Supreme Demon

Chapter 1440: When is the weakest?

Who is he?

The heart of the moon is full of doubts. In terms of temperament, she feels that Lingfeng is a powerful character and therefore wants to challenge, but in the momentum, she feels that Lingfeng should not be too extraordinary.


Just the gas field can make her squat on the spot.


The appearance of the Red Tiger made her feel different. The attitude of the Red Tiger is pious. The top Wu Sheng did not have any temperament in front of Ling Feng. It is confusing. You must know that Wu Shen is here. People like Red Tiger will not bow. .

Just because.

I have had such things before, and there are martial arts who want to suppress those mysterious characters. The gas field is terrible, but those characters are strong, not afraid of any martial arts, and the wolf light shines in the eyes.

Even the martial arts who want to bend down are rejected.

Such a person, such arrogance, such temperament! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Who else in this world can let them bow?


At this moment, the Red Tiger is bowing to a character, expressing piety, like a believer is pilgrimage, that attitude makes many people stunned, and makes people doubt the origin and identity of Ling Feng.

In fact.

What is really exciting is the red tiger, the red eyes, the trembling of the body, the others do not know the origin of the character, but he is very clear, just because of the clarity.

People are in the wind!

But whoever comes from the rebellion, who does not know the main wind?

The man who can artistically record?

What is the eclectic character of the world?

He is not only the owner of the Shenwu University, but also the star of the sky! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

It is a pity that Lingfeng Shenlong can't see the end, disappeared from Shenwuda 6 for several decades, and when he came back, he would directly retreat. No one can see it, but he is the whole god's belief.


He saw the Lord!

Reversing the character of the gods can enlist the sky, but the land can be sealed, but they only have one direction and will only bow to one person.

Ling Feng!

Wu Shen counts a fart?

Heaven is a fart?

In front of the people, they must be wiped out.

In the hearts of the gods, even if you see one side, it is something to celebrate and be excited.

"When you get to that point, you will naturally know."

The red tiger is light and elegant, with a confident color on his face, looking straight at the moon. "You have to fight, I will fight with you!" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"But my opponent is him!"

The moon is very convinced, and the little temper comes up.. "He had promised before, I want to fight with me!"

The red tiger is a bit stunned. Is the person mainly confronting this Xiao Nizi?

Are you kidding?

A character who can kill the top gods into dogs, the old people see them straight, not to mention the Wusheng.

"Red Tiger should be more appropriate against you."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "He is in the same position with Wu Sheng, and it is more beneficial to your road."

"I don't mean it!"

Yu Yue said with a sigh of relief. "Auntie is not afraid of anyone? Are you ignoring me like this? I feel that I am not qualified?"

"This is not."

"Then you are still not a man, can you talk nonsense?" said Yue Yue, "straight." &1t;i>&1t;/i>


The momentum of the red tiger suddenly became cold, and this was placed on the volcano of God. Because of this sentence, I am afraid that many people would like to cut the moon into pieces.

The Lord cannot be insulted!

"This is what he promised before!" Yu Yue is such a hot temper.

"A quiet moon, rest is a mess!"

At this moment, a clear voice came from afar. A character in the lightning flew down in front of the moon, with a heavy face and a touch of anger, but when his eyes touched the wind, he could not help softening. Come down.

A woman.

I can't talk about how beautiful it is, but it reveals the aura. The momentum on the body is daunting, that is, the red tiger feels tight.


Throughout August, the wine became dull, and people looked at the woman with vigilance, worried that the character was here, especially the owner of the August wine, and frowned. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

He didn't think about going out to make a round, but the momentum and the gas field were too persecuted, and his previous steps were forced back.


Looking at the coming of the moon, Yan Yan smiled, some relatives said.

People pouted, the feelings of this little girl were so strong, it was because of this aunt, a god-level figure, there are really not many people in this world can hurt her.


The woman said seriously and seriously.

"Hey?" The moon was a bit dumbfounded, and he had never seen such a serious aunt.

"Apologize!" said the woman seriously.


"Oh, she didn't do anything to miss, why bother to apologize?" Ling Feng said with a smile. "Dare you ask me to have seen me?" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"I was lucky enough to have seen one side ninety years ago."

The woman immediately stepped forward and said with caution and leaned over. "The moon is so used to it, I didn't expect to offend you today."

"You think more!"

"It’s just a matter of discussion, but it’s not about offense.” Ling Feng puts his hand in his hand.

The August wine drop can be heard.

