Supreme Demon

Chapter 1404: Identity leaks!


This is a very difficult problem.

Especially born in Gai Xuan, a Ge Shitian respects the wound, and the snow and the wind are the fish in the hands of the devil.


Gai Xuan also has this problem, his face is even more ugly, he is doing his best, bursting out the glare, quickly pushing out the body of the magic material, and recovering himself as soon as possible, and he is taking Tianzun herb to heal the wound, otherwise it is right. This metamorphosis demon, he is really afraid of bad luck.


The Lord did not give him time to recover, the lightning was killed, and the force was slammed down, especially the nine secluded discs in his hands, carrying the light rain that worn through the ages, and hit the cover.


The cover sighed and knew that it was a desperate moment, so he did his best and used the mountain river map and the shackles to fully meet.


Gai Xuan sighed and screamed, and the dark matter in the body was further made, so that his strength was damaged. He did not wave the mountain river map to the extreme, so he was injured and fell backwards.


The cover can not be underestimated. He has a clear air on his head and carries the chaotic power. He meets the nine secluded discs and suppresses the whole audience with the power of the world. In the roar, the nine secluded discs are blocked, while the holy yang is Pressing on the Lord of the Lord, reversing his life, the power is quickly disintegrated, and he was almost scrapped.


The power of chaos appears in the hands of the gods of the world, and the power that can be thrown out is not the chaos and the nine souls.


The next moment, the chaotic light flew into the body of the cover, vigorously expelled the dark matter in the cover, and expelled the majority in a short period of time, so that the influence of the cover was reduced, but some gray matter was not easy to expel. needs time.

"Chaos is like this!"

Covering the air, knowing that it is now unstoppable, does not contain the momentum of the Lord, God knows what to do with this goods, and only the chaotic light can contain the Lord.


The cover declares Shengyang, completely ignites it with chaotic light, releases a huge amount of fire, and pushes it to the top of Tianzun. It burns this place, which is equivalent to chaotic fire, and when it is shot, the mountains and rivers become empty. When power is empty, the law is ignited and integrated into it.


The devil's face is moving, knowing that the situation is serious, and a **** of the world is desperate, and that power is terrible.

Instead of panicking, he sacrificed the nine secluded discs, letting them play them down, shining through the ages, and cutting off nine days.

Two kinds of terrible light smashed in the void, the heavens and the earth collapsed, the sorrows and sorrows, and the stalemate in the air, it was difficult for the other party in a short time, but the power of Gai Xuan was stronger than the devil, so after a while, The nine secluded discs are still gray, the power of the lord is overdrawn, and the power of Qimen is weakening, not as strong as before.


The nine secluded discs trembled, the power was dull, and the last stroke was made.


Covered Xuankou mouth spurting blood, but did not let go, strong pressure to the front, the main battle of the devil fly, nine secluded magic disk finally lost light, and then, Shengyang portable with gray light hit the magic master, almost will be born Collapsed.

He was half-naked and ruined, like the blood of the ink ignited the void.

He screamed and his face was paler.


He is not a true god. It is a miracle to be able to reach this level with the world. Even if you borrow the top secret, it is a delusion to kill a world.

"Leave you not to!"

Covering the declaration and killing, I feel that this demon is too tricky. At this moment, it will not fall, and the future is a big disaster.


Just when Gai Xuan flew out for thirty miles, he couldn’t help but fly back and back. His face was even more embarrassing. It was because of the virtual shadow in front of the demon Lord, his body was tall and he was holding a sickle. He wanted to open this world, but let The cover of Xuan’s heart is the breath of the shadow.

Demon Lord!

After the cover of Xuan Xuan, he became calm, just because he knew such characters as the demon Lord, how could there be no demon statue?

Not realistic!

Now it seems that he feels that this is normal, and if he does not have this virtual body, he feels embarrassed.

But before he could relax, his face was tightened. Gai’s body appeared in front of the demon body, and his body was slightly short, but the strong momentum made Gei Xuan scared.

Needless to say.

Only one of the world's demon statues, the devil thinks that they can't keep up with the propaganda, so they let the two demon gods appear in the body, so that they are qualified to kill the town, and then smash the wind and cover the snow.


The cover of the heart is sinking, the problem is more difficult than he imagined, and the demon Lord itself is so terrible. If you add these two demon statues, you will not live.

If this time is going to fight, then they really have no hope, only escape.

of course.

He must first hold down the two demon statues and the devil, let Ge Xuexue flee first, but the cover snow snow did not mean to escape alone, come to cover the body.

"Snow and snow flee, Grandpa is sure!" Gai Xuan urged the road.

"Do not!"

Covered the snow and snow, said: "When you want to leave, go together, stay and stay together!"

