Supreme Demon

Chapter 1425: The only person!

All the audience are shocked! Ling

The words of the wind are fierce, and they are extremely praised for the poetry of the East, as if they are telling an epic, full of power and shock.

Oriental poetry!

In the past, people never put this goddess in their eyes. Although the oriental poetry showed a good talent, it was too far in front of her sister, Yingyingyu. Until now, people don’t know much about it, and I don't know if the oriental poetry creates a sacred space.

Even the character of Liu Yi in the East is not clear.

To know. east

The square clan is the same as the behemoth, and many matters are controlled by the family. The characters like Liu Liu are not very concerned. His role is to keep the situation and deter, so he does not care about the juniors of the oriental clan.

and. This

In the past few years, the Oriental clan has been deliberately protecting the oriental poetry. Do not say that no one outside the family knows the greatness of the oriental poetry, that is, few people in the family know that it is terrible.

If it wasn’t for the wind to deliberately mention it, it’s not clear that the audience are present.

Different from other characters, when Ling Feng saw the oriental poetry at first sight, he felt that the heavenly woman was extraordinary. This is a kind of sensation in the wise world. Through the eyes, I can see some essential things. At least Ling Feng feels the oriental poetry. Poetry is far from reaching the level of old pit goods.

of course.

If you don't know it, it's really easy to be deceived by the purely white eyes of the oriental poetry.

Fire Phoenix, Wolong! This

It is Ling Feng’s praise for the two sisters of the Eastern clan. The oriental Yingyu is full of fire, like a phoenix, full of vitality and sunshine, full of blood and passion. In the martial arts talent, she is more radical and faint. Suppressing Shangguan Tiantian and Zhou Qitian, other forces are feeling the pressure. but

. east

Fang Shi poetry is different. She is like a star on the side of a rose. It is very inconspicuous, but when you pay attention, it will be everywhere. she was

Like a real dragon in the world, before it shows its grace, it is like a dragonfly, but when it bursts out of a terrible side, it is full of wind and rain!

"Ling Feng, you are this..." East

Fang Liu Wei slightly frowns, always feel that Ling Feng is killing.

The rumor smirked and said: "A girl in the district wants to compete with the top big family?"

Never underestimate a woman! Ling

The wind said seriously and seriously. "What a man can do, a woman can do the same, but what a woman can do, a man may not be able to do it."

"What?" asked the rumor. "

Have a baby! ""


The gods of the field were almost killed alive, and they could not speak.

"Ling Feng, what is going on in the end?" Xuankong asked, the truth surfaced, the Shangguan clan was the real murderer behind the scenes, but Ling Feng did not tell the truth at first, almost let the Great Zhou Dynasty **** mold. Now


Ling Feng seems to be interested in the oriental poetry to suppress the situation. "

My intention is very simple, to find out the ghosts in the void! ”

Ling Fengyun said lightly. "The rumor, the singer, and the Tianzun figure."

He sighed in his heart. Yu Honglin had given him a lot of help. He was very sorry. In that catastrophe, he had the opportunity to kill, but he did not.

In essence, Yu Honglin is not bad, and his heart is empty, but he is only rumored and stunned.

"What about my family?" East

Fang Liu Wei asked, the Tang Tian Zun actually asked a god, it is a bit blushing. "

I believe that the Eastern Grandpa should be able to find out? Ling Feng said with a smile, the whole layout has appeared. The Shangguan clan will be the fish on the knife. When it comes to the hands of the oriental clan, it is a pot of soup, or it is cooked and chewed. That is their business."

What do you mean? "mysterious

Empty and Oriental Liu Wei is still inexplicable. I always feel that there are still many truths that have not surfaced. The people who really play chess in this game should not only be tempered. "

I am only responsible for finding out the ghosts, and other things are solved by you. ”

Ling Feng does not want to drag the anti-God into the flood of the virtual star. The anti-God is too young and the wings are not full enough. If you participate in it, I am afraid that it will be very heavy. three

The loss of the big forces can not afford to be lost.

and. to

The virtual star chaos really started, and the anti-God was able to take advantage of this opportunity to grow and develop, and he was going back to Shenwu University 6 to solve some unsolved problems.

of course. most

The key is that he has to ask! ...


Virtual star!

When one of the worlds disappeared, the whole star became calm, but the atmosphere was tense, and people were expecting the coming of the last moment. "

Hey, I thought that the character was so bad that I wouldn’t follow the script in the end. ”

"It is still very powerful for the elderly. In the soul of the sea, there are nine fascinating singularities. Even if they can uncover the Jiuzhong seal, they must also follow the road." Some people praised.

"As long as the Great Zhou Dynasty is destroyed, the truth must be buried together!"

