Supreme Demon

Chapter 1428: Back to God!

The cold wind is faint and the weather is getting cold.

But this is far from the heart of the oriental poetry, and her jade is covered with frost, and her **** is full of blood.


Her whole person is like a piece of stiff ice, standing there, difficult to move, and full of sadness in her heart.

Oriental rhyme!

The Tianzun, created by the oriental family with endless resources, consumes too much effort and energy. In the end, it is to raise a white-eyed wolf, a living metamorphosis.

Tiger poison is still not eating!

However, the oriental rhyme has to use the blood of the entire Oriental family to cast its own way, to achieve its merits, to open up an "Oriental Home" that belongs to oneself.

How vicious?

How terrible?

Oriental poetry looks at the oriental rhyme and sees only a bloodthirsty devil.

"Magic Road!"

The poetry of the oriental poetry is secluded and said: "You have already gone into flames and your heart has changed greatly."

"What is a devil?"

Dongfang Yunxiao laughed. "You are the right way?"

"At least we won't be as bloodthirsty as you are, and you can do it for yourself."

"We are inspired by the world, this is the right way, and you use the blood of the people to cast the road, this is the magic road!"

"Do you want to be a devil?"

"You are such a madman!"

"Yeah, I am a madman, but a madman who can win the whole world!" The oriental rhythm is mad and laughs. "The only book of history books can be written, and you are destined to be losers."

"Because my four people are sitting in the Kingdom of God?"

"Not only!"

"Because the other two forces are not clear?"

"not enough!"

"Because we have nothing to do, is it already the fish on your knife?"

"Not bad!"

The oriental poetry sighs and sighs. "You are a clever figure. You should have raised my family and pushed it to the top, but you have chosen this path."

"One will succeed in the bones."

The oriental rhyme is full of ambition and passionately said: "On the road of casting road, there are always people who play the winner, and some people must play the loser!"

“Do you think you are the winner?” The oriental poetry smiled.

"I can raise your hand and annihilate you. What do you say?"

"Really want me to say?"

The oriental poetry smiled and said, "I think you can't even hurt me with a hair!"

"court death!"

The oriental rhyme suddenly felt alert and had a strong sense of danger. The goddess in front of him was too calm and calm, and there was no "enlightenment" that became a fish, as if he did not regard him as one thing at all.

For the fish, it is not normal to not cry or make trouble.

Either, the poetry of the Eastern poetry is firm and bearish, and the poetry of the East has a more terrible card.

What if both?

Suddenly, the oriental rhyme felt trembled. The whole situation can be said to have been created by the oriental poetry. If such a character is smarter, can you see through this layer of "fog"?

He was afraid of long night dreams, so he directly went to the oriental poetry, raised his hand, and the whole sky was eclipsed. A light pierced for nine days and appeared in front of him.


At that moment, the oriental rhyme was amazed, and the hand did not touch the oriental poetry, but stagnated through a virtual light.

Hey! The imaginary light is magnified little by little, and it is not the oriental poetry in front of the oriental rhyme, but a handsome middle-aged man of one year, with five senses, silky waterfalls, thin clothes, no dust, standing in the heavens and the earth. One-handedly catching the East

The hand of rhyme, the wind is light and light.

It’s just that his eyes are full of blood and full of blood.

I don't know when.

He appeared in front of the oriental poetry, and he just took the hand of the oriental rhyme.

"who are you?"

The oriental rhyme face changed wildly and became gray. Although he did not know who the person was, the other person’s body was full of anger and filled the entire sky. He only looked at him and let the oriental rhyme tremble.

What is this momentum?

"Isn't that important?"

A voice screamed with a sneer, and a character came out from behind the god.

"Ling Feng!"

Dongfang Yun did not know the Tianzun, but he knew Lingfeng. This **** was their goal, but it has not been done until now.


Now this situation is completely caused by Ling Feng. If there is no burning of the Tianzun, if there is no Lingfeng to do the game, they will not be so miserable. People say that this is the credit of the oriental poetry, but the oriental rhyme can be seen more thoroughly.

There is also a terrible figure behind the oriental poetry. Although it does not appear, it is laid out for thousands of miles.

When Ling Feng appeared, the heart of Dongfang Yun was more Shen. At the beginning, many Tianzun teamed up to do not have the Lingfeng. There were always two terrible Tianzun characters beside them. Any one born can be alive.


The Tianzun next to Ling Feng is a person of the world.

"You already know the truth?"

Oriental rhyme is not an idiot. From the appearance of Ling Feng and the calmness of oriental poetry, we can see the problem.

"Roughly the same!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "In fact, the layout of the previous poems is not aimed at the Shangguan clan, but you!"

"Tian Zun is in town, you have a chance."

