Supreme Demon

Chapter 1409: The treasure of heaven!

Devouring the beads.

A Tian Zun will evolve into a shadow, standing in front of Ling Feng, with a smile on his face, facing a faint light, behind the magnificent core of heaven.

He looked at Ling Feng and was satisfied with the extreme.

This later generation of Guwu is even better than they imagined, and only in this way can the Guwu Tower and the Burning Road Tianjian help each other, and Lingfeng is worthy of all efforts.

Just because.

His perfect void is holding on to Xianli.

Just because.

He is holding on to the Nirvana! He took a different martial art and took off the ancient martial arts. Although he did not inherit the ancient martial arts, Guwudao did not need him to inherit. What they wanted was the different ways of the later generations. Guwu can face the end

The blood of the world is difficult.

They sacrificed on the battlefield, but they hope that the future generations of Guwu can live forever in that battlefield!


Ling Feng immediately stepped forward, and the respectful swearing said: "After the world, see you!"

"Get up!"

The one-of-a-kind virtual shadow is not a physical one, so it can't afford the wind, but the face is full of smiles. People like him care about it is not life and death, but the respect of the younger generation.

They did a lot for the younger generations. If the younger generations still don't respect them, what is the point of doing them?


They want more than just the ancient world, but also a person who knows how to respect these old people and who are very positive.

Obviously, Ling Feng meets their appetite.

"Follow me!"

The vain shadow of Tian Zun came to the magnificent treasure of heaven in the face of Ling Feng. At this moment, the gems were completely enlarged, and there was no bond in the spirited beads. The vastness was like a heavenly palace.

"This is the kingdom of heaven!"

The heavenly arrogant said: "The nine domains cast on the kingdom of heaven. Before the end of the ages, it was the center of the entire starry sky. Unfortunately, we ended."

Ling Feng is sad, he can feel the feelings of Tian Zun, that is the attachment to the kingdom of heaven and the lament of the fall of the ancient martial arts.

"There is a ban in the country, you need to ask if you can open it!"

The Tianzun spoke and explained to Ling Feng. "While you are very good, but you are asking for a threshold, you can't open it even if you don't ask before!"

He is quite confident and proud of the ancient martial arts.


Ling Feng, seriously said: "I will hand over this heavenly domain to the real future generations."


The Tianzun Taoist suddenly became sharp and looked at Lingfeng. He asked for a long while. "Are you not the ancients of the future?"


Ling Feng, said with a smile.. "But my way is different. I am taking this step. I have a fundamental difference with Guwu. I don't need other roads. I have to find my own way!"


The Tianzun **** suddenly flashed and was very excited. The four words of "satisfying the body" were too strong, only to make him want to applaud and want to shout.

This is something that Guwu had been expecting before the ancient times. They didn't do it, but Lingfeng did it.

They are full of expectations for Lingfeng.


Suddenly he looked dark and said: "This should belong to you, you are the best talents of future generations!"

"I know."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "If I didn't step into this road, I was very hopeful, but now any road will form a constraint. Only my own way is the king, even if the heavens are to be suppressed."

"That..." The heavenly hesitantly said, they sent the nine fields before the ancient times to Lingfeng, but this was their last effort.

Is it so wasteful?

"I know."

Ling Feng said with a grin. "Predecessors are worried that this is full of painstaking efforts?"


"Then I can assure the older generation that Heaven will receive its true master."


The Tianzun Taoist bright, looked at Ling Feng, quiet and waited for it.

"Predecessors, later generations of ancient Wu may not only be one of me, but also many outstanding figures." Ling Feng said in a solemn tone: "There is a heaven before the ancient times, when there is a rebellion in the world, we cannot repeat the glory of the ancestors before the ancient times." So we can only move forward step by step, we step on the shoulders of the predecessors, so we can only go more

far! ”

The Tianzun Taoist is burning and silent.

Ling Feng is the most ambitious young man he has ever seen. He belongs to the characters he admires, but some people are ambitious, but they do not have strong military and intellectual support.

This kind of person is very difficult to go far.

Although Ling Feng is very good and extraordinary in strength, he does not know in terms of intelligence. If Ling Feng is too stupid, but there is the ambition of the ancestors, it is afraid that the whole future generations will be led to destruction.

As if to see through the mind of Tian Zun, Ling Feng is elegant and laughs. "The anti-God is very weak. We are from nothing, we are going to level the spirits, and we will kill the holy forces. We will fight in the distance. We will push the gods, and we will rush to the stars. Now we are here." , proudly laughing.. "The wind and rain we 闯

We lived through life and death, and now our opponents are the top forces in the stars and the forces of the magic. ”



Sp; that Tianzun took a sigh of relief, full of fascination, he was born in the late days of the kingdom, and thus did not experience the vast expanse of the early days of the kingdom of heaven, they used strong power and arrogant crushing, let the heavens present Fully populated.

