Supreme Demon

Chapter 1410: Marry the soul corner!

All the stars!

These days, the treasures came out from time to time, and a large-scale production was held in front of people, attracting all the storms.

Tianzun demon statues and other deities are madly picking up treasures and resources. Many characters are blinded and killed each other. The mountains and rivers of all the stars are broken and devastated.

To know. This is the Tianzong dojo. This level of confrontation is too ruined. The characters and creatures at the heavenly level are not afraid to touch. Otherwise, they will be killed in an instant. Those mountains and rivers will be more vulnerable. They will be killed in a short period of time. It is simply terrible.


The sky is falling, and the red is like blood.

In this field, Tianzun and Tiandao are in danger at all times, and there are not many people who are desperately killed. Especially the heavenly spirits and characters, there are too many deaths and injuries, and almost a piece of mountain river is filled.

Full of blood and rain.

Let the stars of the people be filled with the sad taste, even if it is the grand occasion of the birth of the treasure, it can not fill this sadness.

Bang. The earthquake trembled, a behemoth rumbling, the limbs were strong, the huge body was extremely heavy, even the sturdy mountain river collapsed in front of it, the heavenly breath stirred in the mountains and rivers, leaving many birds and animals far away, not wanting

Contact with this heavenly creature.

The difference is that this creature belongs to the single behemoth, and no other demon can be seen here.

Undoubtedly, this giant beast is the spiritual horned family that evolved from the wind.

Although it has evolved into this form, it does not affect the sense of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng Shen Quan completely let go, extended to the distance, want to perceive the atmosphere of the candle dragon Tian Qi and so on, but this vast mountain and river, the gods did not notice, how can he feel only by his feelings?


Ling Feng did not hold much hope, but he was moving forward. Here he was able to rely on himself and became extremely vigilant.


He crossed the Wanli Mountain River and heard many things here, especially from the Yaozu. Many news he didn't care about, but two of them, he was particularly eye-catching.

One of them.

When it is a treasure of heaven, after the loss of its trace, the entire sentient beings will almost be turned over. People suspect that the appearance of all the stars is the masterpiece of the ancient kingdom of heaven, and they want the treasures of heaven to come out.

The news came from the Mozu, and the devils were looking for it, and they were more active. However, there was no shadow of the devil, but Ling Feng felt dangerous.

They are deliberately concealing the news of the devil's advent, and preventing the gods from doing everything possible to deal with the devil.


Until now, the Mozu did not reveal his identity, which proves this. They are worried that Lingfeng will reveal the identity of the demon, and therefore dare not tell the origin of Lingfeng, otherwise Lingfeng can not care so much.

But what about Ling Feng?

He is even more taboo. Once the ancients came out, he appeared on this star. It is not only that the Mozu will deal with him madly, but some characters of the Terran Yaozu must do everything possible to get rid of him.

This is a double-edged sword.

Once Ling Feng took out the identity of the demon, he himself would have to be smashed, and hurting the devil is equivalent to hurting himself.

In the case that the demon master did not actively disclose the news, Ling Feng naturally did not want to leak, no way, who made his identity more sensitive.

Second. The battle between the Mozu and the Yaozu is almost white, and there are more and more confrontations between each other. There are deaths and injuries between them, especially the death of the Emperor and the Emperor, which intensifies the two races and makes them more creative. Serious, from the first small scale

In the duel, the two heavenly Taoist spirits of the two races have now entered the battlefield with unprecedented scale.

To the end.

It is the demon statues that have been involved, and the contradictions between the two races have been intensified.

Needless to say.

This was caused by the small butterfly that swayed the little wings of Lingfeng. Until now, the two races were afraid that they would not understand why they would be injured in the showdown, but if they knew, they would now be mad.

Not too intense!

Ling Feng grinned and smiled. He hoped that it would be more intense. He had no feeling for the Yaozu and had no feeling for the Mozu. If he could drag some of the Terran forces into the water, it would be more perfect.

of course.

At this time, he did not want to provoke the incident. If the Terran was stirred in, it would inevitably make people doubt the motives of the people, but would let the demon demons calm down.

The Lord of the Lord should be able to see through!

Ling Feng frowned, with the IQ of the Mozu, it is not difficult to see that this is a bureau, especially the demon Lord knows that he has "The Real Dragon Magic Law", this kind of heavenly power can not be imagined, but it is hard to beat the Lord.


This little trick is hard to fool the Lord.


The Lord of the Magic has not appeared yet, and he has not participated in this matchup. This means that the Lord of the Lord should be seriously injured in the previous confrontation and is currently retreating.

However, this is just one of the possibilities. Another possibility is that the devil understands the intent of Ling Feng and thus does not stop it. He does not want Ling Feng to know that he has recovered from injury and is waiting for him to appear.

