Supreme Demon

Chapter 1436: Counter-rules!

Thirty years!

Equivalent to another world, many junior figures are being blown out, like the gods of the gods, the gods, etc., the talent is outstanding, people look, more people look forward to.


Although these juniors are excellent, it is impossible to copy the records and shackles of the characters such as Ling Feng and Ye Witch. It is the height of Qin Haotian and Ling Xuewen.

That was born out of the entire era.

How important is the anti-God playing in the beginning?

Their records and strengths are all step by step, and now Shenwuda 6 is too calm, there is no such battlefield, so the world's characters are outstanding, but the power is far less than the original anti-god and other top geniuses.


There is no eighth person in the door of God's desolate, only to the seventh, only because these seven characters are absolutely sound, the world can not find people who can be with them.

Qing dynasty step by step Wudi, can crush the half-step Wudi in the world, the tyrannical posture, so that Zhou Tian and other people feel tremble.


Clearing is not only as simple as a half-step Wudi, it should be a step further, and it can peep into the rules of heaven, but it is only half a step away.

Easy wind, chords, etc. are also at this level, but they are sighing in the face of clearing.

It is a completely different state, as if it is a heavenly character, it makes people cold.

however. Among the few characters in the ridiculous door, the most special one should be the ridiculous door, the seven, which is almost forgotten, and the smashing of the door is still shining, only because the miracle of the ridiculous door is too much, now it is The top **** of the entire wilderness


Heaven can also kill!

This is Qingyi's evaluation of Ling Feng, which really surprised Yi Feng, Qi Xian and so on.

of course. It’s not just them that they are progressing, but also Qin Yutian, Ming Hao, Ling Xuewen, etc., polishing them in the void, letting them further spurt, and when they returned to Shenwuda for only 30 years, they asked Top gods, straightforward, easy

Wind these characters.

To know.

At the beginning of the Qing dynasty, Yi Feng, etc., but Qin Haotian and so on fell to a realm, and now it is gradually approaching, how can people not feel tremble?

The difference is that easy wind, 禹string, etc. have stayed in this realm for many years. If you want to take a step, you must understand the rules of heaven. They have been crazy for many years, but they still have not realized it, and there is no way to activate it.

Just like Zhou Tian and others, stuck in this level for many years, want to ask for success, it takes a lot of luck and opportunity.

This is a watershed!

The winner moves forward and the loser sighs.

Since ancient times! Even if Qin Yutian, Ming Hao and others catch up, but want to ask for success, there are still many long-term accumulations, it is impossible to ask so quickly, and as long as the success is asked, it is a bigger day, under the heavens. It’s the ants, the sky is above

It is a true fairy.

A fist can be a half-step Wudi.

One foot can blast the top god!

This is the momentum that Tiandao characters should have.

In this way, it is possible to cross the big level and juxtapose with the heavenly characters, and the terrible side of Ling Feng is presented.

This is a flourishing age.

Thirty years of age, for the gods are long, Qin Yutian, Ming Hao and so on into the top of the gods, and to the virtual star, Heng Tianxing and other geniuses, Fengyun characters are all step into the half-step Wudi.

Like the Oriental Yingyu, the Oriental poetry, the king, the spirit and so on.

At this point, it will come to an abrupt end.

A scorpio, squatting in front, cut off their front.

Although they couldn’t move forward in the past, they could feel the magnificentness of the opposite side, and they were stunned by the waves, like standing on a cliff overlooking the sea.

Even if they are not able to ask for success in a short time.

The empty roads, the Guanghan Palace, and the Yaochi are all blown out. The genius is born, and the gods appear almost every year. This is unimaginable in previous years. Although there are many gods, it is placed in the whole starry sky.

Billion star river.

There is a **** on every star, and the number is not imaginable.

"The golden age is coming!"

An old man said with anxiety that such a prosperous age is what people expect, the gold power will fall down, the genius will come forth in large numbers, the strong will fight for the front, and it will be able to rub more light and heat.


With the golden age of the golden age, the heavens of unprecedented glory have not been shackled. What about the world?

of course.

Many changes are invisible to people, and this is a terrible source.

Like the anti-God, like a wild beast hidden in the darkness, the exhibition is very fast, and the gods of Vulcan and the shallow fall have stepped into the top gods and marched toward the half-step Wudi.

The former six-level gods, the whole, asked the top gods, the unprecedented event.

Chu Tian also asked the true God in the first two years, which directly led to a more optimistic overall situation.

Many years ago, people worried that once the anti-God grows up, the situation will be out of control. Just because the anti-God is too balanced, just ask the true God, that is to ask the true God comprehensively, if you ask the gods, then the whole asks God.

Needless to say.

Now the anti-God is in a terrible period of transformation.

