Supreme Demon

Chapter 1415: 诛仙网!

Behind the sickle!

The knife is deadly!

I don't know when the Eastern clan Tianzuns played such a role. In the battle of the wind and the fall, they backed up the two Tianzuns, and now people will mention them.

The paralysis is too pit.

It’s too dark!


What people didn't think of was that the Eastern clan was not only the two gods, but also an old man. When this person didn't know when it appeared, he was so smashed in the sixth demon, it was hard to defend, quite fierce.

Don't say that the Lord did not think that other characters did not think of it.

You must know that Ling Feng’s identity has not been revealed. No one should know its origins. The characters who can help at this time are quite limited. Gai Xuan is one, but only one.

It’s true that the burning of the old man is not weak, but is it possible to hold on to the six devils?


At this juncture, the scythe of the Eastern clan appeared, a deadly knife, ending the life of the demon, and quite angry, threatening that the devil robbed him of the treasure, put a cold gun behind him, and this was his Strangled.

The whole scene calmed down at that moment.

People stared at each other and watched the old man appear, and then did not see the old man end. The stars of the living are vast, and the treasures are too many. Who knows that the demon is more than the treasure of the old man? This kind of thing is hard to come by. If the old man dies, no one can refute it. But the problem is that the old man is too terrible to end.

The life of a demon, the embarrassing makes people feel scared.

I am not lying!

The old man said vowedly, and in publicly opened the storage space of the demon statue, and put one piece into his own pocket, then he took out a pearl from it and said, it is this spirit bead, almost wanted my life!

I hate the devil!

I hate him!

The devil's face was gloomy. When things got to this point, why didn't he see the problem?

He has always been in the Xiaofeng Lingfeng. He did not treat the later generations of Guwu and Lingfeng at the same level as him. He was able to drive the ten devils, what about Lingfeng?


There are not so many Tianzuns in the later generations, but what about the Oriental clan?

This is completely a game!


At this time, Wannian Laojiao flew from afar and appeared in front of the gods. The tyrannical light and rain slammed into the sky and banned from crushing to the fifth demon, which made many people look at each other.

To know.

The identity of Wannian Laojiao is very sensitive. He once appeared in the empty road and is responsible for guarding the safety of Ling Feng. What does it mean now that he appears here?


At this moment, I have not been able to take care of this, only to end this battle as soon as possible.

Bang! A skylight collapsed from the void, burning Tianzun took the lead, and the hand was swaying in the middle of the road. The ancient Wuta was even more pleasing to the tens of millions of light. The ninth door that had never been opened was also opened at this moment, revealing that the nine heavens Trembling Tianwei,

As if to penetrate the world.

Open axe!

The demon lord did not give up, and the open axe unfolded, and the sky was cracked, but the light of the ancient martial tower was grayed out, but when the shackles were suppressed, the open axe was affected.


The demon of the world was too late to be guarded, and a hole was made by the handle, on the arm.

The law of heaven and the virtual body blend together?

The face of the world-famous devil was tragic, and he was chilling. He saw more things, that is, burning Tianzun really had to ask the sky, not far away.

This is a rather horrible figure, and once it is successful, the demon is in danger.


However, his voice fell, and a vast expanse of Tianwei fell from the air, smashing it with the ancient Wuta, and repelling it, even if the open axe lost its light at this moment.


Burning the heavens at the level is even more extraordinary, only because he is not here. Otherwise, the Tianwei that can be swayed will be alive. Even if the demon holds the axe, it is not enough to see it in front of the Burning Heaven.

at the same time.

The will of the kingdom of heaven is burning, and a ray of light is shining. Some people are greeting the burning god, some are feeling, and more are giving hope and blessing.

It’s great to see each other in this life!


In the next moment, they ignited themselves, and they shot a stronger force to let the gods seal their opponents, and the murderous blade of the next day was hollowed out, and the magic arm was dropped and the injury was severe.

Needless to say.

The treasures of heaven are in the hands of Ling Feng, and their momentum is completely different. At least Lingfeng knows that the **** map is more suitable for them, and the power is more gentle, without the hegemony of the previous.


It is not easy to kill this demon.

Rumble! In the other direction, Gai Xuanzheng and another demon statue are smashed, the mountains and rivers are eclipsed, the sun and the moon are dull, and it is difficult to separate them. It is impossible to live and die in a short time. This is to worry about the cover snow, but she does not Any hesitation, join the candle dragon

In the battlefield of Tianqi evil spirits, help three heavenly figures to annihilate the demon statue.

