Supreme Demon

Chapter 1403: Devil!

In front of Qimen. cover

Snow and snow looked sad and extremely heavy. At this time, the demon Lord was terrible. Gai Xuan was too passive in it. If he was inadvertently killed, he would not be able to open the door. He could only hope for Ling Feng. "

Snow and snow go! "cover

Xuanxan said, did not return. Take

His strength is deficient, and if the snow and snow are touched, I am afraid that the devil will be destroyed.


Covering the snow and snow, but did not hear the general, turned to Ling Feng, I hope he can shoot at this time, tearing the seat of the odd door, but it is the sigh of Ling Feng. "

Still not! Ling

The wind solemnly said: "If the predecessors of the Qing Dynasty can't live in the situation, we will only get rid of the smoke at this moment!"

Can..." cover

Snow snow is eclipsed, ugly to the extent of gray, she does not know? She was seriously injured and she was in a hurry. "

Don't worry, the predecessors are not as fragile as you think! Ling Feng comforted. "Wait, it is not easy for the devil to win. As long as the predecessor of the predecessor pulls out the strange door, the power is not controlled, and the situation is not so bad." "cover

Snow and snow did not boo, although she knew that Ling Feng was correct, but she was still worried. positive

As Ling Feng said, Gai Xuan did not do his best, still hiding power. this


Gai Xuan finally burst into flames, and there was a flag on the outside, which created a terrible light rain. The lightning of Tianzhu flew down and pulled the mountains and rivers, while the mountain river map flew into it, igniting the flag and igniting the lightning of the sky. under

A moment. cover

Xuanfei was on the emptiness, and the eyebrows and body blasted a ray of lightning and became more flamboyant. It was like a blood cast, carrying a heavier and extraordinary power, and suddenly fell down.


Gai Xuan opened his mouth and shouted, and a sword appeared in his hand, and it was inserted into the sky.

When power is intertwined, when the road is resonating!

When the sword is carried with the law of Yin Hong, when the virtual sky is full of flags. One

The stocks rushed into the sky, as if they were thundering, and they were playing on the singular gates, and they were hit by the sword that the lord of the lord was urging. The violent force hit the thirty-three heavens on the spot, directly leading to the lord’s urging. The sword lost its light and caused the two odd doors to collapse. Card

rub! boom


Gai Xuan's momentum is unimpeded, striding forward, and Scorpio Lightning shows its violent qualities at this moment, smashing thousands of roads and pushing it forward one by one. This

A moment. magic

The Lord is vomiting blood. He does not really have the law of heaven, but borrows it. Although this is already terrible, he is facing a true worldly deity. The dedication to the law is not comparable to him. Up, this borrowed magical law naturally disintegrates, not an opponent. "

At the level of the Emperor, you are the best person I have ever seen, but the Emperor is the Emperor, you are not enough! "cover

Xuan cold said: "Want to hit our idea, you are too young!"

Finished. he

The shackles appeared in the hands, and the lightning slammed out. The strength climbed up one by one. Until the Qimen swayed, it crashed down and collapsed the world. magic

The Lord fell back and his face was ugly. although

However, it is still the same killing, but the power is different, the whole is different, the ending is more different, and he is not a cover, it is impossible to borrow more in a short time, it takes a little time, and Gai Xuan is seeing this, fundamentally There was no time to borrow him, and there was no room for a strong bombing.

boom! magic

The Lord was injured, and his body was photographed with a palm. The skin was fleshy and the blood was pouring out, and his clothes were wet. Connect

With. cover

The strong propaganda forward, one punch and one punch hit the demon Lord. At the same time, the sword and the shackles were directed at the strange door, bursting out fierce battles, the scene was once out of control, the sky was broken, the ghosts were crying. when

! magic

There was a bronze gold in front of the main body, like a polished plate. It actually blocked the boxing of the propaganda, but it surprised the cover.嗡

! suddenly

However, the plate light, bursting out of the bronze light, shining through the ages, faint and falling, wherever it passes, the space becomes a shackle, the heavens and the earth become rain, annihilating all power, that is, the law of heaven is cracking at this moment, terrible to the extreme Let the cover public eclipse.

"Ask the day to the treasure!"

The cover was swallowed up and the face was even more tragic.

How rare are the figures in this world? There is no one at all. but

Before the end of the ages, there was such a character. There should be one in the kingdom of heaven. There should be one in the demon. What weapons did they use in the first place?


The magic master should hold the treasure of the original magic figure, although not in the hands of the heavenly level figures, but the power in the hands of the devil is not weak, not to mention the fact that this bronze gold was born with wisdom, and once the power When it falls, it is Tianzun who is going to tremble.

"The ancient times are faint, the devil is coming, and all the beings are down!"

The devil's treasure is solemn and discouraged, holding the plate to suppress the audience.


