Supreme Demon

Chapter 1416: Demeanor!

诛仙网! it

In the same era as the **** of the gods, many people have been blood-stained before the ages. The big net is bright red and looks very demon.

In fact.

Zhu Xian netbook is not this color, but it annihilates a **** Buddha, which is dyed red, seemingly with a touch of fragrance, but if you seriously experience it, it will feel terrible on that big net. The atmosphere of death, one by one, the life of the gods in the network, so that the fairy network is like a curse, full of evil. according to

smell. Got

The characters who go to Zhu Xianwang often do not end well, especially in their later years, they will become ominous, and most of them will die in vain, but the number of times that Zhu Xianwang appears is too small, no one can prove this biography.

but. people

We feel that the hole will not come to the wind, and I am afraid that there is a curse on the Internet. It is because of this that it becomes more and more evil and horrible. Of course


At the moment, the celestial network came out, and it turned out that the five devils and their opponents who are facing each other, and one of them is the one who holds the axe of the heavenly axe, and the other is the figure of the celestial god, how strong will it be? terrible? can

. that

The owner of is still strong, and it is necessary to kill Lingfeng and Mozhu, and his mind is not poisonous.


Zhu Xianwang has fallen from the void, and has been detained for thousands of miles. He is so powerful that he can’t stop it with the strength of Ling Feng and others. Especially the characters such as Ling Feng and Tian Qi are greatly affected. After all, it’s the **** of heaven. Things, top strength may not be able to break free, let alone them. Do not

Over. he

They did not get rid of it, but the lightning flew down, trying to dodge the celestial net, and Ling Feng concealed the use of Xianli, wanting to curb the rhythm of the celestial net.


The power of the flying fairy does have the ability to contain the celestial net, but it is still too weak. In the sea and the ocean, the chandelier must be extinguished.

In a short period of time, the power of Feixian was suppressed, and Lingfeng did not want to make the force of Feixian too eye-catching, so it was not forced to crush, but instead borrowed the power to fly back, let the 诛仙网 press up.

He knows that the people who can solve the problem now are not them, but the gods.


At this time, Devil Zunwei, punched out, the tyrannical magic light broke through the sky, and the celestial net was flying up, but the magic light did not tear the 诛仙网, completely unable to move. This

The momentum only lasted for a while. When the celestial world rushed out of the mighty power, the magic light was immediately suppressed and quickly disintegrated, and then the magic light was pressed down. The wild and wild like a sharp blade is cutting the world. .

"Who is it?"

"Who is the fairy tale network?"

They exclaimed, their faces were ugly, and the ban on the banquet was too terrible, that is, the gods must be careful, and the fear of being killed by the celestial net.


The characters holding the celestial net are at least the level of the world, not weaker than them, dare to target them, and show the tyrannical strength.


The character wants to be a fish in the presence of the gods, he is the protagonist.


The face of the world-famous hand-held axe suddenly cooled down. A vast expanse of Tianwei flashed into the void, carrying the open axe, and the lightning fell on the celestial net, and it was crushed by the devastating nature of the open axe. Press the network.

He even wants to know if the open axe can keep the network. Two

Kinds of banned, bogey weapons slammed in the void, bursting out the mountains and rivers, the power of the squad hit the distance and pushed the stars back.


The open axe is stirring, and the whole axe is trembled. This is the last time in history, and the severity of it is visible. The celestial net is born by this force, and the power is stirred up on the Internet. Piercing. Of course


Zhu Xian Net did not tear, no damage, just being jacked up, but did not tear, still sealed in all directions.

and. punish

Xianwang is being oppressed by people from all sides. The resilience is extraordinary. It even penetrates the void and the earth. It is pressed against people one by one. As long as it does not tear, as long as the character has no command, then the fairy network will be down. , reduce the scope little by little, until the characters are killed.

In fact, it is exactly like this. when

The scope of the curtains of the celestial net is diminishing, and the demon Lord and Ling Feng are further approaching, and the smattering of the smattering will almost break the sky. Especially the Tianzun and the ruling, the momentum is too strong, even if they do not take the initiative, only It is the matchup on the gas field that is nine days of thunder.

What is more serious is the treasure of the kingdom of heaven. It can't be fully displayed in the network of Zhu Xian. Once it is approached by the demon, it is almost a bag. not


The character is not only to be the protagonist, but also to let the devils kill each other and consume each other until he has collected all these demons. boom

Rumble... next

At the moment, the top horrible shopping is exploding at this moment. The treasures of the heavens do not want to fall into the hands of the magicians. Therefore, they are very fierce. The burning blade and the gods are shooting out of Tianwei, and they are pushed out bit by bit.


The open axe was banned from welcoming before, and fell down with tyrannical power, confronting the Burning Path, and confronting the gods.


Burning Tianzun's momentum swallowed up, forced the mountains and rivers, forbidden from the horizontal push to the hand-held axe of the world's demon, and the power of the hands blasted, the ancient Wuta smashed a stalwart, flashing voltage fell.

