Supreme Demon

Chapter 1433: Who is he?

The illusory light is like a silk scorpion falling down from the void.

The sun is like the sea.

The golden light falls on the volcano of God, and it falls on the Chutian that is stepping into the altar. this

engraved. he

Full of golden light, like wearing a golden armor, his footsteps are firm and heavy, his eyes are sharp and calm, he is like a sword, shining this little bit of the sky. English

Long's face, tall and straight body.

His whole person is full of vigor and vitality. can

As Chutian appeared, the wind and shadow body suddenly trembled, looking at the front in an incredible way, even closing his eyes and then opening it.

however. in

On the altar, the familiar face is still there, and it has not changed.


This man who once made her heart move in like this, and appeared in a place she completely missed. What surprised her even more was that Chu Tian invited her to come, not because she was entrusted by her, but to let her Seeing his extraordinary, his origins, his difference.

How much love has lost to reality?


What makes Feng Dian demented is that Chu Tian said that he is a child of the village husband. His talent is average, but what he is showing now is the strength that she must look up to. Wu

God! whole

A feather **** country can not find a few martial arts, but she missed one. and


Now Chutian is moving forward, and he wants to worship the young man with a smile. Although he does not know the identity and origin of the young man, he can make so many people pay attention to it, and he can let the gods worship, at least a true god, and even Yu Tianshen.

"Reverse God!" She

I read this name in my mouth, but I don’t have any impression on it.

then. she was

Turning his head and looking to the prince Yu Ling want to ask, but now the prince of Yu Ling is looking at the top with enthusiasm, his eyes are at the end of the sky, the shadow can not help but sigh in the heart.

"What is the power against God?" She asked the Prince Yuling.

"Reverse God?"

Yuling's reaction is not very flexible, subconsciously said. "I don't know much, but in the past, the most dazzling years of the gods, they have made the whole big 6 eclipse, although it is not as good as before, but it is still not to be underestimated. It’s not too small to be able to let the people in the ban and the districts come together.”

Hey, this anti-God is not as good as before, but it can make my old man pay attention to it. It is no less than a **** country, and even more terrible. ”

The wind and shadow are dark.

What kind of scenery did she miss?

She still doesn't know what kind of power is against God, but she knows that the heavens are forbidden.

The entire Yuling Kingdom is just a leaf on the big tree in the ban, and it is conceivable that the bans of the heavens and the horror of the district are the sacredness of the princes of the Yuling, and they want to let the heavens ban and the important figures of the district appear. It does not appear, but it is done against the gods.

Is this not straight enough?


When the voice of Yuling’s voice fell, a character next to him said, “A **** country?”

It was a middle-aged, demeanor, and did not put the prince of Yu Ling Shen Guo in his eyes, and he was very dissatisfied with the evaluation of the prince's rebellion against God.

"Take the rebellion against the kingdom of God. Are you rebelling against God?"

The middle-aged man said fascinatingly. "In the beginning, the gods were pushed against the world, and the gods destroyed the magic. What kind of scenery, the power of terror directly threatened the forces of the gods, the heavens, and the districts. If there is only one against the gods, there is only one. The level of the kingdom of God is only afraid of being swallowed up by these forces."

The spirit prince is discolored. wind

The shadow is even more eclipsed.

“Remember the battle that was decades ago?”

The middle-aged man said in a low voice: "The gods were almost captured and hit extremely miserable, directly causing several major forces to vanish. Do you know what role the reverse **** plays in it?"

"What kind of role?"

The wind and the prince of Yu Ling could not help but look forward to it. "

That road battle..."He

The voice just remembered, an old man sitting in front of the anti-Shenshan door opened his eyes and looked at him. He was shocked and he shut up. This

The scene makes the wind and the prince of the spirit more puzzling. only

It’s just an old man who is guarding the door. Is it scary? Want

know. he

The two of them were able to sense a faint sense of God in this middle-aged man. Although they were not real martial arts, they also marched toward the **** of war, very powerful, but they were scared by the old man's eyes. "

Who is that person? "The wind and shadow can't help but ask."

"The goalkeeper!"

The middle-aged man's face was slightly pale, and the cold sweat was down. "

Gatekeeper? ”

Yu Ling’s eyebrows can’t help but pick and choose. Is there such a goalkeeper in Yuling Shenguo? "

Keeping it is the door to the gods! "that

The man was awe-inspiring when he said this.

This character seems to be inconspicuous, but he uses the whole body to block in front of the anti-Shenshan Gate, covering the millennium and rain, and protecting the gods for peace. Display

Of course.