When the plate in the hands of the demon is light, the sky is trembled, and suddenly it falls down like a holy sun, piercing a heavy space, destroying the power of the law, letting the cover fly backwards, the face is ugly, not afraid Touching, God knows how terrible the power of the plate is.

"Nine secluded disk!" cover

Xuan said with a heavy face. "

It is! ”

"What is the relationship between Mojiu and You?" asked Gai Xuan. "

Family ancestors! ”

The devil said with a smile. to

Yes, the cover of Xuan mouth is straight, knowing that the scorpion is on the scorpion, the descendants of the devil's nine secluded, the origin of the lord also appears at this moment, that is the descendants of the eternal gods who asked the gods before the ages, even the nine secluded discs brought What else is he unable to do?

For such a magical figure, the cover and heart are sinking. "

Then look at the ancient times, this nine secluded discs can also wave out what kind of light! "cover

Xuan step forward, the strength of the body is even more shocking, and a light flying overhead, is actually a star. release

The top light and heat are released, and the hot light and the power are intertwined, which makes people can't see clearly, but there is no doubt that it is a holy sun, which was taken from the gray starry sky by Gai Xuan. that

The holy sun is zooming in, and the lightning strikes the Lord.

The light of the sun shines against the world. And

The mountain river map rushes to the front at this moment, intertwined with the holy sun, and smashes out more powerful forces, and fights together to the nine secluded magic disk. "

collapse! "magic

The master proud of the sky, with the nine secluded magic disk suppressed, banned from the sacred sun, bursting more light rain and roar, the space is heavy and collapsed, not enough to see, even the space on all the stars And the sun and the rain are all gray, and the burning material is blown down, and the mountains and rivers of all the stars are pierced through the holes.

The terrible power directly collapsed the two odd doors.

Bang! under

At the moment, the light of the nine secluded discs hit the distance, and a hole was pierced through the remaining qimen. That is, Gai Xuan was suffering at this moment, his body was pierced, there was no blood of the red, only the moving magic light. but


Gai Xuan did not hesitate, the lightning flew down, penetrated the hole, and flew out of the odd door.


He spurted blood, no red, only dark blood.

The nine secluded discs are really powerful. There are not only power but also magical material. When they enter the cover, they are engulfing the blood and strength of the cover, which makes him more injured. Do not

Over. he

However, flying out of the Magic Dodge range, you can swing more powerful power, not subject to the Magic Dodge. "

It’s really awesome! "cover

Xuan wiped off the corner of the magic blood, the law of the body boiling, point the gas blood, the magic material is forced out of the body, the face is heavy and appreciate the demon Lord, such characters are invincible in the stars.

To know.

Not everyone can play the nine secluded magic disk Tianwei, the power needed to consume too much, one accidentally was killed by the magic disk. but

. magic

The Lord is not affected, and the power seems inexhaustible, which makes Gai Xuan feel trembled. and


This is the second time he has said the words "after fear and fear", which shows that Gai Xuan attaches importance to and appreciates the Lord. "

I won the prize, but I only got the ancestral fur! ”

The devil's proud smile, step by step, did not ugly because of the cover of the escape from the strange door space, holding the nine secluded disk, he despised any character. "

But now is different from the previous! "cover

Xuan Leng coldly sees the Lord of the Lord. He not only appreciates, but also wants to be the Lord of the Lord. If such a character is an enemy, he must not let him live. Otherwise, he will endlessly suffer. If the Lord asks for success, this star does not know. How many Tianzun to die?

thus. cover

Declare that when the devil's wings are not full enough, kill them. "

Then come on! "The Lord of the Lord smiled lightly.


Gai Xuan is not hiding the heart of the killing, the head of the holy bang burst out, the mountain river map and the shackles, swords and so on together, cut a mountain, sway the seat of the odd door, and then fully face the top of the magic master The phantom disk.


As if Tianyu was pierced, the light rain and the rain like a waterfall, the snow and the snow were shocked, and the explosion was 30 miles. cover

The retreat turned back, his face suddenly grayed out, blood was like rain, and there was a clear gray on his forehead. The injury in the body deteriorated. Even the magic material was not forced out of the body. At this moment, it directly affected his power.

boom! he

Fly back and back, knees soft, almost fell to the ground.

The Lord of the Devil is also not good. Although the Nine Secrets are excellent, but they want to keep the situation, he pays more and consumes a lot of power. Previously, he used the power of the door to borrow the usage force, but now the door is damaged. He can borrow far less than before, and his own power is seriously damaged. in

In the process of colliding with the mountain river map, the shackles, and the sword, he was also flying backwards, but he was not as embarrassed as the cover.

"Magic!" cover

The face is dark and sighing, and the nine secluded discs are rarely available, so people ignore another horrible feature, and that is the devil! only

To be hit by its power, it will swallow its blood and strength, corrode the will, it is difficult to force out of the body, even if the characters like Gai Xuan need time, but now the Lord will give him time?

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