Supreme Demon

Chapter 1424: Backhand knife!

The sea is slowly turbulent.

No hurry or slow, no noisy!

Just like the current situation, the needle can be heard, the whole scene is quiet and terrible, not only the rumors of death staring at Ling Feng, but also the Eastern Liu Wei, Xuan Kong also looked at Ling Feng.

The truth of the year has already been buried in the dust, and occasionally it will be remembered, but it is only a slap.

On the way forward by each force, there will always be some people who are desperate to sacrifice blood. It is precisely because these characters are not afraid of life and death that they have the prosperity of today's empty roads. They are grateful to such people and are more grateful to these people.


They can only move forward step by step, making the empty road more brilliant and prosperous.


They never thought that because of the blood sacrifice of these people, they attracted the dissatisfaction of other people. It was only the Liu Liu and Xuankong who were puzzled by the fact that this person turned out to be Hong Lin.

"Ling Feng, what is the truth?" Xuankong is a fierce person. They respect the characters who sacrificed for the empty road, but they hate the same door who deliberately slandered the hands and feet. He heard a different taste from Lingfeng’s words. The death does not seem to be as simple as sacrifice, but someone is murdered.

To impose this evil on the empty road, let them back.

This is a great feud!

"I personally annihilated the forces in the space. I have thoroughly investigated the matter, but I did not get an answer. I was surprised at the time."

Ling Feng said in a sullen manner. "I was afraid that when I accepted this level of task and showed a weak strength, I was provoked to kill myself?"

The rumor is not talking, staring coldly at Ling Feng.

"You are really cautious. The gods who accepted the Taoist missions in these years did not die in the sea of ​​heaven, but died in your hands. Is it just to cover up this truth?"

"What do you want to say?" the rumor asked faintly.

Xuankong and Dongfang Liu Wei frowned slightly, and they wanted to know the truth.


Ling Feng feels that the rumors are very unqualified. Such rumors should be clearer than him.

"Lin Yuan is not dead in the hands of the forces in that space, but died in your hands!"

Ling Feng directly qualitative, strong said: "I have no evidence, sometimes not everything needs evidence!"


The rumor said with sneer, this problem is very serious, far more serious than the ghost inside the void, and as long as he nods, the forces behind him must rise to the surface.

"Do you think we can't find evidence?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.


A rumor in my heart, I always feel that this laughing human and animal harmless guy is very dangerous. If he doesn't grasp it, he won't do it.

"You should wake up these days?"

Ling Feng went on to say: "We are holding a butcher's knife to fight against the Great Zhou Dynasty, and using the top Tianwei and the polar soldiers, it is your heart, but why are you not enough? Will you kill me at this time?"


"You are afraid!"

Ling Feng said in a voice: "We are afraid that we will wake up, react, see the fog, get the truth!"


The rumor is so powerful that every word of Ling Feng is like a sharp knife, and he is opening his heart.

"Actually, I already know part of the truth."

Ling Feng knows that the rumor will be this reaction, but he does not care. He said to himself: "The force behind you is nothing more than the four forces of the virtual star. The Eastern clan and the virtual road will not participate in it. Only the Shangguan clan and The Great Zhou Dynasty."


"Do you know why we started fighting the Great Zhou Dynasty first?"

Ling Feng laughed more elegantly.. "Because there is such a message in the sea of ​​heaven, it is too easy to be more suspicious, people want to find out something deeper."

"This man is the devil!"

The rumor said in the heart that the analysis of Ling Feng is getting closer to the truth.

"We started the war against the Great Zhou Dynasty, which attracted the wind and rain, and the Eastern clan used this to thoroughly investigate the problems of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Shangguan Clan. Do you know what the result is?"

"Do not want to know."

The rumor was a sinking, sighing and sighing. "Although the Great Zhou Dynasty did not talk about the prosperity, but did not encounter problems, the Shangguan clan did not encounter problems at the exhibition. The performance of the exhibition was very radical, but it was this radical, but I was vigilant." Ling Feng expression Become cold

.. "I can't find out the truth, but Tianzun can find out the truth."

"What is the truth?" The rumor asked subconsciously.

"The ancestor of the Shangguan clan is really too old!"

The rumor is silent.

Why did the four powers of the virtual star not start the war? Has always maintained a balanced momentum?

That is because the whole situation is balanced!

Especially at the level of Tianzun, any party will take the lead and be hurt.


If one day Tianzun is going to die?

A gestaxy will swear, is the impact just as simple as that?

Obviously not!

This is more terrible than the bottleneck of the Shangguan clan. Once the world is sacred, the Shangguan clan will be much weaker, and it will be too easy to be suppressed.

This is the truth!

"Now I want to know what power is behind you!"

