Supreme Demon

Chapter 1420: Culprit!

To the virtual star! gas

The situation is dull, and it is suppressed from the emptiness, like the beginning of the storm, the cold wind has filled the star. Man

Wind and rain! This

It is not empty talk.

As the virtual star wind and rain appeared, it directly led to other extreme stars. The atmosphere was tense and the dull atmosphere filled the whole starry sky. After all, the supreme star is the center of the whole starry sky, and it is also the top star. A little wave will affect the extremely serious, let alone Now, the virtual star will appear like a wave. not


On the virtual star, this wave is the most obvious.

The top clan of the Oriental clan was fully released, and the four Tianzun repressed the eight wilderness, which made the Eastern clan become impregnable, and the 300,000 male soldiers were returning with full force. It was the momentum that made people breathe a sigh of relief, although 300,000 is not a lot. But that is only the kingdom of God. On the virtual star, who dares to marry the 300,000 male soldiers of the eastern clan?

To know. that

The 300,000 male soldiers are the elite of the Eastern family. They are all top-level figures, at least the true **** level. Among them, the gods and the heavens are not in the minority. Such male soldiers are almost the "iron riders" that pushes any male soldiers. but


It is just like this, the Eastern clan is still not at ease, Tianzun is all out, the old man is sitting in the town himself, like a marshal, wearing armor, holding the Tianzun sword, in the swing, 300,000 male soldiers from the sword front, squatting into the distance. whole

The imaginary stars are trembled by the sword in the hands of the Eastern clan grandfather. This

It is the magic of the three clan! Of course

and. in

To the virtual star, not only the Eastern clan is doing its best, but the Shangguan and the Great Zhou are all mobilizing. The former soldiers who have been released are returning at this moment. The strong oppressive force is almost suffocating, as if the balance of the three major clans has been broken for many years. To make the final match at this moment.

Other forces are all swaying, and they dare not act rashly. At this time, an action may bring a devastating blow. only

There are three major clans who dare to move like this crazy.

of course. in

There is also an exception to the virtual star, which is the empty road. this

Inscribed, the empty roads that have remained neutral are moving, letting those gods and heavens who are honing outside come back. Although they have no male soldiers, they have terrible force, and there are more than three clan in the empty channel. Not weak, it is now fully available. whole

The situation is out of control. and

All this is just because Ling Feng unveiled the ninth heavy seal.

have to say. Ling

The wind was quite sinister. After the exposure of the later generations, he was hidden for the first time, uncovering the seal in the darkness, and then uncovering it to the virtual star chaos, thus confusing people's horizons.

It can be said. only

To the virtual star chaos, it is necessary to sweep the entire starry sky. At that time, people have no more energy to pay attention to Lingfeng and later generations, and this chaos cannot calm down in a short time and will last for many years. Time is exactly what God needs. Wait

By the time they are full, they naturally have the ability to clean up the mess.

For a time.

The entire starry sky is eye-catching and wants to know the truth.

The four forces of the virtual star have all come out, and Tianzun has done it. This is the first major event after the ancient times. It can be seen that people attach importance to this matter and its thorny degree.


The evolution of the situation is inexplicable. The Eastern clan, Da Zhou, Shangguan, etc. are all mobilizing the soldiers, but they have not revealed the truth. It seems that Ling Feng did not send the truth, but the empty road, the Eastern clan took the lead and how What about it?

Just when people are puzzling, the truth is late.

Big week!

This is obtained from the soul of the heavenly figure. Ling Feng presents it completely and puts it in front of the powerful forces, especially the oriental clan and the empty road. although

However, there is no specific matter in the soul of the heavenly character, but it is branded with the words Zhou Zhou.

This is enough! Display

Of course. image

Forces such as the Void and the Oriental Clan do not need much evidence. They can find out the truth in one direction.

This truth is completely shocked by the forces of the virtual star. I have never thought about it. The Great Zhou is actually the culprit, and the inner ghost is inserted into the Eastern clan and the void.

"Check!" Xuan

There is only one sentence in the air, but it shows his inner resentment. He has been deceived for so many years by the big week. Can he not be angry in his heart?

"Check it out!"

It is the voice of the Eastern clan. The owner personally ordered that all the characters in the family who are close to the Great Zhou will be kicked out. Each one will scrutinize it. As long as there is a little bit of greasy, immediately grab it and not miss a fish.

"The big week is too much, and the Shangguan clan also has ghosts inside!"

The official clan sounds, expressing strong anger, and paying the price of the Great Zhou Dynasty. When a person is born, the tyrannical power makes people look. Milli

No doubt.

The atmosphere of the Great Zhou Dynasty is tense, like a mountain being crushed, and it will collapse at any time. Even if the Emperor of the Great Zhou is sullen at this moment, facing the three forces, they all feel the huge pressure of the mountains. can

To say.

As long as the war is going on, the Great Zhou Dynasty will have no way to live. Even Tianzun will be held back, and Tiandao and others will be more vulnerable. Sooner or later, they will become fish in the hands of other forces.

