Supreme Demon

Chapter 1444: Heavenly beings!

Wan Gu!

Unpredictable. in

That world has too many geniuses, crowded with stars, and is called the golden world. But when the end of the law comes, the whole world is exhausted, and a genius is killed. but


Some of the characters still survived. Burning Tianzun was able to cultivate the ages by relying on the heavens and the stalwart of heaven. It is because of the horror of these years that he knows how difficult this year is.


What surprised him was that there are still some characters who have lived through the ages and have appeared in this world. Although they do not know what methods they have used, they can live to the present and have their terrible places.

however. This

Some of the characters who have survived from the ages of the ages are not to talk to the Burning Heavens about the Tao, but to kill him. also

It’s really sad. This

It is a majestic middle-aged man with strong qi and blood. It seems that he is not a person before the ages, but he is only successful in the world, and comes from some powerful races. Otherwise, there is no such blood. "

Wild wild orcs? ”

Burning Tianzun’s Taoism was amazed, but the blood on the man was very similar to the ancient orcs of the ancient times.


The majestic middle-aged face smirked and said: "From the age of the world, it is necessary to town."

A wild ancient orc.

It was listed as the twelve fierce beast races. Before the end of the ages, there were indeed fierce capitals. However, they were directly suppressed by the kingdom of heaven in the heyday, and the whole age could not be lifted and became a vassal. straight

To the annihilation of heaven.

Until the end of the law dissipated. day

At present, only the Burning Heaven is still alive, and the ancient orcs are still alive. This

This is a matter of happiness, but the ancient beast, the Tianzun, does not think so. The insults suffered before the ancient times, this world naturally needs to be washed back. "

The vassal family before the ancient times, this world is so rampant, is it qualified for you? "burn

Tianzun was cold-spoken, and he did not put the wild animal orc in his eyes. Million

In ancient times, although the kingdom of heaven suppressed the ancient orcs, it did not impose any insult on it. It was also taken care of by it. It was not thought that the wild beast was a white-eyed wolf.

Suppress the entire starry sky?

Only the kingdom of heaven can be done throughout the ages, but in the world it is a rebellion.

"Chen Tianzun, this is not before the ages, no one in heaven can still live in my wild animal?"

"But you only have one person!" Burning Tian Zun said ironically.

"How many people are there before the suppression of the entire starry sky?"

Qing Leng said arrogantly: "I can breed a race by myself, and one person can seal a family!"

Then come over! "burn

Tianzun hooked his finger and looked straight at the green, and did not like the family.


He is even more embarrassed. He has not put the singularity in his eyes, he is more confident, and he is in the middle of the question. He can look down on Tianzun, which is far more terrible than a few decades ago. quite

The green face suddenly turned red, staring at the burning Tianzun for a moment, I wanted to hit it directly, but in the end I still sighed, my eyes were slightly dark and I couldn’t look straight. he

It's really good.

But it is only limited to future generations. he

Although it came from the ages, it was not the Tianzun before the ancient times, but asked in later generations that the use of Qimen and various herbs can persist until now, and it is really necessary to kill the Tianzun class. miss you

To build a race by yourself is not only powerful but also embarrassing. "

how? Don't you dare? "burn

Tian Zun lazily smiled. "Before the ancient times, most of the wild beasts are people like you?"

Obviously. that

At that time, the wild animals were only partially surrendered, and more were fake, trying to counterattack, but they just dared to speak out. One

I thought about the counterattack, but I really waited for the opportunity. They didn't have the courage. "

Killing you, is it only me who is sincere enough? "quite

The treacherous smile laughed. "We are here to cast your brilliant record, 18 Tianzun, or 20 Tianzun?"

If it's all about you, it shouldn't be a difficult thing. "Chen Tianzun responded fiercely.


The green face was very red and white, very ugly, and the contempt of burning Tianzun made his heart very angry.


At this moment, the Burning Heaven is like a flood, which makes people can't touch it. It is like a galaxy, which makes him extremely jealous.

"Then don't talk nonsense, dare to go forward and kill!"

Burning Tianzun step forward, nine days of tremors, only one person, but like a thousand troops, the horrible momentum pushed for nine days, let Wandao tremble.

"Come on!"咚


Burning Tianzun once again step forward, and the fierce momentum is like a flood of beasts pushing forward.

"Come on!"

He strode again, taking the momentum to the next level, causing the entire space to collapse, and the fragments scattered, creating a terrible picture.

The entire starry sky lost its color, and the stars of the earth became roaring because of these three steps.

Three steps!

Only! can

When Burning Heaven took a step, those Tianzuns stepped back one step. When he took three steps, people unconsciously retreated three hundred miles, one by one, the momentum was too scary, the temperament was too crazy. . that

Individuals are like the same fairy.

