Supreme Demon

Chapter 1413: Kill out the encirclement!

The void is dull!

Great weather!

Yin Hong blood fire is like lightning, a heavy push out, completely annihilating this piece of void, the wave-like momentum is like the tide, tearing the sky.

Burning Tianzun was placed in the **** fire, behind him was a **** fire, and in front of him was full of blood and rain, the space was distorted, and his true volume was blurred, but the imposing manner was not covered.

He stood between the mountains and rivers, as if it were a day, covering the wind and rain for Ling Feng.

Dojoe, despise all beings! Just the momentum between the mountains and rivers, the ink moon was full of horror, and I couldn’t help but quit, and my heart panicked. Especially when I sensed the temperament of the heavenly level, I was even more shocked. Such characters appeared in the sentient beings. Star, simply not


What made him even more flustered was the power of burning Tianzun. It was impossible to prove it to the whole world.


His previous seals were directly blasted, and the Burning Heavenly Emperor was forced to press the tyrannical momentum. Not only was the town’s stone shackles sealed, but the emptiness of this piece of emptiness was simply overlooking him.

How strong is this?

He did not put him in his eyes, just like him.

"Despise ancient Wu, when you are!"

There is not much words in the burning of the gods, but each word is full of power, like the blood of the standing, killing, almost to smash this day.


His Taoist eyes suddenly lit up and directed at the ink moon. The whole time and space appeared distorted, swaying forward, undulating, and stunned, and then a scorpion flew out of the air and shot directly.

call out!

The space was pierced, and the time seemed to stop. Only one handle shone with light rain and stabbed.


When the scorpion flies over, there is a large wave of emptiness in the void, and a burst of lightning is heard in the space whistling sound.

"That is... the law of the gods!"

The face of the ink moon is mad, and the handle is in the hands of Ling Feng. The power is not obvious, but it is completely different in the hands of the Burning Heaven. The power of the Fa is thin, and it is pushed to the top.


The handle of the scorpion shines with the essence of the burning of the heavens. It is made from the essence of the blood, and is born in the heavens of the Fa, and can cross the billions of miles of the river, and it appears here at that moment, the power can be imagined.

To know.

Wannian Laos and Burning Tianzun did not come, just let Ling Feng bring this shackle, and they will take risks by paying attention to Ling Feng.

This is the treasure of the burning of God's personal sacrifice.

The law is equivalent to the deity!

At this moment, it is not the law, but the virtual body, but the burning of heaven! When he was holding the Fashen, the whole starry sky was gray, and the big stars fell from the sky. The round of the moon was sunk, the mountains were sighing, the beings were sighing, and the virtual sky seemed to float the prelude of the gods, as if prosperous. Fall out

The end of the air is destruction.

"I am suppressing the world!"

Mo Yue's face is heavy, using the top strength, playing a handle to the treasure, hard pressing forward, with the strength of the tyrannical power.

The magical law is in full bloom, like a head demon, driving the real dragon, the phoenix appears, hitting the burning heaven, and the magic net, the magic soldier and so on, and doing everything in their power to keep the situation and suppress the handle.


A crackling sound, just like that, there is no warning.

The handle appeared on the real dragon and the demon, like a knife-cut tofu, a fierce flash, and then the head and the real dragon sighed, and instantly collapsed.


Another sound is crisp, and the devil and the phoenix are also killed at this moment.

The handle is like a broken bamboo. There is no power at all to survive. In particular, the law of the magic, like a piece of paper in front of the handle, is completely restrained. The handle is like a tailor-made for the magic.

Between the lightnings.

The handle of the handle fell from the void, plowing a space, forming a terrible black hole.

Soon, the handle came to the front of the ink moon, and he was shocked by the change of his face, eager to retreat, want to escape, but his degree is still not enough to see in front of this handle.


The next moment, he gave a sigh of sorrow, and the expression on his face became stiff and settled.


A glimpse of the blood from his eyebrows, infiltrating his clothes little by little, cutting his life bit by bit... a demon statue! The whole starry sky is like being pulled out of a big hole. The rain of ink falls, the skin of black people is blackened, and the heart of many devils is blackened. This magic rain is extremely intense and unusual. It is not the magic emperor. Detonated, the truth is called


A demon statue!

The whole Mozu was like a bomb, and it was caught in a strange calm.

These days, the demons and demons have a lot of confrontations, and they are difficult to solve, but the control of each other is still quite in place. There are no large-scale deaths and injuries, especially the devils are level-level creatures. They want to kill them too. easily.

At least, after the Devils entered the stars, there was never a fate.

And now is the only one!