"What are they doing?"

Zhou Wangchao’s resentful question asked, things were very wrong, and I felt that there was only one hand in the dark to reach the Great Zhou Dynasty, to kill them. "

Ling Feng! ”

Some people hate to gnash their teeth, this is the real culprit. "

Comprehensive battle! "Big

A King of the Zhou Dynasty appeared in the world, without much words, but can see the seriousness of his face. "

But..." The king of the Great Zhou Dynasty looked at the old man with some boring look."

No, they have to fight, we dare to fight! ”

The old man snorted openly, and the Taoist eyes looked through the nine heavens, and his mouth was filled with a faint sneer.

"It is self

On this day, the Great Zhou Dynasty dying in full battle, defending 100,000 miles, sealed the entire sky, and a mosquito could not fly. and

And. This

It was the situation created by the five great dynasties of the Great Zhou Dynasty. They told their opponents in a very tough stance that they would have to pay the price of blood for the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Da Zhou Dynasty, what explanation do you have?"

The virtual star Xuankong questioned, and made the final warning. If the Da Zhou Dynasty did not explain it, or did not give them a satisfactory explanation, then the male soldiers of the virtual star would go to the Great Zhou Dynasty. Of course

and. Big

Zhou Wangchao did not give a response, as if he did not hear it. "

Big Zhou Dynasty, is this your posture? Should we challenge us with the power of one family? "The Oriental clan is asking, the sword refers to the Great Zhou Dynasty."

We have no gesture! "Big

Zhou Wangchao gave a response, but it appeared calm and did not explain. "

Big Zhou Dynasty, what do you mean? ”

The Shangguan clan asked, 300,000 male soldiers have been forced to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"You should be clear in your heart!"

A celestial **** appeared in Zhou Dynasty, and he said coldly, "You should let Ling Feng appear and ask him the truth in person!"

Ling Feng unveiled the heavenly character Soul Sea Jiuzhong Township with Xianli, and got the news of the big week. How do you explain it? ”

"More to say no benefit!"

Zhou Wangchao made a strong statement. Some things are unclear. Lingfeng holds the evidence, but they don't. and


Really want to check, the Great Zhou Dynasty is not clean, other forces are not clean, that is, the empty road is afraid that all characters penetrate into the three major clan, but as long as they do not affect the overall strength of the family, these small shrimp, they do not care. can

It is fatal to be true at this time. very


One piece of evidence was placed in front of the people. The spies of the Great Zhou Dynasty hidden in other forces were arrested and suppressed on the spot, bringing the Da Zhou Dynasty.

"What else do you say?"


The Great Zhou Dynasty sighed and knew that things could not be done. The three major forces were bent on cutting the knife against the Da Zhou Dynasty. No more excuses were explained.

"Wolf ambition, Zhou Qitian, are you because of it?" Xuankong snorted.

"Have!" week

Qi Tian said frankly. This

Undoubtedly more directly point out the truth. "

Then there is no need to say anything! "east

The old clan of the clan is open, and the sword refers to the Great Zhou Dynasty. "

We need to explain! ”

The Shangguan clan and the empty road were forced to ask questions. They did not want to fight with the Da Zhou Dynasty. Even if they won, they paid a lot of money, so they wanted to solve the problem in a more peaceful way. Display

Of course.

The Great Zhou Dynasty did not satisfy them.

"That will do it!"

next moment.

The elite forces of the Great Zhou Dynasty rushed out to confront the three forces, and the next hurricane and blood began to expand. The Eastern clan, the Void, and the Shangguan clan went all out to fight the Great Zhou Dynasty.

but. Big

The Zhou Dynasty was extraordinary. A strange door was running. It appeared in a strong and sturdy posture. It was a force to suppress thousands of days. The power of law and the power of time were flowing, and it was directly penetrated for nine days. The top Tianzun was shocked and turned back.

Like the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the power from the ages is unfathomable, and this big Zhou Qimen is created by the kings of the past. Every generation is strengthening, making this strange door even more Sturdy and fierce, don't say that the top Tianzun is the person who burns Tianzun and waits for the half-step questioning level. When facing this strange door, I am afraid that I will be helpless. "

Feng Xianqimen! "mysterious

I took a sigh of air and said, "Is the ruined Qimen that was almost destroyed?"

"Exactly!" Someone responded in the Great Zhou Dynasty. "

Hey, even the seal of the door must be disintegrated! "east

The old clan of the Fang clan is cold and open, and flying back to the family, it is necessary to find the top to the treasure system to seal the door. "

Take the treasure of the empty road town! "mysterious

It’s also empty, it’s necessary to pay the price of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and asks: “Who is the top character who lurked in my empty road in the Great Zhou Dynasty?”

although. he

They did their best to investigate, but the other side was so hidden that he could not find traces, which was fatal. "

No! "Big

The Zhou Dynasty characters open.

"Then wait for us to find out, see what else you can say!"

Obviously, the character is too tricky. If you don't find it, the virtual road will have no meaning. It is necessary to find out as soon as possible.

good night.

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