Supreme Demon

Chapter 1422: Ghost inside the void!

Borrow a knife!

When a top-ranking Tianzun flies out, it means that a bigger storm will appear, sweeping across the whole world. Once the Oriental Liu Wei and others borrowed a heavy treasure, they can come to seal the door of Xianqi. The Great Zhou Dynasty will face the three major forces. Brought by the wind and rain.

By then.

The whole to the virtual star will usher in a mess. Want

know. to

The virtual star maintains the balance for so many years. Once it is out of balance, the big dynasty is the fish, and it is still very fat fish. Who do not want to bite a bite? This

A bite is very important! image

As long as the Oriental clan bites a bit more, the whole force can suppress the Shangguan clan in a short time, and even the empty road. The other two forces are also this idea, so this seems to be a turmoil, but in reality it is the future pattern of the virtual star. Who can dominate to the virtual star, the Great Zhou Dynasty is the focus. not


The first force to open the seal of Xianqimen will be able to win more results, which is why the three major forces attach importance.

In fact.

Not only the three major forces, but other small forces are also eye-catching, and the male soldiers are concealed. As long as Feng Xianqi is torn, they naturally have to take a share. can

To say.

Now the Great Zhou Dynasty is the stinky mouse that everyone calls, and the "culprit" of all these is the Lingfeng that has disappeared.

This is a top-class **** with a different body. It is a great treasure. If you want to tear the door, you are afraid to really find a way to do it. If you can borrow it, you can burn the Tiandao, Guwuta, and the treasures of heaven. Heavy, that fairy door may not be able to hold it. Display

Of course. Big

Zhou Wangchao also realized this and became very cautious. One

time. whole

Every starry sky has set off a rush to find the Lingfeng. To the virtual star chaos, not only the three major forces are eye-catching, but other Supreme Star forces are also eye-catching. Is such a big piece of fat meat, Xianting, Guanghan Palace, etc. not eye-catching?

can. Now

When they are not involved, otherwise they will be hit by the three major forces. After all, this star is the virtual star, not the fairy court, not the Guanghan Palace. and


As long as they find the whereabouts of Lingfeng and later generations, they can get more. This is not the juxtaposition of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Of course


Ling Feng was more unpredictable than they thought, letting them traverse the entire starry sky, and did not find the whereabouts of Lingfeng, but they still found a little breath, that is, Hengtianxing, Lingfeng, etc., although leaving the empty road, but the king, the spirit There is no space, and Ling Feng’s start is Hengtian Star. This

As a result, many forces flew to Hengtianxing, hoping to find the whereabouts of Lingfeng.


When they were disappointed, even if Hengtian Xingchen did not know the origins and whereabouts of Lingfeng and later generations, they appeared to be out of thin air and pushed Hengtianxing in a short time. and


Just a few days ago, the immortality disappeared, and the lord disappeared. Even the power of the anti-God on the bright side has disappeared, let alone other forces. when

When they want to find the whereabouts of Lingfeng along the Hengtianxing footprint, a hidden force is actually erasing it. That power makes Tianzun and Tiandao figures feel inexplicably cold, as if a terrible creature is in the dark. Look at them coldly. Partial

Partial. he

We can't find any breath, which is even more embarrassing.

of course.

They know that the royal family and the empty door have not revealed all the truth and concealed them, but they have come across the billions of miles of the river. It is really necessary to be here with the royal family and the empty door, and the unlucky ones will only be them. Strong

The dragon is not the truth of the local snake, they still understand.

deadlock! people

They don't have more energy to waste on the stars every day. They are more concerned about the whereabouts of the oriental Liu Wei. Even the world's gods can't find their breath. What is he going to do? people

We have a hunch that I am afraid that when the Eastern Liu Wei appears again, the pattern of the virtual star will change. to

Virtual star.

"did you find it?"

An old man asked coldly and faintly. "

No! "A middle-aged face responded dullly. He

After a while, he continued. "But we got a message in the sky."

"What news?" The old man looked like two sharp blades. "

Hippocampus! ”

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "We have heard from the Tianhai, the Haima people have encountered this family, and they have been suppressed by the family. If they start from the hippocampus, they should get accurate information."

Then let's do it. ”


The number of people in the year, turned and left, and on the same day a gray force will go to the sea. boom

Long. to

On this day, the empty road is full of light, and a heavenly figure flies out of it and rushes into the distance, and his direction is Tianhai. "

Road level mission! Virtual

Some people in the empty road were surprised. They didn't think that at this time the void would be a preacher, and it was still in this way. when

Of course.

This level of character is not aimed at the gods, but the heavens. Only the heavenly mission can let it bloom out of this light rain. But the problem is that there are many problems with the virtual star now, and the situation is tense. At this time, the preaching figures are not allowed. Not to make people think.


