Supreme Demon

Chapter 1441: Ask when you are going!

The sky is vast. One

The stars are like lights that are shining forever, magnificent and gorgeous. One

The figure does not know when it is standing on a star, the star is so vast, and he is so small, but when he is in the star, it is even brighter than the star. "

Is that direction? ”

He suddenly spoke, did not ask in any direction, here is like there is no questionable person.


However, there is a voice in response. "

Is it really an ancient star, is there a lot of stories on it? ”

He said coldly, the Tao did not leave that direction, like penetrating hundreds of millions of stars, seeing the golden star. "

The Mozu’s intention is eternal, without conquest, and the star should come to extraordinary. "display

Of course.

Stars get news, from the Mozu, know the direction of Shenwuda 6, but people are not idiots, that star should be really simple, afraid of being eaten by the Mozu, can you afford the character of Lingfeng?

"Have he disappeared for decades?"

Yes! ”

"With his talent, I want to ask, shouldn’t it be as difficult as I imagined?"

indeed! "although

However, I don’t want to agree with it, but there is a voice in my heart to remind him. This is the truth.

Top talent. Fairy

Power came out.

The progress of Lingfeng's progress was too fast, and it was so fast that they were stunned. When he entered the empty road, he was only one or two gods. In a hurry for decades, Ling Feng was already a **** of heaven, above the gods. Casting too many magical achievements, can be included in the monument. that

After decades?

With his talents, do you really understand the rules that do not debut? Fairy

Force and the kind of martial arts, once asked what kind of picture would it be? candle

When the dragon asks, he can push the heavenly level figures. Ling Qing is even more arrogant. What more enchanting Ling Feng? not


As long as Ling Feng asks for success, many characters will not be able to sleep, and since then, this "many characters" do not want Ling Feng to ask for success. "

Wait for that **** to be released! ”

The man’s sinister smile said: "I have to use Ling Fengxue to pay homage to the heroes who have sacrificed!"

Yes! "...


Mozu. magic

The Lord is volleying, cold to the darkness of the ink, the white eyes of the sensation of the fascinating light, like to wear the billion miles of the Milky Way, see another starry universe.

"He appeared!"

The voice of the Lord is full of cold temperament. "What does it mean to reproduce after forty years?"

He is asking.

Yes, but no one dares to respond. Any demon knows that the Lord does not need to respond. He knows how to respond to his problems. he

It is the most intelligent demon in history.

"He has to ask!"

Sure enough, after a while, the devil screamed and gave the answer. first

Before, Ling Feng had been retreating, but it was published today. There is only one possibility. He has reached the peak in his state of mind and state. It is the moment of asking.

"Along the street, in August, the wine meets in the moon, but the heart is not chaotic. It seems that these are just meaningless things?"

Asking again.

however. This

The characters of a Mozu are also full of surprises. It is not surprising that the Lord can know the life of the gods. The surprise is the appearance of Ling Feng and the story of August wine. It seems that it is really unnecessary, just in the Understand the changes in the World 6?


The devil smirked. "This is a very meaningful thing."

He is telling them that he is ready, and he can do everything he can to ask him to tell us. Come on, I am ready, go to war! ""

Fearless, next to each other! ”

The face of the devil has become more serious than ever. "It’s really a small slap in the face. After decades, it really became a climate. Before, his mentality was unstable and his mood was not good. Once he asked for death, it’s really different now. It’s hard to press, this is the rhythm of the emperor."

"Millions of rain and rain!"

The voice of the Lord is cold and chilling, and he said to heaven, "We are the wind and rain, or is that one?"

His magic eyes shine, I don't know how many years there is no such feeling of blood. This

For a moment, he found it in Ling Feng.

"Let the magic domain prepare for it, he wants to fight, how can I let him down?"


Some of the Mozu characters are directly discolored, some doubt their ears, what did the devil say? Let

Are the magic fields fully prepared?

Is he kidding? only

If there are no demons, no one knows the horror of the demon domain. It is the legendary force created by the demon master. It is the same as the devil. It has never been defeated since it appeared. It is quite terrible. This

In the past few years, the demon domain has never really demonstrated the overall strength, and no one force is worthy of the devil. can


Now, the Lord of the Magic has let the Magic Domain prepare for it. What is this?

"Is not clear enough?" The Lord smiled.

The few Mozus were chilling and immediately screamed. "No, my Lord said it very clearly, but the subordinates are very curious, just a singular wind, is it worth using the whole magic domain?"

does it worth? "magic

The Lord tapped his fingers very rhythmically, and there was a deep sorrow in the Tao. "I left the Eight Devils directly or indirectly to die in their hands. The power of the Magic Blade is even more devastating. Are you worth it?"

