Supreme Demon

Chapter 1417: Bureau game!


When the gods show their prestige, they are going to bow.

I have to say that the **** of the gods in the hands of Ling Feng is completely different from the hands of Tian Zun. Once the power is truly displayed, Tian Zun will be embarrassed. complete

actually. degree

The gods can penetrate any strength, scorn the bondage, and even ignore the power. The celestial nets are shackled and directly suppressed. The gods cast a foot on the head of the character, and they are detained and thrown away. Go out and kneel on the mountains and blast the mountains and rivers. on

That collapse! on

So annihilated! punish

The power of Xianwang is a joke in front of the gods, and the immune defense is not just an empty talk. and

And. when

Zhu Xianwang lost control, and several Ge Shi Tianzun teamed up to tear it apart. In particular, the Burning Pathblade displayed at this moment is the fierceness that is beyond the reach of the axe, especially the power of the flying fairy. In the case of forbidden soil, the fierceness is even worse. It is not completely curable by Zhu Xian.


Several people in the world are waiting, as long as the time is right, there is no power to contain it. thorn


When there was a crack in the 诛仙网, and the tears were opened, the Geshi characters flew out immediately. They did not hesitate to directly hit the person who had manipulated the celestial net. They should directly kill them, so as not to have a long night dream. Cover them. boom

Long! force

The volume exploded and the void exploded directly. One

Heavy forces are pushed to the character, quite fierce, and the heavens of all the stars are drawn out, and the horrible degree can be seen.

To know.

This is the combination of all living beings. The gods and the devils are doing their best. They are very upset about this "shrub" and dare to harm them in this, can they forgive?

The terrible power was overwhelming, and the sky was pierced on the spot.

next moment. before

A vacuum zone was formed in the place of thirty centuries, and the entire space was annihilated, and the character screamed, and the blood of the red blood was falling from the void and the ground was wet. but

! that

The characters are quite brave, they have not escaped, but they have come strong. They are carrying light and rain, and they sacrificed the nets of the gods to suppress the gods.

"You want to be beautiful!" East

The old man of the Fang clan snorted, and the **** in his hand released the top light. The power of the flying fairy and the forbidden soil were at the center, suddenly bursting, and a heavy force burst out of it, and the character was born. Go out, and then the gods will swarm and kill them.

"Do you still want to detain us?"

The world's demon statues were held in a hand-held axe. They came up with an axe, penetrated the void, and collapsed one of the characters' arms, and the red blood filled the space.


The sorrowful voice rang, the character was quite sad, and wanted to suppress so many demon at the same time, and it was still the top demon, it was too whimsical.

And at the moment. he

After being countered, several people took a sigh of relief and tried to kill them.


What is amazing is that the arm is in the void, not the real arm, but a claw, with blood falling from the void.

"The demon!" God

The two characters of the devil are ugly. I didn’t expect the demon to join in, and it’s a ghostly demon who never appeared. He brought the power of the celestial net and brought power. If they didn’t have a **** before, they really had to suffer big losses and injuries. It is small, and the commandment is big.

At least one or two characters are really going to die.

Needless to say. when

At this point, the two characters of the demon and the devil are more boring, and they are going forward, regardless of the image, to destroy the demon.

Bang! Imitation

The Buddha collapsed in nine days, and the power of terror fell heavily down, and the demon statue was kept, and then the frenzy was like lightning strike down, drowning the demon.

When the cockroaches are exhausted, the demon sighs with sorrow, the power is severely disintegrated, and the blood is not vomiting. Display

Of course.

Facing so many demon figures, it is to ask the characters of the heaven level to be cautious, not to mention the fact that the character of the oriental clan appears to be a god, which is really a headache, not only defense invincible, but also attack is more unsolvable, although I don’t know the demon. Respected for injury, but he could not dodge, but the town of Zhuxianwang could not live.

Boom! east

The old man of the Fang clan seems to be very strong, and the gods are playing from time to time, so that the demon is very miserable. Card

rub! Do not

For a long time, the other arm smashed and appeared in the mid-air, and hurriedly annihilated.

at the same time. God

The two characters of the devil are moving forward, and the one who kicks the singer of the world’s demon. I have to mention the temperament of the demon, and it is as rock-solid. Even the two characters of the demon can’t crush it. Life and life persist to the present, people look.


There is no delay in the demon, and the matter will be revealed. His body will manifest itself. The injury is very heavy. If this time is deadlocked, not only will he be miserable, but his family will be tragedy. because


He fled in the first place and disappeared in front of the people with lightning.

And. punish

The fairy net is squirting, and the power frenzy hits heavily, curbing the gods and not wanting them to chase them down. but

. This

At one moment, the two characters of the demon have already killed the red-eyed eyes, staring at the demon statue, and killing them, especially the demon statues, the devils, etc. This demon statue is more hateful than the burning of heaven and the treasure of heaven. After all, the treasure of heaven It is their object of suppression, and the demon respect regards them as the object of suppression.

