Supreme Demon

Chapter 1412: Dagger town magic!

The barren hills are still there!

The terrain here is not surprising, but it has a terrible atmosphere in the brewing. There is no light around, but there is a faint breath that makes the creatures panic.


Ling Feng can see more, only because there is a gray material in the momentum flowing, the entire sky is sealed, it belongs to the undercurrent of the magic, and the only thing that can make him tremble is the demon.


There is a demon statue sitting here in the town, with the rules of the world to seal, as long as Ling Feng came here to be suppressed.

Really sinister!

Ling Feng Shen Han cold, a demon statue appeared here, meaning that the demon Lord has been born, he wants to kill him on all sides, even if he retreats, he must face the devil and other characters.

What is even more serious is that Ling Feng feels that the demon can seal the place and can seal the sky, so that he has no hope of escape.

Others can't think of it, but the Lord and the Devil can do it.

The storm is coming!

Ling Feng sighed, and when he took advantage of the temptation, he had already thought of this moment, but the Lord of the Lord reacted faster than he imagined.

If you are not worried about Tianqi evil emperor, etc., he has long left the stars, and he does not have to fall to this point.


At this moment, he has no choice. Only forward, with great power, tears this banned student and annihilates the demon.

come on!

Ling Fengsen opened his mouth and despised the demon statue. These devils were too small to marry him. Do you really feel that you have no weapon?


There is no need for Lingfeng to move forward. The demon statue has already sensed the breath of Lingfeng. The lightning appeared in front of Lingfeng. The fierce magical eyes were like lightning, and they fell sharply on Lingfeng, wanting to see through it.

it's me!

Ling Feng knows that there is no need to conceal, even if he is not Ling Feng, appearing in the form of a demon, it is also the object of this demon.


He did not conceal, and the body was sprayed with a faint light rain. The true dragon magical method shines, letting him change back to the original image, and it appears in front of the demon.

Know that it is you!

The demon statue smiled lightly. There is no living creature here. There is no flies. In the face of the banned power, all cover up is only in vain. If Lingfeng still conceals, it is a real idiot.

To know.

If you want to conceal the true body, you can't use its true power. It is controlled everywhere. It is not enough to watch in front of Tianzun. Only with the top strength, Lingfeng has a little hope.

Hand over the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, I can let you die faster, free from the flesh and blood!

The demon statue said with a smile, seeing Ling Feng as the fish on the knife, ready to slaughter.

What is it called?

Ling Feng did not panic, this time panic will only make himself die faster.

Deity ink month! The devil said, very proud.

Is ink month?

Ling Feng's eyes are colder, and the yin test says. I will imprint you on the treasures of the heavens. Wherever I am, I will only be able to open the treasures when I am annihilated. Wherever my kingdom is against the territory of God, it will be your slogan. earth!

Killing deep!

Ling Feng hates the Mozu, especially the demon statue, it is even more boring.

He wants to take away the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, naturally he has to pay more blood, and this is the strong obsession of Ling Feng. Even if he dies here today, the later generations will carry his will and annihilate the Moon Moon and the Mozu. , to the death of the party.

Later generations?

Mo Yue squinted at Ling Feng and laughed. Is that your ancient Wu? Then I am waiting!

Before the ancient times, I did not see the prosperity of the kingdom of heaven, but in the world I am willing to flatten the ancient Wu with one's own strength!

Mo Yue said quite fiercely.

He did not put the heavens before the ancients in his eyes, nor did he put the ancient martial arts in his eyes.

Just by you?

Ling Feng's eyes are even more contemptuous. Don't say that the heavens before the ancient times, that is, when the world is against the gods, you can annihilate the moon. Who is not enough to burn this god?

What's more, if these characters step into the sky, then there is no chance in the month. The later generations of ancient martial arts are not weaker than the ancient kingdom of heaven, only because they are still very weak, the potential has not been waved at all, and led by Ling Feng, the world is more extraordinary, as long as the overall step is respected, the entire starry sky will be stepped under the feet. ,package

Including the Yaozu, including the Mozu.

The devil is powerful, but whether he can hold the power of Feixian is still a problem, let him compete with Lingfeng at the same level, I am afraid it is also dangerous.

I am afraid that you are not enough!

Ling Feng cold eyes proud of the ink month, the eyes of the gods burst into a cold mans.

Burning Tianzun Wannian is not here, otherwise why is it so passive? However, this does not mean that Ling Feng will not be able to kill the ink month.

Then start with you, I will annihilate you one by one!

Mo Yuesen opened his mouth and made a big step forward. He wanted to take advantage of Ling Feng and then seize the treasures of the kingdom and two heavy weapons.

A magic light penetrates into the sky and appears in the void, releasing the top Tianwei. It seems that there is a real dragon flying, a phoenix is ​​sorrowful, and the magic light also transmits purple gold, which bursts into different light rain.

next moment.

