Supreme Demon

Chapter 1411: Take advantage of the power!

The first devil is killed! When the seat of the door is light, the rule-level power of the Emperor Wudi will be revealed from the banner. The power will be shocked, and the surrounding grassland and rivers will be exploding, and it will come from all directions, and it will not be able to dodge. The terrible momentum makes the world Million

The road is full.

To know. This is the banner of the refining of Candle Dragon Tianqi. They are not worried that Ling Feng alone will be the only star of the people, so they will lay the rules of the brand, so that Ling Feng will not be killed in the first time, as long as the Qimen is laid, they can restrain the Emperor. Emperor level

The creatures and characters.

Ling Feng went one step further and integrated the power of Fei Xian and the forbidden soil to make the rule power even more terrible.

after all.

The current power of forbidden soil and flying fairy is more extraordinary than it was at the beginning. It can match the ordinary emperor, but it is obviously not enough to face the five emperors, but if it is integrated into the rules?

What if these rules are added to the Burning Path?

How terrible is that power?


The strange door made Ling Feng feel the terrible Tianwei. When he fell down, he let a demon emperor die on the spot, showing how terrible Tianwei is.


Ling Feng Bao is solemn, his eyes are fierce, his body is not moving, but his spiritual strength is screaming, pushing a strange door to push out. The seven heavy stones carry the heavy mountains and seas to prevent the four emperors from escaping at this time.

In fact.

The four emperors felt dangerous, but did not escape, but did their best to meet the situation, to live in the situation, only because they are confident in a district of the demon emperor, it is difficult to live with their four emperors.

however. Things are more tricky than they think, and the golden gates are suppressed from the air, and a blade of heaven is coming across the sky. It is intertwined with the power of the flying fairy and the strange door, letting it shoot the suffocating Tianwei. Suddenly fell down and let the emperor

We can't help it.

Sting! A skylight flashed, a demon emperor only felt that the magic was shaking, and the body could not help but stiffen, only because the blade appeared in his body, pierced from the back to the chest, pierced his heart, and the dark magic blood was Gushing out, severe pain igniting his eyebrows


next moment.

A mighty force like the sea came in and shattered his body and killed him.

The second demon is in the body.

At this time, the three demons really felt the terrible Tianwei, could not help but quit, want to escape, this time the demon emperor is too fierce, if they are deadlocked, they are afraid of the risk of death.


It is too late at this time, they have no hope of escape.


Ling Feng said coldly, his body still did not move forward, but the rules of space were screaming, and the momentum of incomparable horror appeared in front of the three emperors.


Like a curse, as long as the sound is heard, there is a demon emperor, which makes the three emperors emagle.


A demon emperor screamed, his body was torn apart, and he was killed by the power.

Needless to say.

The three emperors were killed, and the remaining two emperors were erected. I didn’t expect the demon to be so fierce, and it was unimaginable to deal with the five emperors.

wrong! The first magic face is ugly, and the magic eyes are upside down. Suddenly, I feel that it is wrong. Previously, the demon emperor appeared. They first entered the main and felt that it was the spirit of the demon, but now it’s different, but it’s not like the demon. More like a human atmosphere



He saw a blade in the center of the Qimen, shining the top light, and there was a faint force between the celestial beings. It was not like the demon lord could have done it, otherwise it would be the senile to kill them.

It's him!

The first magic cold hair is upright, cold sweat DC, think of the origin of this person.

Although the time has passed for a long time, the first demon still remembers on the ancient road, the **** of the world, to turn the tide, to play with a few heavenly characters in the applause, the second devil is killed, the immortal figure is killed, that is, the small fish are seriously injured.

Although this is not the killing of Ling Feng, it is a shocking hand.

Now Ling Feng appears here, what about other heavenly characters?

Will it be far away?

What makes him even more shocked is that Ling Feng has not fallen? Why is the area gods appear here? Did Ling Feng have asked for success, is it a heavenly character?

If this is the case, then the showdown has no meaning at all. The gods are as terrible as the winds, and if asked, there is no hope.

who is it?

Another emperor asked.

The first person in the sky!

The first demon must open his mouth and tell the truth, but Qimen has already flew down from the void, and the gas field of the world has been knocked down with Xianli, and it has been drowned by the waves.


The first demon screamed and sorrow, and closed his eyes forever in the mighty power.


This is his last voice. Whether Ling Feng is a heavenly figure or a god, he dares to come in such a strong way. Then he does not intend to let the five emperors live alive.

In fact.

Without the first magic reminder, the fifth magician will burst out in madness and want to leave the battlefield.


