Supreme Demon

Chapter 1438: The era of genius!


This was once a spiritual country, and its national strength was ruined until it appeared against the gods. With strong power, it pushed the martial arts and pushed the martial arts to the stage of history. This

In the past few years, Wu Hao has made great efforts to improve his efforts, and he has pushed the country to the top. can

To say. No

If there is a monk, there will be no prosperity in the country of Wu. can

. Wu

He is still as thin as ice, and he is cautious everywhere. He knows that the anti-god is ambitious and powerful, and it is necessary to hit the stars. Therefore, he will work harder to get the attention of the gods, especially the attention of the character. Ling

The wind appreciates him, but there are many people worthy of appreciation in this world. If you lose the Wu State, you can recreate a "Wuguo", but lose the anti-God, and the Wu Kingdom is a plate of fish.

although. This

In the past few years, the name of the rebellious gods has not been obvious. It is only loud at the top level, but the monk has never been over-represented and turned into a god. This is not just a grateful heart.

What's more important is that the monk knows that the person is so powerful. The characters at the top level have reached that level. Is the anti-God only seeing the "small"?

and. he

In this world, I feel different powers, very concealed, just like the original anti-God. At the beginning of the war in Qin, there was a force to show strength. Otherwise, Qin alone could not solve the problem.

This kind of power, which is the same as the anti-God, has already suppressed the dark forces of other forces. Will the anti-God style allow such forces to appear? Display

No! that

There is only one possibility!

I believe that other forces can also sense it, but everyone has become silent, not that they don't care, but they don't care. complete

actually. God

Wu Da 6 is not a hundred years ago. There are really few forces that dare to challenge the anti-God. If the gloomy forces grasp some news, they will let other important people like needles and needles, who would dare to suppress? Have

At that time, the monk was thinking, if the anti-sense is not here, fear that the entire Shenwuda 6 will become the back garden of the gods.


He is more careful to maintain the relationship with the anti-God, especially the Ling Feng, as long as the approval of Ling Feng, there is no one against the God, and even the entire Big 6 has no power to dare to touch the country. ...


On the street of Wuguo. Ling

The wind is slowly moving, like a young man who is not guilty of the world, looking curiously around.

It has not been published for decades, the change of the Wu Kingdom is really big, many new things are being derived, and many old things are disappearing. street

The road is still the street, but the people are not the people at that time. he

in front. Million

The old man and so on are far away, and they are not close, but Qin Lao does not appear. His task is to keep the door and not leave the volcano. Otherwise, the whole big 6 knows that Ling Feng has come out, and it has fallen.

and. Million

The old man can completely survive the situation. Don't say that the Big 6 is only smelling the old one, and there are other Tianzun, which is not enough to see in front of this god. also

What can't be assured? thing

In fact. because

Ling Feng came out, the dark power has already got the news, some terrible characters came out, just around the Lingfeng, there is nothing to worry about, only because the dark power can reverse the gods can push the Shenwu big 6, any dare to think about Ling Feng The forces, even if they have not yet started, have already been beaten. "

The times are different! ”

Ling Feng stopped on the street and looked at the situation. One

The head of the beast pulled the car and slammed into it, and the wind and the wind disappeared into the distance. Whistling


A whisper, a big bird flew past, and a proud boy was sitting on the back of the bird. yellow

The golden lion came from afar and hurried to the distance, while on his back stood a man with a sword.

call! wind

In the meantime, the sky is changing. One

The young man took the sword and carried his hands. He glanced at the Quartet coldly and proudly. The unique atmosphere of Wusheng plunged into the distance, letting people look at it. Although Wu Guozhan is very fast, there are not many Wusheng. special

Don't be such a young Wu Sheng.

Many girls are shining and eager to meet this handsome young man. Of course


The handsome Wu Sheng did not stop, meaning that he was banned from flying over the sky and disappointed many people. whole

The streets are quite prosperous, with many buildings, flying and slanting out, with auspicious momentum, different from a hundred years ago. Display

Of course. Time

Generations are changing, their life has passed, and the new generation is rising. It is faster than them. The number of Wusheng is not a small number, far more than Lingfeng, and the competition has become more intense. This

What does it mean? yellow

Jin Da Shi is coming, and at that time people are fighting for more than just resources, but the avenue.

Ling Feng did not stay on the street for too long. he

Stride forward, walk into a restaurant, walk to a deviated corner, listen to the voices around you, and drink a little wine alone. a few

After ten years of retreat, Ling Feng did not feel dull.


He needs some radical voices to activate the blood in his heart.

"Hey, this year can be different in previous years."

