Supreme Demon

Chapter 1426: To the chaos!

Heaven is old!

Heaven is dead!

The oriental poetry is cold and arrogant, standing in the air, and the faint airflow is flowing on her. She looked straight into the distance, despised thousands of ways, did not let the gods destroy the Shangguan clan, but ignored the Shangguan clan, and did not attack, a Tianzun town sealed the space, and pressed the Shangguan clan, the tyrannical gesture, let Shangguan clan characters feel the heart

In Shen, especially the Shangguan asked the sky, looking at the oriental poetry full of horror.

That temperament!

That look!

That gesture!

The oriental poetry is like a fairy, magnificent like a rainbow, even if she stands next to a heavenly statue, it becomes an arch at this moment.

She is a little green in the flowers.

She is one of the thousands of cents.

When she looked up, the whole world was old. People thought about the old man of the Eastern clan, and even thought about the empty space of the empty road, but did not think that the oriental poetry was the one who played chess.

this moment. The poetry of the East poetry shows the ability to control the world and the ability to control the field. In such a huge scene, she is not scared, calm, Tianzun, Tiandao are their hands, strong side Full of people, chilling


"is her!"

Shangguan asked the voice of the day, he always used the old clan of the Eastern clan as an opponent, and felt that only he was qualified to play against his IQ.


He did not think about the Eastern clan in this world. He once had a more feminine female arrogance, and his military power was not enough.

Using the Great Zhou Dynasty as a bait, forcing the Shangguan clan to do their best, expose the whole problem to the people, and let the truth surface. When they killed the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Eastern clan was scrutinizing the three forces. Right?

If the three major forces show no bottlenecks, the Great Zhou Dynasty is the culprit.

The Eastern clan is booming, and the void is not weak. Especially after getting the perfect void, the empty road is even more beautiful.


The true poetry of the East is actually the Shangguan clan, but the oriental clan at that time was too excited. They were too confident about their means, and this situation appeared.

What awkward mind is this? Shangguan asked the sky to look gray, looking at the indifferent and awkward oriental poetry, full of frustration, he always thought that his own IQ in the world can crush the peers, until the emergence of oriental poetry, he knows that there are more in this world. Extraordinary genius


This is the crush on the mind!

What is even more frightening is that whether it is the Oriental clan, the Da Zhou dynasty or the empty road, it is the chess of the oriental poetry. The three forces are arched and immediately push the oriental poetry to the altar.


After the seal of the official clan, the oriental poetry did not slash, as if not completely careless, did not put the Shangguan clan in the eyes, but looked at the front.

This is even more frustrating!

Because of this, the oriental poetry did not regard him and the Shangguan clan as opponents, but the fish on the knife. Her real opponent is the third force and the worldly god.

"Notify your ancestors immediately!"

Shangguan asked the day to open, and said in a hurry.

"Yes, this will let the ancestors come back and annihilate these characters!" Someone responded.

"are you a pig?"

The Shangguan clan screamed like a thunder. "At this time, let the ancestors come back? Immediately let the ancestors stay away from the Shangguan clan!"


The subordinates looked at the Shangguan inexplicably, and if the ancestors did not return, who would save them?

"The moth is on fire!"

The Shangguan clan sat on the ground with a sullen face, and the face was more sinister. The oriental poetry was completely phishing law enforcement. As long as the ancestors came back, it was necessary to be annihilated. At that time, the Oriental clan would have no hope. .


Oriental poetry is not only to make up the Shangguan clan, but also to uproot it and clean it up to prevent endless troubles.

just now.

The oriental clan is already a fish, and there is no hope of any birth, so the ancestors cannot return.

To know.

The ancestor is too old, and he will be on the wood. He is currently releasing the last light and heat for them. Where is the opponent of the Eastern Liu Wei in the prime of life?


When the genus tried to inform his ancestors, his face became difficult to look at, and he said faintly. "They banned this emptiness, and Lingshi could not sense the ancestral atmosphere. The news is now contained in this space."

Shangguan asked the day and the homeowners’ heads were suddenly gray. They had already guessed that this would be the result, but they still don’t think how great the oriental poetry is.


They only felt trembled. The oriental poetry was really terrible. It was a matter of dripping water. It was to trap them here.

"The ancestors can't come back!"

Shangguan asked Tianhong to say, "But they don't want to get rid of us. It's not easy at the moment. I think that power is even worse!"

"Yeah, they won't show up!"

The old family said, "As long as they don't want to die, they must fight forward!"


It is not only the Shangguan clan who acts as the culprit behind the virtual star, but also the third force, as long as that power is not yet

If you want other forces to know, then you will not wait for the Shangguan clan to fall into the hands of other forces, and the forces will be divided.

after all.

Once the Shangguan clan is divided up, the other three forces will grow unprecedentedly, and it will be easier to target them.