The power of Qimen and Feixian was suppressed by lightning. Weili shocked the world, and the space was blasted, and the space was torn. Then, the behemoth appeared in front of him, holding a handle of the burning blade. Fallen.

Damn it!

The face of the demon emperor has changed dramatically. This Wei Li is so shocking that his strength is unstoppable.

The magic is amazing!

The emperor shouted arrogantly, the power was sprayed thinly, and the vast Tianwei lightning hit, like a handle knife, to open the door.


Qimen was in a collapse, a heavy disintegration, the magic shocked the world is indeed extraordinary, but in front of the power of Feixian is not enough to see, and soon disintegrated.

After a while.

The devil screamed and died.

The scene is bloody, and none of the five emperors are spared. They are all dying, and people are embarrassed. Especially the demon lords are now being cleaned by Ling Feng. If the devil knows that it will be mad?

But this is the price!

Dare to move the sword against the gods, dare to lay out and want to kill him, Ling Feng naturally have to go back! He believes that even if he has done a very subtle job in this game, he can't see any problems, but the devil can definitely see it, and knows that he annihilated the five emperors, but he believes that the devil does not tell the truth. But will die the demon, this has

This is the only way to pass the sea.

of course.

The Lord will not really let him go, and he will definitely find him out and do it.


The current Ling Feng does not care, he only needs to find the Tianqi evil emperor before this, you can leave directly, then let the magic master turn the whole stars out.

Kill others and let others cry.


This kind of fierce battle for Ling Feng, the consumption is still very large, it is not easy to fully promote the power, so Ling Feng's current strength is still very stubborn, and thus it seems difficult.

Ling Feng flew down from the void, and completely wiped out the atmosphere here with the power of Fei Xian. Only the demon atmosphere was left, and it was very concealed.

Marry the soul corner!

This is the purpose of Ling Feng.

He couldn't kill the horns with his own hands, and he could borrow the hand of the Mozu.

Find them soon!

Lingfeng Lightning left the area and galloped forward.

In just one day, this area will let the Mozu appear, the demon Lord and several devils will appear here personally, with a gloomy face and more murderous, especially the devil, his last kneeling is so desperate, in my heart Can you not be bored?


He did not say much, but looked coldly into the distance.

He appeared!

After the ancient Wu Ling Ling, you are really kind! A demon statue said.

Find him out! Another demon sullen.

In Ling Feng, there are not only things that are immortal, but also treasures of the kingdom of heaven. How can this not fall into the hands of other forces?

Be as soon as possible, and let a few devils sit on the stars.

What do you mean?

I am afraid he will leave!

The Lord's yin test said: Heaven's treasures are at hand, he does not have to stay here, and if you leave first, we will lose opportunities.


A few devils were sweaty, and when they thought that Ling Feng would leave with the treasures of heaven, it would be a headache.


They will try to keep Ling Feng in the stars as much as possible, which is more conducive to their suppression.

Block the void, don't let him escape!

Several Devils passed the news and quickly responded. Many of the Devils flew into the stars and were banned with a big hand, and did not want Lingfeng to escape.

at the same time.

The Mozu released the news, the demon was too much, and killed five emperors, leaving an indelible mark on the battlefield. Therefore, the Mozu went to war with the demon, and it was necessary to remove them.

Needless to say.

The demon of this match-up is even more devoid of heads, but the battlefield is real, I am afraid that other demons will kill the emperor, so they will lay down the gate. In this sentient star, there are many demons, who Can you check it out?

If you can't find it, you don't have time to check it out.

Then you can only back the pot.

and. In a short period of time, there are many **** rains, and many emperors are killed. This makes the Mozu more embarrassing, and makes a strong counterattack, so that the demon people will die more and more, which directly leads to the sharp decline of the characters and creatures in the sky. Some people worry about this. Hit down

Let the whole starry sky collapse.

In fact.

Among them, there are Lingfeng help, sometimes changing the demon, and sometimes changing the demon, playing opponents can not be prevented, death and injury, and even more heavy this shopping.

but. Ling Feng also feels dangerous. The devil and the demon lord are step by step, the situation is getting more and more dangerous, the scope of his activities is decreasing, and the demon and the demon are very sinister. The demon is driven away to prevent

Ling Feng changed his body and escaped.


Ling Feng did not dare to delay, lightning forward, use Tianye to conceal, do not want the Lord to find them.


Soon, he was chilled. After 100,000 miles, he felt the power of the ban and the scent of the demon, which made his heart sink.

Obviously. The Lord has tracked it here and reduced the range, presuming that he is in this area for encirclement.

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