The magic light will soon fall down and go straight to the wind, like a sickle, to smash the head of Ling Feng.

The space around it is completely solidified, and the terrible air waves are pressing against the wind. It is more fierce and more rapid than the sickle. I am afraid that the sick knife has not yet fallen, and Lingfeng will take the first step.

Needless to say.

If this blow is really falling down, Ling Feng is a pool of blood, without any possibility of rebirth.


Just as the strike in the ink month appeared in front of the Lingfeng, when the air wave blows it all over, Lingfeng’s mouth is stunned by a touch of sneer, and Mori’s cold killing is being shot from him, let this day Are shaking.

What about the devil?

Ling Feng coldly opened his mouth, and the handle in his hand finally appeared. There was no strong momentum and it was very inconspicuous.


It is this shackle that makes Ling Feng full of confidence, but also borrows this shackle to kill the sorcerer.

Is it good to burn the sky? At this moment, Ling Feng became unprecedentedly strong, and opened the mountain and river, and launched it forward, bursting with unparalleled light. The ordinary shackles were shocked at this moment, a heavy force came out, and the blood was burning. Blood rain is flying,

And between the blood and the blood, a character loomed as if to cross the billionaire river.

The sea of ​​blood is soaring, Yin Bo is a million.

Burning around the figure's body, the whole space is distorted, the truth is not seen, and the power is not seen, but the entire sky is being burned.

Burning the sky! When the real power of burning Tianzun comes out, even if the sky can be burned, you can ask the day in a step, so that you can wait for the strength to be small? At this time, Ling Feng brought the top of the burning sky, and let it use the big handwriting, across the billions of miles of the river, to

Let it shoot out the power of the deity.

Oh, is it true?

Mo Yue did not panic, indifferently, did not put the top of the burning Tianzun in the eyes, across the billion miles of the Milky Way, even if the strong desolation of the deity, here will be weakened, it is difficult to give top power .

Then what else can he avoid?

next moment.

He flashed in his hand and a magic whip appeared and shot directly.

诛 鞭 whip, specifically annihilating your characters!

The ink month is strong, and the hope of Ling Feng should be alive and let it die in despair.

but! At that moment, the sky was filled with blood and the sky was overwhelming. The top gas field was surging, and the stalks of the stalks were stopped. Then, the blood and blood rain flew to the ink moon, and the space of evolution The law, like a handle, is a sword.

The power of the ink-killing moon.


The face of the ink moon suddenly sinks, and it is shocked to burst.


When the voice just fell, he denied his own statement, and said with indulgence. The law alone, the sky, across the billions of miles of the river, must be weakened, not to this extent, the virtual body is more like this.

The law is in harmony with the sky!

When the idea of ​​the moon in the heart of the moon, can not help but swear, chilling, and blasted backwards.

It’s horrifying that only the gods of the law are the same. It’s the hand that the characters who are about to ask the sky can make, but what if they want to integrate the virtual body?

What is this handwritten?

Is that a person who asks the level of the day?

Needless to say.

It’s not enough to look at the law alone. It’s very dangerous to be physically weak. But when they blend together, it’s not a single force, but a whole!



Burning Tianzun uses the heavenly law to integrate the virtual body into it, and it is necessary to bring the power of the deity to the whole, and to be in this mountain and river, the powerful will almost collapses this mountain river, and the terror is unimaginable.

this is

This moment, the moon trembled, his face pale, knowing that he met a terrible opponent.

Later generations!

Burning the hoarse voice of the heavens, said, I heard that you want to annihilate me one by one?

Mo Yue trembled, retreating quickly, and offering a spiritual stone, concealing the blast, notifying other demon statues, they must do their best to the character, otherwise he will bleed.

can. He is still too small to burn Tianzun, and the law is in harmony with the heavens. This is the story of the anti-sky, which means that the burning of the sky has long sealed the whole piece of the void, in his law, no power, no spirit, that spirit Although the stone burst, it can be powerful.

The ripples and volatility were destroyed by the burning of Tian Zun.

The tyrant is shocked!

This is Burning Heaven!

Do you have such characters in the later generations? The mouth of the ink moon is straight, and he is really small and rebellious.

Unlike the ink month. At this moment, the will of the ancestors of the Heavenly Kingdom in the spiriting beads is also waiting to see. This is what they demanded. Originally, they wanted to use the burning will of the kingdom to burn the ink moon. But Ling Feng refused. He wanted the ancestors of heaven to know that the kingdom of heaven would not be destroyed. , there are people

To survive, let them believe that the anti-God is not as fragile as they think.

then. When the Burning Heavenly Emperor carries the blood of the sky, the ancestors of the kingdom of heaven will be excited, and they will almost cry. After a long time, they will meet again.

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