Supreme Demon

Chapter 1439: not qualified!

August wine.

This restaurant is quite famous in Wuguo, not only because of its elegant design, but also because of the "August Wine".

Warm wine heroes.

Cooking wine to cast a sword! Eight

There is a breath in the moon wine, which is very charming, so that people are intoxicated and difficult to extricate themselves.

Obviously. This

In August, the restaurant is extraordinary, and the genius treasure is refined into a medicinal herb, which is blended into the wine to be brewed, so that the medicinal liquor can fully exert its medicinal power, and then it has such a effect, but this medicinal liquor is very precious every other year. Only then can it come out. each


It is therefore called August wine.


People's eyes are completely on the two characters in the center of the restaurant. Now it is more interesting than drinking. I saw a girl full of anger, looking around, very uncomfortable to pick up her mouth, red and lovely. in

Opposite, the young man smiled and smiled at the girl.

Quiet month!

This name, which is strange to Ling Feng, can be completely different for other martial arts.

Wannian Yihao, millennium and a quiet moon.

This is not something that one is talking about, but the whole of the Southern Wilderness is talking about it. And there is such a praise. In the genius of the Southern Wilderness, there are only two characters, Yang Hao and You Yue.


One uses "wann years" and one uses "millennium", and its talents are divided into many levels.

The moon is weaker than Yang Hao! Correct

For a person who asks for it, this is nothing, but for an genius who is full of momentum, this is like an insult.

and. when

On the eve of Yang Hao’s confrontation with her, she had to rush to the past. When she came back, it was too late to miss the showdown. Yang Hao disappeared and everyone was embarrassed. because

Only the name of 10,000 years and millennia.

Over the years, Yu Yue has always felt that the rush of the emergency is likely to be Yang Hao.

What makes her angry is that whenever people mention Yang Hao, they will use their own to set off, and when they mention themselves, they still use their own to set off Yang Hao.

How uncomfortable it is to be unhappy.

Yu Yue did not think about finding Yang Hao to play, but Yang Hao just smiled and did not regard it as an opponent.

Battlefield deserters! what

Dare to speak bravely?

Needless to say. only

To think of this, the moon is very fragile, who has been afraid of her moon?

"One day, my aunt will let Yang Hao fall in front of me!"

Yu Yue said with anger, said so many people, so she is quite unhappy, before she played with Yang Hao, she will not be convinced anyway.

of course.

The moon is a pretty young girl, and naturally hopes that the "wann" is the adjective of her quiet moon.

A thousand years, a quiet moon, a thousand years, Yang Hao! This

It is her goal. "

Not convinced? ”

Ling Feng looked at the girl and asked with a smile. "

Yes! ”

Yu Yue pouted. "Who would dare to say that he would win if he didn't really play a game?"

It seems to make sense! ”

"Hey, sooner or later, you have to play a game, not today is tomorrow!"

"If you win?" Ling Feng asked. "

Then let people know that it is not Wannian Yihao, but a thousand years and a quiet month. "Yueyue said proudly.

"If you lose?"


The moon is fascinating with a fascinating expression, some angry and glaring at the wind, this guy is deliberate, right?

I just adjusted the atmosphere and broke it in an instant.

"There is no such possibility!" said Yu Yueqi.

"It should be thought of." Ling Feng grinned. "


The little chest of the month is ups and downs, and it feels like a gas bomber. What do you mean by this uncle? Do you think you can't beat Yang Hao? "

Uncle, what haven't been solved between us? "call


In an instant, people’s enthusiasm is ignited, and the thing between the moon and the youth? Eight

The fire of blazing is burning.

“What's the matter between us?” Ling Feng said, turning his eyes. ”

I am challenging you! "Yunyue is quite a domineering opening, looking directly at Lingfeng's eyes."

I refused. Ling

The wind is of course said.


The moon is like a frustrated hen. It is directly sprayed out in one breath. The jade of the gas is red, and who can withstand this kind of radical in previous years? Big

The family is the same boy and girl, young men and women, how can they endure? Of course

and. Ling

The wind said that it was too easy, too straight and too shameless. There was no passion for martial arts, and there was no dignity and glory for repairing. He seemed to be telling something that was irrelevant. No

Have the heart of martial arts! "

Uncle... You are not a single dog? ”

The secluded moon was still stunned before, and did not react from the direct response of Ling Feng, but the next moment was back in seconds.

Her eyes sparkled with light, and she looked at the wind with a smile. "

Single dog..."

Don't say that the party of Ling Feng was exposed to the thunder of the thunder, that is, the Wannian who was not far away at the table also felt that the thunder was over. This

Nima is really poisonous.

Come up is the killer, you must directly "Let's die". "

How can I see it? ”

Ling Feng grin, really not interested in this child.

