Supreme Demon

Chapter 1406: Sixfold Nirvana??!

The black hole in the sky was born.

They are black holes that are declared by the cover, and the law of heaven is burning at the entrance of the cave. Even if the characters of the heavens are touched, they will be wiped out.


Ling Feng is not affected, Xianli and into it, and then into the black hole, and in the other direction.

"Where to go!"

The demon Lord is cold and cool, and the lightning flies. The nine secluded disk directly penetrates the hole and forcibly breaks into the law. The nine secluded magic disk is an excellent weapon, which can block the law and force him to be unaffected, while the other two are enchanted. The virtual body is even more unaffected, and they can break the power of the law.


They don't plan to let the wind blow like this, but to kill them.

The bang was loud.

The two demon lords directly attacked the cover, and the power swayed and swayed, killing the black holes, and the devouring power was too small for the pediatrics in front of the world, forcing the cover to stop, raising hands and two Demon showdown.

at the same time.

There was a canoe under his feet, riding the wind waves and lightning forward.

At this time, he has completely ignored the wind, and he has a headache for the Lord of the Devil. Moreover, there are two demons who are not weaker than him. They are very fierce.


He also used the power of two world-famous deities to promote the canoe, making it faster and lightning fast.

The other direction.

Ling Feng suffered the biggest crisis in history. The devil's degree was faster than him. He was approaching step by step. In a short time, he chased the back of Ling Feng, forcing Ling Feng to use the world's cliffs and slamming backwards. Come to live in the Lord.

Moreover, the gods of the sky and the nine secluded disk against the bomb, and then with the help of this recoil, lightning left.

"You think so beautiful!"

The devil sneer, the **** of the district, just want to escape under his nose, then what is his face?


He used strong power to directly hit Ling Feng, punching and punching, and the magic knife was shining and slamming into Ling Feng's head.


Behind Ling Feng was smashed, and the blood of Yin Hong was flowing, almost letting Ling Feng annihilate.


He endured the pain and marched like a lightning. The sky leaves penetrated into the space. Xianli opened the way and used the space to stop the demon, but the effect was minimal.


The devil is really mad, chasing it for so long, it is unimaginable for him, and it must be said that Lingfeng with Xianli is too difficult to kill.

next moment.

Nine secluded magic disk out of the sky and light rain, will Ling Feng live and settle, and then strong to kill.


On the one hand, Ling Feng used the gods' gods to reinforce the nine secrets. On the one hand, he urged Xianli to separate them, and blessed them on the heavenly disk, distorting the space and disintegrating the imprisonment.

"You are still too weak!"

The demon Lord sneered, this time the Ling Feng is not enough to see, belongs to his fish.

"That is what you thought!"

Lingfeng lightning burst, the light in the eyes of the gods shine, sensing that the breath is approaching.

"You will know soon!"

The devil is cold, and a small knife flies out from the top of his head. He smashes the Buddha and suddenly falls down. It is almost suffocating Ling Feng, and it is really dodging.


Ling Feng is also mad at the moment, do his best, and put Xianli and the forbidden soil to the top of the head, facing the sword.


The void only trembled, and then the slashing knife slid straight into the top, directly on the top of Ling Fengtou, no power can contain it, and this scorpion knife is very special, even able to jump off the space, directly avoid Lingfengding The seven heavy stones on the head are banned from the head of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng sighed and screamed, and his head disintegrated on the spot, which in turn affected the body, and even Dan Tian.

His spirit is burning away, his body is falling apart.


Covering the snow and snow in the distance, the blood and tears flowed long. She owed Lingfeng Daen. At this moment, she watched Ling Feng’s death like this. She felt uncomfortable in her heart.


Now that the two worlds are persecuted, Gai Xuan is also innocent, and it is entirely up to God to save the life of Ling Feng.

In fact, Gai Xuan’s heart is also in sorrow. Ling Feng has their grace. If they are so desperate, they will be very hurt on the spot, and he feels that these people may be directed at him, even more embarrassing.


Just as the Lord of the Lord wanted to completely rid the wind, the sky suddenly shone, and the terrible Tianwei flew down in the air.


An ancient pagoda descends from the sky, carries the Gai Tianwei, and hits the Lord.


A stalk of the sky is coming across the sky, carrying Tian Wei, who is trembled for nine days, will come down and kill the devil.


A heavenly country is crushed with the terrible will of Thunder and Thousand, and its power is magnificent and it is suppressed.

"Not good, retreat!"

The two devils were born in the first time, lightning came flying, with strong power to withstand three kinds of treasures, to win time for the devil, but they can not live in the situation, the three heavy treasures still strong down.

The will of heaven is burning.

These magicians actually want to kill the later generations?

Do you want to be bullied by the descendants of heaven?

Then, the ancestors of the kingdom of heaven will scream, and will come to the power of the world, and will completely destroy the Lord.


