Supreme Demon

Chapter 1434: Qin old attitude!


This is not a remarkable figure in the anti-God. At this moment, it finally appears in people's eyes, making the whole world look good. People know that from now on, the direction of the anti-God is in the hands of this person.

If there is no IQ of Ling Feng, Ye Witch, etc., I am afraid that the anti-God will be played by it.

Although Lingfeng’s IQ is terrible, it does not mean that Lingfeng’s ability to recognize people is very powerful. At present, the IQ of Chutian’s performance is really not qualified to control the entire anti-God. It is really worthy of their attention that it is still Lingfeng and Yewwort. Wait for others.

after all.

Now Chutian is just a small master, not a human being.

If Chu Tian finally has no ability to survive the anti-God, then naturally it is not qualified to control.

and. These characters such as Ling Feng and Ye Witch are impossible to completely let go of the gods. As long as there is a problem with the gods, these characters will still appear. This means that Ling Feng and Ye Witch will turn from the front to the back of the scene, and Chu Tian is obviously Blocking, they can

There are more things to do.

of course.

Ling Feng did this to reassure other forces. Instead of targeting them, they should focus more on conquering this starry sky.

Needless to say. On the day of Chutian, it disappeared into the volcano and really set foot on the starry sky. Although there are many dangers in Shenwuda 6, this land and the mountain river, he is too familiar, the anti-God is too strong, lacks the sense of crisis and the experience of life and death, but in Starry sky does not have this aspect

The scruples, Chutian will face life and death, and thus more powerful potential.


The entire Shenwuda 6 did not calm down, and people’s attention was still against God.

Today is different.

Every move against the gods will directly affect the Shenwu University. The original Tianzu is not enough to see in front of it. Even the first gods are going to retreat, even though the strength shown by the anti-God is not strong enough. .


These forces, such as the gods and the gods, pay more attention to the anti-god. This is the power that can lead them to conquer the stars, and it will be a bigger stage.


There is no further action against the gods. The whole force is like a wild beast lying on the ground, without any breath, and when the darkness disappears, the whole big 6 finally calms down.


The shadow of the wind and shadow is very dark, and life is very gray.

When she left the volcano, she was gray, how beautiful the original scenery was, and how hurt it is now.

The person she missed was even more dazzling. When she further inquired, she really knew the origin of Chutian. The next person brought out by Lingfeng from the East Pole State turned out to be a disciple of Lingfeng. Nowadays, it is more expensive for the gods and the Lord. It’s all on the same level

The top geniuses of the major forces, and the genius of the world is only weaker than the wind.

This is qualifications!

This is the class!

In front of these characters, Yuling Kingdom is an ant, not to mention the prince of Yu Ling, and Chu Tian itself has such strength.

How noble?


This is the reality!

Originally, she felt that the problem was not so serious, until the spirit of the gods in the country, the wind shadows know how terrible the influence of the anti-God.

There is only one message in the imperial edict.

Yu Ling Prince is married!

Generally speaking, these people have to be very cautious in marriage, but they can’t be rushed. But there is no time for Yuling Shenguo. The wind and shadow have not realized that they are not aware of it?

How many heads do they have to dare to rob the gods of the world?

Against God is not accounting, but what about other forces?

As long as they move the knife, Yuling Shenguo will be unlucky. Who will help this time? Do you really want to confront the gods?

What are the restricted areas of the heavens?

Still swallowing?

No forces will let the gods "remember" because of this little **** country, only because their losses will be greater than this.


In the first time after receiving the news, Yu Lingguo let the prince Yuling get married, broke the thoughts of the wind and shadow, and cut off the connection. Otherwise, when the disaster comes, they will have no time to resist, and the retreat Relatively beneficial to the Yuling Kingdom.

This is more realistic!

The wind and shadow did not cry, and accepted the result.


The problem of the Yuling Kingdom is solved, and the Feng family is much more miserable. When a force is oppressed, they almost suffocate.


The head of the Feng family looked sad and sighed. At the beginning, Feng Ying and Chu Tian’s feelings, he was the first to disagree, but now it seems that there was an idiot in the beginning. It can be said that if he agreed with the feelings of the two people, now the wind home is not being suppressed, but is being Holding the sky, just like when

The early Qin family, etc., can create a **** country that belongs to the wind home in just a few decades.

But this is still the bottom of the problem.

If she persists in her heart and has not wavered, why did she have this situation today?

"Wind shadow..."

The owner looked at the pretty, pale face and was dull.

“Is the family having a problem?” asked the wind and shadow with no expression.

"Yes...Yes." I don't know why I looked at the shadow of the wind and the home is difficult.

"Can't solve it?"

"Can't solve it!"