A voice rang in front of Ling Feng, from a young man, and his eyes were full of light. "The power of the Eight Kingdoms, the power displayed by the Wu State is really eye-catching, and even four people have broken into the top 16."

Yes, these annual exhibitions in Wuguo are very good, and the genius is born. ""

Meta-language, autumn flash and other performances are good, but it is still a bit worse to reach the top level. "people

They are looking forward to the four Wushu of the Wu Kingdom, but at the same time they are inevitably a bit lonely. Although the Wuguo Exhibition is good, other Shenguo exhibitions are also good.


Due to restrictions, the volcano of the volcano is far less than the country of the gods created by the monks, and the quality and quantity of genius are naturally limited. three

Ten years ago. Wu

The country and several other countries have joined forces to create a battle between the eight countries to honed contemporary young people.

Of course, such a grand event is not going on every year, but only every three years, and this year is just the tenth. Now

In the Eight Kingdoms, the battle is in full swing.

Ling Feng has no interest in this. He has experienced too many confrontations. There are countless battles in this way, not to mention the fact that this is a matter of Wu and several other countries.


In the battle of the Eight Kingdoms, there were some characters, let Ling Feng grin. "

It is estimated that it is very difficult to win the first peak of this year in Wuguo! ""

Appeared again? ”


Yes, people become dull and somewhat awkward. Wu

The eight countries of the country are very strong, and their strength is not weak. The top geniuses in the eight countries have caused many forces to be dismayed. However, it is such a country that cannot win the first battle.

Just because. in

Every three years of the battle, there are always one or two mysterious characters, and with their personal strength, they can win the battle.

For thirty years!

Every accident, the guys who came to the mystery of this kind of suppression of the talents of the Eight Kingdoms, although the characters of the Eight Kingdoms feel very faceless, but did not stop those who came from the mysterious guy, but a welcome gesture. Eight

Competition between countries is far from enough. They need some people to participate in. If they can attract the whole sacred battle, it will be more interesting. but


Being bullied for 30 years, it feels very unpleasant, especially the geniuses of the Eight Kingdoms and the martial arts. "

Which force is so bullying? "Have

Said popularly. Ling

The wind is light and laughs. He knows that people who can hide their identity should be from the dark forces, and they can’t help it anymore?

Is the anti-God trying to sharpen himself in this way? nice

The wine is mellow and delicious. This

It was the first meal I had eaten after Ling Feng was introduced. Overall, I was very satisfied, indicating that the cooking standards of Wu Guo have increased in recent years.

however. on

When he was about to get up and leave, a sharp sword suddenly appeared at the table of Ling Feng, and a slamming sound fell.

A young girl lightning appeared in front of Ling Feng, sitting down cleanly, and the beautiful eyes looked at Ling Feng. The vigorous shortness was very harmonious with the skin of wheat. Although it was not so beautiful, it was able to make it beautiful. The side is revealed. "

Girl, why are you? Ling Feng laughed and said nothing, he had noticed the girl before.


The girl is not screaming, her voice is cold, she said, "I want to fight with you."

"Girl, you are a strong man." Ling

The wind smiled and said, "You are going to come up with it. Where can I provoke you to provoke you?"

"You didn't provoke me!"

The girl said. "But I think you are a master, I just want to fight with you!"

Master? Ling

The wind said with a smile: "You are afraid to admit the wrong person."

You don't recognize it? ”

The girl looked straight at Ling Feng’s eyes and said: "First, I used to pray for the Holy Spirit. You are not sensitive to the pressure. When you see me, there is no accident. It should be early. Just noticed me?"

Third, my intuition! ”

She pointed at her own eyes and said: "Intuition from the life and death!"

I am born slow. Ling Feng said with a smile.

How do you grind and swear, isn’t it about life and death? It’s just a matter of fighting. Shouldn’t martial arts be brave? "The girl is very uncomfortable and grinning." "I rarely meet a few opponents among my peers. Uncle, are you afraid?" ""


The mouth of the wind is pumping, this title is still secondary, but if you think about it, he is not too small. put

In the dust, his character should be called grandfather? "

Quiet month! "This

When people exclaimed and became excited. "

Wannian Yihao, a thousand years of a quiet moon! ”

Someone shouted. "She is the quiet moon!"

Different from the battles of the Eight Kingdoms, the secluded moon is the top 6 genius of the whole big, can be called by this, and juxtaposed with Yang Hao, showing its terrible degree. "

Humph! ”

The moon is cold and screaming. I am very dissatisfied with this title. "He is a liar. If it wasn’t for me that I had to delay the situation, I would let him have more of this name. It should be a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years, a Yang Hao. ""

Haha, it really is her! ""

Millennium for a quiet month! ”

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