Supreme Demon

Chapter 1431: She does not have this blessing!

Yu Ling Shenguo!

This is not a remarkable country of the gods. It belongs to a small **** country in the restricted area of ​​the heavens. but

. feather

The strength of the spiritual kingdom is weak, that is, the restricted areas of the heavens are not taken seriously, and the terrain of the Yuling Kingdom is dangerous, not only the terrible restricted area, but also the fierce creatures. feather

The spiritual king is a mediocre emperor. He did not wave out the advantages of the Yuling Kingdom. This led to the fact that this kingdom of God is too ordinary. If it is not in the country, there is a figure of the gods, but only the gods of the gods. It is a holy country.

Needless to say.

The characters of the Valkyrie level that can appear here are rare, and the true God and the gods do not pay much attention to this country of God, and treat it as air.


Just recently, a martial **** is taking a step to the Yuling Kingdom. He did not step to the center of the Yuling Kingdom, but traveled in his remote area and stopped in a small town. small

The city is not big, but it is only three hundred miles.

This small town has a more ordinary name.

Blue City! in

There are faint blue clouds flying over the small town, like the horses flying in the air, the wonders of the road, but also the empty scenes, there is no imposing embellishment, so that the town is too much color. that

The Valkyrie only looked at the small town and did not move forward. He looked at the center. With his vision, he could naturally see any scene in the small city. When his eyes fell on a manor in the distance, the **** could not help but tremble. Then I am sad. sheet

After the engraving. he

Sitting on the cliff, I looked at the manor like this, looking at the mountains and rivers, looking at the people who came in and out. No

There is only a few words. he

It was like a wooden stake that was firmly hit on a cliff.

A figure flashed, and it appeared next to the Wushen. He did not alarm the martial art, but sat down on a plain plate and learned the appearance of the martial god.

"Is it hard in these years?"

The man looked at the distance and asked with anxiety.

The **** of martial arts, like a wooden stake, did not open, and the eyes looked at the distance with a dull look, as if no sound was heard. "

what is her name? "The figure didn't care, but asked with a smile.

"Wind shadow!"

There was a little aura in the eyes of the sullen martyr, and some responded in vain.

"It's a good name!"

The Taoist figure, the smile on his face disappeared, asked. "Are you and her here acquainted?"

Yes! "that

The **** of martial arts smashed, full of romance and fascination, like returning to the place where he once met. "At that time, she was blue like a sky, ethereal and quiet, and it was infiltrated in this landscape. People couldn't help but feel good about her. ""

"Are you starting this way?"


Munau Wushen smiled softly. "I was very shy to speak to her that day. Her voice is very sweet, like a gentle spring."

So, are you in love with her? ”


Namu Nawu’s mouth rose and said, “From that day on, I often appeared in her life. I know that she loves candied dates, so I went to the mountains to pick. I know she likes the bunch of flowers on the top of the mountain, so I let the bunch of flowers. It’s more dazzling... I know she is obsessed with love, so I helped her to practice.” He

Immersed in the memories, the beauty of the past emerged at this moment, one by one through the mind.

"At that time, she was as shy as the bunch of flowers on the top of the mountain, tenacious and firm, to release the most beautiful colors."

"Do she love you?"

The figure then asked.

That Mu Nawu’s body trembled, and he was dull and faint, and responded faintly. “Love it.”

"Are you together?"


The Mu Nawu **** is brighter, like a child who steals sweet fruit. "At that time, I carried him up the mountain and looked at the bunch of flowers. We had the same sunrise. It was the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen." "

At that time, she picked the sweetest fruit and gave it to my mouth. ”

"At that time, we embraced the mountains, as if they were the only ones in the world."

This is the most beautiful fruit.

Love comes like a storm, suddenly and unexpectedly, it is hard to prevent, and it is so fierce and majestic, it wets people's hearts and brings the distance between the two sides closer.

"This is a beautiful love!"

The figure then asked. "Why are you so beautiful, why do you end up like this?"

this moment. that

The **** of Mu Nawu became dull by joy and became sad at the end.

Yes. he

They used to be so beautiful, why are they so lonely?

He has been thinking about this problem these days, and the answer has long been in his heart, but he still does not want to believe it.

"Because he!" half

Hey, he said quietly. "He is the son of the Son of Heaven, the dragon and the phoenix, the prince of the Feather God, the character who can be enthroned in the future, and holds the endless resources."

Did he take her to see the flowers? ""

No! ”

"Have he picked the candied dates for her?"


Did he help her to practice it? ""

Nothing! ”

"So why does she choose him and not choose you?"

Because he is the prince of the Yuling Kingdom, the character who can be enthroned in the future! ”

“Just nothing?”

