Supreme Demon

Chapter 1437: Three ways juxtaposed!

Light rains.

A universe has been sprayed out of the Lingfeng body, releasing a massive amount of force, like rain and fog are falling from the sky, and the Lingfeng is submerged in it.

Acupuncture points, flesh and blood are all in the light, spirituality is extraordinary, like people's eyes, flashing and flashing, lighting up the universe.

Among the stars, there are stars full of life, and dead stars.

The stellar light rain is like a waterfall, and it falls down like a silkworm. The dead star is dead and dead, without light, showing the color of the night.

White, long night.

These two extreme forces shine in the universe, almost dividing the universe into two, and the white scorpion carries thousands of great powers, burning and eye-catching, while the night is carrying the dark power and rushing, making people shudder.

Two kinds of singularity cast extraordinary power.

Initial time.

Ling Feng did not care, thinking about how to find the rules of the universe, until the day and the night, he felt different.

Who says rules are a form?

Who says the rules must be the Dragon Palace, the raindrops?

The rules can also be gaseous, liquid, or even light.

Now, what is displayed in front of Ling Feng is light, white is the rule, and night is also the rule, which is almost the equilibrium normal of the universe.

And this is the origin of the universe.

The rules of the source!

However, this rule comes from people, not the big universe. It is made of flesh and bones and can be juxtaposed with the great universe.


When the **** surged into Ling Feng's body, the whole world became gray, and a vast momentum came to the fore, carrying the top violent chill, letting the nine days tremble.

Wandao Tongming.

The power of heaven and earth is suppressed by silence, and it can be disintegrated in a short time. It is really amazing to see that the day is really annihilating, but this is the universe of man. When a heavy force is shocked, what else is it? Not enough?

After a while.

The power of Yongye flocked to the body of Lingfeng, and it burst into the sky as strange as it could, and it would almost burst into nine days.


This is just an evolution. Lingfeng borrows the Enlightenment Tree to complete this reversal, and it is not really necessary to move forward. Otherwise, the three Taos will be pushed directly to the top, which will lead to a natural reaction. At that time, his Tao will be paralyzed. .

Only by comprehending the other two kinds of roads together, the three sides can be combined to complete the real transformation.

"The rules of the anti-channel space are like this!"

Ling Feng is sighing, Bai Yu, Yong Ye, this was the exclusive of the candle dragon, but after asking, the candle dragon is not the two forces, but only the rules of heaven.

She is more inclined to the dragon power.

but. Ling Feng once experienced the rudiment of this kind of power. When it was really asked, it changed its quality. It was born in the white and the night, and it was bright and sometimes dark. It created the real universe, especially the Lingfeng body. The power is fully integrated into the ban

In the soil, the acupoints and dead holes are displayed in it, and the soil is extraordinary and mysterious.

It can be said.

Now Ling Feng can completely let the power of day and night, and then ask for it.


He needs more time to comprehend the rules of the other two ways.

next moment. The light rain on the forbidden soil spread out and turned into the original appearance. It suddenly disappeared into the Dantian of Lingfeng. The space of the anti-channel was calm, like a lady sitting in the corner of Dantian. A little wave of ripples did not spill out, and the space of Tiandao flew out. Release light heat

, one heavy and heavy upwards.


In a short time, the soil is reappeared. The difference is that the petals formed by the anti-channel space are much darker. Only the heavenly petals are flying, shining with electric awns, and the momentum is flourishing.

The light rain has fallen from the nine days, and all of them fall into the forbidden soil.

Ling Feng was immersed in the whole body, and his body could not fly to the forbidden soil. He fell under the snow tree, and the petals of the heavens flew around his body. The golden piece covered him.

this moment.

His mind is so powerful that he can sense the power of those golden petals and experience the heavenly pride.

He felt that he was about to lift up.


Progress is not fast, not as fast. Heaven's power should conform to God's will and reveal its heart. At this point, Lingfeng needs more time. After all, he realizes the rule of rebellion. In essence, this is two different forces. The direction is opposite, and you want to comprehend it. Apostate

Chi, and the most difficult thing to change is the human heart.


The petals of Tiandao are flying in the wind, some are scattered on Lingfeng, and some are scattered at the foot of Lingfeng.


There was a faint golden light rushing to Ling Feng, spreading between his flesh and blood and infiltrating into his dantian.

The entire space is abruptly stopped at this moment.

The flying petals stopped, and the flowing golden light stopped.

Lingfeng Pan sat in the forbidden soil, letting time flies, letting the light fly, only he did not move.

Time fit is five years in the blink of an eye. Ling Feng was immersed in the sentiment of the Tao, completely unaware of the changes in the world. In the past five years, the anti-God went further. Several characters took a step by step to the Emperor Wu, and the characters like Han Yue and Liu Shushu also reached the level of asking. , have closed the door, let Qin

The old one is not close to the mouth.

This is a big deal.

It used to be Ling Feng, but now they are.

