Supreme Demon

Chapter 1419: Wind and rain!

The stars of the horror starry sky disappear in a short time! Let

People sigh.

To know. in

There are still many resources on the stars, and the treasures are much more numerous. There will be treasures coming out almost every 10,000 miles. It is so astounding. Although there are not many treasures like the treasures of heaven and the magic palace, not everyone needs them. To the treasure.

For those who need heavenly characters and souls, Tianzun’s treasure is enough.


The vast expanse of the stars and the rivers are only part of the excavation. They don't have time to dig more resources. The stars have disappeared into this starry sky. It is as incomprehensible as it came, and the disappearance is even more puzzling. day

The nobles, the demon statues, and the demon statues are all looking for, but they have not found any traces of the stars.

as if. Public

The stellar star has already flown to another space, not in this universe.


The stars are not the handwriting of the gods. They should come from the level of asking the heavens, and even ask the characters and creatures above the sky. Only they can cross the long river of time and the constraints of space, so that the stars can appear here. Avoid the exploration of the gods. Xu

Many people are sorry, and some people are speculating. "

The sentient beings should be related to the ancient Wu Kingdom. Its appearance should be the sense of the ancient martial arts. Now the treasures of the heavens fall into the hands of the later generations, and the stars will disappear naturally. "This is a demon's speculation, very close to the truth. In

In the most dazzling age of the kingdom of heaven, the top figures of the heavens do have such a handwriting.


The treasures of the kingdom of heaven are reserved for the later generations of ancient martial arts. They appear in the world, and the purpose is to induce the later generations of ancient martial arts, and this world did not disappoint the treasures of heaven and proactively came out. when

Of course. Public

Before the star disappeared, there was a terrible power, and all the characters on the stars were kicked out. Even if Wei Litian was reluctant to suppress the living, it was further confirmed that the stars were indeed the hands of the heavenly figures.

"The Magic Palace should be suppressed by the original kingdom in the stars!"

"Because of the advent of the treasures of the kingdom of heaven, the Magic Palace has also been inducted by the Mozu to directly uncover the seal!"

The axe is not afraid to come to the treasure of the kingdom of heaven, but to the magic palace! "people

We all speculated that the heart was full of coziness, the Mozu got the ancient scroll, and now we have the magic palace, can the future starry sky be suppressed? ancient

Wu is good, but people don't want it to come out. "

The rise of the ancients of the later generations is just in the empty road! ”

The demon is the first to open, to tell the truth, and the origin of Ling Feng, although the devil is fierce, but not to be targeted, he dares to say that Ling Feng is still alive, and appears in the stars, that is true.


Wannian Laojiao appeared too timely, only Lingfeng has such charm?

no doubt. Ling

The wind does not fall, it is still very good, it is better than the need for the characters to live, although people do not know how Lingfeng restored Dantian, but it is not surprising that it is not surprising to have such strength. Looking forward, if you can catch the wind? Want

Is it possible to get the afterlife? "

The posterity of the ancient world is a treasure of the ancient times, should not be confined to a glimpse of the land, should look at the entire starry sky. "Someone is so open, righteous and righteous, but the intention is very obvious, that is, coming to the later generations."

Indeed, now that the Mozu is prosperous, it is the ancient Wu who was able to suppress them. ”

"I should wait hard to move forward and study Guwudao!"

Of course. he

They are very interested in Guwu. On the one hand, they don't want to be too dazzling. On the other hand, they want to get their hands. If Guwu is scattered to all major forces and they are controlled by them, then they belong to them. At that time, there will be no such fears.

If you can thoroughly study Guwudao and integrate it into their path, it will go further. and

All of this requires the contribution of Ling Feng. "

Before the ancient times belonged to the ancient times, the world should have the necessity of its prosperity. I believe that the later generations will not be too disappointing. "cover

At this time, Xuan Xuan was able to speak up to Ling Feng and other ancient generations. I hope that people will not play the idea of ​​Ling Feng, but the results are very small. People who have already been red-eyed will ignore it. "

The later generations of Guwu should have their own trajectory, and you are not allowed to intervene. "cover

Snow and snow are many directly, and there is no way to leave a face to the world's characters. They are strong and open, and feel that they are too mean, and they want to try to find the future.


People don't care at all, as if they didn't hear it.

In fact. This

There are not many people who are willing to force the wind, but some people in the empty road are very heart-warming. After all, the ancient Wu forces before the ancient times are too fierce, and the empty roads far away, even if the perfect void comes out, may not be able to compare with the original heaven. More powerful, so they are also eager for the power of ancient times. when

Of course. Virtual

Some big men in the empty road will not be too strong, and they hope that Lingfeng will be able to hand over the ancient Wudao.

"Go back first." Xuan

Empty and faint said, even if the ancient Wudao Road should not be handed over to the entire starry sky, some people are guilty of speculation, after getting the ancient Wudao, fear that it will also target Ling Feng.

