Supreme Demon

Chapter 1430: Chutian's love!

The door of the void!

This strange door can be called ancient. Million

In ancient times, this strange door has appeared. I don’t know who made it. It’s just that the old man is repaired by ancient Qimen.

now. in

In front of this ancient Qimen, smelling old dumplings, many heavenly guards, so standing in front of it, full of smiles, this Tianzun can be no momentum, like welcoming a younger generation to go home. in

Behind him. leaf

Witches, Ling Qing, Candle Dragon, etc. are in the column, although the leaf witch has not asked, but who dares to treat it as a god? Qin

He didn't come, he was a go-go gatekeeper. Even if Ling Feng came back, he was very excited, but the door against the **** is more important, and he can meet in front of the anti-god, and it is enough for Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others to come. .

To know.

Today's anti-God is different from a few decades ago. After the whole body has grown up, the entire Shenwu 6 has been under the influence and control, and they will know immediately.

but. which is

This is the case, the anti-God is still extremely attached, when the Lingfeng appeared in the Hengtianxing, they set out, the butterfly is in madness, the hidden **** is in riot, the anti-God is concealing, the invisible force is radiating to the whole Big 6, and even there are gods and characters appearing around the major forces to suppress. Take

They can't do it before. Now

In fact, they have such strength and have such qualifications. Do not

Just smelling old is the other forces, such as the gods of the gods and the gods of the gods. The heavenly figures are also coming out. At present, the overall strength of the gods is not very strong. After all, people can’t see the invisible power of the gods, but on the level of heaven The anti-God is already at the top of the Shenwu 6th. Million

The old man can suppress the whole audience, and there is also a burning **** on the Tibetan star. day

What is the level of the road? that

It is completely against the world of God.

Tianqi, candle dragon, evil emperor, Mingtian beast, Lingqing, falling rain, just these are the whole six heavens, how terrible? and

And. This

It is only the initial display. After the characters such as Ling Feng, Ye Witch, and Han Ruyue have asked one after another, there is no power to suppress it. At that time, it is almost the same as saying that the whole **** is not pushed. This

At one point, the current gods are far from being far behind. There are so many heavenly characters who can reverse the future of the gods, and this is why people value the anti-God. There are no threats such as butterflies and hidden gods. It is full of expectations for the anti-God. when

Of course. This

Only limited to the situation that top forces can see, some weak forces can't see the terrible now.

More than a dozen forces, big and small, stand in front of the void, Wu Guo, Chen Guo and so on. They are blessed by the spirit, they must know how to be grateful, not to mention the degree of glory against the other forces. but

Anyone who knows that the power of the gods is so powerful, all of them appear, even if they can't get to the characters like Lingfeng, at least they have a familiar face, or know what kind of character this is, and they will avoid it in the future, so as not to know how to directly On the right, it’s the same that Tian Zun can’t save. Chu

The sky is also in it, just behind the leaves of the witch and others, full of faces, but a flash of sadness in the eyes.

Not much time.

The door of the void shines, and a Tianzhou appears in it. Wannian Laoyu and Lingfeng stand side by side. Behind him, Tianqi and the evil emperor step by step, although people’s faces are laughing and there is no momentum. Still let the bodies of the gods in the room be tight, some weak martial arts, and even shudder on the spot.

That is a worldly **** of the sky!

It is just that Wen is always weak in front of him and cannot be discussed.

Looking at the gods, Ling Feng is activated and full of pride. Unlike Hengtian Star, he is full of feelings for Shenwuda 6, and here he really feels home.

Here is his hometown!

Month is hometown Ming!

The hunger of the home away from home is just the moment to go home.

There are things he misses here, there are forces worthy of his struggle here, and here is his most romantic story.

His roots are here, his dreams are here.

What kind of feeling is it comparable to other places?

When he saw the Ye Witch and the Anti-God, he was full of pride. It was not only his hometown, but also his territory. In the starry sky, he was always alert and worried. He didn’t want to die and he could only work hard. Alive.

but. in

Here, he can relax and empty himself, just because he knows that no characters can hurt him here. in

Here, he is the real king.

He took a deep breath and felt the familiar and strange taste here, full of intoxication, and then opened his eyes and looked forward.

"Smell old!"

Ling Feng hurried forward and came to the old man, deeply envious. This

The people have helped him a lot. The anti-goal is based on the old "tree shade", and when the rain meets problems, the old man is in the anti-God space across the billion-mile river. Constant

The stars are threatening.

The pressure on the virtual star!

Wen Lao has never regarded him as an adult master, but as a younger generation, seriously to love, Ling Feng has no parents, but he really feels the love of his grandfather. "

Come back soon! "smell

The old smile, bear the wind, and lifted it up and said, "This is your home, I am afraid they can't do well, so come and welcome you home."