From the conversation between the two characters, people have learned something.

This woman belongs to the same person as the young man, and is a very famous figure 90 years ago.

You know, the woman used the words "have luck" and "you".

It is very strange that the moon is very strange. She has never seen her aunts so vigilant and oppressive. Even if she is facing the top gods, she has not reached this step. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Actually, this gimmick has always regarded you as an idol."

The woman said with a smile. "I didn't expect to see you today."


Ling Feng has not yet opened, but the secluded moon is first stunned, but only for a moment, the whole madness is excited.

"You... are you a hurricane?"

For decades.

How many prestigees will dissipate and how many days will be arrogant.


Some people are always remembered, and some of the achievements have already been engraved on the monument, which is indestructible.

Although people have long been obscured by a hundred years ago, although the wars of a hundred years ago have long passed, but who has really forgotten in that world, has anyone ever carried the gods of heaven and gods to destroy the Buddha? &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Who has forgotten that someone has done everything.

There are personal forces called God!

Someone is called Ling Feng!

In those days, people talked about "reversing the gods" and changed color. Now, the name of the gods is not obvious, but many people, especially the younger generation, have forgotten.


You Yue once read the ancient book, knowing that there was such a person, and that he left a strong and colorful stroke in that world, which was praised by his aunt, and made many forces and characters jealous, and was regarded as a legend.

She wants to be that person!

She regards it as an idol!

Ling Feng!

It’s just these two words, but it’s like a magic.

Some of the characters on the spot were discolored on the spot, and the younger generation was puzzled. It was strange to this character. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"There should be a lot of names in this world. I don't know if you said it is me." Ling Feng smiled.


He waited for the opening of the secluded moon and turned to the woman and said, "She is a good talent, so it is not suitable for her, if she is willing to come to the volcano."

Ling Feng smiled at the moon and then left.

The current identity has been leaked. Although many people have not thought about it, I believe that it will spread soon. He does not want to be onlookers.


Ling Feng said indifferently, striding forward and leaving August wine.

Red Tiger, directly forward, and left August wine behind Ling Feng.

Only the people who are stunned, and the secluded moon.

"Aunt, how powerful is he?" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The moon has not caught up. She knows that Lingfeng has important things. She is a smart woman.

"For decades, the bullets are sealed!"

The woman said faintly, she had paid attention to those things in the sky, knowing how terrible the wind was.

"Just seal God?" Frustrated and frowning, Ling Feng should be more powerful than she thought.

"That God is the top god!"


The audience was shocked.

How many years ago could you hit the top gods?

What about those decades after that?

The woman sighed, although the genius was born in the world, but why have these characters been born?


“How is the starry sky situation?” &1t;i>&1t;/i>

In a hidden place, Ling Feng stopped and looked back and landed on the red tiger.

"Some small casualties, but the progress is good, the situation is spreading." Red Tiger responded with respect.

"Shenwuda 6 should not cover up?"

Ling Feng looked at the stars and looked stunned.


The red tiger said heavily. "The characters are coming in a frenzied way, trying every means to find Shenwuda 6, and the news of the Mozu is very unfavorable to us."

"Well, with the magic of the Lord's IQ can endure now, there must be a plot."

The starry sky does not know that Shenwuda 6 can understand, but the Mozu knows, but the Lord has not leaked until recently, and its motives are doubtful.

"What about the big 6? Can the third force be found?"

"Some eyebrows."

Red Tiger got close to the wind and whispered a few names.

"It’s really a storm!"

Ling Feng sighed. For decades, they are making progress, the Mozu and the stars are also improving, and the third force is polishing the character and strength in a low-key, far more lethal than before.

And as long as these will appear in the weakest of the gods.

That deadly knife!

When is the weakest?


When Ling Feng asked, it was necessary to do everything in its power. At that time, when the eight sides of the storm hit, they asked if the anti-God could not stop it.

"You quit, don't be here!" Ling Feng said heavily.

"Do not!"

Red Tiger firmly shook his head. "We are also a part of the anti-God, we should fight against the gods!"

"You are the blade. When your wings are full, the life and death of the gods will be handed over to you." Ling Feng said. "It is not the time. Any sacrifice is a disaster for the anti-God."

"People!" Red tiger eyes are red. "This storm is not something you can handle at this level. If we can't stop it, you are hope." Ling Feng said earnestly. "Remember, you are the last natural danger against God. You are not dead, you are not going to die, you are more Besides, we still haven't

To the moment of life and death. ""Yes! ”


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