It can be said that the elite of the early days is the character of the world, and the characters of later generations are far behind.

What Ling Feng is showing now is a strong will, strength, intelligence, etc. It is extremely difficult to step by step from now to now. There is no inhuman intelligence, and I am afraid that the **** that is swallowed by this world will not Left.


Ling Feng is telling him that when the world is not weaker than the ages, they are qualified to go further.

"My name is Zou Yu!"

Zou Yu said, "Because the damage of the will of the previous kingdom was too great, so I have no ability to appear, I will be born on their behalf."

"Zou seniors!" Ling Feng said with a smile, did not care about Zou Yu's careful thinking.

"Ling Feng, have you said that you want to find a more suitable owner for the kingdom of heaven?" Zou Yu asked, this is his concern.


Ling Feng said with a smile: "My path is different, so the kingdom of heaven is not suitable for me. It is difficult for me to wave the real power of heaven, but she is different."

"Who is she?"

"Ye Xinran!"

“A Tianzun?” Zou Yu asked with excitement, and the characters who could be acclaimed by Ling Feng wanted to come.

"A top god!"

"God of Heaven?" "The strange woman who uses the gas field as the Tao, a talented and unparalleled wizard, brings the anti-God to the present position with her own power. She is indispensable, although she is still a god, but as long as she asks, it will be shocking." Ling Feng said lightly: "She has got the kingdom of heaven."

I agree, is it still not qualified to control the Tianguo Jiuyu? ”

Zou Yu's face is ecstatic.

The gas field is the road, the world is rare, it is very rare before the ages, but as long as it is the gas field, it is a top talent.


He also knows from the words of Ling Feng that Ye Xinran is not only extraordinary in force, but also top in intelligence. It is not difficult to understand why the reverse **** can go to the present and spend time again and again.


Ling Feng smiled and asked.

"if not?"

Zou Yu said with great satisfaction. "However, I am not satisfied with it, and I need to get the approval of the Heavenly Kingdom."

"I believe she can do it, otherwise she will not be qualified."

Ling Feng is very confident. If the Ye Witch is not qualified enough, who else is qualified in this world?

"How do you tell me about some things in the world?"

Zou Yu opened his mouth and wanted to know some things about the world, especially about the anti-God.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng sits cross-legged and begins to talk about the birth of the gods. He talks about how they step by step to today and will encounter the burning of heaven.

"He is still alive?"

Zou Yu was very excited and asked. "I didn't expect that we old brothers, only one of them left."

After that, I was very sentimental.

When Ling Feng preached the old man, Zou Yu smiled and said: "I didn't expect the Xiaolong, who had already asked for respect, but still knows how to be grateful."

Ling Feng also laughed.


When Ling Feng talked about the devil, when they talked about their current opponents, and the fierce murder of the 16 top forces, Zou Yu’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter. This heavy layout makes him feel the chill, Ling Feng’s mind. Even more surprised him.


When the world is not as weak as the imagination, and they know how to hide, sit and wait for the fullness of the wings, and secretly confront other forces, especially the roster of death and the power of the magic.

A full day.

Ling Feng only pointed out some things that have been born in the past few years, so that Zou Yu has a clearer and more direct understanding.

"Your identity leaks, it is very dangerous to be afraid of the gods in this sentient being." Zou Yu frowned.

"I know!"

Ling Feng’s amount became cautious and said: “But it’s not easy to kill me. I want to find them soon and leave this star.”

"They didn't come?" Zou Yu asked, he said that it was burning Tianzun and Wannian.

"Too sensitive!"

Ling Feng sighed and said that if the Burning Heaven is here, he will not be passive.

"Then leave as soon as possible, and we also want to see the world in retrospect." Zou Yu said.


Ling Feng, said, "I definitely want to take you over."

Two days later. Ling Feng flew out of the devouring beads and evolved into a giant behemoth. Walking through the mountains and holding two corners, it looked very strange. Now if you want to escape, you can only rebel against the demon and provoke the war, so Ling Feng directly chooses him. Enemy spirit

The family must marry the demon.

"I want to use life to make a gamble!"

After that, Ling Feng disappeared into the mountain range and walked in the distance. At the same time, he made a decree and informed the three heavenly figures of Candle Dragon, Evil Emperor and Tianqi, but he did not get a response. Ling Feng face ugly.

There are only two situations in which this kind of thing happens.

First, the three heavenly figures are killed, and the other is that the distance is too far, and the decree is still not notified. Good night, the rest will be updated during the day.

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