Ling Feng took a heavy amount of nasal sounds and sang to the old man. "

Get up, what it looks like, everyone can watch it. "When the old mouth is laughing, the heart is more satisfied. With

Rear. Ling

The wind goes to the leaf witch, and looks at each other. Sometimes the feelings don't need too much words. After a while, he embraces the leaves witch, the cold moon, the Ling Qing and other heavenly women, full of excitement.

A few decades ago.

They went all the way, fighting for life and death, fighting the stars, and playing the vastness of the sky. Now

After they returned, I am glad that everyone is still alive.

"Come back home!"

Ling Qing did not say much, only two words, she smiled and smiled and cried.

After several lives and deaths, they almost did not hold on, but now they are still back.

"Come back home!"

Ling Feng has a heavy weight and solemnly said: "Nobody wants to separate us in the future!"

He carefully wiped the tears from Ling Qing’s face and promised in a very serious and sincere tone.

Subsequently. Wu

The emperor Wu Hao, Chen Guoguo, Chen Xiaofeng, Su Xiaoru and so on, were full of excitement. Although these years of exhibitions were bumpy and encountered many problems, they all came over and lost their support against the gods. They had a hard time. Some, but more polished out the hard wings.

"We are waiting for you!" Su

Xiaoru said as calmly as possible, but he still betrayed him in the violent chest.

The monk did not say anything, but his eyes were persistent and looked at Ling Feng firmly. As the emperor who was the hero of the war against the gods, he knew the ambition of the gods and the winds more than anyone. It was not limited to Shenwuda 6, but more Not limited to the stars of the sky.

Ling Feng once said that their journey is the sea of ​​stars. This

One point, the monk is convinced.

"Everyone has been okay lately?" Ling Feng looked at the monk, and asked with a smile.

"Very good!" Wu Hao amount, slightly tilted to the body. "

After the month, let's talk! Ling Feng said.

Yes! Wu

The sacred eyes suddenly flashed, bursting out of blood, and the excited body shivered slightly.

Obviously. Ling

The wind can't talk to him about Wu's affairs. There is no such thing, and he can't talk to Ling Feng about it. He is not qualified enough. because

However, what they can talk about is the journey. Wu

In these years, I have tried my best to maintain my national strength, and I have deliberately slowed down my footsteps to let my national strength reach the peak, but I did not conquer other gods. Instead, I let Chen Guo and other forces take advantage of it. Have

People say that Wu Hao lost his wisdom and lost his initiative.

But the monk is just a smile. Yan

What is the ambition of Quean Zhihong? this


He has to wait for finally. he

The meaning of others, others do not understand, but Ling Feng knows. he

Filling up the national strength, he is keeping his troops in a hurry, not showing God's greatness. It is because he is ambitious and ambitious, and he knows the wind. He can't just rely on the gods to conquer the stars. They need the power on the bright side too much. To alleviate the huge pressure, so it is sooner or later they are stepping into the stars.

But there are successive points.

The first step is to take off!

He knew that he did not have the close relationship between Chen Xiaofeng and Su Xiaoru and Ling Feng, so he regarded himself as a murder knife and won the attention of Ling Feng in another way. This

For a moment, he got his wish.

"It will be very hard!" Ling Feng patted the monk without much words. The emperor is worthy of recognition, Ling Feng will not let him down. "

Yes! ”

The martial arts respectful sorrow, this moment he won an opportunity for the Wu Kingdom to levy the sky, whether they can get out of the future depends on themselves.

"Just back!" Qin

Thinking of her brother and sister, looking forward to the familiar and strange face, if it is separated from the world. "

Yeah, after a few decades, you are still so young. Ling Feng said with a smile.

After a while.

They left the door of the void, and the top forces knew that Ling Feng was coming back. As for other forces, they are not yet qualified to know that, at one time, Shenwuda 6 became calm and calm, who would dare to toss at this time?

Rebellion needs peace, they have to be calm. This

It is deterrence.

In the evening, a grand reception begins, and it is undoubted that the wind is the protagonist. positive

The regular reception lasted for three days.

After the reception, everything calmed down. "

Chutian? ”

In the early morning, Ling Feng breathed the air, and Qin Lao was drinking tea, and asked slowly. he

Now I need a state of mind, to calm down, and to think carefully about how to ask, but what makes him strange is that Ye Witch and others are very calm, but Chu Tian is not known.


Qin Lao looked a little, looked at the distance, sighed and said, "The fate of this child is indeed tragic."

"What happened?"

Ling Feng could not help but frown, looking to Qin old. "

Chutian met a girl. Qin

The old man was indulging for a moment, or said: "Unfortunately, the flowers are intentionally flowing."

It is a lost love.

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