Supreme Demon

Chapter 1443: See also the old man!

God Magic Star!

A terrible big hole appeared, along with the demon statues and the demon army. When the unpredictable airflow surged, people felt terrible.

The devil is the hero of the world.

Not only does it allow the Mozu to lean, but it also allows many races to fall. In the Demon Legion, there are not only the Mozu, but also the Protoss. when

Of course. that

It’s just that some races claim to be self-proclaimed. They are far from reaching the standards of the Protoss. What's more, the Protoss will marry the Mozu?

but. This

These races are not weak in nature. The geniuses are so powerful that they can still suppress the momentum of the Mozu, and then they are suppressed by the Mozu, either embarrassed or killed. to

Yes, these races are in front of the devil. This

It is the horror and charm of the Mozu.

However, there are different gods and gods, there are protoss and demons. The difference is that the protoss here are all personally suppressed by the demon, and they are listed as the eight gods, and the spiritual gods are one of them. After the characters such as the spirits, there have been several devils. And &1t;i>&1t;/i>


It is such a protoss that still do not rival the devil's style, after all, it is in front of the devil.

On the side, the devil is a shocking figure. Not every demon can do this. It is easy to suppress a race. It is too difficult to conquer a race. Now

in. magic

The Lord did not appear, but the Demon Legion appeared. What does this mean?

What he wants to swear is against God! Ling

The horrible wind lies in Xianli and Tianli, and the terrible thing against God is the potential, endless. On this point, the demon army is far behind. It has only grown to this step in a hundred years. If you give them another hundred years?

Stress, power, life and death. in

Only in this way can we maintain a very high momentum, and the anti-God is always in the life and death, the pressure is great, the power is greater, and the demon army is almost invincible in the Mozu, no pressure, no life, no natural motivation. . Because &1t;i>&1t;/i>


The Lord of the Devils let the Demon Legion kill, let them truly see the power of the anti-God. boom


On Tianyu, the two emperors were in confrontation, the **** and the axe smashed, collapsed in a piece of sky, and the mountains and rivers were eclipsed, that is, the gods and stars were collapsed at this moment, and the red magma appeared on the ground. day

The roar of the earth. because

The confrontation between the two major figures is too terrible, and directly forms an enchantment, another space, especially Wen Yuan, who does not want to destroy the magic star.


In a short time, the magic of the door is light, the momentum is like a tide, and it is quickly falling down, and the opponent is sealed and killed.


The light directly collapsed, and the Enchanted Gate was able to contain the power of the open axe. It was opened by a force, and then the demon lord flew directly, and the hand-held axe carried out a **** kill on Wenyuan. "&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Open day nine! ”

The demon stalwart opened his voice, his body flew upwards, and his hand axe was thrown down. In the process, the light rain was like a lightning, and it would cover a thousand miles. under

A moment.

The nine-handed open axe appeared together and could not tell the truth. They came from all directions, and the center point was Wen Yuan. "

Bloody magic! ”

Wen Yuan is also at this moment, **** and heavy, like a bright red flower, every blood is only a petal.


The earthquake swelled, the momentum was boiling, the light rain was blown through a lot of heavy, and the magical star blew a large piece.

Wen Yuan and the magician who holds the open axe, the war and the more brave, directly hit the sky space, in which a big battle between life and death. &1t;i>&1t;/i>


The Devil's Channel is still open, and the Demon Legion is strong under the leadership of a Demon Supreme. Although it is not as gentle as it is, its strength cannot be underestimated, at least not the Emperor's level can be comparable. "

court death! Royal

The road is cold and open, and the door is sealed with a magical door, and it carries a respectful device to suppress the demon.

"Not self-reliant!"

The devil is fierce, the power is broken, the river is punched, the stone is broken, and the power of the law is indeed not comparable to the rules of space.

The loud noise of the bang. Royal

The road blew on the spot, his face was ugly, spit out a blood, and blew back five steps.

If it weren’t for the extraordinary magic, the blessing was on him, only that the punch was enough to kill him. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"You go ahead!"

The demon statue directly spoke, completely defying the royal road, did not put it in the eyes, but let the demon army march forward, and he himself resisted the royal road. "

Yes! ”

The Demon Army did not say much. They did not sacrifice, but they wanted to kill the gods. Therefore, this level of confrontation has no meaning to them. under

A moment. he

When the lightning is moving forward, the power of the gods level is pushed open, and the space is shackled. At this moment, the magic knives in the hands of the demon swearing out, dragging a black lightning, tearing the void, is The magic door was damaged and a crack was torn. "

go with! ”

Said the demon statue. he

With both hands lifted forward, a wild force suddenly collapsed, allowing the crack to crack more, enough to accommodate many people. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The Demon Legion has no delays. They are the elites of the Devils, knowing how to give the top power, not to sacrifice. shape

With the savage beasts, the tens of thousands of gods and demon corps, so smashed through the magic door, flying along the gods and stars to Shenwuda 6. when

Of course. miss you

It is not easy to get through the terrible strange door, and it needs more power. At this point, the Mozu is obviously expected, so it carries the heavyweights and is specially designed to seal the magic door.