"Okay, let's go together!"

With the amount of Xuan Xuan, he is not sure about this situation, but he has certain certainty in escape.

"I am afraid you can't escape!"

The Lord of the Lord said coldly. "Do not want to escape!"


He is moving forward, banned from covering the snow and the wind, as for the cover, he has no interest, and completely handed over to the two worlds.

"That will kill you!"

Covering the red eyes, dare to cover the snow and snow is to kill him, then he dares to fight with anyone.

When a world is not to be killed, then others must be afraid.


Chaotic light, force the mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers map completely blended, the scorpion shot a strange light, the power directly pushed to the top, hit a demon of the world, and then the holy sun, intertwined with the law of heaven, The same big net flutters to another world.

The two masters of the world should not be underestimated, and they came out with their own hands, and they played a powerful force to push the cover.


Tianyu blew, pushing the demon Lord, the cover snow and the lingering wind to the far side. This level of contest is not something they can withstand. In an instant, this mountain river Qimen collapses and collapses, and it spreads thousands of miles.

Gai Xuan is strong, chaotic light is driving away from the body, and Tian Zun's herb is making him a little stronger.

However, what made him unable to let go was to cover the snow and snow. At this time, the devil was not there, but he was afraid of covering the snow.


At this moment, the distant gods are full of glory, and the worldly goddess has a true skylight, and the red-red space appears. The rain-like space rules shine in it, hitting the demon Lord, and the snow-covered eyebrows fly out of the blue The color light sword, straight to the devil's eyebrows, to kill it.

"this is?"

Gai Xuan had that moment of blasphemy, completely did not expect.

Covered snow and snow seriously injured for many years, Dan Tian collapsed, there is no power, empty flesh and bones only, but now the snow and snow show is more terrible than the heyday of Tianwei, how can not surprise him?

"Snow and snow, have you recovered?" asked the verbal vibrato.


Covered Snow and said with a smile: "Recovering because of him, it is a blessing in disguise!"


Covered to the rabbit, looking eccentric, he could not solve the thorny problem, the rabbit can solve?

Is this fighting him?

Of course, he does not have time to think about these problems now. What's more important is to get rid of the two demon statues in front of him, and the snow and snow will recover, and the wound will heal, making him more ecstatic.


He has no worries anymore, and he is strong in the front and confronts the two devils.

For a time.

The mountains and rivers fell, the power collapsed, and the whole world was scrapped...

the other side.

Covering the snow and snow, pulling the mountain river, the blue light sword is stabbed, passing by, smashing toward the demon Lord, and the Lingfeng is not weak, directly offering the forbidden soil, taking the star spring, letting the body quickly awaken, the world is a cliff Appeared at this moment, and it is the state of the confined space, assisting the cover snow and snow to kill the demon.


The devil is more terrible than they think, the power is violent, and the blue light sword that covers the snow and snow is disintegrated, and then a punch hits Lingfeng.

A loud noise.

Even if the Gestalt is not enough to see in front of the Lord, it will be blown up by its life. The confined space that had caused Ling Feng’s headache and tragedy is also ruined at this moment. It is not a level at all.


Ling Feng fell back and spurted, and the four small short legs were twitching, and he was almost directly scrapped by that force.


Covering the snow and snow, pushing in the hands, lightning strikes, the space rules cast a sickle, according to the head of the devil is a knife, and the speed is fast, let people dodge.


The Lord of the Lord is extraordinary, pointing his finger and pointing directly at the sickle, as if he already knew the movement of the sickle and stopped its momentum.


The Lord of the Lord opened his mouth, and the finger was forced to directly smash the sickle, which was a mess.

"Second style!"

"Third style!"

"Fourth style!"


Cover Snow Snow completely does not care, one by one, one by one, quickly hit, the color of the sickle is evolving, from eating red orange yellow blue blue purple, and then to gold, and the power is more qualitative, one after another, climbing to the point of losing control And the number of sickles has also increased from the previous to the reduction.

When it comes to gold, there is no sickle in the void.


The sound of the sickle closed, the devil Lord also suffered a loss, and there was a blood mark on his head, but he soon appeared, both hands spread his life, and then punched.


At that time, the Lord of the Lord suddenly felt alert, and there was a feeling of creepyness, which was backwards backwards, but it was still a step later. A Xianli did not know when it appeared in front of him, and it fell strongly and carried the interception technique. Tianwei, people are chilling.


Finally, the Lord was wounded, and a blood hole was thrown out of his chest. The blood of the Lord rushed out. It was the magic light and the potency that could not be stopped.

"Xian Li!" [31 novel network update soon]

The demon Lord was shocked and grinned. "You are Ling Feng, the first celestial star of the world, the king of the empty road!"

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