Prince Yu Ling and Feng Ying are not qualified enough to know that there are such gatekeepers in all major forces. They may not be the most terrible characters of the power, but they are the facade of the whole force. If someone dares to touch it, it is equivalent to facing the face. The whole force, especially the character of the scorpion. With

Rear. that

The man shut up and no longer talked. feather

The spirit prince is still looking at Qiu Shuyi, the whole person is attracted by the quiet and elegant temperament, while the wind shadow is full of gray. "

Don't look at it, be careful to find death! ”

The man suddenly said again. "The princes of the ban, the little princess in the district, you dare to look at it. Do you really think that the people in the ban are not allowed to be touched?"

The sentence made Yu Ling’s body tremble and scared his face.

The little princess of the ban, the district?

"How could she come here?" said Prince Yu Ling, who was somewhat disoriented.

"Why can't you come?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said silently. "Do you know what character is sitting on it?"

What character? "feather

The spirit priest said with a deep heart. "A true God?"

The middle-aged man turned his eyes straight.

"Is it a god?" Prince Yu Ling was shocked. that

The middle-aged man is more white-eyed, I really don't know how this idiot came in. "

The celestial family of the year was his own slaughter! ""


The princes of Yu Ling and the body of the wind and shadow are trembled. Although they don’t know the secret, they just think about it. The celestial beings have dominated for many years, and they have died in the night. Many small forces are not qualified to know. They are not clear. The truth, especially the feather spirit, which only cares about the country’s prince.

but. This

It does not mean that he does not know the heavens. that

It is a force that can be tied to the ban and the area.

"The heavens ban, the little princess in the district is willing to rebel out the ban, the district, the sacred god, the world, the arrogance, and the brothers, and the gods, the gods, can he describe it with the gods?"

Can you really attract so many forces when you are a martial artist? "Ran

Rear. that

The middle-aged man shut up again, only because the goalkeeper opened his eyes, and the fierce light shot and killed him. this

engraved. Chu

In order to climb the altar, I bowed in front of Ling Feng.

"Respect the teacher!"

Chu Tian hands holding the toon, flat to the front of Ling Feng, sincere and solemn. "

Ok! ”

Ling Feng naturally picks up the toon and gently sips. Boom


A heavy slamming on the jade in front of Ling Feng, a loud noise, almost to break the jade. "

Master, without you, there is no Chutian today! "Boom

! also

It is a heavy sigh. Chu

The sound of the sky sounded. "Without you, there is no future for Chutian!"


The third sound started.

"Chutian will study hard and cultivate, and will not let the teacher disappoint. I can't get the glory of the master, but I will try to follow the footsteps of the master!"

"Get up!"

Ling Feng’s amount will be lifted by Chu Tian, ​​and he said with a smile. “I used to think that you were too young, but now I feel that you have grown up, experienced a storm, and sharpened a life and death. You are a real man.”

From this moment on, I will gradually hand over the devil to your hands, let you polish, let you temper, let the whole world take you as the center! "No

There is a madness. No

There is arrogance.

Not even shouting. on

That calmly said, but the whole world is silent. This

Not forcing. and

Is the real strength!

The former anti-God can only hide in the dark corners and face the major forces, but now they are trying to convince people, they are in the face, but who dares to touch their tigers?

I don't know why they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when Ling Feng was going to hand over to Chutian.

The anti-God is completely different in the hands of Ling Feng and in the hands of Chu Tian.

That person can make the anti-god crazy, can make the anti-madness.

But Chutian can't do it.

"Who is he?" The wind and shadow looked at the wind, and the secluded opening. can

However, no one responded. Although Lingfeng did not have any momentum, the natural pressure was like the king overlooking the sentient beings. There were not many people who dared to look directly at Lingfeng’s eyes.


Wind and shadow know that Chutian is different. dare

In the public, the characters who are proud of the big 6 will dare to face the forces of the world will be simple? suddenly

Of course. positive

At this time, the distant atmosphere stirred up, the fireworks were all over the sky, and I wondered when the dark gods formed two big characters and ignited the fireworks and burned them on the void.

Little Lord! only

There are two words, but it shows enough momentum.

At this time, the darkness rebelled against God's respect for Chutian, and he hoped that he would make the anti-God more dazzling. Chu

The body is stiff and the eyes are moist. He can't point out the rebellion in the darkness. He can only stand upright, look up at the void, and then squat deeply.

The teacher ceremony did not last long. but

This storm is very big. After the return of the gods, the first step is to build a young master. What does this mean? he

We must do our best to collect the sky!

The power that can be thrown out without the disappointment is even more terrible. and

After the teacher's ceremony, it was a grand reception. Chu Tian came slowly with a glass of wine and smiled on his face to toast the gods present and thank them for coming. when

When Chu Tian came to the wind and the prince of Yu Ling, the wind and shadow had a feeling of heart and soul, just like the original. Of course


Chutian just left with a smile, calm face, calm smile, blessing and no feelings.

When a man loves you, he can do everything. when

When a man doesn't care, he can despise all! One

The feelings of the field lost to reality.

A man grows up against the light! p

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