What kind of character is the Lord? day

Longitudinal talent. true

It is not difficult to deal with such a strange door.

"After all, it can't be avoided."

When the sighs are sighing and the manpower is exhausted, what they can do is to suppress the power of the top level outside the Shenwuda 6. Otherwise, the entire Shenwuda 6 will be scrapped by these characters. Things &1t;i>&1t;/i>

In fact. only

To get the Mozu into the Shenwu University 6, it is a life of charcoal, they will enter the era of the gods and demons 100 years ago. too

Tough, too cruel. can

They have no choice. ...

Tibetan star.

This star has no constant stars and stars, no mystery of Shenwuda 6, simple and simple, but this star is very important for Shenwuda 6. it

Is the channel. through

Go to Shenwu University 6! Ground

Although the star is not as vast as the stars of the sky, it seems very small in the universe, but it is this small and inconspicuous that makes the Shenwu 6 become hard to find. Of course


The stars that have been very calm have changed dramatically, the atmosphere is tight, and there is a feeling of wind and rain. Each &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The great forces are waiting for themselves, and they are ready to fight against the gods. The powerful forces are pressing out to the front. more

What makes people horrified is that Burning Tianzun was born, standing in the air, as if waiting for something. "

Since it is here, come out and fight! "when

When the morning light was first exposed, Burning Tianzun opened his eyes and looked at the front. Through the stars, he saw the terrible figure. "

It is really a character who will ask the sky! ”

An old man appeared on his body and fell to the place where he was burning. The Taoist eyes were vigilant and fierce. "The sacred sacred sacredness of the sky is really amazing. Ancient and modern ancestors can only do it. I didn't expect it." The world can still see the sages."

“People before the ages?” Burning Tianzun’s eyes.

"Exactly!" "&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Why is this coming? ”

"Inviting Tian Zun to sit down and talk about this change of the ages, a round of ancient and modern future." The old man smiled and opened his face and looked forward to expectations.


In the burning of Tianzun, there was a sigh of anger, and it flashed past, and his face was still filled with a smile. Head

What is the situation in front of the rebellious god, I believe that these characters should be very clear, but the old man wants to be invited at this time, his heart is awkward.

Once the burning Tianzun leaves here, who will come to the town? Who

To block the madness of those gods in the stars? "

What about sitting here? "burn

Tian Zun said with a smile. "I didn't expect to see the old people in this world. It is really a happy thing."


Please come in. "burn

Tianzun’s hand was invited, and the Tianzun was invited to the tiankeng. Display

Of course.

If this Tianzun is really seated in the tiankeng, then it is really necessary to be pitted, to be able to live the entire age of the characters, naturally not stupid to that extent. "

Xuan Zun, what is nonsense with him? "One

The middle-aged man flew in, and fell in front of Xuan Zun, respectfully said. "He has only one person, can you stop us all?"

"It’s justified, even if it’s a person who wants to ask the sky, I want to stop all of us."

"It’s vain!"

Soon, many Tianzun appeared in front of the Burning Heaven, and there was no image of the hypocrite of Xuan Zun. They were very straightforward. Fast &1t;i>&1t;/i>

It is indeed taboo to ask the characters of the sky.

but. again

How strong is the tiger's bite? Want

It is the burning of Heaven and the success of the heavens, there is hope, but at this moment, we must be desperate.

"You can fight!"

Burning Tianzun is cold and laughs, his voice is cold and roaring. He looks directly at the few Tianzun in front of him. "Before I am killed, I want to come and take twenty Tianzun!"


The gods who clamored for utterly lost their voices completely, and their faces were ugly and gray.

They are afraid! Who

Have you forgotten that the burning of Tian Zun once had a terrible record of eighteen days?

Now he goes one step further, and the Japanese gods are coming out. It’s really bloody. It’s not a problem to pull up the twenty gods. he

They are very embarrassed, but there is no danger of death. It is only at that time that everyone is at risk. "

Pulling up twenty Tianzun, should it be worth it? ”

Burning Tian Zunsen’s cold smile.. "You can wait for the big one to come."

The silence is over, people can't speak. "

I am afraid that you can't do it. "positive

At this time, a Tianzun appeared, full of laughter, his face filled with a smile.

He step by step toward burning Tianzun, strong and cold.. "How do I stop you?"

"It is another old man."

Burning Tianzun was a glimpse first, and then said with a smile. "There are many people who have come out in this world. They can meet each other in this world. They should have loved the wine, but they did not expect it to be met."

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