"Oh, is this going to monopolize Guwudao?"

A character of Xianting said with a sneer: "After the ancient world, it should belong to the starry sky, not one or two forces."

"Without his sin, I believe that Ling Feng can make the right choice." A Ge Shi Tian Zun directly confessed that the threat is full. "

Personal honour and disgrace is small, starry glory is big, how about sacrificing the small for the future of the stars? ”

A big man is righteous and resentful, and he is very passionate. He wants to use this kind of starry sky "big righteousness" to touch Lingfeng and later generations. its

Heart can be awkward!

People like Ling Feng can be deceived?

Is he an idiot? Virtual

The big men in the empty road frowned slightly, but they didn't say much. They were not the ancients of the later generations, not the Lingfeng. Some things were not allowed to be the masters.

"After the ancient world, Wuwu naturally has his own way. I am willing to naturally be from the later generations of ancient Wu. It is not possible for us to turn." The oriental clan expressed its strong position, especially the old man, whose strength and prestige are not to be underestimated. Declared comparable.

It is natural for other heavy forces to pay attention to such heavyweights. Display

Of course. east

The Fang clan is standing on the side of Lingfeng. It is not difficult to see that the ancestors of the Eastern family used to be strong in the past, sheltering the wind from the wind, and the strong mess, has already formed an alliance. in

In this respect, it is natural to be inclined to the wind.


After the cover is only a small force, the right to speak is not strong, but the oriental clan is different. The big force equivalent to the empty road is to support the wind, and other forces must also measure the amount, not to mention this is a worldly god.

“Do you want to enjoy Guwudao alone?”

Some people think that they are poisonous. When they come up, they will brand the oriental clan and regard it as a person who wants to enjoy the ancient martial arts. "

Are you leaving us? ”

The Eastern clan grandfather said coldly: "Guwu should have its advantages, then try to promote its advantages, and the ancient conditions are harsh, do you think you are qualified?"

"Isn't it enough to qualify? Isn't that what you said?"

Some characters are cold and cold.

"That's what they say!" East

The old clan of the Fang clan does not say much, the things of the ancient martial arts are solved by themselves, and when the ancient martial arts are not vegetarian, it is really urgent, and burning the gods will let these people know what is miserable.


With Ling Feng’s IQ, these little tricks are really hard to beat him.

For a time. full

The city is wind and rain, sweeping the sky. One

The person stared at Lingfeng and flew to the empty road in person. Of course

and. Ling

The wind is not an idiot. He has not returned to the empty road. It is that the **** of fire and the shallow fall have left the empty road. It seems that he has been wary. because


The big men in the empty road can only inform Ling Feng, I hope he can come back to discuss and ask about his injury, but he has not received a response.

"Ling Feng, we will not target the ancient Wudao, but respect it."

"However, when the starry sky is dangerous and the magic is prosperous, we need the power of ancient martial arts!"

"I hope you can come out and talk about it!"

Some characters said openly.

"Ling Feng, you have not fallen, I am very pleased, when the wine is happy!" Some characters open their mouths and play emotional cards. "

Come out, we hope to see the future generations! "One

Some clever guys have been eyeing the leaves of witches, cold moons and other goddesses, and feel that they should be related to later generations. but


What makes people depressed is that at this moment, Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. have even "grinded" at the same time, not in the power.

Obviously. Ling

After the wind and other ancient times, Guwu knew that the matter was revealed, so the lightning left the power and let the gods emptied.

"Find them out!"

Some of the forces indicated that they were smiling and invited Ling Feng to appear, and in the dark they sent people to find the whereabouts of Ling Feng and others. because

and. in

Under the calm starry sky, there is an unprecedented dark current frenzy, and a force against the ancient Wu and Ling Feng is emerging, and the death roster and the magical forces are more eager to kill the Ling Feng.

and. Let

What they didn't think of was that they turned out to be Guwudao, and it was no wonder that they lost so badly.


The situation is worse than they think. Ling Feng and his forces did not appear. It was the big men who did not find the whereabouts of Ling Feng and made people spurt blood.


This is far from the next thing more difficult and more serious, just because people are crazy to find the wind and the fall of the ancient Guwu, a strong wave suddenly appeared in the world, the seal that has not been uncovered is actually at this moment Was uncovered, in the spiriting beads, in the ancient Wuta.

Needless to say. This

The road seal is the one who is born in Lingfeng! One

Stone shocked thousands of waves!

what does this mean? meaning

The ghosts in the empty road, the ghosts in the Eastern clan, and the ghosts behind them will surface.

It seems to be confirming people's conjectures. On the same day, the Eastern clan and the Netherwalk forces are gathering together, like a sharp sword, to open the world, and a powerful force in the virtual star is doing its best. return.

The whole to the virtual star is like a tight string of strings will break at any time, the wind is strong, the grass is all soldiers! late


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