What is surprising is that it is not someone else who accepts the Taoist task, but the "drinker" who was originally a void. The almost abolished character came out at this moment and accepted the Taoist mission. This is telling people that he is returning strongly. ?


The drunkard Tiandao slightly frowned, this family is a bit special, one of them is Tianzun, although the strength is not strong, but it is not weak.

More importantly, the hippocampus had a battle with the later generations of ancient Wu, but there was no death, which made people ponder. for

Did the Houwu Guwu not hurt the hippocampus? sea

Do the horses really know the whereabouts of the ancients?

This is a problem. "

Thorough investigation! ”

"is very

Fast, the dark forces are like springs flooding into the sea of ​​heaven, thoroughly examining the problems of the hippocampus, and wanting to know their relationship with the later generations of ancient Wu, but the hippocampus are not weak, really want to be bloody, that is, the gray forces must suffer. complete


Tianhai belongs to their territory, not to the empty road. and

And. sea

The horses have been in the sea for many years. How could there be no more allies?

thus. miss you

It is not easy to deal with the hippocampus.

Initial time.

The dark forces want to ask the descendants of the ancients from the mouth of the hippocampus through the method of oysters, but now they have no impression of the later generations of ancient Wu, these small shrimps are still difficult to reach people such as Ling Feng, and the top hippocampus can It is not so easy to deal with.

in spite of.

The hippocampus are now fully open, but the trees are deep, and the three caves of the Rex Rabbit are covered with vast expanses of heaven and earth. At least there is no way for the alcoholic heaven.

"The situation is a bit tricky!" Gray

The dark forces are pushing forward and want to find the hippocampus.

In fact. sea

The Ma’s nest is not difficult to find. They have already found their whereabouts from the sea of ​​the hippocampus, so they flew directly. The lightning was already close to the hippocampus’ nest, looking at the huge extinct volcano, and their mouths rose. "

Hit in! "liqueur

Ghost Heaven took the lead and rushed directly into the extinct volcano, and used the heavy weapon to tear the odd door on the extinct volcano and smash it in. boom

Long! day

The light waves are endless, the whole extinct volcano is shaking, and the hippocampus is panicked. I didn't expect anyone to hit here.


The golden seahorse appeared, looking at the alcoholic heavenly road, the face was full of killing.. "Who are you? Dare to marry me hippocampus?"

There is no intention to offend, just want to ask the whereabouts of the ancients. ”

The drunkard Tiandao said with a smile.

"no offense?"

The golden hippocampus almost slammed the hoof on the face of the alcoholic heaven, and Qimen was torn. Is this also unintentional offense?

When others are idiots?


Just when he wanted to take a step forward and suppress the alcoholic Tiandao, he couldn’t help but slam, and his face was instantly ugly, only because he sensed the atmosphere of Tianzun in the alcoholic heaven. "

Are you scared here? ”

The drunkard said coldly.

"Who are you?" The golden hippocampus asked coldly. "Is my hippocampus not offending the nobility?"

I want to know the whereabouts of the ancients! "The alcoholic Tiandao repeated again."

Later generations? "The golden hippocampus is a bit awkward.

"Ling Feng, Wannian Laojiao, etc. Have you seen it before?" asked the alcoholic Tiandao coldly.

"Lingfeng, Wannian Laojiao?"

The expression on the golden hippocampus became interesting and said: "Is this the mission of the empty road?"


The expression on the face of the drunkard Tiandao was so fierce. I didn’t expect the golden seahorse to know that the empty road knew the mission level. This is obviously not quite right. "

You are a ghost, then your grandfather should not be able to escape, right? ”

The golden hippocampus said with a smile. "Is it because of the fall of the road?"

How do you know? "The alcoholic heavenly face has finally changed."

This is a secret. because

In Tianhai, he dared to appear, secretly carrying out this level of characters, and only a very small number of people know in the void. "

Yu Honglin? "gold

The smile on the face of the hippocampus became even more awkward, and said with a smile: "What role does he play in it?"

who are you? "liqueur

Ghost Heaven’s face is ugly, this seahorse knows too much about the empty road, and even Honglin can call his name.

It is not a simple hippocampus! "

you guess! "gold

The color of the hippocampus said with a smile. "You appear here, presumably the character should appear?"

"Know that my hippocampus has a god, how can you make it take risks?"

The golden seahorse stared coldly at the alcoholic heaven, saying, "You are the inner ghost, and your grandfather, or Yu Honglin should be the real mastermind!"

Is it? ”

At this moment, the drunkard Tiandao looked at the golden seahorse, just like watching the devil. "

After catching the fish for so long, I finally got a little harvest! ”

The golden hippocampus moves forward step by step, and in the process of its advancement, a character appears in the void.

For example, the old man.

Such as the Oriental Liu Wei!

For example, Xuankong!

Tomorrow begins to add more, today is more, good night.

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