Several people are standing in the mountains, talking and laughing, so happy. whole

The situation was cast by them. Although the Tiandao characters born by Ling Feng didn’t know much, but several characters still laid the door of the nine souls in their souls. Only when they were uncovered, can they get Part of the truth, and if it is not revealed, it can only see the Great Zhou Dynasty. Display

Of course. Ling

The wind is in the middle of their trap. far


A gloomy "trend" is coming in this direction, no sound, like a gust of wind blowing here, until the approaching, the cold and shimmering picture is clearly presented. he

They are indifferent and calm. he

They are cold and chilling! foot

The steps are firmly on the ground, the power is hidden in the body, neatly appearing within the Shangguan clan's sphere of influence, and advancing here with great speed. Do


They tried their best to cover up the breath, but the breath of the beast was still unstoppable, only because it was too violent because it was terrible.


They appeared in front of the magnificent mountain gate of the Shangguan clan, and the power spewed, like the vast rivers and seas, which made people fearful and chilling. six

100,000 male soldiers! he

They are differently dressed, one with ice blue robes, one with white robes, sly and distinct, but unified with each other, with the same two swords, and the Shangguan clan. "

what's the situation? ”

The Shangguan clan, did not think of this scene at all, what did these male soldiers come over? "

The Great Zhou Dynasty and the Oriental Clan! "One

These sharp-eyed Tiandao characters are the first problem. The ice blue robes are unique to the Oriental clan. The white robes belong to the Great Zhou Dynasty. The two forces are at the same time. How can the Shangguan clan characters not be surprised? Want

know. before

During the period, the Eastern clan retired, did not force the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Da Zhou Dynasty sected 300,000 soldiers. It was reported that they did not return to the family in time. Under the pressure of many Tianzun, the 300,000 male soldiers did not appear, fearing being Tian Zun directly hit the gray smoke. can

! he

How come we are here?

at the same time. that

The Qimen of the Great Zhou Dynasty dynasty was also dissipated at this moment. The Tianzuns who had been crouching for several months were born at this moment, and they were strong in playing the Shangguan clan.

Together with the Great Zhou Dynasty, there are also the Heavenly Clan of the Eastern Clan.

"There are too many deceptions, what are your two major forces going to do?"

An old antique of the official clan appeared, strongly questioned, and was quite angry.

"This should ask you?"

The Da Zhou Dynasty and the Oriental Clan Tianzun were calm and did not respond. They just received news that the characters actually executed were not theirs, and therefore some things were not clear to them.


It is not Tianzun that comes out at this time, but a god.

Oriental poetry!

The white skin is tight, and the exquisite body is fully revealed. It is tall and beautiful, and the three-footed blue silk is bundled by a purple belt, which is simple but reveals the atmosphere. she was

Flying swiftly, walking in a leisurely court, with a faint smile and confidence on the cheek, completely different from her previous salty character. Zhang

Yang, confidence, atmosphere! east

The poems of Fang Shi are standing in front of people, not afraid of the heavenly aura, despising the gods and beings, and looking directly at the characters of the Shangguan clan.

"What are you in the poetry of the East, dare to talk to me?" One of the Shangguan clans was sorrowful. "

Why not dare? ”

The oriental poetry is cold and laughs, saying: "The painstaking layout, do not hesitate to use the big Zhou Dynasty as a bait, but I want to know the truth behind the scenes!"

When the three forces are doing their best, some essential problems will surface. "east

Fang Shishi proudly smiled. "The Oriental clan is really too anxious!"


They are too anxious, too anxious to plot to the virtual star.

They are too anxious, too anxious to start with Ling Feng.

They are really too anxious, too anxious to destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty.

When the forces are fully displayed, the essential advantages and defects will naturally be exposed to the people. Can such a bright character like the oriental poetry analyze the contradictions? "

I don't understand what you are talking about! ”

Several big people have ugly faces and sprouted. "

At this time, you are not entangled in me. "The poem of the oriental poetry laughs."

The bureau is a good game, but you are too confident! ”

The oriental poetry thought for a moment and added: "Confidence to the point of arrogance!"

"What do you want to add to your sin? Are you really going to fight with my Shangguan clan?"

The world is old, the top figures are not in the power, you are already weak, how are you three months? "east

Fang Shishi proudly laughed and said, "Do it!"

next moment.

How is this situation similar when a person is pressed to the front and the faces of the Shangguan clan are disastrous?

When the Great Zhou Dynasty retired and did not fight, it was not afraid, but not, now it is their turn.

Needless to say. on

The official clan can not have the seal of the Great Zhou Dynasty. However, their defenses and the attack on Qimen are not to be underestimated. However, after the facade of Feng Xianqi, it is still a little worse. In a short time, the defense will be broken. But the oriental poetry did not kill it, but looked at the distance silently. God

The eyes shine, like a nine-day crescent. this

At this moment, the only person!

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