The demon Lord repressed with the nine secluded magic discs, but the situation was even worse than he had imagined. The nine secluded magic discs lost their light at this moment, and they were directly suppressed by the kingdom of heaven. On the spot, he made his flesh and blood smash and almost collapsed.


The will of the kingdom of heaven failed to completely destroy the demon Lord. It was only because the two demon gods burned their bodies, suppressing the kingdom and its will with powerful might, and then suppressing the Burning Path and the ancient Wuta to keep the situation.


The will of the kingdom of the earth broke open, and rushed directly to the flesh and blood that Lingfeng rotted, carrying the flesh and blood to the far side, and the ancient Wuta and the Burning Road Tiandao disappeared at this moment.

"Keep up, the devils are flying!"

The two devils shouted and reminded the Lord.


Gai Xuan no longer hesitated, the will of the kingdom of heaven did not get rid of the traces of other heavenly and demon lords, so he did not dare to stay here, to leave with lightning, and the two demon lords were restrained and seriously injured, and the devil was more seriously injured at the moment. When will you not wait now?

They also left with lightning.


The Lord of the Lord looked at the direction of the wind, and the anger was unstoppable, and the lightness disappeared and became violent.


He has not completely defeated the Lingfeng, and some of his spirits and powers are scattered. Especially the Xianli and the Kingdom of Heaven are the forces he is craving.

Although he did not think that Ling Feng could survive, he could lose his strength and let him be very disappointed.

Not much time.

Around the hurricane, a Tianzun, a demon statue, a demon statue came across the mountain river, tracking the heavens, but the demon statue stayed, solemnly warned the devil, and guarded him to leave here, after all, the two devils It has collapsed at the moment.

escape! This is the only obsession of Ling Feng, and it is the obsession of the will of the kingdom of heaven.


A Tianzhou appeared, carrying the will of the kingdom of heaven, and the ancient Wuta was in the light, and the power was loud and heavy, but it was still difficult to get rid of the traces of the gods.


The illusory light is shining, and a space is unfolding. The ancient martial arts tower and the burning road Tianjian fly directly into it. After the hesitation of the heavenly will, it disappears.


A Lingzhu flew down the grass and was extremely inconspicuous.

call out!

The violent storm suddenly came, and it rushed to the distance. After a long while, the mountain river calmed down.

Time stopped.

I don't know how long it has been.

The Lingzhu was only slightly swayed, and it seemed that there was a life of birth, and it was picked up bit by bit.

Needless to say.

This spiritual bead is a devouring bead. At the crucial moment, it is activated by the Burning Path, and the heavens are brought in, and the time and space are isolated, so that the heavenly people can not feel it, and this escapes.


Ling Feng was too heavy and was injured by the nine secluded discs. The dark matter in the body is eroding his flesh and blood. Even if "Regeneration" wants to recover in a short time, Ling Feng has spent a total of eighteen. It took only a day to recast the body.


At this moment his body is still very serious, flesh and blood almost split, although recast, but this kind of injury is difficult to recover, only because this gray power has cut off the birth of his power.


This gray power penetrated into his soul. As long as he used his power, he integrated into his power, making the forbidden soil gray and mottled.


It is too difficult for him to get rid of that gray power.

“Too tricky!”

Ling Feng frowns and coughs blood, his face is ugly, this problem is not a general trick, the nine secret magic disk has a terrible ability.

Devil! [31 novel network]

Without Xianli Lingfeng, it is difficult to restrain this kind of demon, and it is even more difficult for him to recast his body. The demon devours his power from it, and then restrains the birth of Xianli.

It can be said that Ling Feng's current state is very similar to the cover of snow and snow.

The difference is that this kind of magic is not difficult. The difficulty is that Lingfeng needs to find a demon lord to expel this magic.

Cover Xuan?

At present, Ling Feng is not enough to be reassured, and if he is brave to be born with his current strength, it is equivalent to finding death.


Ling Feng can only rely on himself now.

"What should I do?" Ling Feng frowned and meditated, in the spirit of the beads, he did not care about those gods.

The will of heaven, the burning of the heavenly blade, the ancient Wuta?

Even the gods of the heavens have thought about it, and Xingquan is like this, but the power of Xingquan is too mysterious. If his current state activates the world, it will make the problem more difficult.

After a long time of thinking and thinking, Ling Feng’s eyes became crazy.

"That's it!"

Ling Feng coldly opened his mouth and said that this can make the two words of the same day tremble, and it is unimaginable to carry out the Nie at the top level of the gods.

But Ling Feng is going to do this!

You know, he has done many times before, and now it should be the sixth time.

After pushing the nine doors of "Regeneration", Ling Feng thought that it would never be carried out again. After all, Nie means two days of life and death. Even if you have "Regeneration", Lingfeng feels useless, in front of Nie. Regeneration is too inconspicuous.

But now he can solve his current predicament only Nie!


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