Supreme Demon

Chapter 1421: Subtle situation!

To the virtual star, the atmosphere is tight! Big

Around the Zhou Dynasty, a Tian Zun volley stood, the eyes were fierce, the momentum was thin, and the gas field was crashing, causing the entire sky to collapse, and Wei Li was shocked.

Behind them, the momentum is transpiration, and a Tianzun, Tiandao and Tianshen are staring at the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the power is suppressed. The Qishan around the Great Zhou Dynasty collapses, the vegetation is smouldering, and the Great Zhou Dynasty gods are destroyed. Distressed.

To know. that

Some vegetation and strange mountains are not used for viewing. There are indeed precious places. This kind of damage is equivalent to destroying the ancestors' efforts.


At this time, they have no reason to blame. The Great Zhou Dynasty is the culprit, participating in the assassination of the wind, and even placing ghosts in the influences of the Eastern clan and the Void, especially the characters of the Tianzun class. This has to be thought-provoking. What have they done? when

The emptiness of the early emptiness, the genius of the Eastern clan, is there a shadow of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

This is the same. people

They are even more angry, and several big men in the Nether Road want to tear the heart of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Do not


The Great Zhou Dynasty is in the gate of Fengxianqi. The defense is strong and Tianwei is chilling. How easy is it to restrain the disintegration? Even if Tian Zun is going to bow in front of him, he can’t do anything. can

To say.

It is difficult to deal with the forces of the Eastern clan and the Da Zhou dynasty. Not only is its own power extraordinary, but its power is stronger. The ancestors tempered the ancient gates, which are almost perfect. There is no weakness, or they understand the collapse of the door. Law, or you have to face the front.

Although the Void Road and the Oriental Clan are not weak, they can face this kind of tempering and smashing the door of the ancient fairy. It is not easy to find the method of disintegration in a short time, but the frontal attack can be simple, direct and easy. because


The old clan of the ancient clan flies back to the clan, and it is necessary to fight the family to the world and attack the door of the seal. mysterious

The empty and Shangguan clan are also unambiguous, and each of them will sacrifice the power to the world, and it will be directly smashed with the oriental clan.

Bang! when

When the Tianzun sword is lit up, the nine days of wind and rain are carried by the sword. From the emptiness of the sky, every drop of rain contains terrible Tianwei. When it falls, the space is disintegrated and the power becomes Exhausted, only this sword is in the light, and when the power of law appears on it, the mountain river collapses, and the mountains and rivers in front of the Great Zhou Dynasty are smouldering. east

The old man of the Fang clan held the Tianzun sword and opened the mountain river. It broke a heavy force, and the power intertwined. A burning giant sword opened a thousand words and appeared in the sky above Fengxianqi. thorn


A clock appeared, and the lightning flashed down from the imaginary air. The heavy giants pierced the nine heavens on the spot and slammed on the gate of Fengxian.

Hey! One

The jade plate flies from afar and carries the inexhaustible law force to the Fengxianqi door. The jade plate releases the golden light. The momentum and color belong to the top, like a round of holy sun, illuminating the ancient colors, and jade. There is a seal on the plate, and it seems that there is a fairy flying out of it.

Needless to say. This

It is the flying fairy disk of the Shangguan clan. It is mysterious. It is said that the items that have fallen from the fairyland have evolved into the present-day gods. three

The top Tianwei fetishes hit the gate of Fengxianqi together, like the fairy light directly smashing the sky, breaking the sky directly, the space swaying around, every piece of scorpion is like a sword, will be born Cut open. but

! seal

The Castle Gate defense is too strong and unbelievable. boom


The power was sprayed, and the fire on the door of Xianqi was shocked, but it did not affect the door of Fengxian, but it did not let it tear.

Boom! One

The mouth of the bell fell, the power of the nine heavens turned over, and the faces of the gods were ugly, and they couldn’t help but fly back. When the light rain fell, the gates of the fairy were not affected, they were still strong and released a faint light. There seemed to be a light curtain around, and it was against the Tianwei of the bell.


The jade plate was strong, the power collapsed, and all efforts were made to drop it on the gate of Fengxianqi, so that Fengxianqimen swayed with the glow of the sun, and the momentum was disappointing.

The three great martial artists did not tear the seal of the door, and the degree of horror caused people to chill. This kind of seal is so beautiful that it is a fairy, and the whole void is forbidden. "

How could this be? ”

People looked at Fengxianqi door with astonishment, his face was ugly, and the three great soldiers were suppressed together. Even though they couldn’t seal the door of Xianqi, how strong is it? Display

Of course.

Feng Xianqimen passed through the eternal tempering of the ancients. Every blocker was created by the ancestors of the Great Zhou Dynasty with bone blood. How strong? and


In the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were the gods of the world, in order to polish the gates of the fairy, so that they could survive the three great gods.

this moment.