In either case, the third force will not look at the Shangguan clan.


The next day, the terrible waves appeared from afar, and there were people who came to the world, and a big hand covered the sky, and they blew a big hole in nine days and came strong.

"court death!"

One of the top clan of the Eastern clan flies out, and the long wind breaks through the waves of 100,000 miles. It directly hits the person who has the world and confronts him.

In an instant.

The wind and rain are foggy, and the force collapses and collapses. It is like a sea of ​​waves, turbulent in the void, and then penetrates the space.


A giant hammer was suppressed from the emptiness of the air, pushing the mountains and rivers, playing a thousand miles of light, and the life of the top clan of the eastern clan was forced to fly back, and the power was even more penetrating the nine heavens.

Sting! A skylight opened the sky and appeared in front of the Tianzun. The nine doors were in full bloom. Each door was sprayed with ruins and sizzling various kinds of beasts. When they flew down, there was no sign of exhaustion and space was at this moment. Decay, like

It is the "skills" that have the power to take time out of them.

Broken empty!

The Great Zhou Dynasty dynasty finally took the shot at this moment, facing the one who was the **** of the world, holding a handle of the heavenly sword, breaking the bounds of the heavens and the earth, forbidden to come to that person.

of course.

The empty space is not only about space and strength, but also the god.

In that space around Tianzeng became exhausted, his power was weakened, and there was a force that was annihilating his momentum. At this time, the Tianzun blade fell against the void, and the power of the emptiness of the sky was stabbed. The eyebrows of the world.


The world is not weak, the lightning shot, blocked by a tower, smashing a ray of light, dazzling.

The Great Zhou Dynasty retreats ten steps and looks at the Tianzun with vigilance. The situation is more difficult than they think. This character should not belong to the Shangguan clan, but from the third force, and the figures at this level are actually Too difficult to deal with.


At the same time, the distant blast burst into a glare, and Tianzun and Tiandao flew to the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Clan Tianzun and Heaven.

The whole scene exploded in an instant, and the heavens and the earth were pushed horizontally.


In a short time, the empty road Tianzun and the heavenly characters arrived in time, but the number was not much. Yu Honglin was not among them. Xuankong had already sent the news to this side, and people were detained in Honglin and told the truth. Therefore, Hong Lin was voluntarily trapped and did not resist. This made the empty road, Tianzun, relieved. If Honglin rebelled, then Half of the empty road is afraid of both

To be overturned.

Needless to say.

Because of the timely arrival of the empty road Tianzun, the situation is more conducive to the oriental poetry, forcing the third force to succumb to blood.


At this moment, a light sprang from the center of the Shangguan clan, forming a backlight, which collapsed the void.


A virtual body emerged from it, directly penetrated the two major forces, so that the Shangguan clan could get out of the way. When a Tian Zun flew out, it was the three major forces that felt the pressure.

However, due to the tears of the Shangguan clan, when the resistance is resisted, the three forces will naturally not be polite, and the whole Shangguan clan will be suppressed. For a time, the blood flow will be everywhere, and the Shangguan clan will fall in a tragic manner. .


Suddenly, the illusion of light, a frenzy broke open to the world. The old man of the Shangguan clan came back in time. He did not participate in the ban, but flew directly back to the Shangguan clan. His body was heavy and heavy, and he collapsed into a heavy sky, covered with empty space, and then a strange door ran open. Open the official clan,

Fly it all over and fly towards the distance.

"To make a living with the blood!"

The old man of Shangguan clan madly vomited blood and laughed wildly. "Take my blood to be my family for a hundred years!"

Sorrowful and great!

With thousands of years of roads and blood, he built the way forward and sent all the Shangguan clan to the distance, piercing the space and flying to distant stars.


This is a step-by-step process that has been laid down many years ago to prevent the Shangguan clan from encountering such major risks, but it is necessary to burn the blood and life of a worldly god.

"Stay it!"

Forces such as the Void Road and the Great Zhou Dynasty screamed and used the top weapons and wanted to leave the Shangguan clan, but the singularity and strength of the shore, even tearing and circumventing the weapons of the gods, banned from flying into the distance .

“Is it so easy?”

A voice rang, the oriental Liu Wei flew back, punched in the mountain river in the eastern clan, collapsed a large piece, and countless deaths and injuries.

"Escape under our eyes?"

Xuankong sneered and laughed back, kicking out and breaking through the nine heavens, wearing a hole in the mountain river of Shangguan clan.

"The blood is in full bloom, covering the sky!"

The Shangguan clan sighed, the whole body collapsed, and the power collapsed at this moment, forming an endless shackle, rushing for nine days, covering up the day. In the next moment, a light curtain covers the sun and the moon, and people see their eyes, they can't see the front, and they can't see the dust.

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