This is Burning Heaven! One

Individuals dare to retreat dozens of Tianzun characters.

The characters on the Tibetan star have already seen the blood boiling. They only know that the Burning Heaven is very terrible and powerful, but they never know where the horrible Burning Heaven is so strong, and at this moment they finally appreciate it. One

Dozens of respected towns. "

Don't be taken over by him, we will suppress it back! "The pretty green is strong. But


The silence is full, people have not done this, and Burning Heaven is showing the power that people can't reach. Only when they are really close to the level of the day, can they understand the kind of gas field. Take

Potential! burn

It is not just space that Tianzun pushes back. "

This person can't stay! "end

Yes, the old man said earlier, seriously and solemnly said: "You should get rid of it as soon as possible!"

Not bad! ”

Other people are just what they want. Only one or two people do not have this ability. They need more attitudes, at least the elderly people. "

Let's do it! "when

When the old man took the lead, other characters immediately followed, not one or two, but really had twenty.

Cover the sky. full

Heaven is heavenly. that

The picture is the same as the end.


Burning Tianzun opened his hands, full of fascination, full of recollections, and even more is bloodthirsty madness. He used to ask the day to take time and a lot of energy, but at the moment it is different.

Just because.

A palace plaque emerged, the ancient will shot a nine-day battle, falling from the void, the entire palace was completely resurrected, spurting the momentum of mourning, and bursting out the power to let Tianzun lament.

Real heaven!

Falling in the hands of Ling Feng and burning Tian Zun are completely two concepts.

That is the will of all beings.

That is the glory of the ancient heaven!

"Help me with the will of my kingdom!"

Tianzun flew down in the palace, the power collapsed directly, and the infinity rushed to the distance, while the palace was ignited, quickly zoomed in, and the vertical and horizontal directions were five thousand miles, and in which one person finally came alive. It’s just that many people are very faint, and they are empty and have no consciousness. This

It is a person who has dried up blood in the kingdom of heaven.


At this moment, they have reached the most dangerous moment, and they need to ignite the ancient will of the kingdom to refine the past. not

Undoubtedly. only

It is not enough to burn one by one, because he can sense that there are more Tianzun in the distance. The "fertile" land of Shenwuda 6 has never been opened, and the characters in the sky naturally have to be eyeing.

Therefore, he wants to awaken the consciousness of ancient figures and let them do their final strength for the future generations.

"Awaken the ancient will with your blood!"

The burning of the sky is full of gratification, Ling Feng really is very good, just a few decades to ask, this is rare in the history of anti-God, not to mention the birth of Xianli this anti-theft.

His eyes are dazzling.

He offered a jade bottle from his arms. he

The red blood of the red is poured out from the jade bottle.

The blood fell in the center of the palace, where it spread to the entire palace. Imitation

The whole palace of the Buddha is bright.

It seems as if the will of all beings is shining. that

It is the blood of the ancients of the later generations. It is contaminated with the power of the anti-dao, and it is contaminated with the power of Xianli, and it is even more powerful. only

Only the later generations of ancient Wu is not enough. but

When many forces are integrated, the instinctual will of the characters before the ancient times can be sensed, and they are in a persistent instinct. They will fight for the genius of the later generations and do everything.

"Ah, later generations!"

"Is the ancient glory finally coming?"

Guwu is going to the ultimate, can we live through this world? "One

The ancient figures woke up, they were wearing armor, some of the eyes flowed out of the red blood, some of the holes were hollowed out by life, some lost their hands and feet, but at this moment they only had excitement in their eyes.

Later generations of ancient Wu Jing blood belong to the will of the later generations. Ling

The wind is telling them that the world will come out of a different path than before.

Ling Feng is confiding that in this world they will be effective in the antiques and embark on the journey. but

. Rear

At the end of the world, he needs the will of all beings before the ages.

"There are a leading figure in the afterlife, they are on the road."

"Please join us!"

I have to wait for the last light heat! Recover

The momentum of Hong is blasting in the void, the ancient will is transpiration, and people feel fear for the first time. These are just the will, let them panic. If the real kingdom appears, how brilliant it will be? Now

in. Million

The ancient heavens will fight against the future generations!

Burning Tianzun was full of blood and tears, and he was saddened. He knew that this would be the last battle of the will of all beings. After that, it would vanish, and it used to be his comrade-in-arms. in

Shenwu University 6 on.

Ling Feng bleeds on the back, he can also feel the will of the heavenly people, they are doing their final strength, and how can he let these ancestors disappoint?

"I am willing to go against the road and open the real situation against God!"

The wind volleyed, the gods released a large amount of skylight, and the forbidden soil flew to Tianyu, a bunch of flowers bloomed, and the flowers bloomed like an arched statue.

The day and the night alternated, and the moment it sank for nine days.

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