Only the latter is too hot, Ling Feng is still not clear about the character of the devil, so can not make a more accurate judgment.

Two days later.

Ling Feng appeared in the other direction of the sentient beings. The eyes of the gods shine, and the appearance of a demon emperor is really easy to be targeted. Not to mention that it appears in this direction, it is more likely to be doubtful.

Ling Feng was very cautious. He did not let the Mozu demon here have problems, and lightning was moving forward.


He glanced at him. In front of the mountains and rivers, there is now a demon emperor, like looking for something, and one by one, pushing forward.

In which Ling Feng actually saw a few familiar demons. The first demonic emperor was in the middle of the demon. The demon emperor he had pretended was also among them. The number is not many, only five, but for the current Lingfeng, these five emperors are not allowed. Xiao Yan, one is careless, he will be killed here.



Want to kill these emperors will be carefully laid out.

Always kill a few!

Ling Fengsen’s smile, the gods are cold, the layout of the devil almost knocked him off. Now, seeing these emperors, Ling Feng naturally does not want to let go.


He disappeared between the mountains and rivers and sneaked into the distance, and did not go far.

Hey! One side of the banner flies out of the self-defying spirit beads, the lightning is integrated into the earth's heart and the void, and the shackles of a handle appear in the middle of the banner, releasing a faint light, which can lose light and lose power in a short time. Hidden in the void

And the center of the earth, even Ling Feng himself can only be implicitly sensed.


Ling Feng is still not at ease, he will lay down a strange door and cast a terrible killing. This is what he and the magic master have learned. One or two odd doors are not at ease, so they lay down many odd doors.

However, this is not enough. If you want to deal with five emperors, you have to have a stronger layout.

After a while.

Ling Feng will force the soil and the power of Feixian into a unique door, let Qimen Sheng release the top light rain, like a waterfall, falling from the void, thousands of waves, magnificent.


Qimen Tianwei is completely activated, and its power is extraordinary. It is enough to kill the characters of the demons. The defense is even more shocking. It is not easy for the demons of the demons to tear them. But it is very difficult to deal with the five emperors. .


Ling Feng began to pay for the treasure, especially at the heavenly level. He lived in all directions in the seven-stone town, and integrated the Burning Road into it, and then shot the terrible Tianwei.

At last.

Ling Feng put the Taoist figure in it and pushed it away with the power of Feixian.

In an instant.

As the power of the road surges out, the whole piece of emptiness ignites, the light rain is like a waterfall, the lightning falls, and it rushes into the distance. The ancient atmosphere and power are squirting, while the singular door is hidden in the void.


The burning blade was in the light, and the heart was broken. The power of the strangeness was immediately pushed into the distance, as if it was a treasure, and it was full of wind and rain.


The five emperors immediately became excited. They used to be different from the mountains and rivers. They were very likely to have the best treasures. They only came out with a faint **** fog. Now it is confirmed that the treasure is finally coming out in the blood.


There are no other characters here, they can completely monopolize this treasure.

next moment.

They rushed in this direction, slammed into the door, and came to the road.

To the power of the road, do not curb the magic, can be born out of the power!

The first demon emperor is ecstatic, this ancient gas is comparable to the chaotic ancient gas, if it can be integrated into the body, it will be born to the magic of the Tao, and even to the space, by then, they will take it to the next level.


They feel that there is a world-famous treasure in the ancient times, which is very terrible. After all, it is the result of the ancient times.

call out!

They are approaching with lightning, worrying about long night dreams. If other characters fly, especially those of the Tianzun class, then this treasure will surely fall by, and there is no possibility at all.


Just as they approached the Burning Path, they couldn't help but chill, and they smothered the wind and made them cold and almost instinctively want to retire.


This time is too late, five emperors have already appeared here, where is the possibility of escape?


Ling Feng appeared in the image of a giant, shocked the audience, especially the five emperors, but also the side, they are no stranger to this spirit horns, the previous emperor blood, this goods did not try their best, but now meet Extraordinary red eyes.

It's you!

The first devil said coldly.

Ling Feng did not speak, but the Qimen Gate was in the light, giving the strongest response.

Retreat, this is a game!

The five devils were shocked. I didn’t expect the demon emperor to dig them. Is this to bury them all?

unfortunately. They are too small to smash this strange door, and even smaller, this demon emperor, the seven heavy stones directly suppressed from all sides, the burning road blade carrying the forbidden soil appeared, under the power of the Qimen force, the top heavens broke. The power of the level, and

With the birth rule on the banner, it is completely different from the Yaozu and comes from the Terran.

Hey! A loud noise, the burning blade of the sky fell from the void, directly on a demon emperor, killing him on the spot.

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