"Actually, there is!"

Mu Nawu Shen indulged for a moment, only to sigh and said: "I told her that I am only a villager's child!"

The figure did not say anything, but sighed, and looked at the distance with the wooden god, looking at the manor through the blue city.

"I told her that I am just a Wu Sheng!"

That Mu Nawu was full of pain, but he still insisted on it. "The Prince Yu Ling is a character who will seal the god."

Moreover, how can a family like her be able to tolerate a talented younger generation to marry a talented villager? "that

The **** of Mu Nawu is red, bursting the bleeding line. "

What about her? ”

The man looked at Mu Nawu and asked. "What is her heart?"

She said we broke up! "that

Mu Nawu said in a hoarse voice. "She said that we are not suitable."

"What did she say?"

"She is already Wu Sheng, and I am still a Wu Sheng!"

“So it’s over?”

I was dissatisfied and broke into the manor and wanted to know if she was intimidated. ”

"The results of it?""

She is with him, and she spends a lot of time before the moon! ”

The figure did not ask again, but more sighs. It wasn’t the sigh of martyrdom, but the woman named Wind Shadow. good


He said, "She is really blessed!"

Yes! "that

Mu Nawu God smiled sadly. "In fact, I think so!"

"Chutian, he is not for you!"

"I know."

Chu Tian got up and looked at the person and said, "I know the person, but I still can't help but look at her."

"Do you get the answer now?"

She does not have this blessing! ”

Ling Feng patted Chu Tian’s shoulder and wanted to comfort the injured Wu Shen, but did not know how to open it.

They looked at the distance like this until the sunset, until the morning light.

A full eight days.

Chu Tian got up and said, "The people should go back!"

"I figured it out?" Ling Feng asked.

"I have already figured it out!"

Chutian smiled miserably.. "But what about the idea? There are many things in the world that have no answer, and no need for an answer, because the answer will hurt people more."

You've got it! Ling

The wind smiled and got up, patted Chutian’s shoulder and said, “I am very glad that she does not have this blessing, but she has such a blessing against God!”

"The Lord has won the prize!"

"Chutian, you are ready!"

"What are you ready?"

"Do you think that I am not qualified to let you apprentice?" Ling Feng solemnly spoke. "

what? ”

Chu Tian was suddenly stunned, looking at Ling Feng, a little overwhelmed. Ling

The wind did not open, looking directly at Chutian. "

Lord, I am just a Valkyrie, without the mind of you and Ye’s Lord, and still a person who is in love. ""

Only when a man loses his love can he really grow up. Ling Feng said. "I believe that you will not let me down, and will not let the disappointment." ""


"Are you afraid?" Ling

The wind asked seriously. "Because she? Still feel that she is not good enough?"

"No!" Ling

The amount of wind, at least Chutian has not been too disappointing, and the pain of falling out of love has not let it get lost. This state of mind is very rare, otherwise it is a **** in the area of ​​Yuling Shenguo.

Chutian did not use the power of anti-God, and did not use his own powerful strength to crush. he

Just pure love and blessing.

He is just a sad love dying. only

That's it.

Chu Tian looked at Ling Feng, and his eyes were more and more disappointed. When many people were disappointed with him, the Lord still valued him like this.

He knows how important this apprentice is. inverse

God knows the importance of this step. "

Ready? "Ling Feng asked again."

Yes! ”

At this moment, Chu Tian gathered his mood, solemnly and solemnly to Ling Feng, and his eyes became crimson and persistent.

A romantic love is lost to reality. can

Is he letting him see this reality and being disappointed by her? Still let the whole villain disappoint him?

she is not here! that

Live a more beautiful life!

she is not here! only

Because she does not have this blessing! male

People are born again in love!

At this moment, Chutian swept away the haze and became highly motivated. The real warriors will not fail, not because they have not failed, but because they have become more and more frustrated.

Their hearts are unbeaten and they will win.

"Five days later, the **** volcano worships!"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "When you arrive, you can invite the whole day to watch!"


He disappeared into this country of God.

"The whole world?" Chu

The sky was slightly stunned, and then I looked at the country of God, and the mouth was rising, but it was quite helpless. Is this the "malicious" of the people? but


He didn't care about the scenery five days later. in

After five days, let the whole world know that he is the focus of the whole big 6! he

need! inverse

God needs more!

You don't need to be decadent, just because he has to go against the gods behind him.

"She really does not have this blessing!" Chu

Finally, I glanced at the blue city and the manor, and then turned around. Since then, they have not done anything, and since then he will be the future of the sky! "

But I really thought about it, take you on the stars together, take you to the altar, but unfortunately... not you! ”

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