This is the essential difference. and

And. Now

In the case of their ability, they can't really win the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, burn the heavens to sit in the town, the old man is a slashing knife, the cover is not weak, and there is an unfathomable old man, really wants to be shopping, they must at least A few bites are too heavy. This

It’s a game.

thus. he

We don't want to be too entangled, the time has not yet arrived, even if the later generations of Guwu get the gems, the world is not before the ages, want to copy the glory of the past?

I don't think about it! under

For a moment, they murdered to the demon, and did not want to let it leave.

The old clan of the eastern clan also has no mercy, and the gods are heavily beaten, and the demon statue is detained. The entire sky is going to collapse, and the burning of the gods, the old man and the old man are all powerful, and the demon statues are completely dismantled. Off, a strong mess.


The demon Lord and Ling Feng did not leave, especially such as Gai Xuan, Evil Emperor, Tian Qi and so on.

"I will wait for you!"

The Lord looked coldly at Lingfeng, which will be the enemy of the future. The current situation is not good for them. If you change the battlefield, the Lord is the winner.

after all.

The sentient beings are the heavenly dojos, and even the Terran stars are not good for them. "

Waiting for you! Ling

The wind responded quite strongly. There was no such thing as putting the Lord in the eye. Now

In the reverse, I can't wait for the magic blade, but what about the next hundred years? What about the millennium?

"See you in the future!"

The Lord of the Lord gave a low drink and the lightning disappeared. Want

Knowing that they are not only because of the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, but also more important treasures.

"See you in the future!"

Ling Feng, the devil is a very powerful opponent, the future battlefield will be their battlefield of life and death, other characters are foil, he is willing to wait, more willing to give the **** more time.


Ling Feng turned and left, did not delay here, disappeared into this sky. Big

The battle is still going on. God

The two characters of the demon have not let go of the demon, strong kill, the real ending is unknown.

however. on

When the war is in full swing, Ling Feng is saying goodbye to the snow, the cover, the children who have not escaped, their feelings have not yet reached that point, but the snow snow is very good for Ling Feng, she can recover. It is a gift from Ling Feng.

"Void, I will go!"

Covered with snow and snow.

"Good." Ling

The wind said with a smile. "But then I may not be in the void."


Ling Feng went on to say. "But we will definitely meet each other in the future!"


He did not return to the stars of all sentient beings, and **** came out, carrying them to Tianyu. At that time, the old man, the burning gods and the heavenly treasures appeared, they did not die the demon statue, but arched Ling Feng left, for them, Ling Feng is more important than any character. under

A moment. blood

The cockroaches collapsed into the stars, tearing a heavy space, and twisting time and space, and disappearing into the stars. "

I hope I can see each other! ”

Covering the snow and snow, she said that she knows that the treasure of heaven will come out, and a mythical power will be born. but

. when

Can Shi Guwu still release the glory of the past? Do not


Gai Xuan and Gai Xuexue also left the stars, and their purpose here is to restore the snow and snow. Now the purpose has been reached, there is no need to stay. Of course


Just after they left, the magic road came to the fore, carrying the heavy light to shock the world, let people look at each other, and even more gnashing their teeth. These characters are really poisonous. They wanted to destroy the treasures of heaven, but now they will silently turn the magic to the treasure. Get it, is this to make the world's characters in it? Do not

Over. on

On the same day, a news broke, and the first character of the Mozu was shocked by the stars.

Needless to say.

After the news came out, the **** two madly hit the Mozu, want to kill the devil, so that the Mozu is very tricky, have to withdraw the stars, to prevent the crazy demon two will be the master level. when

Of course.

The Lord is not a vegetarian. He is a carnivorous master and a righteous. When the news is hot, he throws a blockbuster. "

Ling Feng is still alive, belonging to the later generations of ancient Wu, in the world, the previous treasures of heaven are due to Ling Feng. ""

He has not fallen, but he has only used the sky to cross the sea. ”

The power of Guwuta and Feixian have been shocked! when

The news came out, the whole sentient beings seemed to have calmed down, people were horrified, and they did not expect that Lingfeng had not fallen, and it appeared here. Do not

Need to be confirmed. people

When we think of the previous battlefield, an invincible Geshitianzun appeared in the Fa, and Wannian Laojiao was desperately defending. The evil emperor and Tianqi also appeared here, and many people have already doubted it, but it has been confirmed.

He is Ling Feng! he

Still alive!

It can be said that this is more than the emergence of the devil to make people tremble. Bureau

The game! Ling

Before the wind leaves, give the devil a layout, let him be slain by the demon, and the devil is a backhand, so that Ling Feng is even more sad.

More exciting stories are coming, and the fragrance must be well organized. late


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