Supreme Demon

Chapter 1427: Oriental rhyme!

Bloody rain, cover the sky! square

The space of 100,000 miles was drowned by **** rain. It was the picture of the Shangguan clan's ancestors exchanged with blood, blinding the heavens, and let the Shangguan clan have a chance to escape. but


The ancestor died on this, and the soul and body were wiped out and disappeared into the sea.

"I want to escape!"

The oriental Liu Weidao brightened and released the killing intention. He rushed to the void, and broke the blood fog. He flew a knife in his hand and opened the **** fog in the sound of the sky. He broke through 100,000 miles and shot down in Shangguan. The clan is on the mountain river. thorn


The knife is extraordinary, igniting the law of heaven, and bans the mountain from falling down, letting the people of the eastern clan mourn, especially the people on the mountain river, who screamed and screamed, and smashed and died. when

When the bright light flashed over the mountain river, the oriental clan died.

"Where to run!"

One of the empty roads, the glory of the world, rushed into the void, suddenly collapsed, and a bridge appeared, hitting the distance.

Bang! One

The loud noise, the flyover tearing the blood fog, appeared in the Shangguan clan mountain river, collapsed the sky, directly suppressed, in an instant, the bridge crushed a small piece of mountain river, let many Shangguan clan mourn, collapse in a short time, form A **** fog. "

stay! "Big

Zhou Wangchao several Tianzong together to fight the town, Wei Li shocked, will collapse in nine days, directly hit the Shangguan clan that mountain. when

When they flew down, the mountain river of Shangguan clan was divided, only one or two mountains and rivers escaped, while other mountains and rivers collapsed on the spot.

next moment. that

The Katayama River blasts into the sky, penetrates the space, and disappears into the Xingxing Sea. people

They couldn't help but sigh. In the end, they still didn't leave the Shangguan clan, let them escape and endless troubles.


People think that the Shangguan clan's mountain river is not far from the virtual star. It may be on this star, only because the ancestor used the great supernatural powers to put it into the thirty-three space, using space to cover up the sky, and then Escape to the Xinghai.

"Get it out!"

Air cold said, already hit this point, then you can't let go of the Shangguan clan, and a person who lives in the dark can do something, he knows well. This

Far more terrible than the Shangguan clan!

then. he

They madly killed the three gods of the third force, and more than a dozen Tianzuns smashed together. The power could not be underestimated. Even if the Shangguan clans were involved, it would be difficult to change the whole situation. complete

actually. This

It is the virtual star.


A giant hammer fell down and blasted a big hole in the sky.


A great dynasty dynasty, a goddess carrying a giant sword from the sky, tearing open a heavy space, the law power burst in the void, banned from the handle of the giant hammer, the two shot in the void Mang, almost smashed the sky.


The other two Tianzun dynasty from the far-off dynasty flew from afar, carrying the appearance of the gods and soldiers, trapped the heavenly lord, and the three laws were intertwined and detained. and


The two empty heavens are close to the distance, and the power is like a tide of mountains and rivers. When the sky falls, the Tianzun is suppressed on the spot.

boom! in

In the loud noise, a **** is killed. Display

Of course.

This level of ban, even Tianzun can not help but sigh, death and injury is too much, half of the Shangguan clan is almost destroyed, the third force of the first Tianzun commandment, how serious? Of course

and. three

The big forces have not let go of the third forces Tianzun and Tiandao, and want to find out the origins of this power. When they do their best, the third force Tianzun and Tiandao are bloody, one by one. full

Bloody rain! This

It is the heavens that are crying, and the way to conform to the heavens is so disintegrated. This

The battle for the field has not ended. Although the Shangguan clan escaped, it is still a trouble, and the three forces are making every effort to thoroughly investigate their whereabouts and to find a third force. boom

Move the whole starry sky!

but. to

The chaos has not subsided, and in the next few days, the revenge belonging to the Shangguan clan will soon come. boom

Long! One

The Tianzun appeared, and on the spot, it would explode a **** country belonging to the Eastern clan. The blood rain covered the entire sky, and it could not be opened for many days. The **** breath could be heard through thousands of miles.

"Paralysis, Shangguan clan, I will definitely clean you up!" East

Fang Liu's Taoist blood is red, only because he is sitting in the **** country is his descendants, the Shangguan clan is just looking at this point to kill the killer. Of course

and. on

The official clan of the official clan came and went like the wind. When he did not respond to the oriental clan, he disappeared and left the oriental clan.


Not a day, a kingdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty was also stunned by the terrible momentum. Although the Great Zhou Dynasty was already prepared, how could it withstand a Tianzhuang hateful blow? because


The Kingdom of God collapsed in a short period of time and disappeared. versus

At the same time.

A virtual country in the empty road has also been smashed, and the death and injury are large. The gods and heavens that are honed outside are also hit by the Shangguan clan. It is already lucky to be able to come back alive.

Needless to say.

