Supreme Demon

Chapter 1407: 斩 Xianhuang!


This is a sizzling!

Under the fire of Nirvana, those gray matter are invisible, and it is necessary to be smouldering, and after the Nirvana, Ling Feng’s talent will go further. Now, how will it change at that time, he is also unclear.

It can be said.

He is more eager to take a step on Nie, and the phoenix is ​​here to ask him.

after all.

The phoenix is ​​only once this time, but Ling Feng has experienced five times, which is unimaginable, but now he is going to take the sixth step.

This is even more terrible!

After the decision was made, Ling Feng set about preparing for it. First, sit down and use various herbs to make himself more solid and let the power shine.


He offered a strain of herb, and the level of Tiandao to Tianzun was not only a herb, but also various kinds of Shenquan, Shenyuan, etc., that is, Tianzun’s blood is in his hands, and more importantly, he has Chaos in his hand. Blood and chaos, this is an important step in his baptism.

When everything is ready.

The Lingfeng Festival enlightened the Taoist tree and lit it with Xingquan, letting the flowers fall.


He used Oral Herbs for oral treatment, and healed the wounds in the flesh and blood. The drug in the body surged out of the body and flowed into the body, making his momentum stronger.

Half awkward.

The power of Tiandao dissipated. For Ling Feng, this kind of medicine is not enough. He has taken too much in the past few years.

"The second heavy!"

Ling Feng took Tiandao Shenquan, which made his body become more pure, and burned a faint fire on the forbidden soil. The three petals were intertwined, further pushing his power to the top.


Tiandao Shenquan Lingfeng took enough, so the effect is not great, but as long as it can be baptized.

In fact.

Lingfeng flesh has long been baptized, and the purity is sufficient.

"Triple baptism!"

Ling Feng used the Tianzun herb, completely disregarding the extravagant degree, letting the drug into the body quickly, the majestic vitality is emerging, and the gray matter is forced out a few points, showing how overbearing the Tianzun herb.


Lingfeng flesh becomes stronger and trembles.

"Four baptism!"

When Ling Feng used Tianzun Shenquan, the potency became more fierce, and the gray matter was forced out more. The faint gray mist on the Lingfeng body surface was very pungent.

"Five heavy baptism!"

Ling Feng sacrificed the heavenly level of the gods, so that the body's strength became more pure, the flesh and blood were baptized, shining and vibrant.

His power was pushed to a higher level, and he was always contained in this realm because he did not realize the rules of space. Otherwise, Ling Feng could ask directly.

It can be said.

His current realm has passed the original candle dragon, not to mention the power level, as long as the success is asked, the level is more terrible than the candle dragon.

But this is not enough.

"Six-fold baptism!"

After a few moments, Ling Feng used the source of the heavenly level to let the power fully integrate into it, and then smashed the power, swarmed the way, and strode forward.

It is worth mentioning that the source of the Tianzun class is quite horrible, the drug strength is fierce, and the gray power is forced out more, and the flesh and blood of Lingfeng are trembled and swaying. It seems that there are Bohai seas in the surging, perfect voids. Be unchecked.

of course.

Ling Feng knows that this is only temporary. As long as he stops, the gray power will immediately invade him, and the injury will explode.


As long as he takes this step, he has no possibility of returning.

Either pass away or be born again!

Nie needs a brave heart, otherwise he is looking for death.

"Seven baptisms!"

Ling Feng used the blood of Tianzun to baptize the flesh and blood, making it more crystal clear and revealing the virtual light. The essence of Tianzun is quite fierce, and almost completely pushes out the gray matter, but the gray matter has not left Lingfeng. The body surface, has been condensed on the top, as long as the Tianzun blood is consumed cleanly, then the gray matter will immediately rush into the body.

This is the magic of the magic!

"Eight baptism!"

Ling Feng uses chaos and nine spirits, but not pure chaotic blood. Although there is no such thing as violent in the level, it is even more terrible. It can disintegrate this kind of gray matter, but the amount is not enough, only one can barely complete a baptism. .


The semi-pure Chaos blood is hard to expel this gray material. After all, it is the power from the nine secret magic disk, and it was asked by the heavenly level.

This kind of power is more corrosive.

At last.

Ling Feng uses chaotic ancient gas to carry out the final tempering, the power is endless, the horrible nature of chaotic ancient gas is unquestionable, directly crushing, forcing gray matter, completely expelling it, so that Ling Feng’s body is completely clear, just want Keeping this rhythm is too difficult.

"come on!"

At this time, Lingfeng could not stop, Xianli was currently trapped, the gray matter did not leave, the atmosphere of Lingfeng was closed, and the birth of Xianli was curbed.


What Ling Feng can do is to bravely move forward and ignite Nirvana.

