm trembled, and he looked at the demon Lord and felt incredible. The powerful emperor was so confused that he said that he should be seriously injured. Such a magician appeared, how can Wudi and the demon emperor live? people

What we often see is the treasures and strange doors brought by the devil, but often ignores a fact.

That is the control of the tyrannical tyrannical master. Without such strength, can you really squander it to Bao Tianwei? which is

I borrowed the power of Qimen and how much does it cost to do this? But the Lord of the Lord talked and laughed, but he did not take it seriously.

At least, Ling Feng felt that the candle dragon, Tian Qi, and the evil emperor could not do it at all. "

Afterlife is awesome! "cover

Xuan sighed in the heart, the demon Lord is terrible, even if the snow and snow returned to its heyday, facing the demon Lord will be bloody. difference

The distance is too big!

What is more serious is that he is now subject to Qimen. If he can't jump out, he will continue to be passive.

"Mountain River Map Open!" Cover

Xuan said boringly, open his arms and slowly unfold the mountain river map, the five mountains torn from it, flying five hills from it, although the head is small, but the power is more extraordinary, forbidden to fall down, let the magic road map The power is disintegrating, and it is also inciting the strange door.

"A sword is enough?"

The Lord smiled lightly, and did not put the mountain river map in his eyes. He raised his hand as a sword and penetrated through the sky. The sword appeared in Qimen, so the door was carried with a sword. The sword appeared on the magic road map, so the magic road map was integrated into the sword. One

Jian Tianwei!

A sword is unimpeded!

Between the fingers, it creates a vast storm, this is the Lord!


Gai Xuan’s face was distorted. He was blown back by the sword, and his arm was torn apart. There was a big hole in the chest. The temperament and strength of the whole person were almost broken, and the blood spit out was fireworks. , ignited in the void.

Seriously injured!

It is simply unimaginable.

A Tangshi Tianzun was actually injured by a demon emperor. Even if the Shanhe map and the Tianzhu lightning come out, the town can’t live without it. Who is the letter?


The snow and snow are eclipsed, and the situation is so serious that the cover that is trapped in it is too much to suffer and is subject to change. If it continues, she is really worried that the cover will be killed, but now it is only the cover. what.

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