For decades, we are making progress. You feel that there is no solution in the demon domain, but you know that the power to kill the magic blade was the power that it created. ""

Against the gods, long gone! ”

"Reverse God from today, we officially started fighting!"

The devil is sneer and sneer, and the corner of his mouth is filled with a sharp arc. He gently adds two words in his heart.. "Brother!"...


Virtual star.

"He came out!"

Dongfang Liu Wei said with a smile: "Is it a step-by-step emperor, or is it a step down?"

I know that as long as Ling Feng asks smoothly, there will be no characters or forces to dare to think about it. It is a force and character that cannot be touched.

but. Want

Is Ling Feng falling in the middle of asking?


Because the position of the **** Wuxing was leaked, the entire starry sky is now eye-catching. Ling Feng has been hiding for several decades with Shenwuxing, but now he can't hide it.

The eight sides have washed and dusted. can

It is said that many forces are now looking forward to Lingfeng to die soon. "

The entire starry sky confrontation, afraid to destroy the star, right? "east

Fang Shishi saw more different things, and even thought of the stars going up. "

Oh, it’s a smart gimmick. "east

Fang Liu said with a smile. "The stars that can raise the characters such as Ling Feng are worthy of study. There are forces that make the Mozu tremble, and it is worth paying attention to, but if it is not available?"

"That is ruined!"

"Good!" East

Fang Yingyu praised the road. "What forces, what forces, as long as the stars are destroyed, they must surface, they must be smouldering. They want more than the life of Lingfeng, but also the root of its entire power."

Scribbled to remove the roots! ""

Then what about us? ”

The Eastern Liu Wei solemnly looked at the oriental poetry. For the first time, he could not see the situation. The situation is too embarrassing, even the top figures of them cannot see through.

"The situation is too vague, I can't see through it. The little fish on the list of death gods should not be seen."

Fang Shishi said with a smile. "The person of the Mozu should be able to see more. Ling Feng is in the game, mainly because of his ability to see the power. I can't see how much it is."

Say the point! ”

Dongfang Liu Wei said with a low voice. "Now, we actually have a choice."

But I have an intuition. "east

Fang Shishi looked directly at the eyes of Dongfang Liu Wei, knowing that this person was shaking, one step was wrong, and all was lost. He used to be able to see some things because he was so decisive, but now he really can’t see through it. what.

"Ling Feng?" asked Liu Liu of the East.

"Ling Feng!" East

Fang Shishi is heavily weighted. "

We are wrong! "Oriental Liu Wei said seriously.

"It’s a mistake." East

Fang Shishi said heavily. "I can't see through this storm, but I believe in my instincts."

Looking into the distance, faint and strong said: "They are embarking on the return journey, they are doing their best, life and death, fighting for him."


A light broke through the sky and the sky was crossing.

When the night sky is coming, the light rain is like a curtain, once the net of the general anti-God, finally the most magnificent flowers.


When Wenyuan appeared and the Yudao appeared, they directly hit the gods and stars, only because they knew that the Mozu would cross the Milky Way, and they were the gatekeepers of this natural danger. Take

The body is guarded. people

The gatekeepers of the volcanoes now become two, one is Qin Lao, the same year, and the other is Wannian. burn

Tianzun did not appear.

The gate of the starry sky is a natural danger, and the star of the earth is the gateway. It is also the most dangerous natural danger, and this natural danger is handed over to the hands of the burning god. Constant

The stars are waiting.

Shenwuda 6 is boring. One

Both eyes are waking up, looking at the world in the dark, and the entire **** volcano is in martial law, tightening inside, and the characters of Ye Witch and Han Ruyue wake up one after another.

Candle Dragon, Ling Qing, Tian Qi, Evil Emperor, Mingtian Beast, etc. are also guarded around the volcano of God. whole

The physical forces are moving closer to the center of the anti-God. people

We know that the real big picture is to kick off. If this step is successful, it will succeed in the reverse of the gods. After that, the wind and rain will be unimpeded, but if it fails, the future pattern will be greatly shocked. "

Once he is in danger, I don't mind letting them come out! "leaf

The witch smothered the opening and said: "Let the anti-God prepare for the battle, we will push the battlefield to the starry sky as much as possible, not in the Shenwuda 6, but the main battlefield will always be here, here is our root, we are here, in It’s growing here, I don’t allow anyone to take his life and death here!”

Yes! "inverse

The gods are angry and roar. If they are beaten in their home courts, what other faces do they have? more

What's more, now people are mainly asking. boom

Long! Step

However, the vision of heaven and earth, the wind and the clouds, the volcanic fire in the center of the volcano, bursting into the sky.

The fire is still not good, the mental state is really bad, tomorrow should be normal, start with two more. late


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