The three forces are all tricky, and the problem is more serious than they think. It is unlikely that the Great Zhou Dynasty will face up to their three forces, but they can do it if they want to defend them. "

It's really strong, it's hard to get away! ”

Xuankong frowned, his face was ugly, and he couldn’t help but seal the door of Xianqi, which gave insults to the strength of the empty road these years.

"If you put it three thousand years ago, Feng Xianqimen would like to stop us!"

When the empty strength is open, and the three thousand years are at the peak of the empty road, the characters at that time are far from being able to talk about the characters. It is possible to smash the gods to the extreme. It is difficult to open the door, but want to tear it. It should not be a problem.

"But this is not three thousand years ago." Some people sneered at the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"The forces present today have to pay the price!"

One of the gods opened their mouths and looked down on the gods. It was very uncomfortable and was besieged by the three powerful forces. This feeling made them very angry.

"That will come out!"

The old clan of the oriental clan shouted. "Is it a matter of hiding in the door of Fengxianqi?"

That is, when I come out, I will kill you! "Xuankong said."

My Shangguan Yuling is here, the Da Zhou Dynasty can dare to come up against the show, and divide it into life and death? ”

One of the Shangguan clan Tianzun said, looking directly at the Tianzun of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the two were opponents. They have been in the middle of the road, and they want to divide themselves into life and death. "

When you come in, we naturally have to divide into life and death! ”

The Da Zhou Dynasty celestial buddies are not idiots. This kind of situation goes shopping, and in all likelihood, it is to be killed. and

And. seal

Once the fairy door is opened, the problem will become very serious. If people come in along this gap, they will not be able to prevent it.

"Is it small or afraid of death?"

The old clan of the Fang clan asked, more like taunting.

"Are you still dead?"

An old man appeared in Zhou Dynasty. He was white and covered his body. He was an old man. She looked directly at the old man of the Eastern clan. The road was cold and faint.

The two looked at each other like this, and they did not say anything, only the eyes were shining.

Half awkward.

The oriental clan of the Eastern clan, Liu Wei, said: "I am still alive, but I did not expect to meet like this."

I did not expect it. "that

The old man said quietly and said: "The Great Zhou Dynasty did not target three major forces. Do you believe it?"

"When you open the door of the door, we will naturally investigate it. The truth will make me believe." "

If there is no truth? Asked the old man's eyes.

"not necessarily!"

Oriental Liu Wei is elegant and laughs. "As long as there is a story, there must be truth."

But many stories are not necessarily the truth! "The old man faintly opened.

"This is why I have to investigate thoroughly!"

The old man was silent and looked straight at the oriental Liu Wei. He opened his mouth for a long while. "You can't open the door of the fairy door."

"not necessarily!""

Let's try it! ""

Have you been doing this all the time? "Oriental Liu Wei asked."

At least now this is the safest way, isn't it? ""

indeed! "east

Fang Liu Yusen said: "To tell the truth, surrender the main brain figure, we can let go of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"We are innocent!"

Finish. old

I no longer say much, and the ban is disappearing in front of people. "

We will open the door of Fengxian! "Xuankong said coldly."

casual! ”

This is the attitude of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they do not care at all.

The three forces are very boring, but there is no way to take them at a time. They have to use the top weapon of the gods to suppress them. They try to tear the door of the door. It is harder to seal the door. It is hard to open. . One

Time, the situation is deadlocked. three

The big forces are not allowed to go to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Great Zhou Dynasty will not take the initiative, but the virtual star chaos will also enter a deadlock at this moment, which is what other forces have not thought of.

"By the treasure!"

The oriental Liu Wei collected heavy treasures from the entire starry sky, and the eastern clan and the virtual empty road began to be crazy. They must thoroughly investigate the forces and find out the inner ghosts to do it.

after all. Now

In the current situation, they are doing their best to attack the Great Zhou Dynasty, and if the ghosts are in chaos, then they will die very badly. Of course

and. that

The ghosts are too deep to hide and can't find their whereabouts, which makes them very headaches and dare not do their best.

"I am going to borrow the treasure!"

On the same day, the Oriental Liu Wei disappeared and flew to other stars. He wanted to borrow the top treasures to open the door of the Great Zhou Dynasty. This moment, let the whole starry sky pay attention, it is not a heavy treasure problem, but an oriental Liu. The direction of the problem. Want


At present, the most closely related to Ling Feng is the Oriental clan, and Ling Feng has a heavy treasure in his hand. It should be the heavy treasure that is known to be able to open the door.

The possibility of the Oriental Liu Wei to borrow is the treasure of Ling Feng, and now Ling Feng belongs to the people who are attached to the entire starry sky.

however. east

Fang Liu Wei is terrible. Lightning leaves, that is, the top Tianzun can't track it. This is even more doubtful. The first response is the Shangguan clan. Their top characters also disappeared on this day. It is reported that they are also borrowing heavy treasures. versus

At the same time.

The top emptiness of the Void Road disappeared at the same moment, and the whole star entered a subtle moment. The situation was very embarrassing, as if people were no longer concerned about the Great Zhou Dynasty at this moment.

good night.

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