Ling Qing and Luo Yu first asked, opening a good head, means the awakening of the generation of the gods, if the Lingfeng, Ye Witch, and the cold moon ask, then the characters of this world must step into the heavens. level.

That is not a two, but a whole.


In fact;

What people are worried about is being born, and the top-level characters in the anti-God are retreating, and the overall calm of the gods, is there more explanation than this?

They are asking!

Although I don't know the specific period, it is only a matter of time to ask the talents of these characters.

Many forces will shudder as soon as they think about the whole truth.


Shenwuda 6 will enter the era of anti-God, unless the characters such as Ling Feng wither, or Shenwu University 6 can not find the forces that can be with them.

Thirty years.

Ling Feng seems to have changed little, still igniting the Taoist tree and letting the road go forward.

Different from the previous ones, the current enlightenment tree is not always flowering, but it will bloom every few years. Most of the time, Ling Feng sits under the tree of enlightenment, and closes his eyes and realizes the charm of the Tao.

On top of his head, from time to time will flash a magical picture.

Sometimes there is a day, a magnificent and illusory space will appear, and there will be a sickle when the boulevard shines, cutting off the future of life and death.

Against the road!

Against the road!

What is the reverse?

Insoluble in the road, not in the road, this is the reverse!

Contrary to the heavens and the heavens, this is the opposite.

Using the Enlightenment Tree, Ling Feng is gradually evolving the power of the reverse, and the petals on the forbidden soil dance, flying in the world, dazzling and dazzling, the snow trees are full, and the petals are scattered, making the whole void more splendid.

Initial time.

Those petals disappeared, but in the later period, when Ling Feng repeatedly deducted the power of the reverse, the petals were also integrated into the three-color petals, intertwined, and the more powerful, more eye-catching light rain.

That is the way ahead.


At the same time, the void power in Ling Feng's body is running, and the embryonic universe becomes more magnificent, forming the same piece of the sea, but the sea is in front of the billionaire river, too small.

Ling Feng felt that time had stopped.

Only his heartbeat is buzzing.

The power of the day is inexhaustible, and the atmosphere of the night is surging, pouring water into his body, letting his power be heavy and heavy.


Enlighten the tree blossoms, the flowers bloom all over the world.

There is no flower fragrance, but there is a natural fragrance in this day, there is no flower rain, and the flower is the flower rain.

Falling down.

Like the spring rain falling on the earth, nourishing the dry soil, the birth of endless vitality and possibilities.


Suddenly, Ling Feng’s body trembled, and his eyes suddenly opened. A wonderful sentiment appeared in his heart, letting him be full of people, full of unprecedented atmosphere.


A loud bang, shaped like a giant drum, fell into the body of Ling Feng. The sound is not from flesh and blood, but in the acupoints. In the realm of the real gods, Lingfeng’s flesh and blood have undergone great changes. Each acupuncture point carries strength and has a great power. These years have not shown magical Tianwei. Until this moment


That loud noise is like origin.

In an instant, his entire acupuncture points were blasting, 365 acupuncture points, and 3,650 acupuncture points.

Big and small.


Like thunder.

Like lightning!

Not only that, but the flesh and blood of the wind and the power are shooting out the light rain, and it is heavily imprinted into the prototype of the universe, and then falls on the forbidden soil.

Dantian is the Bohai Sea.

The acupuncture point is the Xinghai.

Hundreds of millions of stars are embellished and cast into the prototype of the universe.

There are stars in this star, shining, and there are also dead stars, dark and dark.

They cast the two sides of the universe, one side is white, and the other side is night.

And radiating to the surrounding, lit up a piece of the Milky Way, the dark is also a piece of the Milky Way.

The forbidden soil is like the core of this universe, supporting the entire universe, and the three-color petals are flying at this moment, and they are full of special colors, magnificent and transparent, holy and innocent.


Those petals form stars, huge, ignited in the universe, and divide the entire universe into three different worlds.

"What is the rule?"

Ling Feng is a little embarrassed. He feels that the universe is changing, but he has not found the rules. It seems that this space does not need rules, but things are not like this.

"Because of the three reasons?"

Ling Feng frowns and contemplates, some are lost.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a feeling of sudden realization.

"What is the rule?"

Ling Feng asked himself and felt misunderstood, because he had previously read the candle dragon and asked about the rules of Ling Qing. Naturally, they felt that their rules were rules, but they ignored their differences.

Going against the road.

Going against the road!

He wants more than just rules, but unusual rules.

"They are the rules!"

Finally, Ling Feng’s eyes looked at the shining stars and fell on the dark stars.

Candles, falling rain, and clearing the road can be cast into shape. However, the path of Ling Feng is invisible!

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