Just because. She can see that the demon statue is very strong. Even if the three heavenly figures hold the taboo power, it is almost impossible to completely seal the demon. Now they only rely on the blood to drag the demon. If you let it fly out, that wins

The balance of Lee will be tilted.


Even if it was covered with snow and snow, the situation was not optimistic. The demon rebellion was fierce, and the four Wudi-level characters were getting more and more serious.

However, the old clan of the Eastern clan seems to be very calm, watching from the cold, looking at the battlefield from time to time, and sometimes looking at the devil, seems to be thinking.


What kind of character is the demon Lord, he can naturally see the problem, the old man is warning him, if he dares to be unfavorable to the wind, then it will be scolded immediately, just like the demon of the devil.

Simply neat!

A knife is deadly!

to be frank.

Since the Lord of the Lord asked himself, he has never been threatened by humans, but the situation is very tricky. The devils are all weak, and what about him?

Although he did not know the origin of the old man, it was only a sharp knife that made him jealous.

That is how a knife!


His eyes flashed, and the tight face was released at this time, saying: Oriental clan?

Do you want to know? The old clan of the eastern clan asked with a smile.

The Lord only felt a glimpse of his heart. He suddenly realized that the old man smiled very embarrassedly. He did not simply want to suppress the simplicity of the Mozu, but directed him.

The old man has already known his identity!

Or, Ling Feng has already stated his identity.


There are not many people who know there. The old man is only two, but what more people know?


The Lord does not want to let people know his identity now!

The atmosphere instantly cooled down.

The moment before, Ling Feng was worried about life and death, but now it is transformed into the Lord of the Lord.

The Lord of the Lord is thinking hard, looking at the distance with cold eyes, and the old man of the Eastern clan is not doing anything, and Ling Feng is watching with cold eyes, the old **** is there, as if this war is not related to him.

Quite strange!


After a while, the battlefield has become more flying, and the cockroach is pushing into the distance, expanding a lot. When the dust rises, it is intertwined with the power of the law, which can blind the eyes of the heavenly lords and let people look at them.


Many deities of the demon statues are eager to see the situation. Why do they feel that the atmosphere is not right? Ling Feng’s body is covered in the light rain, and the sorrowfulness makes Tian Zun’s invisible. The burning of the sky is even more invisible. Only the old and the evil emperors have not concealed themselves. This makes people think of many, especially the emptiness of the Tao. These forces,

Even more strange, normal, only Ling Feng can make so many people escort.

However, isn't Lingfeng falling in that road battle?


At this moment, a gloomy breath came from afar, and it was so fast that it was so horrified that it appeared on the battlefield, not showing the body, but hiding in the void space, approaching both sides of the fierce battle.


In the next moment, a fist hits from the void space, like two lightning bolts, smothering and killing to the heavenly lord, and then another fist is also shot from the void space, banned from falling to the hand-held axe Respect.

court death!

The two men of the world were angered, and the hand raised was the Thunder lightning, which directly destroyed the gray smoke of the hand.


They stared coldly at the distance, glaring at the air, where they saw something different.

A little doorway, but you are all on the knife!

A voice rang indifferently, and a hand opened a hole in the way, playing the power of the law, and there was a huge sky shot down, banned from sealing the entire void.

Oh, a person in the district wants to seal me and wait? The magician holding the open axe sneered.

It is not enough, so I brought a few more! The figure opened and the laughter was more harsh. At that time, several big hands stretched out from the sky, grabbed the big ones, tightened them, and then quickly fell down. The four rules were intertwined in the big shot. Eight inversion

Light, horror is hard to imagine.


People are shocked. Doesn’t this anti-corruption have been destroyed before the ages?

The world is actually in the present?

I am afraid that there is the same place as the **** of the gods, that is, it is difficult to dodge. Once the white is detained, it is very difficult to escape. Even the demon gods must exhaust their energy.


Once detained, their situation is dangerous.

It can be said that the gods of the gods are more dangerous, and the celestial beings that Tianzun can sway are more terrible than the gods.

What makes Ling Feng angry is that the general is shrouded in with the devil and so on. Is this going to be sacrificed together?


Ling Feng gritted his teeth, he couldn't see the truth, he didn't know the origins of the five big hands, but obviously he was going to catch the oriole, they wanted to be the oriole. good night.

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