Supreme Demon

Chapter 1418: All the stars are blanking!

Bureau game!

It is the confrontation and game between the devil and the Lingfeng! magic

The Lord is extraordinary in the status of the Mozu, and the strength is more extraordinary. It is known as the first demon of the Mozu. Its prestige is not a name for the waves. Such characters appear to be unfavorable to the entire starry sky. People naturally want to do it. Otherwise, When it comes to success, it is to raise the tiger.

thus. magic

The appearance of the Lord in the Zodiac is equivalent to giving the Shemale two people a chance to do it.

To know. magic

The family has only come to ten demon statues, and there have been many deaths and injuries in the previous confrontation. There are not many strengths that can be thrown now. In this case, it is much easier for the **** and the two to do the devil. Correct

For the Mozu, the demon Lord appeared in the news of all the stars, and the consequences are still quite serious.

Ling Feng’s hand is quite old and spicy. He directly puts the main frame on the fire. If he accidentally gets killed, he knows that even if he does not break the news, the demon will spread the news of his unfallen before he leaves. come out. Session


His situation is more than passive. when

Of course. magic

The Lord is more toxic and thoroughly uncovers the identity of Ling Feng. The news that it has not fallen is tantamount to a blockbuster. It is blown up on the stars of the sentient beings. It has little influence on the Yaozu, but the impact on the Terran is unprecedented. Ling

The wind has not fallen, which means that the power of Feixian, the perfect void is still there, which means that a worldly arrogance is still growing, which means that the culprit behind it will surface.

It means that the void road and the oriental clan and the forces behind the wind are likely to form an alliance. Fairy

Is the court willing?

Shangguan, Da Zhou is willing? Back

After the culprit, the magical powers and the death list are willing to see?


Ling Feng was previously a scam, what did they do during these hours? What are they doing? This is a question worthy of deep thought.

Anyone who is worried about this problem is trembled. Many people in the empty road are also reluctant to see Ling Feng "heavy", which will affect their status and affect the future "empty road".

More importantly, Ling Feng is still a later generation. can

To say that the forces of the world, no one wants to see the rise of the ancients in the later generations, to shake their position, the demon and the devil are even more reluctant, especially the two have been suppressed, the heart naturally complains, wants to This **** shame is a very normal thing.


The clever thing about Ling Feng is that he left the stars in advance, so that the Tianzun and Tiandao who were present had to be depressed and nervous in their hearts. They could not find the whereabouts of Lingfeng. They could only wait for the return to the stars and then find a way. It becomes the nail in the eyes of the two demons, and it is necessary to kill it. he

They vent their grievances on the demon Lord, and the forces like the Void Road and the Guanghan Palace are destined to the Lord of the Devil. Such a great disaster naturally needs to be removed in the first place. This is an excellent opportunity.

Needless to say. in

In the next few days, all the stars were fiercely slammed, and the power was sprayed, like a frenzy, to kick off the ban. people

The family and the demon are looking for the devil in a frantic manner, especially the demon. They were beaten very badly before, so this time they have to retaliate against the devil, especially the devil. If they can kill it, the whole star will benefit. . more

The man-made and the demon-like characters set a heavy gold, and they must hang the head of the demon. This

It makes people more crazy. After all, the heavy money set by the people of the world is very expensive, and people can be fascinated.


On the day when Ling Feng left the stars, all the stars and rains of the crowds swelled and stunned the storm. In the light rain, the magic light shines through the nine heavens, causing all the stars to tremble slightly, and then a magical palace Carrying the magical light of the world, it is full of wind and rain.

In an instant. day

Deities, demon statues, and demon statues are moving forward, and they must win the fruit.

but. shape

The situation is more dangerous than they think. The three forces are in full swing and the fire is in full swing. The entire space has been blown up.

however. magic

The Taoist forces seem to have already known this result. Therefore, the lightning is flying backwards. There is no further fire, but the road is left to the side. It is depressing that there is a murder in the void, letting Tianzun and the demon swear, and then the magic road. The palace is disappearing in front of people.


The Magic Road Palace did not really disappear. After Tian Zun and the demon lords ate it, the Magic Road Palace appeared and was still smashing the Qimen. At that time, the Magic Road figure appeared in the pocket. Display

Of course.

This singular Qimenben was cast by them, the purpose is to trap the magic palace, and to suppress the gods and demon statues, and at the moment they intend to achieve.

Not only seriously hurt Tian Zun, demon statue, but also get the Magic Road Palace. Now

It seems that they are coming to the Magic Road Palace. It may be that the Magic Road Palace is the demon figure. Because their strength is thin, they can’t move the Magic Road, so they lay down the gates in advance and unite the power of the gods. I live in Miyagi and get it. "

hateful! "Let

After people know the truth, they are sullen and sullen. It is too cunning to hate the characters.

"You can't get them, try your best!"