The wind and shadow were silent for a moment, and after all, I still couldn’t bear the family’s smog. She looked at the owner of the Feng family and said.

"I am going to ask him."

"Wind shadow..."

"The wrong thing is me, the wind home should not die."

The wind and shadow stubbornly and firmly said that she knew that Chu Tian did not participate in it, and that God did not care about the wind, but those opponents would not miss such an opportunity.

The wind home has faced such a situation and has been helpless.


If you want to solve the current situation of the wind home, you need to open your mouth to the gods, especially the Chutian, the young master. As long as he speaks, the big forces like the restricted areas of the heavens must be jealous.


Before the **** volcano.

The wind and shadow lingered in front of the winding mountain gate, and the forehead was covered with bruises, and the appearance was dark and the heart was more heavy.

That person did not appear.

There is no other character to come to see her, and no one has expelled her.

She is like the air.

It is precisely this way, the wind and shadow only feel flustered, if the anti-God does not come out, the problem of the wind home is even more serious.

In front of the volcano of God, she spent 12 days, her mouth could not help but overflow the blood, her face was pale and bloodless.

To know.

There is a terrible Tianwei on the volcano of God. The martial arts like her has been here for a long time, and I am afraid that I will be killed.

"Girl, why are you suffering?"

On the fifteenth day, the old man lying on the wicker chair opened his eyes and looked at the wind.

"The mistake is in me, not in the wind!" Wind and shadow said darkly.

"We have never targeted the wind!" the old man sighed and said.

"I am asking him, I am willing to die!"

The wind and shadow are hoarse, and the feelings of the past have become empty talks.

"He is not here, you can't wait for him to come," the old man reminded.

"Then wait until he comes back!"

"If you can't wait?"

"Then wait for death." Feng Ying smirked. "Life does not want to see the wind home annihilation, it will not be seen when you die, just ask for a peace of mind."

"Why?" The old man sighed even more.

There is no opening in the wind and shadow, just looking straight at the volcano.

"Let's go back!"

Finally, the old man is still unable to bear the heart, saying: "Reverse God will not target the wind, this is a matter of feelings, we will not interfere, other forces will not interfere."

"Is this his attitude, or is he against the gods?"

"I only represent myself!" the old man said with a smile.

The shadow of the wind and shadow is gray, and she is not asking for the attitude of the old man.

If Chu Tian’s master is honored, I believe that there is no power to dare to target the wind, but what about the old man?

At this moment.

A beautiful woman appeared in the gate of the mountain, first to the old man, this is the wind.

"It's a silly girl."

The beautiful woman opened her mouth and said, "Go back early, you will be different when you go back. This world can let Qin Lao open a lot, although it can not represent the whole anti-God, but who dares to ignore the attitude of the anti-God gatekeeper? ”

"You are a girl!"

Qin Laoxiao said haha.

The wind and the eyelids suddenly lit up. She knew the identity of Qin Lao, but she did not think that it would solve the problem.

However, Qiu Shuyi is different. The little princess in the restricted area of ​​the heavens personally opened his mouth and respected Qin Lao, which shows the status of Qin Lao.

joke. Although Qin Lao is only a god, but he is the only surviving **** of the fruit, it can be said that the older generation is against the eyes of the gods. Even the heavenly characters must maintain an equal attitude towards Qin, because everyone knows that this character is Ling Feng and against the hearts of the people

In the position, whoever dares not care about Qin’s attitude, then the gods do not care about their attitude.


This is a glory!

Not everyone is qualified to guard the door, and the old man in the reverse is the first.

For decades, Qin Lao has blocked too much wind and rain. He is the facade and monument of the gods.

"Get up!"

Qin Lao opened his mouth to the wind and said, "I will go back early, I rarely open it. I think they should not ignore it?"

"If someone is pretending to be dumb, that's interesting."

Qiu Shuyi said with a smile. This is an eventful autumn. Because the characters such as Ling Feng, Ye Witch, and Wannian Laojiao come back, they are rebellious against the gods, such as the same handle, and if they dare to rebel against God at this festival, it is estimated that Shenwuda 6 will change. Very good


The wind and shadow unknowingly got up, and went to Qin Laojiao, and even to the autumn book.

"Know why I am helping you?" Qiu Shuyi asked.

"I don't know." Wind Shadow asked a little puzzled. "Why?"


Qiu Shuyi looked at the volcano with sorrow, and said, "We are all poor people!"


As she walked into the distance, she quickly disappeared into the shadows of the wind, and only the shadows were stupid in the wind.

Needless to say. When the wind and shadow returned to the family, the whole wind home became different, the invisible giant pressure disappeared, and no forces dared to target them, which made the wind more sigh, just because of the old man’s sentence, there is this Magical, anti-god

How big is the influence?

can. They are missing after all.

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