"No will

The situation inside the Eastern clan will never improve! ”

Oriental rhyme face is even more pale, basically can be sure, this is a dead end.

There are not many things that can make Ling Feng and the Oriental poetry together, and he is the target of two talented people.

"Does the rumors fall into your hands?"

The oriental rhyme is flashing, and the heart can't help but sigh. He is extremely hidden. Normally, the Oriental clan is hard to suspect him, and it is even more problematic to find him accurately in the poems of the East and the poetry.

And being able to know his identity is only a ghost in the void.

It’s just that Hong Lin doesn’t know.


Ling Feng said with a smile. "However, I would like to know something about the power of the magic."


The oriental rhyme face was slightly amazed, and Ling Feng was more thorough than they could see.


He did not intend to give up, and when the gods came to persecute, he rushed out of the lightning and activated the gates of the Eastern clan, trying to trap the heavenly master and stay away from it.


The old man said with awkwardness, he lightning forward, and a step has come to the oriental rhyme.


A knives flew out of its hands, carrying a sky-high blade, forbidding the defensive gates of the Eastern clan. In front of this stalk, the defense of the Qimen could not help but wind, and in a short time, it would melt away.

next moment.

The old man beat the oriental rhyme, and released the top light and the law. The space cast a statue of a dragon and rushed forward.


The oriental rhyme is heavy and it is full of strength, so that the power is gushing and the mountains and rivers are dumped.


The strength of the old man is still strongly oppressed, and the power of the law is blessed on the blade of the burning road. It is like a broken bamboo. It is actually annihilating the law of the oriental rhyme.


A loud bang, bursting from the center, the power of terror formed the Bohai Sea, and the ash of the Eastern clan was destroyed.

"Too weak!"

The old man is proud to say that there is only one person in the world who can make him lean, and there are too many suppressions. At least the oriental rhyme is one of them.


He punched out with a punch and collapsed in the mountains.


He kicked out and the space was disintegrated.

In the end, he held the burning blade and appeared on the top of the oriental rhyme. The power was blown down and the smoke of the oriental rhyme was directly destroyed. When the oriental rhyme reacted, the old man had appeared in front of the oriental rhyme.

"Is this your way?" Wannian was full of sarcasm, and then he squatted on the oriental rhyme.


The oriental rhyme flew directly for thirty miles, and one head collapsed ten miles and formed a terrible big hole.

The sky is full of blood and rain.


The Wannian Laojiao did not kill the oriental rhyme, but directly blasted its dantian and imprisoned it. This only deliberately detained it and threw it in front of the oriental poetry.

"I promise you that you have done one thing!"

Ling Feng came to the front of the oriental poetry and said with a smile. "As for how to find out, the truth, should we not worry about it?"

"No need to!"

The poetry of the oriental poetry, the face is reddish, and the slightly doubtful words of Ling Feng are very unhappy.

"That will do the second thing as soon as possible."

Ling Feng said: "To the virtual star, I should go back and see!"

"it is good!"

The oriental poetry is not procrastinating, and it is quite easy to go to the Oriental Poetry Center with Ling Feng. This is even more important than the Oriental rhyme.


They came to a Xiangge, a place where the oriental clan's son-in-law lived. The oriental clan was also a small restricted area, but did not expect the Oriental poetry to bring it here.


A small building was slowly pushed open, and the eastern Ying Yuyu helped a thin woman to appear in front of Ling Feng.

The woman looks pretty, and is similar to the oriental Yingyu and the poetry of the oriental poetry. She looks sullen and has no expression. She looks at the front with a dull look like a wooden man.

"sorry to bother you!"

Oriental Yingyu did not smile, but solemnly moved to Ling Feng.

"give it to me!"

Ling Feng did not dodge, so he accepted the oriental Ying Yu worship, which made the two sisters bite their teeth.


Ling Feng took over the thin woman from the East Yingyu and walked to the attic.

"He won't do anything special?" Dongfang Yingyu has some uneasy thoughts.

Ling Feng, who was walking ahead, had a black line and almost fell to the ground. This woman was sometimes poisonous.

"Brother does not lack women!"

Ling Feng threw a sentence and went straight to the attic and disappeared into it.

Two days later.

Ling Feng walked out of the attic, his face was a little pale, his footsteps were a little vain, and he looked embarrassed. This made the oriental Yingyu eyes strange, but did not speak.

"Go, go back!"

Ling Feng did not say much, and directly spoke to the old man.

Bang. A loud bang, a Tianzhou appeared in the Eastern clan, and then Lingfeng and Wannian scorpion fly on the Tianzhou. When the top power is in full bloom, the Tianzhou rides the wind and waves, disappears into the virtual star in a short time, and flies to Shenwu. .

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