"Only a single dog is not enterprising!"

The moon is burning, like two small suns, to melt the wind. "

You said this, I am embarrassed not to prove that I am actually a girlfriend. "Ling Feng rolled his eyes, but there is really not much feeling for this little child's radical approach. But


He cares about the words "single dog".

Grandma, is the brother like that kind of person? "

How do you prove it? "quiet

Yue smiles at the opening, wants to fight the wind.

This is her style, challenge the master, and then let myself become horrible step by step, tempering strength in life and death, only in this way can take the top.

"Haul hammer you?"

Ling Feng grin, today, decades later, his mentality has become more calm, without any waves.

Wu Sheng, a level like Yu Yue, is really invisible, but most of the resources of the world are vying for it. You Yue regards himself as a "resource". Ling Feng is unwilling to disappoint such a martial artist. she was

tried. she was

Regardless of life and death! that

Deserve to be rewarded. "

Just wait for your words! "quiet

The moon **** is bright, shining with the light, as long as Ling Feng is willing to take the shot to achieve her purpose.

Boom! suddenly

Of course. Eight

The moon building trembled a little, and a martial arts stepped forward. The handsome facial features were like the stars in the sky, lighting up the entire building, and letting people look at it. This

It is a slightly older teenager. he

Come back from the knife. he

The footsteps are heavy, with a rhythm of life and death, like a sword, full of terrible momentum.

This is a boy who looks a little ordinary, at least for many people, but the moon is different, and the eyes suddenly become fierce. Looking at the boy, the body immediately tightens. "

Red tiger! ”

The sound of the moon screamed quietly and became more solemn and vigilant.

The moon is very talented, and Yang Hao is very powerful. In the land of the South China, the younger generation who can compete with them is really not much. Of course

and. This

It does not mean that they can live in the younger generation of the South China. There are still a few mysterious guys in the land of the South China. They appeared in the battle of the Eight Kingdoms and pushed the genius. quiet

The month was not a person from the Eight Kingdoms. She did not participate in the battle, but she had encountered these characters in the wild.

At that time. he

We are arrogant in the mountains and rivers, contemptuous of the geniuses, the pressure of the condescending, until now, let the secluded moon tremble. Of course

and. she was

I have not thought about being able to meet those mysterious characters here. red


This mysterious figure has only appeared in the battles of the Eight Kingdoms. Until now, people do not know their records and origins, but as long as he appears, it is necessary to shock the world.

No one in the younger generation can live in town. this

What does it mean to appear here?

The scene is audible. people

They also thought about the origins of the Red Tiger. The Weiming Town lived in the crowd, and people couldn’t help but hold their breath.


People didn't notice that at this time, the eyes of the Red Tiger were full of fanaticism. The eyes looked like a moment. From the face of Lingfeng, it was the one that made the whole person tremble and the eyes were redder. fanaticism. he

Unbelievable to Ling Feng, and then stepped toward the quiet moon.

"I am fighting you!"

In just one sentence, there is no extra word, no change in tone, he is very calm, like a very ordinary thing.

Fighting in the moon!

In the younger generation showdown, this feels to belong to the top category, just because she is a quiet moon, and the red tiger is more different, the mysterious origin, its terrible but only a few people can sense, and Yu Yue, Yang Hao is really aware of the red The tiger is terrible. "

Then line up! ”

The secluded moon is a glimpse, and then the eyelids become cold and radical. This is the red tiger, but she has taken the initiative to challenge her. What does this mean? meaning

It is her strength to be recognized by the Red Tiger. "

Who did you challenge first? "The red tiger slightly lowered his head, and the rest of the light looked at Lingfeng and recovered quickly."

It is! "quiet

Yue Xiaohe said, "When I beat it, I will fight you again!"

"Your opponent is me!"

The tiger stepped forward and confronted the quiet moon. He said coldly and solemnly. "Challenging him, you are far from qualified!"

I am not qualified? "quiet

The month was angry and happy. In the younger generation, she was really not afraid of anyone, and Ling Feng seems to be in her twenties. It is not much more than her. The key is the temperament of Ling Feng, the momentum. Very fascinating. quiet

The month is eager for a battle.

But she did not think that the red tiger even said that she was not qualified?

“Are you qualified?” Quietly said. "

not enough! ”

Red Tiger said sincerely. "Because I am not qualified, because you are not qualified, I will challenge you."

What do you mean? ”

"I don't want you to take it for yourself, but don't want you to insult him!"

Who is he? ”

Yu Yue Mei Yu is close to each other. Although he does not understand the role of the Red Tiger, it is not an untargeted person. What kind of person can the Red Tigers be so awe-inspiring?

Ps.. two days of high fever, completely can not write, wait for the fragrance to burn back. late


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