A loud noise.

The ancient Wu tower and the open axe banged, and the more powerful light rain burst, the emptiness of this piece of emptiness, burning, and then a countercurrent flow to the void, the open axe and the ancient Wuta all fell on the 诛仙网On the one hand, it is regrettable that Zhu is still not damaged and indestructible.

This makes people look eclipsed, and Zhu really wants to go against the sky. even

The Guwu Pagoda and the Kaitian Axe are all in no way. It is indeed a ban and a weapon. In this respect, only the Burning Path Blade can compete with it. However, the Burning Path Blade does not belong to the will of the Kingdom of Heaven, and therefore wants to fully wave it out. Not realistic. but

. day

The will of the national treasure has not let go of this opportunity, urging the burning of the blade, bursting out the top glare, squatting on the celestial net, let the net become tremble, cracks appear on it, let the secret The characters all took a sigh of relief and completely underestimated the power of the Burning Path.

It can be said that the will of the kingdom of heaven is gray, and it is difficult to sway the top Tianwei of the Burning Road. If this blade is in the hands of the Burning Heaven, I am afraid that the celestial net will really tear.


The character opened up and looked fierce and chilled. When his voice fell, the celestial net was quickly reduced to the center, and the gods and devils were forced to be more centered, so that they could not care about the celestial net. Beside the gods. Do not

Needless to say, this is quite sinister. Want


The gods and the devils oppose each other, especially the two characters, Ling Feng and Mozhu. The identity is too sensitive. Anyone wants to get rid of it. The difference is that the Burning Heaven, the Wannian, and so on, who want to do it, are the Lord of the Lord. The superhero who holds the open axe wants to do the hurricane. and

And. he

They worry that if they don't do it, the demon will start first, even if they don't do it. magic

The family can't believe it! magic

Of course, the family also has the same mind. If the Lord is unfortunately killed, it is estimated that the entire Mozu will be insane, so even if they sacrifice them, they must let the Lord leave.

For them, Zhu is not terrible. The terrible thing is to burn Tianzun.

"War!" Burning

Tianzun, Wannian Laojiao and other moments hit the Mozu, and the Tianzuns confronted each other, and the treasures of the kingdom of heaven were full of enthusiasm, and the tyrannical momentum reversed the eight straits. evil

Emperor, Tianqi, Gai Xuexue, etc. are even more violent to kill the devil, to heaven and other gates. "

It's really a bit interesting. ”

The old man of the Eastern clan did not know when he appeared next to Ling Feng, and he smiled lightly and did not start. He was watching.

There was a lot of blood and rain, and the battle was in full swing. ripple

The heavy ones cover the sky, so that Tianzun can't see the war situation, and there are bright red heavenly blood and the blood of the ink fly away, directly igniting in the void, burning a terrible big hole. suddenly

Of course. on

At that time, the eyes of the old clan of the eastern clan shone, and a breath of screaming spewed out from him, sturdy to the point where the devil of the world was trembled. I don’t know if the old man was a What do you mean. but

. a few

At that moment, the two camps of the demons stopped suddenly and did not die. They seemed to be in the void.

"Let's use it for treasure!" East

The old man of the Fang clan opened to Ling Feng, and Ling Feng did not hesitate any more, and directly sacrificed a treasure to the self-defeating Lingzhu.

The golden light rain will cover the sun and the moon in an instant. One

The handle dust appears in front of people. degree

God! This

It is the jewel of the same period as Zhu Xian. In the meantime, it is only the suppression of the gods, but the sacred network is the killing. The two are essentially different.

however. This

It is only Ling Feng’s understanding of the gods. He has not yet revealed the true power of the gods, and he does not know how much light he had before the ages. straight

At this moment.

When the **** of God fell in the hands of the old clan, the golden light casts the dust and directly penetrates the celestial net. Every golden dust is like a golden sword, piercing the sky and revealing the strong momentum. and


Those golden swords and rains are built, and one foot is cast!

Boom! that

Just falling from the empty air town, there is no town on the celestial net, but directly stepping on the void, let the space collapse, let the sorrowful sorrow, and there is a sorrowful sound in it, like the beast, sternly let Human scalp.

The celestial net came to an abrupt end, and the power became gray.

At this moment, the two sides who are fighting each other suddenly stopped, and the power of madness and wildness went all the way to the celestial net. Whether it was the devil or the feng feng, whether it was burning Tianzun or the worldly demon. This

At the moment, he unexpectedly shot the same, and pushed back the celestial net, pushing it up, and the Burning Pathblade released the Tianshi Rainbow at this moment. The force of Feixian appeared in it, concealed in the treasure of the kingdom of heaven, shot together, fallen. On Zhu Xian Online, on the spot, the 诛仙网 will be torn to form a gap. and

Rear. Public

The magical lightning rushed out of the scope of the celestial net, and quickly hit the direction that screamed. p

.. people in the field, more, new and unstable, let's take a look.

After the fragrance is gone, it will be better and newer.

good night.

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