Supreme Demon

Chapter 1435: Ask!

Against God!

This force that has made many powers jealous has become calm after the storm, without any waves.

but. The influence of Qin Lao’s attitude is quite terrible, so that those who are guilty of speculation, the forces that want to crush the wind home will suddenly die, and they will not be surprised by any storms. The forces like them naturally do not know the benefits, but this does not mean that they do not know.

The characters in the restricted area of ​​the heavens are terrible.

Even the characters who are awe-inspiring in the autumn of the book, let the forces in the restricted area tremble, such a gatekeeper's opening, in fact, also represents the attitude of anti-God.

Although the wind shadow is too realistic, it will not catch up with the entire wind home.


This belongs to the feelings of Chutian. Even if it is a breakup, the wind and shadow should not be insulted by other forces.

of course. Responding to these forces, the anti-God remains silent, there is no sound, but the overall power is suppressing, the dark rebellion is oppressing toward the volcano of the gods, the butterfly and the hidden **** are scattered in all directions, trying to arrest the news, one share Obscure

Power is coming up.

The surface is calm and the undercurrent under the surface is turbulent.

The only anti-god that can cause such a **** is that it means that there will be big things in the reverse.

Ask! This is really important for the anti-God. The core power of the anti-God should be fully sprayed, and the influence can be imagined, especially the Lingfeng Ye witch. If the world is in the realm of the heavens, then the overall strength of the anti-God is not the other forces. And



Ling Feng and Ye Witch's stepping in the sky is really too big. Don't say that the forces on Shenwu Da 6 don't want to see this situation, that is, the forces on the Supreme Star are not willing to face.

too dangerous!

so horrible!

Inside the **** volcano.

The faint light is shining, like a candlelight illuminating the whole piece of gods, and the various sources of God in the earth are full, making this space more visible.

In the south is the Wannian Bamboo Festival, rooted in the soil, climbing up and down, releasing a large amount of fine air, and surrounded by strange gates, corresponding to the bamboo festival, direct to the void, the Wan Dao star force is drawn, watered to this piece of land.

In the north is the old dragon horn, this kind of heaven and earth is so rare in the gods, there is no strange door decoration, but there are a large number of fine elements flowing out, lighting the gods, more prosperous.

In the west, it is the image of the white tiger. The forehead is full of white tigers and blood. There are white tigers appearing in the shadows, intertwined in the mud.

Zhengdong is a round of holy sun, when the air is shining, releasing the endless force of the holy sun, this is not the real holy sun, but the anti-God big man created by the power of the holy sun.

In the middle is a tree of enlightenment, not tall enough, but each leaf is full of fascinating enlightenment.

Needless to say.

This is the treasure tree brought back by Ling Feng, which enables Wu Xiu to experience the unprecedented artistic conception and feel the various kinds of red dust and the artistic conception of the road.


Enlightenment trees bloom, thousands of miles can be seen, every petal is thriving, and the color and breath are released. The power of enlightenment seems to fall from the sky, like the endless star power, banned from the young man who fell under the tree of enlightenment.

In an instant.

Light rain falls like a waterfall, and lightning falls. It emerges from the youth and appears in the void.

That is illusory.

More true. At the beginning, the illusion showed a rebellious atmosphere, pushing upwards, the power is like a tidal wave, and after a moment of pulling the mountains and rivers, the power is like a true dragon and phoenix that conforms to the heavens, rushing to Tianyu, blending with the heavens, and itself. To evolve into heaven

It’s a piece of it, it’s dazzling.

At last.

The power of the anti-road disappears with the power of heaven. Only the power of the magic is shining, and the magic light is heavy, creating a sky.

Against the heavens magic road!

When these three forces appear at the same time, the identity of the youth is also coming out.

Ling Feng.

Only Ling Feng has this strength.


This is extremely important for Ling Feng. Although he has been in the past, the three ways cannot be blended together, but he still does not trust, he wants to re-enact and use the Enlightenment Tree to promote what he wants most.

Or not!

After a long while, Ling Feng's face was gray and the opening, in the process of his deduction, the terrible heavenly power exploded, annihilating all three ways.

This means that the three martial arts are still incompatible.

Then there are only three ways to ask at the same time.

Ling Feng sighed and said that this step will be very dangerous, and it is absolutely fatal when asked. The three kinds of roads merge, although they are against the sky, they can control their range in the realm of the gods, and the scope and strength should be smaller. When the three types of roads are asked at the same time, the scope and strength are increased to the level of heaven, which is uncontrollable. Power is not

The same, and that is not controlled by Ling Feng.


At this point, he has no choice.

When the Taoist tree blossoms fall, the path of Lingfeng evolves to the end. The same as the previous three kinds of roads, while asking for danger, but not to death.

Just ask about it!

Ling Feng said dumbly, it is not easy to ask, especially to understand the spatial rules of the three kinds of Tao, it is almost against the immortal.