Ling Feng coldly looked at the rumors and said: "Xian Ting, or the roster of death, the magical power?"

"If you are in front of me, I will tell you!" the rumor said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng’s hand flashed, and a blade of heaven directly pierced Dantian, piercing the soul sea, letting its way collapse on the spot, the power died, and the gods were discolored and exclaimed.

"Ling Feng!"

Xuankong, Dongfang Liu Wei and other screaming, but can not change this situation.

Don't say them, that is, the rumors are dumbfounded. He didn't think that Ling Feng would be self-defeating.

"Say it!"

The old man blushes and looks forward. "The wind is running out, you should fulfill your promise!"

"Come on your uncle, he is an idiot, do you think I am an idiot?"

Obviously, the rumor is not as "stupid" as the Lingfeng. Of course, it will not really tell the power behind him. Then, he flashes back and throws all the characters behind him to Xuankong and Wannian. Wait for the characters to escape.

"Look, I know you are not reliable!"

A voice rang in the ears of the rumors, and then a fairy force carrying the forbidden earth Tianwei and the treasures of heaven appeared on the top of the rumors.

"Oh, you..."

The rumor was shocked, and I didn’t think that Ling Feng, who had already been “deadly”, could be born in front of him, and as a result of this assassination, the degree and strength were unprecedented, so that he could not dodge.


At this moment, the treasures of heaven have released the top heavens, and the world has been suppressed. It is Tianwei, who is timid, not to mention a heavenly figure.

The rumors were suppressed on the spot and could not be moved.

"You make me very disappointed!"

Ling Feng came to the rumor and said, "I don't know if the nine bans in your soul can withstand the power of Feixian!"

"..." The rumor is trembled, and if he is ashamed, he thinks that he can escape, at least in the situation of exhausting his strength, that is, it is not easy for Tianzun to want to take a living and catch him. But he is too small to take advantage of it. "The commandment", when the treasures of heaven appear

He has no time to sacrifice the power of the law of heaven.

Too late!

at the same time.

The Wannian Laojiao rushed to the void, directly suppressing all the squares, and suppressing one of the characters in the space. When the space was severely peeled off, it appeared in a virtual body and was detained by the 18-fold shackles.

Needless to say. Yan Xian did not feel at ease that the rumors appeared in the hippocampus, and came forward with a virtual body, trying to keep the golden hippocampus, forcing him to express the position of the wind and the space, but he did not wait until he started, Wannian Laojiao It’s already killing the killer.

Repressing it, in the face of the old man, he could not do even the power to fight back.

"Do you know why I have to start with the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

Ling Feng smiled and looked at the rumors. He did not wait for the rumor opening, he explained. "First, this can make you feel at ease, not to hide the second because of tension. You must know that this is not the truth, so even if the sea is dangerous, you will definitely Come to the third

The predecessors of the Eastern Liu Wei disappeared, and you couldn’t sit still. You must borrow a short-term soldier from a short time. ”

"Do you say that the power that lost the top Tianzun can defend the Great Zhou Dynasty, or can it protect the Eastern clan and the empty road?"


The rumor is cold and sweaty on the face, and it is cold.

Feelings are the poor worms that are kept in the dark. Whether it is the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Void Road, or the Oriental Clan, they already know the truth. They are only targeting the Shangguan clan.

"Ling Feng, really is the Shangguan clan?" Xuankong, Oriental Liu Wei and other dumbfounded.

To be honest, Ling Feng gave the truth before, and did not mention the Shangguan clan at all, so they did their best.


Ling Feng explained. "I am afraid that you can't play well!"

"..." rumors that a lot of old blood is spurting out, all the forces of emotions are smashed in the drums, become the pieces in the hands of Ling Feng, and in order to achieve the real effect, Ling Feng did not tell them the truth, it can be said that if the week The dynasty can't stand the three major trends

Force, that is self-defeating.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you come or not!"

Ling Feng sighed and said: "It’s just that I am very curious about the ghosts in the void, and the second and even the third force behind you is very curious."

"What do you mean?"

"From the moment they left the family, they fell!"

Ling Fengsen said, however, that "sometimes I feel that killing one person is the same as killing a force, not too much, a woman is enough!"


The gods are all curious to look at Ling Feng. Is there such a strange woman in this world?

"Oriental poetry!"

Dongfang Liu Yuran, Xuankong blasphemy, did not think that Ling Feng would mention that god, although the oriental poetry is good, but too weak, want her to push the Shangguan clan?


Lingfeng’s voice fell, and the rumor laughed and said, “Just rely on her?” “The dragon is submerged, the millennium is invisible, and the wind and rain will turn the dragon.” Ling Feng said proudly. A good card, the fire is shining, the Wolong is not seen."

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