The empty people of the empty roads open their mouths and their faces are heavy. When they were in the ancient roads, the magic roads were given the ancient scrolls of the ancient times, so that they could grow fast, especially the magic master. If this magic road palace falls, the starry sky is even more dangerous. Want

know. that

The Magic Road Palace is extraordinary, mysterious, people do not know its origins, but in the case of serious injuries to the Magic Road, they speculate that the problem is very serious, the Magic Road Palace is very likely to be the Magic Road to the treasure, equivalent to the position of the Heavenly Palace in the sky. thing

In fact, this is the case.

The news spread quickly, and the origin of the Magic Road Palace also surfaced.

"In the beginning, the palace of the kingdom of heaven was suppressed by the palace of the world!"

"Although the Magic Palace is defeated, it is not weaker than the Heavenly Kingdom Palace. It is also in the era of that shackles. It is also the top in the world, and the Magic Road Palace does not correspond to the Magic Road Scrolls. Otherwise, it can be born as much as heaven. Miyazaki's Tianwei." A big man said this.

"Once the magical scrolls are placed on the magic palace, the light rain will be directly shocked. They are not weaker than the power of the heavenly palace. What forces and strengths can sustain the Mozu?"

They frowned deeply and their faces were ugly.

These years, the Mozu really made the starry sky feel pressure. Far away people imagined that even the Mozu to the treasure can be found, and the Qimenke system, this handwriting is far away from the Terran Yaozu. can

To say. Want

It is the devil's scroll that corresponds to the magic palace. The demon will appear in the pre-Emperor starry sky, and the era of the "Heavenly Kingdom" rule will be opened. The power of the entire Mozu will make the demon people look at them, and those who will be suppressed at that time will be them. and

In the starry sky, it is only the heavens before the ancient times, but the ancient Wu was really dazzling at that time. When the world was full of power, people were really willing to see the ancient Wuqiang, so that they could not lift their heads? he

They are not willing. "

Get rid of him! ”

Some of the gods are stunned, and they are moving forward, and the demon lords are joining forces to lay down the gates and to completely block the gods.

"They have got the Magic Road Palace and naturally have to leave!"

Some characters spoke, speculating on the direction in which the Mozu characters left.

The Mozu will come from the Magic Road Palace, and will naturally leave because of the Magic Road Palace. Every delay is a disadvantage for the Mozu. Although they know the danger, they will definitely leave in a short time.

next moment.

A person like a net flies out and asks about the Mozu movement. "

go! "magic

The family did not delay, and the first time they left, they had already arranged the Qimen, using the Qimen Cave to open the space and wanted to fly away. Of course

and. on

At this moment, Qimen shines, and the seats are lifted by the Tianzuns and come to the door of the Magic Dodge, and they are suppressed from the void. boom


The two Qimen confrontation, the world of change, the mountain river collapsed. and


Tianzun, demon statues come quickly, with a sneer on his face, the Mozu is smart, and casting Qimen is indeed more conducive to leaving, but it is equivalent to exposing the whereabouts, so that Tianzun and the demon can easily find their whereabouts and carry out Kill. "

court death! ”

Hand-held axe of the world's demon statue, a husband when the Wanfu Mo Kai, a strong mess to push forward, force the mountains and rivers, actually really withstand the power, the Tianzun, demon statue of Qimensheng opened a crack. "

go! "a few

The Devils shot together to stop the crack and let the characters such as the Lord and the Emperor move forward immediately and leave here. Of course

and. positive

When the demon Lord waited for the crack, the terrible thing was born, and one hand penetrated the void and hit the front of the demon, and the strong one made people desperate.


A loud noise, the devil's sorrowful voice, serious injury on the spot, blood bones separated, almost killed, in the moment of life and death, his chest light has the power to spray out from the chest, contain the hand, this is free from death.

But this is the case, the injury of the Lord is unprecedented. The whole bones are shredded, the road is disintegrating, and Dantian is seriously damaged. Boom

! that

The character has not let go of the demon Lord, and it is shot by a punch, the illusion of light, and the engulfing of Tianyu, the strength of which reaches the point where the devil of the world is trembled. can

It is a pity that the demon lord has already appeared, naturally it will not let this punch fall, especially the one holding the open axe, directly using the open axe to suppress forward, the loud bang, the two forces in the void Hit a piece of film, open the door, open the sky. "

go! ”

The open axe, the world's demon lord, punched out, forming a warm force to hold the demon in the crack, and then he sacrificed the open axe to open the crack, to the other flesh and blood, other gods, demon statues, The body almost burst, but it was still alive. under

A moment. he

We all penetrated the door, opened the space, and left.

In the battle between heaven and earth, in the confrontation of the genius, the Mozu died and wounded many times. It is a demon lord who died in this battle. Only the demon lord and the sorcerer’s demon lord lived away, which made people sigh, no It is their greatest regret to kill the demon Lord and not leave the Magic Palace.

A few days later. Public

The singer’s roaring loud noise disappeared gradually between the faint light, and disappeared into the space of the Yaozu star. This

Do not want to be tired for a few days. For the time being, I will not be sorry for everyone, and wait for the holidays.

good night.

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