The Shangguan clan must smash the three forces in the dark. Although this pain is not big, it can form an atmosphere of embattled. At that time, the three major forces will be heart-wrenching, and the top-level figures will also lose their squareness. "

Make a game! ”

At this time, the poetry of the oriental poetry bluntly said: "Let Tianzun sit in the past."

No! ”

The ancestors directly glared and said: "There are so many places in the Kingdom of God. If you let Tianzun sit down, don't say that there are not enough people, even if it is enough, then what about my family?"

"The oriental clan is currently strong, they dare not attack!"

Oriental poetry argues with reason: "Tianzun is more suitable to sit in the Kingdom of God, and as long as you do a Tianzun, the price is worth it!"

But I still feel wrong! ""

This is the most favorable counterattack at the moment! "east

Fang Shishi said with a strong tone: "If we have been living in the family, waiting for the gods to fly away, then my family is a lone wolf!"

To know. on

The official clan is very poisonous. It is necessary to cut off the wings and branches of the eastern clan. There is no resource supply and no source of power. At that time, the eastern clan will be weakened, and the oriental clan who is scared and courageous has no courage to leave the family. which is

It is to come out and be killed by them.

thus. east

Only then can the Fang clan be able to fight the arrogance of the Shangguan clan.

"Okay!" East

Fang Liujun finally compromised. Although this method is adventurous, as long as it succeeds, the Shangguan clan will be miserable.

It was that night.

A Tianzun flies out of the Eastern clan and goes to the Kingdom of God to sit in the town. Although it is impossible for every **** country to have a heavenly dwelling, at least the time will be much faster, and it will not sit and watch a godland annihilate.

Bang! Do not

A long time later, a **** country collapsed, and the Shangguan clan's celestial reverence reappeared. At that time, the Eastern Liu Yu killed, and the Thunder was seriously injured by the Thunder, leaving an arm.


The Eastern clan had not yet had time to cheer, and the tribe was on fire. The three heavenly celestial beings appeared together over the eastern clan and pressed down toward the center.

"Damn!" East

Fang Shishi’s eyes are red and bloody, saying, “My family has ghosts and sends messages to them!”

Of course.

The former Shangguan clan was only spying. As long as the oriental clan really made Tianzun sit in the kingdom of God, the family was very empty. At this time, the three heavenly sages appeared together, and they were caught off guard. This is to annihilate the eastern clan. Rhythm.

Although this game of oriental poetry is adventurous, it is not so quickly seen.

and. This

The three heavenly lords came too fast, and the war in the kingdom of God has not yet ended, they have already appeared. for


If it is not the problem of this bureau, it is a problem within the family.

"Not bad!"

Tianzun is serious, and his face is chilling. He said, "There are indeed ghosts within the family!"

He is currently the Tianzun in the town. "

When I first told this game, only a few people were present. "The poem of the oriental poetry said coldly.


"Old ancestors, grandfather, sister..." The oriental poetry frowned, thinking, trying to find out the real murderer. when

The people present at the time are reliable figures, especially the Tianzun level. "

Hard to think! ”

The **** asked, smiling.

"It's not hard!" East

Fang Shishi also laughed and looked at the Tianzun. "There are no problems for the ancestors and the old master. My sister and I should believe that there are only four Tianzuns left in doubt!"

anything else? ”

"The other three Tianzun did not ask, bluntly sitting in the town, if they gave birth to the wounded mind, I am afraid that now my oriental clan has destroyed most of the time, and you propose to sit in the town..."

and then? ”

"If the inner ghost sits inside the town, the ruin is not the majority of the eastern clan, but the whole!"

The oriental poetry poetry raised its head and carefully looked at the Tianzun. He said with a smile: "Is right? Oriental rhyme!"

It’s so smart! "east

Fang Yun applauded and said, "The Oriental clan has you drunk for three years, but unfortunately..."

why? ”

The poetry of the oriental poetry is sad, and to tell the truth, she is not willing to believe at this moment. "

Some people are beautiful, some are Jiangshan, and some are people! ""

What? ”

"Ask the day!"

"Can the oriental clan give it, can they give it?"

At least hope for a bigger one! "east

Fang Yun sighed. "I just didn't expect things to evolve to this extent. My intention was not to destroy my family."

Have to be destroyed now? ""

indeed! ""

Because I am in the investigation? Because the three forces are involved? Because the cost of this betrayal is too heavy? ”

"Everything!" East

Fang Yun said with a smile. "But it is more important than this!"

what is that? ”

"There is a lifelessness in the family, lack of radical courage. What is the Tao? Although thousands of people are squatting!"

The oriental rhyme said to the front: "The road is ahead, there is nothing to sacrifice, including myself!"

You are such a madman! "The oriental poetry said with a contemptuous look." "Have you ever thought about my family?" ""

Family? "east

Fang Yun laughs more crazy.. "Thousands of people are ethnic groups, and one person is also a family. When the old ancestors opened up in the ages, I will continue to open up the world and reproduce the prosperity!"

This is not the reason for your betrayal! ”

"It is not!"

Dongfang Yun said with a smile: "I need your blood, and it will be built forever!"

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