When his voice fell, the wind and blood flickered, and the body's ancient sacred scented with immortality. It first appeared in the dantian of Lingfeng, and then diffused into the whole body. The terrible light rain would swallow the wind.

The fire of the Red Gold swallowed all around, causing it to collapse.

Not to mention the flesh and blood of Ling Feng.


When the red golden flame appeared, the flesh and blood of Lingfeng would burn quickly. In the eyes of the god, the indestructible flesh and blood, too weak in front of this flame, like crisp paper, burned quickly, and instantly became ashes.


Ling Feng screamed and screamed, and couldn’t stand the flames. It’s not just flesh and blood, but the spirit is the same.

That hurts not before!

That hurts the boundaries of life and death!

In an instant, the gray matter attached to the body surface of Lingfeng was swallowed up by the flames, and collapsed in an instant. In the face of Nirvana, even the dark matter was slag.


Still annihilated!

This is the test of life and death brought by Nie, and it will be a miracle to be able to smash the past!


The flame came from an unprecedented fierceness, and people couldn’t help it. In a short period of time, Nei Tianhuo swallowed the spirit of Ling Feng, letting its spirits disappear, and felt no pain.

Half awkward.

Ling Feng will only have one skin pouch left, and the flesh and blood will be exhausted together with the soul, and then Nirvana will engulf the blood and bones of Ling Feng.


A soul is broken.


The blood is ignited.

At this moment, Ling Feng is completely ignited by the flames. There is no ability to fight, and there is no ability to annihilate the flames. Only death.


Just as his gods and bones were annihilated, a drop of blood appeared in the figure of God and was recast in it, and the wind was present in this flame. And the difference is.

Ling Feng is shining in the sky, Xianli is rushing with the momentum of violent, recasting the power of Feixian in his dantian, it seems that due to the emergence of the power of Feixian, the natural fire of Nirvana also changes from the red The golden color became a holy white. When it fell, it turned out that Xianli became gray and sorrowful. It seemed to be experiencing Nie.

Only a moment of effort, Xianli is black, collapsed in the void, and the power of the Nie's flame climbed to the level of heaven, and the sky was cracked.


Ling Feng did not die, but was born again in the map of God.

Needless to say.

Because of his rebirth, the Nirvana fire is surging, annihilating it, powerful enough to be unimaginable, and Ling Feng is like a life and death.


I don’t know where the wind comes from, and I will blow away Ling Feng’s body.


Ling Feng soon appeared in the void, but it was not dead and strong. If it was covered with snow and snow, it was estimated to be scared to death.


Even if it is regenerative, it is not enough to look at the Nirvana fire. It is not destroyed by the destruction of the gods and the gods. I am afraid that the wind is already completely clean and clean, because of the existence of the **** map. Ling Feng was able to retain a drop of real blood.


Ling Feng carried out the fourth rebirth, but it was just reborn. The power of Feixian was only swallowed up by the Nirvana fire, and the sound of sorrow and sorrow broke away.

The fifth rebirth!

The sixth rebirth!

The seventh rebirth!


Ling Feng is completely crazy, refining himself with repeated rebirth, knowing to persist until the body's material is expelled cleanly until he can survive the Nirvana fire.

When Lingfeng was reborn for the ninth time, the Nirvana fire was more fierce. On the spot, Lingfeng annihilated it. For a long time, the **** figure did not move. The Lingfeng burned blood and consumed a lot. It was difficult to recast in a short time. .


After smelting nine times of life and death, it is equivalent to cultivating nine weights in these niches. Each time the recasting body is completely different, it is more sturdy, and it is chilling with the breath of Nirvana.

at last.

After the tenth rebirth of Lingfeng, the Nirvana fire became gray and shimmered on the flesh and blood.


Suddenly, the Nie Dao fire whispered, a [31 novel network update fast] Phoenix was born from the Nirvana fire, releasing a sultry, sharp claws, sharp eyes, more importantly, that multicolored God feathers, almost to swallow the entire world.


What surprised Ling Feng was that this phoenix was different. There were many white feathers in the colorful feathers. The top of the head was filled with holy light. When he carefully went to separate, he couldn’t help but take a breath.


This is a phoenix with the power of flying fairy!


This fairy phoenix almost asks, at the top of the gods, similar to the strength of Ling Feng, and is the sacred spirit cast out by Nirvana, which is extremely terrible.

When this fairy rushed to Lingfeng, Ling Feng’s face was completely ugly, and the fantasy in his heart was shattered. He knew that he wanted to truly complete Nie, and he needed to be phoenix!


Ling Feng got up, and the blood and flesh were comparable to the Emperor.

He is strong against the phoenix, with the flesh and blood, to cover the world, and to force the force, this is a fight to kill.

Either die in Nirvana or sing a new life.

Obviously, Ling Feng chose the latter.

However, in the Nirvana, the wind is not able to use the evil path of the heavens, and can only fight by himself.

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