Ling Feng still has to do this.

Starting from the reverse of the gods, it starts with the reverse!

Ling Feng's eyes are cold and chilling, and you have to take a look at this life and death.

He sat cross-legged, staring at the sky, looking at the tree of enlightenment, and the power of the surrounding mountains and seas surged, completely enveloping the tree of enlightenment, letting those petals bloom more dazzlingly, and it was almost glaring. The wind devours.


Ling Feng is still present, and Enlightenment Tree will have to pass its power before it will pass, but its appetite for devouring the gods will also increase.

Enlightenment trees have blossomed several times, and now the power of enlightenment is further spurting, exposing unprecedented momentum.

Ling Feng is in it, can feel the pulse of the road, as if there is an inexhaustible force emerging in it, pushing the power of Ling Feng step by step.

of course.

It is just a feeling, not a reality.

What is really moving forward is not the power of Ling Feng, but the understanding of the power of the reverse.

A tremor.

Forbidden soil appeared, a snow tree flourished in the forbidden soil, a piece of white petals were in full bloom, magnificent and unparalleled, and around the snow trees, the three color petals danced without wind, fluttering out the clear color, transmitting beautiful Sunshine.

The triple evolution of the power of the reverse!

It is a direct manifestation of the reverse.

now. The reverse blood in the body of Ling Feng is filled with the blood of the void, so that it is magnificent, suppressing the power of heaven and the power of the magic. Only one kind of power shines on Ling Feng, and further pushes the power of the reverse to the tree of enlightenment. Power performance

Changed more thoroughly and faster.

The forbidden soil is trembled, and the three color petals dance, like a beautiful butterfly.


I don't know when, the petals of the snow tree slammed down and fluttered in the wind. It was the grand occasion of the blossoming of thousands of trees and pears.

Beautiful. Even if Lingfeng is immersed in this beautiful scenery at this time, the Shenchi is flying, the snow tree is the force of Feixian, and the flower is like Feixian. In fact, it is like this, every petal seems to have one Fairy is flying, brilliant, bright

The whole piece is forbidden.

Ling Feng slightly closed his eyes and tried to understand the changes.


The snow tree blossoms too fast, and it disappears into the forbidden soil in the blink of an eye. The wonderful feeling that has just appeared in Lingfeng’s heart is also disappearing in an instant.

Come again!

Ling Feng eyes burned, and at that moment, he vaguely grasped a feeling.

But because the degree is too fast, the feeling is fleeting, but he feels that if he can enlarge this feeling, it should be the key to the soil.

next moment.

The forces around it were further filled, and the power of the frenzy rushed to the center, flying on the tree of enlightenment, letting the petals of the enlightenment tree bloom again, rushing toward the more central snow trees, and igniting the petals of three colors.

The wind is rising and the clouds are flowing.

Everything seems to be immersed at this moment.

After a while, thank you. Ling Feng opened his eyes, deep and powerful, and there was an inexplicable charm. There seemed to be a light overflow in the drooping eyes. At that moment, he did feel the regular power of the anti-channel space. And the rules are more concealed, to

What kind of rules can we reverse the heavens?

This is a problem.

More importantly, does it mean that he wants to swear the heavens once he has a rule of rebellion?

At that time.

What is the heavenly space of his Dantian?

Even if the rules of heaven are born, I am afraid that it will not form a confrontation.

If there is a annihilation among the three forces?


Still ruin?

The balance of the three forces, if this balance is broken, then the only two forces are bound to **** in the end, this is not what Lingfeng is willing to see.

not enough!

At this time, Ling Feng did not think too much. Before I realized the rules of heaven, all the conclusions were still too early.

Flower blossom thank you, thirty years. Ling Feng is completely immersed in the process of flowering and thanking, watching its evolution, understanding its essence, the road is superb and exquisite, almost integrated into the body and flesh and blood, and then sprayed out, but the rule power never

Appeared, which made Ling Feng slightly frown.

Although I was in a hurry, I still calm down and understand.

Thirty years.

For many small forces, low-level martial arts is a long time, just because they can grow fast, just like the original anti-God, it is surprising to reach this height in just a few decades.

Shenwuda 6 has changed a lot. These forces, like the sacred gods, have swallowed up the forces of the heavenly people and used decades of digestion. They have completely digested the powerful forces, and their terrible extent has fallen. It is far from the power of the heavenly people, even if the heads of the stars are singled out. The royal family

The empty door is not too much.

Some small forces are also making progress, like springing up after the rain, and want to replicate the glory of the gods.

So what about the gods?

It seems that there has been no change and it seems to have changed a lot.

After Linghui Ye witch and other retreats, the whole anti-God was handed over to Chutian. Although he encountered many difficult problems, he still had a thrilling experience. This made Chutian’s prestige increase a lot.

of course.

The anti-God on the surface is not enough to see, and the darkness is the essence. In the past 30 years, what is the darkness against God?

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