Needless to say.

The demon Lord and several demon statues sensed the first time, the whole body became stiff, who could imagine that they would seal this mountain river with powerful power, even if Gai Xuan appeared here, want to kill a demon Respecting is not easy.


As long as they are alarmed, then Gai Xuan is only a lieutenant.


What they didn't think of was that the demon lord was actually killed in a short time, and they didn't have time to give notice. What kind of characters can they do?

Cover Xuan?

Unless he can go to heaven!

Who else?

"We sneaked at him!"

The main test of the magic yin, since he knew the wind, he has been ignoring the wind, never put it in his eyes, even if the other party has the power of flying fairy, it is only a god.

Can such a character stand side by side?

Therefore, the demon master looked at the wind in a down-to-earth manner, and even after the emergence of Ling Feng, the demon Lord was confident that he could be kept in the oysters until he was killed, and he was alarmed.

District gods dare to marry all the stars?

There are no powerful people behind, no military force, and Ling Feng is nothing but cannon fodder. Now Lingfeng uses strong strength to prove to them that the later generations of Guwu are not as fragile as they imagined. They have the genius of the world, they have the weapon of life, they have the ability to annihilate the demon, and they dare to deal with him. I want to think about it.

What kind of price is paid.

"Check, I want to find him!"

The main devil of the devil is blushing. Since he debuted, he has never encountered such a grievance. He has been fighting geese all the time, and even let the geese squint.

More importantly, his eight geniuses, "The Emperor", were killed in the hands of Ling Feng.

And because of the emergence of Ling Feng, a perfect stain on the perfect record of the Lord, became imperfect.

"After the ancient world, there is no shortage of people, and there are strong people!"

Several demon faces are heavy and have become cautious. They can kill the demon statues without moving their voices, even if they are jealous, so they must be more careful.

"Please bring the two seniors over, I want to kill them all!"

The Lord of the Lord opened his mouth and asked for the character holding the axe.


This is Ling Feng’s obsession. He does not dare to delay. Burning Tianzun appears here with the law. The consumption is huge. Once his power is consumed, he can only sit still.

He lightning penetrated the seal of the demon, and moved forward.


The situation is a little bit more than he imagined. Because the previous waves were too large, many emperors, demons, etc. appeared in this area, and flew toward Lingfeng, there was no possibility of dodging, and this time concealment was in vain.


Ling Feng directly sacrificed the Heavenly Dodge Gate, and the seats fell in the air. The vastness seemed like a heaven, and a demon emperor and a demon emperor lived, and then the lightning left.


In a short time, he directly shot the handle, let the Burning Heaven advent, and pushed it to a demon statue. When the handle was over, the demon sighed and screamed on the spot.

No magician can stop the crazy burning gods at this moment!

Obviously. The power of burning Tianzun was too much, and he wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, and he was more worried about the safety of Lingfeng. He had to do his best, and he told Ling Feng that the old man was flying to the stars, and his identity could not be stopped. The Lord will sooner or later

Come out, so there is no need to hide.

Two days later.

Ling Feng smashed the encirclement, and opened the way with the handle. His degree was so fast that he was so stunned that he disappeared in front of people in a short time and appeared in the other direction of the stars.


He directly unfolded the spirit beads and disappeared into it. The whole sentient beings are insane, the devil and so on are crazy to find the whereabouts of Lingfeng, especially the demon emperor, the emperor, etc. Although they do not know the origin of Lingfeng, they have never seen it, but the devils have appeared. , the devil is doing his best,

Is the picture not obvious enough?

The treasure of heaven is coming out!

What surprised them was that the national treasure of the day seemed to fall into the hands of a terrible figure. It was the two demons who squandered the blood and simply killed the Mozu gods alive.

"He has a heavy treasure on his body, which can cover up the breath. I think he is in this mountain and river, and will not go far!" The devil felt keenly that the heavy treasures on Ling Feng were very special and could blind their sense of consciousness. The level of horror is obvious. It is not easy to find him. So you have to wait and reduce the scope bit by bit, just push it out.


"Not bad!" The man who held the axe and opened the axe, said, "When the characters from the ancient times came out, they only had such Tianwei, but although Lingfeng could cover up his breath, he could not cover the person. Breath, we can find his whereabouts

,need some time. ”


He sacrificed the open axe, letting him shoot out the Taoist light, rushing into the distance, looking for the whereabouts of the scorpion, and the sacred objects of the heavenly treasures and the ancient martial arts.

quickly. They reduced the scope. Although they did not find the whereabouts of Lingfeng, they determined that Lingfeng was in this mountain.

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