How important?

of course.

It’s good to ask this step, but can you ask another thing?

Bsp; You must know that Zhou Tian and others are asking this world for many years, but they will not be able to pass, and Tiandao will not favor a person, and this step is not a question of hard work, but a question of direction, talent, and sentiment.

The direction is right.

The talent is here.

Feeling through.

I can ask.

However, Qin Lao knows that these people have been polishing with Lingfeng for many years. This step is more thorough than others. In particular, Ye Wudi and Bi Fang, the Quasi-Wu Emperor, are really extraordinary. It is not a problem to ask in a short time.

As for Ling Feng.

Is it fascinating to stop him?

In fact.

It is Qin Lao who has stepped into the sixth-level gods. Although he is not as talented as other characters, the goalkeeper is also guarding himself and his state of mind, so his progress is not small.

However, in the past few years, he has been continually being sighed by his sighs.

It’s true that the world’s rebellious gods are different from decades ago.

I want to be so weak when I am against the gods. I am always worried that I will be suppressed by other forces. The old man is ruined by the Lord. The Lord has provoked the burden with a thin body, and has not let the anti-God fall, but let the anti-God become a look.

To what extent is the current anti-God strong, I am afraid that only a few talents can know?

Even Qin Lao is not clear.

He can see the anti-God in the clear, but can't see the anti-God in the dark.

of course.

There is more important day, where is this knife?

What is the current state of the knife?

When the characters such as Qin Yutian, Ming Yu, Ling Xuewen and Qi Wang were retired, people expected that the golden age would come. Once these characters asked, it is necessary to speed up the arrival of the Golden Age.

It is because of their strength and contend that it is a great cause.

The martial arts struggle is not only a personal cultivation, but also a big world battle.


In the sixth year, Ling Feng’s body was full of strange light, and Wan Dao co-occurred, just as thunder blew on his body, and he pushed forward one after another, lighting up the Qiankun Wanli, lighting up thousands of miles.

Above the top of Lingfeng's head, there are Wantai Mountain, and the Lingfeng climbs up and stands on the top of the mountain, overlooking Wandao.

"This is the way!"

Ling Feng points to the front, and the time is light and the rain is like a fog.

"That is the rule!"

Ling Feng looked into the distance, there seems to be a void, hiding the clouds, hiding the sky, hiding the universe.

Heavenly rules!

Can't see clearly, but it's there!

"The last one!"

Ling Feng’s eyes are bright, and at the last moment, as long as he comprehends the magical space rules, he can ask at the same time.


He sat down and continued to understand the rules of the Tao. At this time, the petals of the opposite channel and the petals of the heavens were withered, only the magic light was shining, the petals were dancing, and everything stopped.

Eight years!

Ling Feng did not move, the whole person was like a meteorite, indestructible.

Although he is enlightened, his flesh and blood is not delayed, he has been making progress, and he is now approaching the rank of Emperor Wu.

These eight years.

The anti-God has become more understated, and people can't feel the luxury side, like the introverted blade, but the major forces are shaking.

They used to be able to see something more or less, but now they really can't see it.

It’s not that the anti-God has disappeared, but the anti-God power has increased, allowing them to see less.


This is the result of anti-God progress.

Chutian's progress is also very big. Forty-four years, he asked him directly to ask the realm of the gods. He is currently in the five-level heavenly state, and the length is not unpleasant, and his biggest change is not strength, but mental growth. .

Losing the support of the Lord and the Lord.

The whole anti-God is blessed on him, and at the same time he is full of responsibilities, he is also responsible. Every step is like a thin ice.

He does not have the terrible mind and layout of Ling Feng, and there is no meticulous and cold-heartedness of the Ye Witch. You can only think more and try harder, so that the anti-God does not become miserable in the process of growing up.

He is impressive, although the anti-God did not reinvent the original, but the footsteps are very stable, and many of them are recognized by the gods.


In the ninth year, the piece of land where Ling Feng was located suddenly cracked, and countless resources were smouldering at this moment. There was no breath flowing out. In those years, those resources had already dried up, and the essence dissipated and merged into the tree of enlightenment.

Not much time.

Ling Feng faded out, with a faint smile on his face, his body was not strong, but he felt a little far away.

You see him there, but it seems to be far apart.


Some characters of the anti-God are going out for a moment, especially the old man, and they are guarding the land of Ling Feng.

"Going out?"

Qin Laofei came, looking at Ling Feng, full of hope.

He hopes that Ling Feng can ask, but Ling Feng has not yet reached the level of asking.


Ling Feng is indifferent, laughing and looking into the distance.

"I am going out for a walk!"

Ling Feng did not speak much with Wannian Laos and Qin Lao, but banned himself from going out of the volcano. The whole thing became a bit strange, which made Qin Lao and Wannianfu frown.

What does it mean? Ling Feng said a lot, they naturally did not ask much, but they had to go with Ling Feng and go to the distance.

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